[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

ShadovV666 เขียน:
I sometimes lose 1 brand even if i spam recall and have enough mana
is this a bug?

Brands expire after a certain amount of time, even if you hold down the recall button they just last a lot lot longer.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Timbo Zero#8289 เมื่อ 15 เม.ย. 2020 15:56:38
Tramazings เขียน:
TheAtrocity เขียน:
Tramazings เขียน:
Thinking about switching over to ll from my build (i've maxed it as far as i'd like to go), where i have about 8k ehp, 9k mana, and about 11mil dps. Could anyone experienced with switching over give me some insight on what i will gain defense and damage wise? Have about 150ex to spend. Thank you in advance

I've spent about 120-150ex so far, PoB dps with flasks up is showing almost 27mil dps.

* 8.3K Es + 10% MoM
* 10.1k mana = 10k chaos dmg ehp
* about 8.4k mana cost
* almost 27mil dps
* roughly 44% base crit, 88% effective currently
* over 300% crit multi
* What's stun?
* Complete elemental ailment immunity

I went straight into LL, since I funded my own build with a league starter.

Basically gives you chaos 100% MoM and since we have so much mana, it's safe. In general, we'll probably take more damage (not much armor etc) which is compensated for by larger ES pools as well as using a Cinderswallow but we more than double a life build's dps. It's important to note that we aren't a tank build so you can't mindlessly charge into packs. Most of the time it'll be fine but sometimes you will get one shot. Abuse the attachment range and go in at an angle and run fast with those quicksilvers. You will be doing a lot of damage to bosses, so there's less time for them to land attacks.

Thank you for the response I appreciate it, and yea the nice thing is some of my gear carriers over to ll, although some does not. Not being stunned would be the biggest qol as my build already melts all content

Just an update, swapped some stuff and upgraded some stuff, still within 150ex

42mil dps, lost ~150es (8.3k es). The only jarring qol problem is if you stay in a map too long, you do eventually lose the brands, as <=1.2s isn't achievable without some form of cdr from gear. 21/23 second wind and emp 4 along with a lv 7 brand recall is slightly over the 1.2s refresh (even though it says 1.2s in game). Coupled with server lag and whatnot and it's a lot. I had 19% cdr belts for 1.12s brand recall and that lasted a very very long time.
Songoshin เขียน:

I got issue surviving Simulacrum 18+... not sure if my ES isn't high ... or my damage too low for boss ... or my positioning.

Would it be possible for someone to look at my pob and tell me if I got something wrong or what should I invest next on ?



Heres a vid of me doing 20 waves, died 3 times but still got it without watchers eye.. POB in desc.
Guys I'm so proud and happy, this is my first build with i kill shaper and elder first time in my life today. Elder drop a watchereyes I identified and the result
:D:D:D This give me 3mill dps and i lost just 150ES :D
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย h4mi22#7641 เมื่อ 15 เม.ย. 2020 19:31:34
Hi everyone,

so I've been following this build guide for a while now. Hit a point where I'm comfortable with most end game stuff, but still have a hard time against Sirus.

At 11.2k ES and 4M DPS.

Mind giving a look and trying to see where I might be lacking?

POB: https://pastebin.com/pk9wamqC

Thank you!

I'm at 9ex and getting to 40ex by league's end is growing further and further away each day. Are there any alternatives to Watcher's Eye I can utilize? It's really the last jewel for my build.
subliminaldelta เขียน:
I'm at 9ex and getting to 40ex by league's end is growing further and further away each day. Are there any alternatives to Watcher's Eye I can utilize? It's really the last jewel for my build.

You really don’t need either the watchers eye or the skyforth boots, they just make things easier.
There is nothing you can’t kill in the game with this build (without them both) if you have good gear otherwise, they just make it easier.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
I'm doing a build pretty much just like this only some different stuff. 2 large cluster jewels, 2 small, 5 fevered minds.

On PS4 you can't find rares to buy, nobody crafts and sells good crafts so I had to craft my wand, rings and the belt I swap for headhunter. But it's going pretty good. Gonna try to keep crafting a wand that has better rolls and crit multi, but I'm not having much luck. I got 8.1K ES/9.4K mana with the headhunter and more with the stygian. Fun build.

But here's my gear


I bought the gloves with spell crit and then vaal orb'd the ones I had and got temp chains and debating using it for mapping. I might go for a cerulean ring next with conductivity on hit and multi mod it, but I dunno. I'm also very lazy about doing lab runs that's why I don't have good enchants lol. I should also buy awakener gems soon as well. They are all 20+ ex and the only 2 watchers eye's on the market with the % on mana into ES are like 100ex and that's the only useful mod on them, not really trying to buy those. Maybe I'll farm uber elder and try to get lucky.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Anton__Chigur#9285 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 03:30:39
The journey is over. Had to tweak the tree a bit and cut tiny bit of dps to increase the shield to a meme value.
The first time i enjoyed the build so much to get to 100.

Here's the build stats in hideout unbuffed / no flasks.


I'd recommend to play it. Thanks a lot to the guide creator.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hey0cean#0102 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 04:20:51
Hey0cean เขียน:
The journey is over. Had to tweak the tree a bit and cut tiny bit of dps to increase the shield to a meme value.
The first time i enjoyed the build so much to get to 100.

Here's the build stats in hideout unbuffed / no flasks.


I'd recommend to play it. Thanks a lot to the guide creator.

Congrats and the best example that you dont need an Watchers Eye.

Watchers Eye is only a bonus to kill S8 and UE few seconds faster, everything else dies almost instantly anyway.



