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Is this a good wand for the build

Prophecy Wand
Crusader Item
Crafted: true
Quality: 20
Sockets: B-B-B
LevelReq: 68
Implicits: 1
(36-40)% increased Spell Damage
Adds 2 to 47 Lightning Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 11% Lightning Resistance
{crafted}Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}(41-45)% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}Gain 3% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
{crafted}+(25-28)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
sn3kox เขียน:
is it worth buying it ? will it increase damage by alot ?.

Check pob, will need to compare it with your current one
BubbleyummBC เขียน:
Hi BeerLeague, I know most of the equipment I have on is not anything new to you but I was wondering if you could provide any advice or tips on min-maxing the character via gear and any other factors (e.g. getting a bottled faith, better wand/helm craft, etc).

Your guide is extremely thorough and for my first time playing as a BL miner I am having a blast. Looking forward to any response you are able to provide!

From my angle, the gear looks like its over the top focused on DPS, if you are willing to give up some dps for more EHP I would do the following:

Swap to Machina Mitts ASAP. This will require some regearing of other slots as the ES scores are quite low. Helmet, gloves and rings will probably need replaced.

After that, look to go bottled faith and pick up a good helm enchant.

You are also missing aspect of the spider which is a huge dps loss.
McGrath_ เขียน:
Referring to the discussion Aw. Added Lightning vs Aw. Lightning Pen. I used both (Aw. Added Lightning 5/20 and Aw. Lightning Pen 4/20) and subjectively at this point (16% Ele Pen from High Explosives combined with Heart of Thunder), Aw. Lightning Pen felt a lot stronger on bosses and in Red Tier maps. In HO my avg BL Dps went down from 32k to 24k but overall it feels a lot stronger. I guess this will change as soon as i get 10% pen enchant and the 5% pen Cluster Jewel.

Pen is just super strong in general - As i've said a million times in the guide, it is significantly undervalued in PoB.

In order to drop it you need 10% from boots, 15% from wise oak, AND 15% from watchers eye. It is not worth dropping in any other case.

Weapon is a good slot to pick up some, but probably not worth dropping a +1 gems or t1 spell damage roll.

The cluster jewel for mines is also complete crap.

Tooltip does not factor in pen at all either.
TheDankesToast เขียน:
Is this a good wand for the build

Prophecy Wand
Crusader Item
Crafted: true
Quality: 20
Sockets: B-B-B
LevelReq: 68
Implicits: 1
(36-40)% increased Spell Damage
Adds 2 to 47 Lightning Damage to Spells
Damage Penetrates 11% Lightning Resistance
{crafted}Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}(41-45)% increased Spell Damage
{crafted}Gain 3% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
{crafted}+(25-28)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

Its an okay starter weapon

I tried using Machina Mitts before, and it didn't seem like it was leeching much so I lost interest - perhaps I wasn't it properly? Even with Ghost Reaver.

I definitely think my elder ring could be better, and my helm will hopefully have "nearby enemies have -#% to lightning resistance" via crusader influence.

Overall, I think I'm just gonna need a LOT more currency to fix up most of my stuff. >___<
BubbleyummBC เขียน:

I tried using Machina Mitts before, and it didn't seem like it was leeching much so I lost interest - perhaps I wasn't it properly? Even with Ghost Reaver.

I definitely think my elder ring could be better, and my helm will hopefully have "nearby enemies have -#% to lightning resistance" via crusader influence.

Overall, I think I'm just gonna need a LOT more currency to fix up most of my stuff. >___<

Assuming you had ZO and GR speced, it should have been working fine
Got some huge upgrades since yesterday:
New Wand, beter Bottled Faith and new helmet with enchant.

Any ideas what I should work on next?
Currently thinking about Watchers Eye, but my Belt and Boots could also still be upgraded.
Also maybe Awakened Added Lightning?

Thanks for the advice!
Energetic92 เขียน:
Got some huge upgrades since yesterday:
New Wand, beter Bottled Faith and new helmet with enchant.

Any ideas what I should work on next?
Currently thinking about Watchers Eye, but my Belt and Boots could also still be upgraded.
Also maybe Awakened Added Lightning?

Thanks for the advice!

You are missing a pretty huge chunk of damage not using swift assembly or minefield as your 6th link. Ele focus also loses you 35% crit multi by not allowing you to inflict ignites.

Outside of that, time to start looking for good corruptions.
Small question,

Does lightning damage leech as life 0.4% on a ring is working on me?



