Hey, want to start off with thanking Aquarism for this very entertaining build. I have never put this many hours into a character, and I still don't feel burnt out. I have to admit that at several times leveling up I felt like respecing or starting a completely new build, but after managing to build up some currency and investing it in the build it feels great! I'm a fairly new player so seeing that builds can completely turn around with some investment was a very helpful experience.
Would love some feedback on where to take the build now. Skill tree-wise I'm working hard on making it to level 93, that way i can allocate Soul Raker, which I currently have anointed on my amulet, I will then anoint Constitution. But I see many people with both Point Blank and Vaal Pact. How important are these nodes? I'm struggling to see what nodes to remove to get these.
I have seen talks about Raider vs Deadeye, what are the pros and cons between the two?
Item-wise my current priority is upgrading quiver and then body armour. The last couple of days I have been thinking about Voidfletcher vs +1quiver with frenzy generation. I'm leaning towards Voidfletcher with Point Blank implicit. People in the comments seem to prefer Voidfletcher. Stats requirement and resistances are a tiresome jigsaw, especially stats when I ditch my current quiver.
Really appreciate any answer or general feedback for that matter!
Hello,could anyone take a look at my POB? Im really struggling to do single targer dmg(i knew it sucks but i think im just missing something important) but in my eyes i have all the uniques, rare items to do so. At first i didnt have much a thought because i only had 1 5link but after i spended all my currency for the "budget" watchers eye and buying my first 6link i was really hopping to get better result then what im have atm. I can clear trash very easy most of the time with 1 shot but single target and killing any unique enemy or boss bacicly becomes dark souls to me.
This is my POB (https://pastebin.com/SYrVEM8S)
This a video before i did my "majors upgrades(watchers eye,6lin,new rare jewels,tombfist) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBMZvKYIRM]
And this is me today gettin frustared killing metamorph for 10 min
[Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIFUYDSaqIY]
[Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEJOhQdU5Bk&t]
[part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GsJo2lcWa0&t]
Heya dude, that metamorph's energy shield straight didn't drop hey, brutal.
The most glaring things I see is Damage on full life and Ice bite supporting barrage. Ice bite is a standalone for Ice shot, for single target you want to socket as though you're not going to be at full hp consistently nor killing to proc ice bite through barrage.
The gems I would strongly strongly suggest as a replacement is Added cold damage and Cold pen support. That would up your damage immensely.
Also consider getting a point in Vaal Pact in the bottom of the tree which helps in face tanking bosses with barrage. From your video I saw your placed yourself quite far from the boss meaning the spread from barrage projectiles massively lowers your damage. It's understandable given your survivability. To aid in that I suggest swapping one of your gems for Vaal Grace (only use the vaal version) and potentially using a jade flask instead of Atziri's promise. Also strongly recommend going Frost bomb which doesn't require any links or quality as it baseline lowers life regen by 75% and cold resist by 25% (that's almost as good as a bonus cold pen link!).
Other than that you've itemised well, now it's time to invest for the same types of gear but with juicy mods attached to it. For example, buy an evasion based (silken hood is pretty high evasion) which already has a barrage enchant (preferrably bonus projectile), then use a pristine + frigid fossil to get a high life, -9% nearby enemy frost resist roll. Including resonators you would only expect to spend about ~12c per try. In my earlier weeks I was lucky enough to spend less than 50c so you can potentially buy a base for multiple ex and spend less than an ex on the fossils. Obviously compromise with a different enchant if it's out of your budget. Assassin's mark increased curse effect, Barrage 40% dmg are good alternatives.
Perhaps swap your annointment out for consitution. Personally i'd recommend you go for more of an evasion setup rather than full on hp mods. That means Fractal thoughts, evasion gloves with %dmg with hits against chilled/frozen instead of tombfists, using regrets for more evasion nodes.
But yeah decent itemisation so far, and if you take away anything I'd definitely say for your barrage setup, swap Damage on full life + Ice bite for Cold pen and Added cold. You'll most likely see drastic changes simply from that.
Thanks for answering means alot to me. At the start i was using everything like frost bomb , grace but after a while i bought new items and i lost gem sockets so i prefered precision over frost bomb (cause i had a pain constantly casting it even with duration mod) and im using frenzy so i could stack my frenzy faster ill try dropping my precision over frost bomb and i dont understand the concept of dropping my damage and going for evasion. How will it help me ? If im already squishy enought to die in 1 one hit would it be better to go all out dmg and do the either you die or im dying.
