[3.16] Coldslinger | Vortex | Creeping Frost | League Start | SSF | CI/LL
Hi, I took this build to red maps and it rocks so far, I have question about EE procs (which should give huge dps boost) - it's supposed to be triggered by storm brand and orb of storms, but it looks like orb is casted on top of character while frost bolts fly far away and brand only hits 1 enemy.
For bosses it looks ok, but I have doubt that it is working for packs clearing, wouldn't frostbolt hits make it worse for packs? I'm thinking to put arc which reaches far away, what do you think? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mapcar#0250 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 17:48:08
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Changed your build a bit with an intutive leap.
Building a new char and this is what I'm aiming for. Do need some extra 1% reduced mana reserved corrupts but I think it will work. https://pastebin.com/vQX4HpyA |
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I’m too curious about ee. It seems that frost bolt doesn’t always explode with vortex. Maybe I’m doing that wrong, I’m afraid of override, unless it happens occasionally and there’s nothing ya can do about it.
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" " To answer both questions at once, EE is not required for packs or non-boss monsters. The majority of packs, blues, and yellows will die instantly even if they have +25% cold res from EE. EE really shines during bosses when you can just throw out your balls and creeping frost and chill back. However, since I strongly dislike EE in general- I did start experimenting with a non-EE tree using a Wave of Conviction setup for cold exposure (-25% cold res) which seems to be working really well. I'm sure you could utilize the WoC setup even with EE for a total of -75% cold res. Below are a few links, which can now be found on the main page: Non-EE low-life: https://pastebin.com/aGd9s2aZ Non-EE CI (not recommended): https://pastebin.com/2dG0Y9MX Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749
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" I like the usage of intuitive leap in that spot, it grabs a ton of really good nodes! It's awesome to see people grabbing the concept and running with it- making their own variants. Looking at the tree, it looks like you dropped a lot of ES (~1.5k) for about 200-250k DPS. I personally don't think the build needs anymore damage, but if this is your jam, and you want more damage, then this tree is great for you! Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749
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(Face palm) didn’t realize you didn’t have spell slinger with vortex. Makes more sense now I think. Granted I’m poor so no trigger effect yet any way. I did read up on negative resistances and can’t find a negative cap. Curses are less effective on bosses so ee may still be king
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Thanks a bunch for creating the guide. Loving the build so far. I've gone all-in on the items and multiple PoB setups based on your original build, and I've think I 'perfected' it in some state. Currently rocking the #1 Occultist DPS on poe.ninja with it. I've also decided to not go with clusters as I'm more of a non-meta fan and prefer to stick with the original passive tree, seems to be working just fine! https://pastebin.com/n3MN2e6h Current gear: If you've any remarks or min-maxing options I overlooked, feel free to say so. Cheers! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย chronixQT#0019 เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2020 08:28:19
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" First and foremost, your gear is absolutely mental. There is very minimal if any room for improvement there. However, I did change some stuff regarding the gem setup and tree, specifically the Blasphemy + Elemental Weakness setup you had. If you're looking for absolute min-max for boss damage, I think this may be better https://pastebin.com/W7UX59N1. I've also found that putting a curse into your spellslinger setup is far more effective than blasphemy since you can instant curse the area where your creeping frost/vortices will drop. It also affords you the ability to put in WoC for -25% cold res on hit. EDIT: As another option, you could drop the Hypothermia in the Creeping Frost setup and put in a Swift Affliction now that you have the mana reservation. I don't think Hypothermia increases the Bonechill effect on Vortex enough to out-damage Swift Affliction on Creeping Frost. EDITEDIT: The wand you use has 20% to apply cold exposure on hit- this is -10% and WoC is -25% (and applies instantly to all monsters on the first hit). Instead of Cold exposure on hit for wand, maybe go for %hatred effect on suffix? That's the only gear change I can think of! Take a look and let me know what you think! Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Clydehart#5181 เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2020 09:50:33
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" Thanks for the quick response and additional information. I'll definitely take these in consideration but I'll probably keep it the way it is for now as I don't feel like changing too much around anymore. I prefer to keep it more sleek and focus around the class and ascendancy side of the tree - which is also a reason why I didn't opt for a cluster setup. If you get what I mean. But definitely a nice catch to boost it even up more! Changing the suffix on the wand is something I thought of as well, but I feel like it's too much of a risk to change it now as they're all cold mods, and crafting weapons is a true hassle. EDIT: Only thing I'm looking out for currently is perhaps some better enchants. - Boots: "Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently". - Gloves: "Commandment of Spite". - Belt: "15% increased Area of Effect while you have Arcane Surge". Unless you think of any better ones, but those should be BiS I think. After that I'll probably keep my eye open for a +4 enchanted Rime Gaze (w/ 40% Vortex Damage or SS reduced mana reservation), and some other live searches I have going on. eg. a 4 affix Abyss jewel, 3 affix Watcher's Eye, double corrupted Thread of Hope. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย chronixQT#0019 เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2020 10:54:04
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I already played spellsinger VD/DD, i wonder if this build have better single target damage.
I feel that VD/DD single damage demand a lot of investment. What about this build ? |
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