[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

SrMeowulf เขียน:
Dude that gear is a mess.

-Get a mindspiral with 10% maximum mana as extra ES and 15% lightning damage if you find some not too expensive.

-The atziri's foible that you have is kinda meh, get a 24% mana increased and 20% mana quality or do it yourself.

-Try to get Better rings, just dropping all the unnecesary stats and capping Res, also some chaos res would be nice (%mana quality or res quality if you are uncapped). Also, i personally prefer to drop one of the rings for the one that makes you inmmune to chill and freeze, kinda useful, also gives a lot of mana (a perfect rolled one is cheap and it gives a lot of cold res, so you dont have to look for it in other gear). Remember you need like 84 (i think) of Strengh, maybe you wanna get the rare ring with 50 ish.

-Get a better rolled gloves (optional, the ones you have are kinda okayish).

-Your boots are actually dropping your dps with the lab ench, get another ones with 30% movement speed and the biggest energy shield you can afford (if you have 30ex dont spend more than 2 3 in this), also you should get some res if you have uncapped ones. Some chaos res here is nice if the price isnt like a house in the beach.

-Mana and ES in any rare piece is totally welcomed, the more the better, just lookout for too expensive pieces that arent worth.

-The belt is an aceptable one, but maybe you wanna look for one with diferent res (if you get the antifreeze ring) and more mana. Remember that the belts are jewelry and you can enhance them with catalyst. Your gem is a good one, probably wanna get at least a 6% 8%, that is probably too expensive atm, so just leave as it is, unless you snipe a bargain.

-Your wand have a lot of SP but try to get a new one with flat Ligthning damage, SP and %Lightning, also a good chunk of mana is always good.

-I dropped my atziri flask for a cinderswallow, even the cheapest one do the job, and gives a lot of %mana and ES on kill (better if you got a 3% in both), it makes mapping a breeze. Get a better rolled rumi, the 19% 10% arent that expensive. Also get an Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline (the increased duration is super nice)

-And for god sake, use quality currency, your flask need to be 20%, and your gems should also be 20%, prioritize the 6L, also when you get it to 20 20 vaal all your gems, if some of them didnt get an upgrade or maybe some dropped quality or lvl, you can look for a 20 20 corrupted for a penny.

And thats all for that gear, also you probably wanna play around some cluster jewels, and get more Es per mana, and some res there, they arent cheap atm, the grand design /holy conquest with 8 passives are near the ex.

Hope it helps dude, GL :D (Also english isnt my first language, nor the second, so sorry for misspelling and bad wording)

EDIT: Almost forgot, use blessing orbs in everything that have an implicit and isnt max rolled, also when you do crafts try to get max rolled or at least max -1

EDIT 2: I also peek a little bit into your Tree and maybe you wanna get another fevered mind (a 34% corrupted shouldnt be too expensive) the socket near runebinder is a nice one. And drop Mind over matter, its better to let the mana tank only Chaos dmg (it actually give you more surv when there are diferent dmgs)

Thanks a billion!
TheAtrocity เขียน:
Tramazings เขียน:
Thinking about switching over to ll from my build (i've maxed it as far as i'd like to go), where i have about 8k ehp, 9k mana, and about 11mil dps. Could anyone experienced with switching over give me some insight on what i will gain defense and damage wise? Have about 150ex to spend. Thank you in advance

I've spent about 120-150ex so far, PoB dps with flasks up is showing almost 27mil dps.

* 8.3K Es + 10% MoM
* 10.1k mana = 10k chaos dmg ehp
* about 8.4k mana cost
* almost 27mil dps
* roughly 44% base crit, 88% effective currently
* over 300% crit multi
* What's stun?
* Complete elemental ailment immunity

I went straight into LL, since I funded my own build with a league starter.

