[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

diebreath เขียน:

What to upgrade next? 1 big 2x med with circl oblivion+haemorrage

Probably either stygian belt (hunter for % life or %inc chaos dmg is best) or triple curse setup (whispers, +1 chest and base) with double curse Hands of the High templar (enfeeble + temp chains).

If you want to swap to the duel clusters setup you can do that too, that depends on playstyle though.

If you want easy "don't need to think this just defs better no matter what" kind of upgrade, get %Damage over time corrupt on your CIP
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Foolmaster#0356 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 15:04:40
diebreath เขียน:
To reach 100 lwl ur build doesnt matter. You buy breachstones and lwl with group. No1 in right mind is gettin 100 with normal plays.

Also wanna clarify that guy thinks blade vortex spell damage is important for poison dot dmg. Its rly doesnt matter. So he has lots of wrong skill point and gear.

2nd that i wanna clarify is carcass jack (which i used before) is not good for blade vortex. You know 1 stack blade vortex and 10 stack is different aoe. So carcass only adds to first time then rest doesnt matter. Sure it increases but from 23 yard to 26 yard. Meanin its not important.

3rd that i wanna clarify skin of loyal is not biggest dps if u ve lots of crit modifiers.(like haemorrage etc from clusters) And spell crit %1.5 chests with x3 power charge outdps skin of loyal.

4rd that i edited for dont go for increased poison dot durations. Sure they make buble dps on path of building but in no where or boss u will dot and wait 10 sec till dots to tick of to make full dps. So 10m dps in 5 sec is better then 25m dps in 10sec.Cuz boses will either go phase or die before u see full dot damage.

5th "skill effect duration" is not "poison duration". Skill effect duration increases ur blade vortex base 7 second or something. So to reach 10 stack constantly and easily u need some point there to. (8-8.5 sec kinda safe)

Check path of building and prove me wrong. These are the mistakes i did on start. Dont pay wrong.

1) Depending if you scale the phys or poison bits of BV the spell % dmg does matter...but not a lot. Which bits of the build are you saying thinks this matters a lot, and how would you change those bits?

2) Carcass isn't the endgame best, it's just an option. 23 to 26 is pretty big since that's radius, meaning the total AoE ends up feeling much larger, but you're right, it's not the best. Just a cheap(ish) option with a little life and QoL. Most of us here run +1 curse, explody +other stats we need on our chests.

3) Correct. There are many chest options, if you have huge crits and scale charges you can get better than skin, but a +3 or +5 skin is a simple way to achieve massive damage. If you have a specific setup that beats it, it'd be nice to see the comparative PoBs, see what else is lost and how much it'd cost. Cost really matters here, crit setups are expensive.

4) Eh...sure? I mean that's not quite perfect advice, on Sirus and Maven and even buffed Mino a bit of inc duration% is pretty nice, especially if you run anything that makes poison go less duration (but still same damage) you can get a nice balance of more damage per second as well as more damage. Since mobs BLOW UP anyways there is a balance of inc duration actually helping on bosses. We don't stack too much inc duration so it's not a big deal, but you're right that if we ONLY went inc duration...not much would change. Especially since Temp Chains already provides a lot of inc duration. This can be playstyle flavour but for endgame bossing I've found inc duration feels quite good. Especially when you can't be in the bosses face the whole time (e.g. sirus and you're running around) you end up getting effectively more dmg from it.

5) Yes? This is correct. Is it wrong in the build somewhere?

If you can point to bits in the guide that say wrong things specifically, or perhaps rewrite bits that confused you we could attempt to update it, but I don't see anything egregiously false.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Foolmaster#0356 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 15:05:59
viionc2 เขียน:

idk if that screenshot proves it, but i just did A9 sirius deathless, so yes, this build can do endgame content

also what would you guys recommend for gloves after we get explodey chest?

I have an AW9 fourth stage deathless clip if anyone actually doubts.


Medium tier gear too, this was the ~30ex setup at the time (currently its like 40-60 ex worth)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Foolmaster#0356 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 15:07:56
projectoffset เขียน:
A single large cluster for this build is currently 11ex and it seems to be rising week by week.

Have people been settling for 2 notables on it instead of 3 just to afford it?

You can craft them pretty easily for 4-6 ex, not sure why they are 11. Might go ahead and get some free money if that's still occuring.

But also you can change around the notables on the larges if you don't want to go for the super expensive one right away. Misery everlasting is solid and Touch of Cruelty is good if you're running aspect of the spider.

Lots of decent options, you can get cheaper 3 notable versions :)
Foolmaster เขียน:
diebreath เขียน:
To reach 100 lwl ur build doesnt matter. You buy breachstones and lwl with group. No1 in right mind is gettin 100 with normal plays.

Also wanna clarify that guy thinks blade vortex spell damage is important for poison dot dmg. Its rly doesnt matter. So he has lots of wrong skill point and gear.

2nd that i wanna clarify is carcass jack (which i used before) is not good for blade vortex. You know 1 stack blade vortex and 10 stack is different aoe. So carcass only adds to first time then rest doesnt matter. Sure it increases but from 23 yard to 26 yard. Meanin its not important.

3rd that i wanna clarify skin of loyal is not biggest dps if u ve lots of crit modifiers.(like haemorrage etc from clusters) And spell crit %1.5 chests with x3 power charge outdps skin of loyal.

4rd that i edited for dont go for increased poison dot durations. Sure they make buble dps on path of building but in no where or boss u will dot and wait 10 sec till dots to tick of to make full dps. So 10m dps in 5 sec is better then 25m dps in 10sec.Cuz boses will either go phase or die before u see full dot damage.

