[3.15] Essence Drain 6.6 Mil DoT DPS | Very Beginner Friendly

You know what lol I have to reduce the cost of mana reservation! Answered myself :)
qinen เขียน:

Hey there, been following your build since act 1 and now that I just passed act 10, I'm having lots of survival issues. Case in Point I keep getting one-shotted at the last Izaro fight in Trial. Did some tier 1 maps and died a few times each.
lvl 74: hp is sitting around 1.8k with 2.9k shields (with gems 3.4k)
Secondly, I cannot use Zealotry after using Clarity, Malevolence, Discipline as I have no more Mana Reserves to spare.
Anything I'm doing wrong? Skill tree is faithful to the build.
Edit: I have max elemental resistances, including chaos. Tbh, I could be sucking hard at hitting the spells right too as I miss Essence Drains here and there while trying to dodge and hit.
It sounds like you are getting hit by Izaro when you should not be. We can easily not allow him to hit us and kill him off-screen. Try this out because this isn't a tanky build, it's a mage build.
We don't need to use Clarity anymore once you get Mind over Matter.
OsirisFPS เขียน:
You know what lol I have to reduce the cost of mana reservation! Answered myself :)
I love it when that happens!
Hi! Im back again to ask where does the damage of the build come from? My essence drain doesnt deal much damage. Currently at tier 6 maps.
Seesee215 เขียน:
Hi! Im back again to ask where does the damage of the build come from? My essence drain doesnt deal much damage. Currently at tier 6 maps.
I checked your profile.. Your DPS is definitely lacking. You are missing a few items.
Purchase a Witchfire Brew Flask (This gives you 126k More DPS)
Pickup a Zealotry aura gem, you may need to go over on the left side of the tree to get the "Sovereignty" skill set.
Remove all the Energy Shield skill points unless you end up converting over to full CI.
Pickup a Vaal Blight for bosses
Try to purchase an Essence Drain level 21.
After that is achieved, try to get a 6-link if you can with an Empower 3.
Other than that I think you just need to replace some gear, and with some upgrades and changing out gear, gems, and some talents you should be fine.

Havoc209 เขียน:
Seesee215 เขียน:
Hi! Im back again to ask where does the damage of the build come from? My essence drain doesnt deal much damage. Currently at tier 6 maps.
I checked your profile.. Your DPS is definitely lacking. You are missing a few items.
Purchase a Witchfire Brew Flask (This gives you 126k More DPS)
Pickup a Zealotry aura gem, you may need to go over on the left side of the tree to get the "Sovereignty" skill set.
Remove all the Energy Shield skill points unless you end up converting over to full CI.
Pickup a Vaal Blight for bosses
Try to purchase an Essence Drain level 21.
After that is achieved, try to get a 6-link if you can with an Empower 3.
Other than that I think you just need to replace some gear, and with some upgrades and changing out gear, gems, and some talents you should be fine.

Isnt CI that 1HP thing? Isnt this a lowlife build?
And currently my energy shield is 3k with 1k HP. I dont think i can survive with any lower..
I think ill just go for vaal blight and empower 3(didnt realise empower 3 was so cheap)
Seesee215 เขียน:
Isnt CI that 1HP thing? Isnt this a lowlife build?
And currently my energy shield is 3k with 1k HP. I dont think i can survive with any lower..
I think ill just go for vaal blight and empower 3(didnt realise empower 3 was so cheap)
The problem with low life right now is you need so much currency for it so it's not really viable to do until you have a few required items. Shav's cost ~2 Ex and Presence of Chayula is about 80c when I bought it.
You should look for a 6-Link Short Bow, and try to Alteration Spam until you get +1 level of Socketed gems, then get someone to craft you 36-40% Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier on the bow. Make sure you put your Essence Drain setup into this bow because this will increase your damage a lot.
Find a cheap high Energy Shield body armor you can craft Energy Shield onto it.. and try to get it to a 4 or 5 link if possible.
After getting this and a few more upgrades of Energy Shield (which you will need for Low-Life anyways) you can spec into CI and spec out of Mind over Matter and Eldritch Battery.
Seesee215 เขียน:
Isnt CI that 1HP thing? Isnt this a lowlife build?
And currently my energy shield is 3k with 1k HP. I dont think i can survive with any lower..
I think ill just go for vaal blight and empower 3(didnt realise empower 3 was so cheap)
Yes, correct. Chaos Inoculation.
The problem with low life right now is you need so much currency for it so it's not really viable to do until you have a few required items. Shav's cost ~2 Ex and Presence of Chayula is about 80c when I bought it.
You should look for a 6-Link Short Bow, and try to Alteration Spam until you get +1 level of Socketed gems, then get someone to craft you 36-40% Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier on the bow. Make sure you put your Essence Drain setup into this bow because this will increase your damage a lot.
Find a cheap high Energy Shield body armor you can craft Energy Shield onto it.. and try to get it to a 4 or 5 link if possible.
After getting this and a few more upgrades of Energy Shield (which you will need for Low-Life anyways) you can spec into CI and spec out of Mind over Matter and Eldritch Battery.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Havoc209#1089 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2020 09:28:00
to craft -9 chaos res i only need Dense fossil for ES and chaos mod come from helmet? or i need put more chaos modifiers nad dense fosil?
IchigoPL เขียน:
to craft -9 chaos res i only need Dense fossil for ES and chaos mod come from helmet? or i need put more chaos modifiers nad dense fosil?
To craft -9 you need a iLvl 85 Hunter's mod Hubris Circlet.
Make sure it is not mirrored or corrupted.
You will need to spam Aberrant Fossils for the -chaos resistance. You can do Aberrant and Dense but it costs a lot more but I do not recommend this.
I would recommend spamming Aberrant fossils.
Havoc209 เขียน:
IchigoPL เขียน:
to craft -9 chaos res i only need Dense fossil for ES and chaos mod come from helmet? or i need put more chaos modifiers nad dense fosil?
To craft -9 you need a iLvl 85 Hunter's mod Hubris Circlet.
Make sure it is not mirrored or corrupted.
You will need to spam Aberrant Fossils for the -chaos resistance. You can do Aberrant and Dense but it costs a lot more but I do not recommend this.
I would recommend spamming Aberrant fossils.

Could you add this to the guide with your recommendatios to craft the gloves/boots?



