[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

Shankhook เขียน:
Anybody tried a CoC version of this? had awakened CoC drop yesterday and interested to see how it fares. I think you'd get enough accuracy & crit chance with high level precision aura, b.faith and zealotry ?

probably rubbish with no flask charges tho (hello Sirus)

Chinese guy built a CoC Ice Nova around Herald stacking. It is crazy expensive even for this build. There must be a video some pages before.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ATG6uGFZIY There you go - 600ex
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย K4P0T#0781 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2020 11:07:12
I've got a question regarding a watcher's eye for the Arc Crit version. I think OP gave us a trade/search link for EK.

What would be a budget watcher eye solution for the Arc Crit version (up to 10ex)? Anyone has a trade search link for it ?

Regarding the damage conversion: Do we profit from lightning penetration or just cold penetration ? And do we profit more from lightning damage with wrath, or cold damage from hatred aura ?

sascha411 เขียน:
I've got a question regarding a watcher's eye for the Arc Crit version. I think OP gave us a trade/search link for EK.

What would be a budget watcher eye solution for the Arc Crit version (up to 10ex)? Anyone has a trade search link for it ?

Regarding the damage conversion: Do we profit from lightning penetration or just cold penetration ? And do we profit more from lightning damage with wrath, or cold damage from hatred aura ?

I picked up a watcher's eye with cannot be frozen while affected by purity of ice and damage penetrates cold resistance while affected by hatred for 10 ex yesterday, that might suit you well.

A question I have for running Simulacrum (even more) smoothly: The only time I come close to dying or actually die is when the slow zone spawns under me (https://poedb.tw/us/gem.php?n=Temporal+Anomaly). How do you guys deal with that? I'm not standing still but always running around but the slow is so atrocious. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hello Exiles.

I am still new into game, still learning. This build looks pretty funny and strong so I am tryig it.

Could someone kindly please check my profile and advise what focus on next? I feel like rare cluster version does not work that well and get stuck with damage against single target.

Also I am not sure what's main different between trees for DI and crit arc..

Thank You Exiles
JaegerMeister_CL เขียน:
So, I'm quite comfortable with the damage and the survivability, but I want to move forward.

I still have several upgrades possible (Awakener gems, GG corruptions, Bottle Faith, 21/20 gems etc.) This is my gear atm

I use 3x 7-Passives Voices and yesterday I added the Unnatural Instinct that I dropped.

Now after playing BV a long time I want to try Arc. Has anyone made the transition?
If I just change the 6L, is maybe 2m more deeps, but I'm not sure if I can sustain the mana cost on a longer fight. I would obviously ditch the Taste of Hate for a Mana flask, but I'm still not sure.

The other aspect is that I would have to make room for Smite to really make the build shine. If it's humanly possible I would like to avoid buying Doryani's Delusion. There's room to turn off the Aspect of Avian I'm currently using and then get rid of Enlighten 4.
All this changes are doable according PoB but if anyone knows both builds and could tell some words about the "feeling" of both, that would be amazing!
Thanks for reading

I tried basically every popular main skill, my takeaway from using bv and Arc was as follows: arc had better clear, especially when vaal arc was up but bv had much more impressive boss dps. If you don't like your current clear then it may be worth swapping over, I personally didn't end up using either skill but went with ek for best of both worlds.

A small note for smite, I didnt really find it to be worth the slot, especially as we are tight on room as is. I'd recommend sticking to vaal haste and vaal rf for burst damage.

StealthReborn-- เขียน:
Does this build apply to standard players as well? Or are the clusters mandatory?

The clusters are what makes the build, you'd need to make a char in HC to rip some jewels over.

sascha411 เขียน:
I've got a question regarding a watcher's eye for the Arc Crit version. I think OP gave us a trade/search link for EK.

What would be a budget watcher eye solution for the Arc Crit version (up to 10ex)? Anyone has a trade search link for it ?

