[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

fLekkZ เขียน:
Hey0cean เขียน:
The journey is over. Had to tweak the tree a bit and cut tiny bit of dps to increase the shield to a meme value.
The first time i enjoyed the build so much to get to 100.

Here's the build stats in hideout unbuffed / no flasks.


I'd recommend to play it. Thanks a lot to the guide creator.

Congrats and the best example that you dont need an Watchers Eye.

Watchers Eye is only a bonus to kill S8 and UE few seconds faster, everything else dies almost instantly anyway.

Actually i have the Watcher's eye. Without it my ES would be around 7k. But it can be played without it for sure . Just change the Arcane Blessing to Sanctuary of Thought . The dps will be not that brutal but still acceptable.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hey0cean#0102 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 04:33:45
No need to change to sanctuary without the eye.. Just keep on destroying everything without it. Except simulacrums which are pile of shit when you happen to die in wave 19 or 20 and are unable to complete it because you can't get brands up and are oneshot (2K extra ES won't save you there either).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zweetsok#4583 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 06:05:28
fLekkZ เขียน:
Hey0cean เขียน:
The journey is over. Had to tweak the tree a bit and cut tiny bit of dps to increase the shield to a meme value.
The first time i enjoyed the build so much to get to 100.

Here's the build stats in hideout unbuffed / no flasks.


I'd recommend to play it. Thanks a lot to the guide creator.

Congrats and the best example that you dont need an Watchers Eye.

Watchers Eye is only a bonus to kill S8 and UE few seconds faster, everything else dies almost instantly anyway.

uhm... he actually does have a watcher's eye.. a more expensive one even.

But yeah, don't need it.
Anyone else randomly die while full on ES? Have 7.k ES and get blown up on maps very frequently.
tiesto123 เขียน:
Anyone else randomly die while full on ES? Have 7.k ES and get blown up on maps very frequently.

Once you have not enough mana to absorb the chaos dmg hit from mob it will go through the ES and kill you since you're not using Shavronne but Ivory Tower which says "Chaos Damage is taken from Mana before Life" .
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hey0cean#0102 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 11:08:03
Hey, I'm loving this build, however I can't get 40 ex for watcher eye (so I could drop sanctuary of thought and get skyforth).
I have ~20 ex but I feel like I could squeeze a little bit more than I have (8.1es, ~7300 mana, ~2.7m dps (or 3.7 after some tweaks but hard to believe) before grabbing watcher eye + skyforth.

Do you guys have any suggestion where I could improve?
My pob: https://pastebin.com/1PwJTx4x

Or could someone post no watcher eye, skyforth, bottle faith pob?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tonestormig#7786 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 12:56:21
tonestormig เขียน:
Hey, I'm loving this build, however I can't get 40 ex for watcher eye (so I could drop sanctuary of thought and get skyforth).
I have ~20 ex but I feel like I could squeeze a little bit more than I have (8.1es, ~7300 mana, ~2.7m dps (or 3.7 after some tweaks but hard to believe) before grabbing watcher eye + skyforth.

Do you guys have any suggestion where I could improve?
My pob: https://pastebin.com/1PwJTx4x

Or could someone post no watcher eye, skyforth, bottle faith pob?

Your PoB link didnt work for me but I looked at your character anyway.
Gems: I'm surprised that Assassin's Mark is better for you than Conductivity but I guess it depends on the whole setup/equipment.
Does OoS+ Ice Bite actually give you Frenzy charges often? Can't imagine it to kill often but no experience with it on this build.
Anyway, the only thing I would really try to implement is an Empower Support for Brand Recall(and upgrade that to lvl 7). The lowered Cooldown is so useful to retain the Brands.
Also if you ever have the gem slots for it: Linking Clarity to Blood magic. More ES thanks to more Life reserved and more damage thanks to less Mana reserved.

Try finding a better Wand. Apep's is a decent low budget solution but it should be not too hard to find something better with Mana/Spell Damage/Cast Speed/Crit chance for spells/Crit multi/lightning as extra chaos/added lightning damage to spells/whatever I forgot.
Try to divine your Ivory Tower, the rolls are super low.
Voidbringer could need a higher mana cost (but not so important).
Boots with more Mana or thinking about Skyforth. Imo Skyforth are worth it regardless of Watcher's Eye, the Stun Immunity is awesome and the power charges free up some gem slots. But ofc harder to cap your resistances.
Changing to decent Cerulean Rings would be good (also then catalysts on the rings and Foible)
Get a Cinderswallow. It's honestly the most useful Flask for this build. Even when you cant get one with Critchance, the mana and ES refill is sooooo good. You also have movementspeed mod on 2 Flasks, get Curse Immunity on one.
Try to get Mana on your Abyss Jewel as well, pretty much always try to get as much Mana as possible everywhere.

Tree: Go for more Jewel sockets for Fevered minds, they are such a big damage boost. I think I had 5 before I got a Watcher's Eye.

I was at 6 mio Shaper DPS before I did some changes and got Watcher's Eye/Bottled Faith. And that easily clears all stuff without expensive Watcher's Eye and stuff.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Laxxus#3863 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 14:17:39
Really enjoyed this build.

Currently 8.6k ES, 10.9k Mana. 475k Average Damage on my Stormbrand.

I would recommend finding a Jewel with Cannot be inflicted with corrupting blood for anyone who hasn't - Great QoL

I did have higher damage but i made some gear changes and manged to get my chaos Res to 0% as chaos was the only thing that really bothered me.

