[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

greenimp77 เขียน:
Omegarud เขียน:
Hey, want to start off with thanking Aquarism for this very entertaining build. I have never put this many hours into a character, and I still don't feel burnt out. I have to admit that at several times leveling up I felt like respecing or starting a completely new build, but after managing to build up some currency and investing it in the build it feels great! I'm a fairly new player so seeing that builds can completely turn around with some investment was a very helpful experience.

Would love some feedback on where to take the build now. Skill tree-wise I'm working hard on making it to level 93, that way i can allocate Soul Raker, which I currently have anointed on my amulet, I will then anoint Constitution. But I see many people with both Point Blank and Vaal Pact. How important are these nodes? I'm struggling to see what nodes to remove to get these.

I have seen talks about Raider vs Deadeye, what are the pros and cons between the two?

Item-wise my current priority is upgrading quiver and then body armour. The last couple of days I have been thinking about Voidfletcher vs +1quiver with frenzy generation. I'm leaning towards Voidfletcher with Point Blank implicit. People in the comments seem to prefer Voidfletcher. Stats requirement and resistances are a tiresome jigsaw, especially stats when I ditch my current quiver.

Really appreciate any answer or general feedback for that matter!

Edit: PoB link: https://pastebin.com/JG6CckkN

I'm in a similar boat - I've played this build since league start. SSF. Min maxing it all the way.

I didn't pull up your POB but looking at your gear and gems:

1. If you aren't already, go Raider. I didn't notice any drop in DPS but my survivability is 100% better. You also get an extra fenzy, plus you don't need the rare quiver enchant to generate frenzy.

2. Drop Ice Bit or Hypothermia on Ice Shot and replace with Chain. GMP + Chain on Ice Shot is a massive 1 tap full screen clear.

3. As a personal pref instead of Barrage I use Galvanic Arrow + Barrage Support. POB says it does more DPS (use an online calculator to calc real dps from Barrage Support). It's also handles packs of rares much better than Barrage. We're already stacking tons of ele damage. Also mean you can run Phys reflect with no problems (I was always killing myself with Barrage on Phys reflect maps).

3a. When calculating Galvanic Arrow damage, make sure you do the Average Damage in POB * 2. The arrows hit, then the aoe also hits. So 2 hits.

4. After the switch to Raider get Tailwind boots. The extra action speed makes you super zoom zoom. I don't even use Wither to get around any more.

5. +1 projectile on Quiver is a huge boost.

6. Pandemonious Amulet is a huge DPS boost against bosses.

7. Regarding Vaal Pact - I've run with and without it a lot. I don't notice a huge diff without it. I usually go without so I can run Blood Rage without issue.

Could you enlighten me does the tree changes if we migrate over to ranger? What is the order of ascendancy like ?
gawddawg เขียน:
RaveHeart1985 เขียน:
Hey guys, I need your feedback concerning my ice shot raider. I know it is a bit different from the build guide since it has a selfcurse temp chains setup built into it, but any feedback would be helpful. Please keep in mind, that I am in the process of leveling up my gems after getting them to +20 quality (should have straight up bought them, but old habbit of mine). What do you guys think?

Quality up your bow, get an assassin's mark ring to replace your non-taming one. Maybe get a Kaom's roots with implicit +movement speed/dodge spell attacks and more hp. Shackles you can also aim for a beefy implicit like +crit chance

Thank you, bro. That already helped a lot!

I did some min/maxing yesterday and changed the following:
// Kaom's Roots with high life + avoid attack
// Took Alira as reward
// Got a second taming
// Changed my tree a bit in order to take an extra intelligence node, 'cause my intellegence is low (just like in real life 😂)
// Lowered the herald of thunder level

Now my resists are looking a little better and my damage went up. My life more or less stayed the same. Now I have about 4 exalts left.

I have a couple of questions though:
// For higher quality on my bow, I have to corrupt it, right? Not sure if I wanna do that...
// I am thinking of the following setup for my two four links:
A temp chains + CoH + incr. duration + herald of thunder (pretty sure about that)
B precision + hatred + enlighten + vaal haste
Or would herald of ice be more useful??
B2 hatred + herald of ice + enlighten + vaal haste (or molten shell maybe)
Maybe you could help my with that.
Hey this is my equips,

Also got watcher eye with 1.5% crit with hatred.

What should i be thinking on changing? Helm with the - cold resist? Or should i think about a new quiver first?
Can someone give me some lines of improvment?