I was thinking to ditch elder ring get get a rare one with appropriate stats and buy a pandemonius amulet
Thanks for answering means alot to me. At the start i was using everything like frost bomb , grace but after a while i bought new items and i lost gem sockets so i prefered precision over frost bomb (cause i had a pain constantly casting it even with duration mod) and im using frenzy so i could stack my frenzy faster ill try dropping my precision over frost bomb and i dont understand the concept of dropping my damage and going for evasion. How will it help me ? If im already squishy enought to die in 1 one hit would it be better to go all out dmg and do the either you die or im dying.
I was thinking to ditch elder ring get get a rare one with appropriate stats and buy a pandemonius amulet
Don't worry too much about an evasion setup right now (fractal thoughts etc), I'd say though you can probably try swap out the enlighten. If you have 90-100 mana without it you'll most likely be fine with leeching mana. You can also swap out frenzy and increased duration. Steelskin works fine without incr duration and frenzy isn't necessary with your frenzy quiver + ice bit. With those 3 slots having been freed you can now look to put in vaal grace etc - just need to shift links around if you need.
So in short i'd say swap frenzy out for vaal grace and use a jade flask in place of atziri's promise.
The damage/evasion build is very pricey but look into it once you get the currency. The concept of it is straightforward: pop things before they can do anything :P, hence you need a big investment to have the damage to facetank barrage and not bother dashing out. I support pande and mark of the elder yeah, great rings. Make sure your other ring is shaped and the pande gets constitution perhaps
Hey, want to start off with thanking Aquarism for this very entertaining build. I have never put this many hours into a character, and I still don't feel burnt out. I have to admit that at several times leveling up I felt like respecing or starting a completely new build, but after managing to build up some currency and investing it in the build it feels great! I'm a fairly new player so seeing that builds can completely turn around with some investment was a very helpful experience.
Would love some feedback on where to take the build now. Skill tree-wise I'm working hard on making it to level 93, that way i can allocate Soul Raker, which I currently have anointed on my amulet, I will then anoint Constitution. But I see many people with both Point Blank and Vaal Pact. How important are these nodes? I'm struggling to see what nodes to remove to get these.
I have seen talks about Raider vs Deadeye, what are the pros and cons between the two?
Item-wise my current priority is upgrading quiver and then body armour. The last couple of days I have been thinking about Voidfletcher vs +1quiver with frenzy generation. I'm leaning towards Voidfletcher with Point Blank implicit. People in the comments seem to prefer Voidfletcher. Stats requirement and resistances are a tiresome jigsaw, especially stats when I ditch my current quiver.
Really appreciate any answer or general feedback for that matter!
Edit: PoB link: https://pastebin.com/JG6CckkN
I'm in a similar boat - I've played this build since league start. SSF. Min maxing it all the way.
I didn't pull up your POB but looking at your gear and gems:
1. If you aren't already, go Raider. I didn't notice any drop in DPS but my survivability is 100% better. You also get an extra fenzy, plus you don't need the rare quiver enchant to generate frenzy.
2. Drop Ice Bit or Hypothermia on Ice Shot and replace with Chain. GMP + Chain on Ice Shot is a massive 1 tap full screen clear.
3. As a personal pref instead of Barrage I use Galvanic Arrow + Barrage Support. POB says it does more DPS (use an online calculator to calc real dps from Barrage Support). It's also handles packs of rares much better than Barrage. We're already stacking tons of ele damage. Also mean you can run Phys reflect with no problems (I was always killing myself with Barrage on Phys reflect maps).
3a. When calculating Galvanic Arrow damage, make sure you do the Average Damage in POB * 2. The arrows hit, then the aoe also hits. So 2 hits.
4. After the switch to Raider get Tailwind boots. The extra action speed makes you super zoom zoom. I don't even use Wither to get around any more.
5. +1 projectile on Quiver is a huge boost.
6. Pandemonious Amulet is a huge DPS boost against bosses.
7. Regarding Vaal Pact - I've run with and without it a lot. I don't notice a huge diff without it. I usually go without so I can run Blood Rage without issue.
Hi, I have a few question.
First, with this Corruption and with a few other Lighting damage and Shock chance on the tree, how likely I'll shock Bosses?
Regarding this ring, i'm really in doubt on how to try to metacraft it.
Surely I'll slam a Reedemer Orb to get a prefix ( 3 outcomes would be really good, 1 would be ok, 1 would be completely useless) but then?
I mean i'd like to get a t1 life, but the only real affixes that i dont wanna get lost are the suffixes, but how can I block Prefixes to slam the last sufffix hoping for a frostbite on hit?
Lastly ;D
I've got a pair of boots with t1 Life, t1 legacy Temple mod (mov speed + 12% chance to evade attacks) and 2 suffixes, so i can block suffixes and slam for the last prefix.. would be the reedemer the best one in this case as well (elusive would be great, phys as extra cold would be ok)?