Basically gives you chaos 100% MoM and since we have so much mana, it's safe. In general, we'll probably take more damage (not much armor etc) which is compensated for by larger ES pools as well as using a Cinderswallow but we more than double a life build's dps. It's important to note that we aren't a tank build so you can't mindlessly charge into packs. Most of the time it'll be fine but sometimes you will get one shot. Abuse the attachment range and go in at an angle and run fast with those quicksilvers. You will be doing a lot of damage to bosses, so there's less time for them to land attacks.

Thank you for the response I appreciate it, and yea the nice thing is some of my gear carriers over to ll, although some does not. Not being stunned would be the biggest qol as my build already melts all content
SrMeowulf เขียน:
Dude that gear is a mess.

-Get a mindspiral with 10% maximum mana as extra ES and 15% lightning damage if you find some not too expensive.

-The atziri's foible that you have is kinda meh, get a 24% mana increased and 20% mana quality or do it yourself.

-Try to get Better rings, just dropping all the unnecesary stats and capping Res, also some chaos res would be nice (%mana quality or res quality if you are uncapped). Also, i personally prefer to drop one of the rings for the one that makes you inmmune to chill and freeze, kinda useful, also gives a lot of mana (a perfect rolled one is cheap and it gives a lot of cold res, so you dont have to look for it in other gear). Remember you need like 84 (i think) of Strengh, maybe you wanna get the rare ring with 50 ish.

-Get a better rolled gloves (optional, the ones you have are kinda okayish).

-Your boots are actually dropping your dps with the lab ench, get another ones with 30% movement speed and the biggest energy shield you can afford (if you have 30ex dont spend more than 2 3 in this), also you should get some res if you have uncapped ones. Some chaos res here is nice if the price isnt like a house in the beach.

-Mana and ES in any rare piece is totally welcomed, the more the better, just lookout for too expensive pieces that arent worth.

-The belt is an aceptable one, but maybe you wanna look for one with diferent res (if you get the antifreeze ring) and more mana. Remember that the belts are jewelry and you can enhance them with catalyst. Your gem is a good one, probably wanna get at least a 6% 8%, that is probably too expensive atm, so just leave as it is, unless you snipe a bargain.

-Your wand have a lot of SP but try to get a new one with flat Ligthning damage, SP and %Lightning, also a good chunk of mana is always good.

-I dropped my atziri flask for a cinderswallow (still thinking if im gonna get a % phasing eye), even the cheapest one do the job, and gives a lot of %mana and ES on kill (better if you got a 3% in both), it makes mapping a breeze. Get a better rolled rumi, the 19% 10% arent that expensive. Also get an Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline (the increased duration is super nice)

-And for god sake, use quality currency, your flask need to be 20%, and your gems should also be 20%, prioritize the 6L, also when you get it to 20 20 vaal all your gems, if some of them didnt get an upgrade or maybe some dropped quality or lvl, you can look for a 20 20 corrupted for a penny.

And thats all for that gear, also you probably wanna play around some cluster jewels, and get more Es per mana, and some res there, they arent cheap atm, the grand design /holy conquest with 8 passives are near the ex.

Hope it helps dude, GL :D (Also english isnt my first language, nor the second, so sorry for misspelling and bad wording)

EDIT: Almost forgot, use blessing orbs in everything that have an implicit and isnt max rolled, also when you do crafts try to get max rolled or at least max -1

EDIT 2: I also peek a little bit into your Tree and maybe you wanna get another fevered mind (a 34% corrupted shouldnt be too expensive) the socket near runebinder is a nice one. And drop Mind over matter, its better to let the mana tank only Chaos dmg (it actually give you more surv when there are diferent dmgs)

Can you help me with my gear? :D
Eject919 เขียน:
Guys can you give me your the "avr damage" of your storm brands (in the game) and your cast speed?
I know POB is way better to compare damage, but i play a version of this build with indigon, which is not taken into account in POB

hi, can u look my build, then give me any advice, what upgrade next?