Thanks ;)
Asra101010 เขียน:
Hi, I have a few question.
First, with this Corruption and with a few other Lighting damage and Shock chance on the tree, how likely I'll shock Bosses?

Regarding this ring, i'm really in doubt on how to try to metacraft it.
Surely I'll slam a Reedemer Orb to get a prefix ( 3 outcomes would be really good, 1 would be ok, 1 would be completely useless) but then?
I mean i'd like to get a t1 life, but the only real affixes that i dont wanna get lost are the suffixes, but how can I block Prefixes to slam the last sufffix hoping for a frostbite on hit?

Lastly ;D

I've got a pair of boots with t1 Life, t1 legacy Temple mod (mov speed + 12% chance to evade attacks) and 2 suffixes, so i can block suffixes and slam for the last prefix.. would be the reedemer the best one in this case as well (elusive would be great, phys as extra cold would be ok)?
Or there's are other mods I could look for that i dind't think of?

thank u :P

how can i link my items like everyone else does? LoL
edit2: Found out,

Regading to the shock, it will depend entirely on the %damage dealt to a boss in a single hit, so if we are talking about barrage, forget about shocking bosses when your build is around 98% cold and remaining lightning or whatever.
I think it will be better to add a minimal fire dmg to ignite bosses (since you dont need to reach any threshold) and use cinderswallow flask, that would be 10% increased dmg taken.
Thanks for all the info guys, especially Aquarism and Slottm (but also everyone else that contributed with thoughts & experience) for wasting their time writing up and explaining a bunch of shit to us all.

This is my first league where I actually lasted more than a week and I'm in love with the game ATM - I went through a lot of chars trying things out (best were my IS DE and SA PF which I got to 93) - I was really disappointed by how my IS DE was performing on ST so I switched to the PF which was super tanky and pretty decent, but I simply can't get into it as much as I'd like to - the IS DE just feels more fun, so I've started to slowly creep it back up to where it should be.

All the free info in this thread will surely be helpful in getting it to a decent level ST wise since that's what I massively failed on the first time around, but that seems to be the focus of the last 50+ pages and people seem to be deleting bosses with it, so I'm sure I'll get to enjoy the IS clear with the barrage ST this time around.
You're welcome! I quit playing the league a few weeks ago, but glad you can still make use of any information I've found :)

And i use 2X Inspired Learning

How am I? something to improve?

3,3k hp.
Two inspired learnings by themselves and without any interaction seem rather weak when compared to damage + life jewels, or am I missing something? I am using two inspired learnings myself, but I am combining those with a headhunter belt and a lot of other different things to make full use of the buffs to a point where everything lasts 4 times as long. But all those things do make the build very limited at the same time. Therefore I would think that you might benefit from different jewels. But to each his own, if you like the playstyle.
Glad people are enjoying this build and actively helping each other, I do not have as much time as before to answer each question so this makes me happy.

Cinderswallow does seem good with the crit chance veil, going to re-add it back to the gearing section.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
ZeRaLi เขียน:
Asra101010 เขียน:
Hi, I have a few question.
First, with this Corruption and with a few other Lighting damage and Shock chance on the tree, how likely I'll shock Bosses?

Regarding this ring, i'm really in doubt on how to try to metacraft it.
Surely I'll slam a Reedemer Orb to get a prefix ( 3 outcomes would be really good, 1 would be ok, 1 would be completely useless) but then?
I mean i'd like to get a t1 life, but the only real affixes that i dont wanna get lost are the suffixes, but how can I block Prefixes to slam the last sufffix hoping for a frostbite on hit?

Mmm ok, thank you.
(just to say : pob tells me they I have a 67% chance to shock.. Guess it doesn't count out properly.

Lastly ;D

I've got a pair of boots with t1 Life, t1 legacy Temple mod (mov speed + 12% chance to evade attacks) and 2 suffixes, so i can block suffixes and slam for the last prefix.. would be the reedemer the best one in this case as well (elusive would be great, phys as extra cold would be ok)?
Or there's are other mods I could look for that i dind't think of?

thank u :P

how can i link my items like everyone else does? LoL
edit2: Found out,

Regading to the shock, it will depend entirely on the %damage dealt to a boss in a single hit, so if we are talking about barrage, forget about shocking bosses when your build is around 98% cold and remaining lightning or whatever.
I think it will be better to add a minimal fire dmg to ignite bosses (since you dont need to reach any threshold) and use cinderswallow flask, that would be 10% increased dmg taken.