Working on upgrading to a better watchers eye as there isn't much more i can see that will have a big effect now.


My Jewels, have x4 Fevered at 40%
I'm surprised that Assassin's Mark is better for you than Conductivity but I guess it depends on the whole setup/equipment.

I probably missed it just enough to never ever notice it. I didn't even thought about conductivity.
Does OoS+ Ice Bite actually give you Frenzy charges often? Can't imagine it to kill often but no experience with it on this build.

Honestly I can't even tell since I'm having billion of buffs on top bar. I just saw someones pob from this thread using it, I could be very wrong there for sure.
Anyway, the only thing I would really try to implement is an Empower Support for Brand Recall(and upgrade that to lvl 7). The lowered Cooldown is so useful to retain the Brands.

How would I get arcane surge then? Linking it to flame dash only on separate link? I swear I would forget it once and die because no arcane surge - no leech. But spamming brand recall works for me just fine. Not sure how to solve w\o watcher eye+skyforth to get rid of arcane surge gem.
Also if you ever have the gem slots for it: Linking Clarity to Blood magic. More ES thanks to more Life reserved and more damage thanks to less Mana reserved.

Dunno again, should I just get rid of inc. dur. from arcane cloak or just break orb of storms 4L?

Try finding a better Wand. Apep's is a decent low budget solution but it should be not too hard to find something better with Mana/Spell Damage/Cast Speed/Crit chance for spells/Crit multi/lightning as extra chaos/added lightning damage to spells/whatever I forgot.

Somehow my calculations (but kinda outdated ones) showed that unless you have like really good wand that aren't even in sub 2ex-3ex price range are barely outdo apep. But I will redo my calcs from stuff I'll see on trade, or glad to see some examples.
I have this wand in stash for like 4 days already but even right now it tells me that I lose 9.5% of total dps with it (without adding unnerve)


Try to divine your Ivory Tower, the rolls are super low.

Good point, completely forgot about it.

Boots with more Mana or thinking about Skyforth. Imo Skyforth are worth it regardless of Watcher's Eye, the Stun Immunity is awesome and the power charges free up some gem slots. But ofc harder to cap your resistances.
Changing to decent Cerulean Rings would be good (also then catalysts on the rings and Foible)

Am I wrong or that is a luxury bringing other issue - pricy rings and belt while not giving much (I don't feel like I'm being stunned too often), not sure what should I insert into free 4L to justify messing with res. Also what about dream fragments? isn't it basically bis unless you go 10ex ring?

Get a Cinderswallow. It's honestly the most useful Flask for this build. Even when you cant get one with Critchance, the mana and ES refill is sooooo good. You also have movementspeed mod on 2 Flasks, get Curse Immunity on one.
Try to get Mana on your Abyss Jewel as well, pretty much always try to get as much Mana as possible everywhere.

I was really thinking about cinderswallow should I go straight for crit one for 4ex? Or random crappy for 120c? Which flask should I replace?

Tree: Go for more Jewel sockets for Fevered minds, they are such a big damage boost. I think I had 5 before I got a Watcher's Eye.

Could I show me what should I drop without losing too much? I already have 3.

I'm very sorry for overquoting
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tonestormig#7786 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 15:17:25
My 4link with Brand Recall is Brand Recall - Second Wind - Empower - Arcane Surge. Then would jsut need another spot for the flame dash. If Ice bite isnt actually working out (you could deactivate showing auras in the options for example to see it better) you got one slot free there.
I honestly never used a power charge on crit setup even before Skyforth, so I had more Gem slots available. And I never used a Golem cause they die so fast and I would always forget resummoning but that's just me.
The Clarity Blood magic is honestly a lot less important, probably more a thing if you ever decide to get rid of powercharge setup(which is totally fine to use until getting Skyforth).

That's my old Wand that I used until yesterday which should definitely deal more damage than Apep's.
Also Cast Speed seems to be a really good stat since we don't have that much on tree/gear.

Depends on what you call "Luxury". At some point the improvements unfortunately get more pricy. If you think you never want to switch to Skyforth - that's fine, then try to get boots with better ES/Mana. But if you wanna go for them eventually, I would start planning ahead in terms of Rings/Belt to match the resistances. Nothing more annoying than buying nice rings and then realizing you gotta switch them again because of switching boots and Resis don't fit anymore. I just like to plan ahead :D
and 10% increased mana makes a big difference for this build.

Also I am not really convinced of Dream Fragments. just look at PoB, replacing it with your other ring gives you so much more...the only thing you lose is Freeze Immunity and you can get that on a Flask.

For Cinderswallow: Crit is of course the best and is used on all final builds, so you wouldn't have to worry about it. Otherwise maybe one with Stun Avoidance if they are cheap(no clue) when you dont have Skyforth.
Mostly depends on if you wanna spend the currency on the Crit or not, the Flask is super useful either way.

For Jewel Sockets: worth imo is speccing out of Arcane Swiftness and taking the one left from it. Grab the 2 Int nodes between Arcane Swiftness and the Jewel Socket, then you can get rid of the two small life/ES nodes and still be connected to Ghost Reaver - Jewel Socket without more spent points. Loses around 100 ES I think but you gain quite some damage.
(Or just take the Jewel socket below Runebinder if you don't wanna switch around like that)
Hm, freeing other points would cost a lot of ES as you take more ES nodes than I did. Might not be worth currently for you.

Edit: too much text >.>
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Laxxus#3863 เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020 16:17:34