Regarding the damage conversion: Do we profit from lightning penetration or just cold penetration ? And do we profit more from lightning damage with wrath, or cold damage from hatred aura ?

You would use more or less the same eye, just find something cheap with a few of the affixes that match the auras you are using.

Brotherhood converts lightning to cold, more lightning damage means you get to have more cold on top of it. Without putting numbers into pob I'd imagine that adding more lightning would be better for you, but it would be a good idea to import your own character and see for yourself. Meanwhile for pen, it seems most people playing crit arc are using awakened cold pen, although once more it would be best if you ran the numbers yourself.

FugaDeLaFixa เขียน:
Hello Exiles.

I am still new into game, still learning. This build looks pretty funny and strong so I am tryig it.

Could someone kindly please check my profile and advise what focus on next? I feel like rare cluster version does not work that well and get stuck with damage against single target.

Also I am not sure what's main different between trees for DI and crit arc..

Thank You Exiles

There is no difference in the actual tree, that is pretty firm. The only changes would be your support gems/flasks/ and potentially some jewels.

You don't have much damage because you're missing either all of the uniques people use (brotherhood for conversion, maligaro for crit multi) or you're missing crafted rares that have their own advantages over the uniques. (Namely unset rings that allocate heralds and have es on them, or an amulet that gives you reduced Mana reserved/vitality/es)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย neoseagull#7692 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2020 12:36:04
Hye guys, great build and after having transition from ED Conttaigon to Cyclone to Sorm Brand Hieropath now looking to possibly build as final build this Herald Stacking guardian.

Question: I've got like 50ex in currency, is that enough to put together a good working build with voices+heralds to run all content smoothly? Should I need more?

Thanks for the tips and also I'd appreciate if you could explain where to start doing the heavy investment 1st to start then farming some more curency.

Hey, why do you have a conversion from phys to cold and phys to light? Does it mean that I get full phys dmg + cold + light dmg? So dmg*3?

Always thought it's just conversed so instead of phys you get only cold or light??
RaislanderUK เขียน:
Hye guys, great build and after having transition from ED Conttaigon to Cyclone to Sorm Brand Hieropath now looking to possibly build as final build this Herald Stacking guardian.

Question: I've got like 50ex in currency, is that enough to put together a good working build with voices+heralds to run all content smoothly? Should I need more?

Thanks for the tips and also I'd appreciate if you could explain where to start doing the heavy investment 1st to start then farming some more curency.

Read a few of the previous pages, myself and others have answered that question with some amount of detail.

Jack_Man เขียน:
Hey, why do you have a conversion from phys to cold and phys to light? Does it mean that I get full phys dmg + cold + light dmg? So dmg*3?

Always thought it's just conversed so instead of phys you get only cold or light??

Depends on what skill you're using, if you are going with ek then you can go phys to light from watcher or in your 6L and then brotherhood does it's thing. That's partly why the damage gets so high, because you're double dipping or more, lot of synergy going on.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย neoseagull#7692 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2020 13:23:07

FugaDeLaFixa เขียน:
Hello Exiles.

I am still new into game, still learning. This build looks pretty funny and strong so I am tryig it.

Could someone kindly please check my profile and advise what focus on next? I feel like rare cluster version does not work that well and get stuck with damage against single target.

Also I am not sure what's

There is no difference in the actual tree, that is pretty firm. The only changes would be your support gems/flasks/ and potentially some jewels.

You don't have much damage because you're missing either all of the uniques people use (brotherhood for conversion, maligaro for crit multi) or you're missing crafted rares that have their own advantages over the uniques. (Namely unset rings that allocate heralds and have es on them, or an amulet that gives you reduced Mana reserved/vitality/es)

Thank You for quick answer. Working on it :)
Hi guys,
I just reached maps with my guardian(levelled as hollow palm) was wondering when should i switch to herald..and how to switch..
I'm aiming for budget build havin only 90ex, at which level should i switch? And most importantly, should i go with the first or second version? Divine Ire or Crit arc with my budget??




