[3.15] Essence Drain 6.6 Mil DoT DPS | Very Beginner Friendly

Hi, im a kinda new player and need advice atm. I feel really squishy and feel like i die quickly even on like tier 4 maps. I have max resist except on chaos because i still need to farm for the amulet but is it possible you could quickly go over my current gear and see what i should focus on getting first for survivability? thanks!
buddhasanchez เขียน:
thinking about using this build for sirus boss killing and solo play because im playing with an aura bot most of the time, how good is it at killing sirus?
Hi. It was very good for killing Sirus.. It was not the QUICKEST ever because it was a damage over time move, but it felt good. I have heard a TON of feedback that it's been fantastic for Sirus this league as well.
I have not killed him yet this league but in last league, the only issue I faced was when I was not chaos resistance capped.
IchigoPL เขียน:
I changed boots for this
and bought ED 21/20 and it was huge buff(150k more) :P
Those are very nice! Do you have Aspect of the Spider? I don't see it!
Leveration เขียน:
Hi, im a kinda new player and need advice atm. I feel really squishy and feel like i die quickly even on like tier 4 maps. I have max resist except on chaos because i still need to farm for the amulet but is it possible you could quickly go over my current gear and see what i should focus on getting first for survivability? thanks!
Hi, I noticed your damage is extremely low.. this might be your main issue.
You also need to change a LOT of your gems.
Do you have Path of Building? Can you copy most of my setup for gems by chance?
I would pick up some better wands.. I'm not sure how much currency you are working with here.
Also, grab some gloves, boots, with a lot higher energy shield on them.
Possibly some rings
I can show you how to find a lot better gear for cheap sometime if you want! I stream almost everyday. I can help you learn a bit more when I am on again.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Havoc209#1089 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2020 11:31:45
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Leveration#0742 เมื่อ 12 มี.ค. 2022 19:55:19

Just finished 10 acts... trying to start my way to maps, is this what I'm suppose to look like lol ?

Can't affort bow + quiver so far so i'm using the 4 Link : contagion + area + faster casting + intensify

And I see from your post the 4 link : blood magic + flesh and stone + clarity + disciple. But this takes my whole life ! (
How does that setup work ?

What I'm I missing here ? :doubt:

Thx for your help !

Edit : Damn it's not easy to play it... I feel like I need 10 hands, 5 brains to cast it properly... ED feels so slow to cast :(
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Raizdoe#6842 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2020 16:03:47
I don't understand the way you incorporate Blood Magic reservation into an MoM build. How do you survive?
Harbinger League: Windripper TS Raider
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย R4pidFury#0400 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2020 16:29:57
Yes i have aspect of spider on Helmet and do you think that i can switch into MF for Burial chambers farm ?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IchigoPL#0844 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2020 19:54:12
Appreciate the guide, thanks for that!
However have you thought about incorporating cluster jewels in the build ?

I think this could be usefull to make the build a little bit more tonky.

What do you think ?
Why do you need Clarity support? Is the mana leech not enough?
Thanks for the post, i am going to try this, my first build, like a virgin, ready for the very first time (Madonna).
Strups เขียน:
Hello !
I played the Ziz Ed starter but I got some currency to spend and I really want to try a LL version but idk where to start tbh.
I got like 8Ex to spend; maybe more, what would be your advice on the 1st change and the 1st item i need to buy/craft.

Thanks a lot!
See you on your stream ! :)
Hi! You would need a Shavronne's Wrappings to start a Low-life build.
You would also need a 6-Link weapon (Preferably a 6-link Short Bow.. I would buy one for 30 chaos and spam Alteration Orbs until you hit +1 level of Socketed gems and some decent Energy Shield gear, and get someone to enchant +36-40% Chaos Damage Over Time Muliplier for 4 CHaos.
A Presence of Chayula for the Chaos resistance (Not required but it makes you a bit tanky)
Thank you! My Schedule has been all sorts of messed up so hopefully you catch me!

Thanks dude!
I updated a bit my stuff but my tree is totaly messed up! If you got a bit a of time can you check out if you see some major stuff that i can optimise ?
That would be awesome!



