[3.16] Coldslinger | Vortex | Creeping Frost | League Start | SSF | CI/LL
" Indeed, by the middle of act 3, I was really worried about my dps with Arc so I was really longing to get more damage nodes. But then in act 4 I switched to SS and laughed. By act 6 it felt like I was already mapping, with GMP and Hextouch (btw I'm using conductivity instead of frostbite obviously, maybe you could also specify this in your levelling advice) | |
" Yeah, GGG was targeting early game leveling with their SS nerf, but it's just as strong- it only screwed over endgame min/maxing easiness. It'll still be just as strong later on, but will need to invest in some more % mana reservation to fit all the auras in with LL. Definitely will update it. Thanks for all the feedback brother, helps make the guide better!! Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749
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edit: guide is ok now, build is a fun league starter, however i still wouldnt recommend it to people that are witch newbies(tree for only 85lvls, no info about endgame content at all)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย dhominico#0167 เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2020 20:36:02
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" -This is my first guide, chill out. Writing a guide doesn't take 1 hour if you've ever made one. -There is no defined gear for leveling, especially at league start- pick up what you can and use it. Use wands. If you can't figure out what gear to use from reading the gear section, then you should probably be playing Diablo 3. -Doesn't matter what you skill use to level up to Act 3. Arc is the strongest, so I'd recommend that. -Leveling links once you get Spellslinger in Act 3: Spellslinger + Wave of Conviction + Added Lightning + Controlled Destruction. Spellslinger + Arc + Added Lightning + Elemental Focus. If you can't afford the mana cost, don't link that support. I'll add a list of gem links for leveling in the leveling section for each act so that its much clearer. -Bandits: kill all. 2 passive points. Sorry about that, -Not sure what else you're missing by saying "about anything." If you list it out, I'll help clear it up. Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749
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" Added in an act by act breakdown of what you should do, hopefully this helps you. Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749
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Thanks alot, i missed the spellslinger hype last leagues, i will try this one as i love the details!
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" While I agree it's not the best written guide I've ever seen, it's enough if you have a minimum of game knowledge. For a first time player, it's probably not enough, but I wouldn't recommend Spellslinger to a new player anyway. Bandits info are in the PoB. Leveling gear is whatever, just use the best rares you loot and maybe the uniques you find along the way if they're good (goldrim, wanderlust, tabula, etc). The Spellslinger setups have more than enough damage on their own for you not to worry about it in gear and just take whatever gives you the links you need/the more defenses. And as OP said, gems before Spellslinger don't really matter. One issue I've had with pre-SS progression is the tree though, it really lacks damage for my taste and I struggled a bit with arc on some bosses on act 2 (buffed Oak was a bitch even with Frost Bomb lmao but that's mostly because GGG fucked it up, and it's patched anyway) and act 3 but nothing insurmountable. Especially since I could've switched to SS sooner, but I couldn't find a 4L to save my life. All in all, instead of barking like you did, you could either ask whatever information you need, or give your insight on how to improve the guide. Or write your own. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kazh#0100 เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2020 17:49:15
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I'm having issues figuring out exactly how the build is supposed to work. I have the links and what not, I do not have a wand with trigger socketed spell, but that shouldn't make/break the build.
Not sure if I'm stupid and not doing something right or what. Also, your description of gear and links doesn't entirely make sense, the links you have in the gear do not match what you have typed out. I'm not a first time player, so I feel like I shouldn't be having this much issue. Any clarification you can give would be greatly appreciated. There just seems to be a lot of inconsistency in the guide and its rather confusing. Thanks |
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" Sorry you're having trouble with it. One thing I did notice I had a mistake on was that I referenced the old name of Creeping Frost (Arctic Breath), which might have threw you off. The gear/gems section should match the POB. In general, I think the biggest thing that might trip people up is leveling with lightning spells and then transitioning to the Coldslinger gems. It's way faster to level with Arc + Wave of Conviction in Spellslinger setups. To help you directly: -It looks like you have your Frostbolt gem in the socket where your Creeping Frost should be- swap those two gems. -For your Vortex setup in your chest, take out Spellslinger and replace it with Efficacy or Swift Affliction. You don't link Vortex with Spellslinger, you self cast that- put it on your left mouse button. Put it on another macro (I have mine on W) for bosses that you might stand still for. In general, you should always be moving though. Since it is an instant spell, you constantly cast it while moving. When you attack with Frenzy or Power Siphon- it will throw out Creeping Frost + Frostbolts. The Vortex will instantly get cast on top of the since you're holding it -Take the Spellslinger you had in Vortex and put it in a setup with only Frostbolt. Don't link it with anything else. Coldslinger: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797749 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Clydehart#5181 เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2020 20:05:34
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Why do you say to take ball lightning, but never make any mention of when/where to actually use it?
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