Here's where I'm at a ton of investment in. Mostly run with Unnatural Instinct + Awakened Chain because the mapping feels a lot better. POB has me at ~60M per brand with the max dps setup: https://pastebin.com/t76yLe3F

Lategame upgrades:
* Wrath pen (+clarity ES) watcher's eye
* Crit chance on flasks: "of the order" affix on Cinderswallow +1 other flask
* Crit-multi anywhere you can (Wand, Ring, passive tree)
* Gem setup: Lightning golem + Vaal RF for more crit and spell damage.
* Corrupted blood on either Healthy mind (corrupt) or abyss jewel to free up staunching flask affix.

Further potential upgrades:
I could get a rare amulet, but it would make swapping to awakened chain unnecessarily difficult for (what honestly feels like) vanity DPS over QOL.

Might just skip the corrupt on Prism Guardian as it's a tiny DPS/ES gain from gem levels and you lose the resists (which you need).

(Also f'd up my tower, need to get the duration gem corrupt on it :O)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย urve#0137 เมื่อ 14 เม.ย. 2020 17:06:51
urve เขียน:

Here's where I'm at a ton of investment in. Mostly run with Unnatural Instinct + Awakened Chain because the mapping feels a lot better. POB has me at ~60M per brand with the max dps setup: https://pastebin.com/t76yLe3F

Lategame upgrades:
* Wrath pen (+clarity ES) watcher's eye
* Crit chance on flasks: "of the order" affix on Cinderswallow +1 other flask
* Crit-multi anywhere you can (Wand, Ring, passive tree)
* Gem setup: Lightning golem + Vaal RF for more crit and spell damage.
* Corrupted blood on either Healthy mind (corrupt) or abyss jewel to free up staunching flask affix.

Further potential upgrades:
I could get a rare amulet, but it would make swapping to awakened chain unnecessarily difficult for (what honestly feels like) vanity DPS over QOL.

Might just skip the corrupt on Prism Guardian as it's a tiny DPS/ES gain from gem levels and you lose the resists (which you need).

(Also f'd up my tower, need to get the duration gem corrupt on it :O)

Can i ask you how much exalted have you invested?
Sefiro86 เขียน:
urve เขียน:

Here's where I'm at a ton of investment in. Mostly run with Unnatural Instinct + Awakened Chain because the mapping feels a lot better. POB has me at ~60M per brand with the max dps setup: https://pastebin.com/t76yLe3F

Lategame upgrades:
* Wrath pen (+clarity ES) watcher's eye
* Crit chance on flasks: "of the order" affix on Cinderswallow +1 other flask
* Crit-multi anywhere you can (Wand, Ring, passive tree)
* Gem setup: Lightning golem + Vaal RF for more crit and spell damage.
* Corrupted blood on either Healthy mind (corrupt) or abyss jewel to free up staunching flask affix.

Further potential upgrades:
I could get a rare amulet, but it would make swapping to awakened chain unnecessarily difficult for (what honestly feels like) vanity DPS over QOL.

Might just skip the corrupt on Prism Guardian as it's a tiny DPS/ES gain from gem levels and you lose the resists (which you need).

(Also f'd up my tower, need to get the duration gem corrupt on it :O)

Can i ask you how much exalted have you invested?

Not sure anymore, but my guess would be ~450ex.
Songoshin เขียน:

I got issue surviving Simulacrum 18+... not sure if my ES isn't high ... or my damage too low for boss ... or my positioning.

Would it be possible for someone to look at my pob and tell me if I got something wrong or what should I invest next on ?



Why are you using a life flask? Replace it with a Diamond Flask ASAP.

Probably want at least 8k ES for Wave 20. Without the Watcher's Eye, this will be difficult if you want your DPS to be near the same.

Phasing on Kill on an Abyssal Jewel is huge defensively, especially in tight quarters like the Simulacram.

Beginning to think that Hybrid is probably just better without the Eye, but have only played Ivory Tower with and without it, so not 100% sure.
Has anyone tried Crown of the Inward Eye as a substitute for Mind Spiral?



