[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide
" I guess captain above pointed where you could upgrade. I'm honestly not an experience player, two Leagues older (3 builds done and almost 2 minmaxed). But I have enough experience to tell that either you were doing something wrong or there are lots of room for upgrade. One thing I now for sure. Depending on the gear you bought...your 30ex was meaningless... 1st week of the league, Diadem was 5ex; I bought it for 35c and now its 8. Impresence and Circle...same price drop, clusters and everything as well. I craft a few gears, went cheap on others and used tabula until lv 90. Since we're in the beginning of the league, I can say that the amount you and other spent, it's not a thing. My build was less than 20ex. in the very very near future will spend +15ex and see where it leads me. Happy to know that ppl in this thread are being extremely helpful to help ppl with their build. The Grobbs guide is awesome for league starter, but if you want to take this build further and are newbie like me, PoB and the guide wont suffice you. Gem links, gems explanation is kinda messy. My first league I followed a guide that was one of the BEST written guide i've seen in my whole life...Guess I won't mention in here in respect to gobbs. |
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" Hi captain mind taking a look into my build and advise how can I not get one shot that often? Thanks in advance <3 POB : https://pastebin.com/Fy2vnhfh |
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A single large cluster for this build is currently 11ex and it seems to be rising week by week.
Have people been settling for 2 notables on it instead of 3 just to afford it? |
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" Such a long post just to explain that on a budget of 32 exalts you can't execute what people are doing on 15-20. Looks like you think that you are good when you are not. |
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idk if that screenshot proves it, but i just did A9 sirius deathless, so yes, this build can do endgame content also what would you guys recommend for gloves after we get explodey chest? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย viionc2#0923 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 12:39:24
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I am actually retarded. I posted my comment on the wrong blade vortex build.
I'm planning to switch to this one as soon as i finish crafting my cluster jewels. Useless to try and buy them, their price is crazy. When you mentionned my tree doesn't match it snapped me. My comments were absolutely not regarding this tree and i must admit i was so pissed i did not verify i was at the right place... Btw i cannot switch to this yet but i already made some changes you pointed out and i made things better. So ty for the comments and well, Sorry for being retarded when i'm pissed. PS: i didn't spend 32 ex, this is what i would earn if i was selling all m'y stuff today |
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What to upgrade next? 1 big 2x med with circl oblivion+haemorrage |
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Is there something significantly different about this guys build that allowed him to get to 100? How did he do it or did he just switch to BV after leveling a different way?
https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/jorokadilaka1/BitchzDigMahBV?i=18&search=class%3DAssassin%26skill%3DBlade-Vortex |
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To reach 100 lwl ur build doesnt matter. You buy breachstones and lwl with group. No1 in right mind is gettin 100 with normal plays.
Also wanna clarify that guy thinks blade vortex spell damage is important for poison dot dmg. Its rly doesnt matter. So he has lots of wrong skill point and gear. 2nd that i wanna clarify is carcass jack (which i used before) is not good for blade vortex. You know 1 stack blade vortex and 10 stack is different aoe. So carcass only adds to first time then rest doesnt matter. Sure it increases but from 23 yard to 26 yard. Meanin its not important. 3rd that i wanna clarify skin of loyal is not biggest dps if u ve lots of crit modifiers.(like haemorrage etc from clusters) And spell crit %1.5 chests with x3 power charge outdps skin of loyal. 4rd that i edited for dont go for increased poison dot durations. Sure they make buble dps on path of building but in no where or boss u will dot and wait 10 sec till dots to tick of to make full dps. So 10m dps in 5 sec is better then 25m dps in 10sec.Cuz boses will either go phase or die before u see full dot damage. 5th "skill effect duration" is not "poison duration". Skill effect duration increases ur blade vortex base 7 second or something. So to reach 10 stack constantly and easily u need some point there to. (8-8.5 sec kinda safe) Check path of building and prove me wrong. These are the mistakes i did on start. Dont pay wrong. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย diebreath#7585 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 14:59:27
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" Go triple curses with Hands of the High Templar if you have a +1 curse and explodey chest. Otherwise I'd still suggest hands but with temp chains and +4 to despair and stick despair/blashphemy setup in your gloves, gives a nice little boost in damage. This is doubly as acceptable if you run flesh and stone, since you don't need the blind from asenaths at all then, they just become shitty temp chains gloves. |
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