5th "skill effect duration" is not "poison duration". Skill effect duration increases ur blade vortex base 7 second or something. So to reach 10 stack constantly and easily u need some point there to. (8-8.5 sec kinda safe)

Check path of building and prove me wrong. These are the mistakes i did on start. Dont pay wrong.

1) Depending if you scale the phys or poison bits of BV the spell % dmg does matter...but not a lot. Which bits of the build are you saying thinks this matters a lot, and how would you change those bits?

2) Carcass isn't the endgame best, it's just an option. 23 to 26 is pretty big since that's radius, meaning the total AoE ends up feeling much larger, but you're right, it's not the best. Just a cheap(ish) option with a little life and QoL. Most of us here run +1 curse, explody +other stats we need on our chests.

3) Correct. There are many chest options, if you have huge crits and scale charges you can get better than skin, but a +3 or +5 skin is a simple way to achieve massive damage. If you have a specific setup that beats it, it'd be nice to see the comparative PoBs, see what else is lost and how much it'd cost. Cost really matters here, crit setups are expensive.

4) Eh...sure? I mean that's not quite perfect advice, on Sirus and Maven and even buffed Mino a bit of inc duration% is pretty nice, especially if you run anything that makes poison go less duration (but still same damage) you can get a nice balance of more damage per second as well as more damage. Since mobs BLOW UP anyways there is a balance of inc duration actually helping on bosses. We don't stack too much inc duration so it's not a big deal, but you're right that if we ONLY went inc duration...not much would change. Especially since Temp Chains already provides a lot of inc duration. This can be playstyle flavour but for endgame bossing I've found inc duration feels quite good. Especially when you can't be in the bosses face the whole time (e.g. sirus and you're running around) you end up getting effectively more dmg from it.

5) Yes? This is correct. Is it wrong in the build somewhere?

If you can point to bits in the guide that say wrong things specifically, or perhaps rewrite bits that confused you we could attempt to update it, but I don't see anything egregiously false.

1- I typed that cuz some1 pointed a 100 lwl guy with build. Which is focused on some wrong stuffs on skill tree and gear.(head enchant etc)

2/3- I didnt mean to judge build guide. I simply pointed out my mistakes.Carcass literally brings nothing to build. Im not crit focused at all but just with perfect agony node with best self buffs +5 skin makes 37m dps and my 1.45 spel crit chest with x3 power charge does 47.5m. For price i dunno if other leagues different but basicly they are same price range when u look for loyals gem colours.

4-Temporal chain + coralito even some side nodes in tree more then enough for poisons to last forever. That also my opinion to not focus 2much for poison duration. Sure it gives big numbers but its not real dps tbh.

5-Thats also was my mistake to think those are same stats on start. I simply clarified that other new builders dont do same mistakes as I do.

For build i tried to prove wrong lots of stuff. Only thing that i can say stone golem useless cuz 2weak and dies alot. And i didnt see helmet enchant but proly despair effect/blade vortex crit multiplier are best.
diebreath เขียน:

1- I typed that cuz some1 pointed a 100 lwl guy with build. Which is focused on some wrong stuffs on skill tree and gear.(head enchant etc)

2/3- I didnt mean to judge build guide. I simply pointed out my mistakes.Carcass literally brings nothing to build. Im not crit focused at all but just with perfect agony node with best self buffs +5 skin makes 37m dps and my 1.45 spel crit chest with x3 power charge does 47.5m. For price i dunno if other leagues different but basicly they are same price range when u look for loyals gem colours.

4-Temporal chain + coralito even some side nodes in tree more then enough for poisons to last forever. That also my opinion to not focus 2much for poison duration. Sure it gives big numbers but its not real dps tbh.

5-Thats also was my mistake to think those are same stats on start. I simply clarified that other new builders dont do same mistakes as I do.

For build i tried to prove wrong lots of stuff. Only thing that i can say stone golem useless cuz 2weak and dies alot. And i didnt see helmet enchant but proly despair effect/blade vortex crit multiplier are best.

Gotcha, cool :+1:

I find stone golems helps a lot for life regen when I need it, but I don't bother having it up all the time. Just nice in Sirus when he's in cloud in case I took a small bop, but I bet there are better options.
Hi All,

Should I get an explodie chest? Also, should I invest in some inspired learning jewels. If so, where in the tree should I socket the inspired learning jewel.


Swigg90 เขียน:

I would just try to get/find a good Hands of the High Templar gloves with both Temp Chains and Despair curse on hit implicits + 3 more impactful ones. You're only using the two curses here, no need for 3. If you have explosion chest, and a solid 5 implicit HotHT, then Asenath's isn't that special tbh.

Hey, do you have any tips what amu mods we should looking for when I replace my Asenath with Crusader gloves? Thanks to free resists on Gloves/New amulet I can change my boots to have faster poison on enemies. For amulet then +1 lvl to physical/dex gems in this case with chaos dmg over time?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mefistofx#6003 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2021 17:28:57
Hey guys, I'm level 90 with clusters and I'm doing pretty well in all content rn T16+, I have a bit of survivability issues but that's fine my main question is what flasks I should be using

RN I'm using Enduring Mana, anti-freeze health, coralito, anti-curse quicksilver, Atziri's promise

I notice guide says to drop atziri for sin and then to drop sin but for what?
This build guild is confusing and not up to date, also the POB does not match alot of the things in this tree. To make matters worse unsure how you even reserve everything.



