[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

so arc crit vs ek? what feels better in content as a whole? running early versions of arc crit but wondering if i should go ek instead.
Jumping over from Arc to EK, curious about support gems.
Is it worth using awakened chain/fork or just getting the pierce boots?

Elusive boots + fork or pierce boots + higher dps support gem.

Currently using - spell echo, arcane, awakened controlled destruction, phys to lightning and added lightning.

I dont run doryani boots or vitality.


What are some good weapon stats?
Guys please advise me what's best support gems for arc? I am still new and pretty lost there if everyone using something different :p
EK VS ARC? Pros and Cons?
how do we get 90% physical damage reduction i am at 80 % atm ??
I love this build :D

Does any1 here know what the best dmg stats on rare jewels are for EK?

Proj DMG?
and any others?

Thanks a lot
A quick ? while checking the pastebin of DI. Instead of using 2 voices and 1 large cluster with vengeful, it shows that you're using 3 voices, is that a mistake?
On the other hand, If I start this DI build with my current character with lv 90 using voices 7 (well, for economically purpose), I'm 8 points behind, what should I leave for now?
Berith312 เขียน:
A quick ? while checking the pastebin of DI. Instead of using 2 voices and 1 large cluster with vengeful, it shows that you're using 3 voices, is that a mistake?
On the other hand, If I start this DI build with my current character with lv 90 using voices 7 (well, for economically purpose), I'm 8 points behind, what should I leave for now?

I started with 7 voices as well, for me getting everything mana-reduction-related and skipping ES and non-cluster jewel sockets went very well.
Would you guys say switching out added lightning for shield leech is worth it? I should probably switch in Bottled Faith for Cinderswallow Urn then, correct?