Or there's are other mods I could look for that i dind't think of?
thank u :P
how can i link my items like everyone else does? LoL
edit2: Found out,
Hey, want to start off with thanking Aquarism for this very entertaining build. I have never put this many hours into a character, and I still don't feel burnt out. I have to admit that at several times leveling up I felt like respecing or starting a completely new build, but after managing to build up some currency and investing it in the build it feels great! I'm a fairly new player so seeing that builds can completely turn around with some investment was a very helpful experience.
Would love some feedback on where to take the build now. Skill tree-wise I'm working hard on making it to level 93, that way i can allocate Soul Raker, which I currently have anointed on my amulet, I will then anoint Constitution. But I see many people with both Point Blank and Vaal Pact. How important are these nodes? I'm struggling to see what nodes to remove to get these.
I have seen talks about Raider vs Deadeye, what are the pros and cons between the two?
Item-wise my current priority is upgrading quiver and then body armour. The last couple of days I have been thinking about Voidfletcher vs +1quiver with frenzy generation. I'm leaning towards Voidfletcher with Point Blank implicit. People in the comments seem to prefer Voidfletcher. Stats requirement and resistances are a tiresome jigsaw, especially stats when I ditch my current quiver.
Really appreciate any answer or general feedback for that matter!
Edit: PoB link: https://pastebin.com/JG6CckkN
I'm in a similar boat - I've played this build since league start. SSF. Min maxing it all the way.
I didn't pull up your POB but looking at your gear and gems:
1. If you aren't already, go Raider. I didn't notice any drop in DPS but my survivability is 100% better. You also get an extra fenzy, plus you don't need the rare quiver enchant to generate frenzy.
2. Drop Ice Bit or Hypothermia on Ice Shot and replace with Chain. GMP + Chain on Ice Shot is a massive 1 tap full screen clear.
3. As a personal pref instead of Barrage I use Galvanic Arrow + Barrage Support. POB says it does more DPS (use an online calculator to calc real dps from Barrage Support). It's also handles packs of rares much better than Barrage. We're already stacking tons of ele damage. Also mean you can run Phys reflect with no problems (I was always killing myself with Barrage on Phys reflect maps).
3a. When calculating Galvanic Arrow damage, make sure you do the Average Damage in POB * 2. The arrows hit, then the aoe also hits. So 2 hits.
4. After the switch to Raider get Tailwind boots. The extra action speed makes you super zoom zoom. I don't even use Wither to get around any more.
5. +1 projectile on Quiver is a huge boost.
6. Pandemonious Amulet is a huge DPS boost against bosses.
7. Regarding Vaal Pact - I've run with and without it a lot. I don't notice a huge diff without it. I usually go without so I can run Blood Rage without issue.
Thanks for the reply! Can't imagine the struggle playing SSF.. I tried changing from deadeye to raider in PoB. Is the survivability boost in the chance to dodge spell and attack hits? Because my evasion rating actually dropped, but my dps significally increased, which seems weird given the fact that I'll shoot one less arrow?
Galcanic arrow is tempting. my knowledge about PoE isn't that good but I assume you use it to get the shock damage boost, which is crazy good from what I can tell in PoB.
Weird about the Vaal Pact, cause some people say it allows them to face tank bosses?
Weird about the Vaal Pact, cause some people say it allows them to face tank bosses?
It's not required but it can definitely be the difference sometimes and feels better. Basically if your points are already in the bottom middle side you could go for it, otherwise wouldn't worry. I'm going without it and it's fine
How good is increased damage with hits against chilled enemies on gloves? I have a pair of pretty good gloves with 47% on them along with life and resists and I am wondering if they are worth more than one to maximum frenzy charges. I guess it would depend on how frequently/easily you can keep mainly bosses chilled but is there a way to calculate that? Thanks for any input.
Regarding this ring, i'm really in doubt on how to try to metacraft it.
Surely I'll slam a Reedemer Orb to get a prefix ( 3 outcomes would be really good, 1 would be ok, 1 would be completely useless) but then?
I mean i'd like to get a t1 life, but the only real affixes that i dont wanna get lost are the suffixes, but how can I block Prefixes to slam the last sufffix hoping for a frostbite on hit?
It doesn't work that way. Item already have influence.
Regarding this ring, i'm really in doubt on how to try to metacraft it.
Surely I'll slam a Reedemer Orb to get a prefix ( 3 outcomes would be really good, 1 would be ok, 1 would be completely useless) but then?
I mean i'd like to get a t1 life, but the only real affixes that i dont wanna get lost are the suffixes, but how can I block Prefixes to slam the last sufffix hoping for a frostbite on hit?
It doesn't work that way. Item already have influence.
Jeeez you're right! I've completely forgot that cause all the orbs I've use till now were on no-influenced items.
Well, still I need to figure out how to try metacraft it..