[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps
why do some people run smite? instead of vitality? any ideas? does it add more damage?
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Does tailwind also get buffed from the gems or it a mere 10% increase in movement speed when mapping?
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I need some help regarding Sirius fights. At level 95 now and the content so far is no problem, including 20/20 simulacrum while beeing stationary.
But Sirius just destroys me. Ashamed to confirm, but he killed me 6 times at awakener level 5, so i cant really progress. 5 times killed by the meteor, i cant seem to escape the barriers, but also the ground depletes ES quickly. I am at 1.7k ES regen with 7.4k ES. I cant really swap out any of the Heraldy notes for more ES regen as this prevents me from using all of my auras. Tooltip DPS is at 3.5m with EK. Any advice on how to own Sirius? (except for watching videos and trying the fight 50 times). Thanks a lot, great build apart from that :) |
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Could some experienced guardian look at my PoB and tell me what do I focus on to improve my single target and survivability? It sometimes jumps to 5-15% ES.
My budget is 55ex currently, pob: https://pastebin.com/URRapgGL |
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" You can't facetank the meteor, you will have to learn how to navigate the maze. You can maybe, *maybe* facetank the meteor, if you cap your chaos resistance. |
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I see everbody wearing Maligaro gloves:
I've got Shaper's Touch with Ele Weak corruption,am I doing it wrong? |
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" It boosts my arc tooltip dmg by 80%. |
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" People use maligaros for the fixed crit. You're better off using any number of other gloves, these are just a bandaid until you get better jewels with crit chance/multi/es and reservation corruption. However those are either very expensive or very time consuming to craft Also you probably shouldn't be wearing victarios flight. Wear sin trek if you want a cheap unique แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย neoseagull#7692 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2020 06:42:54
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Crafting instruction/comparison for PH/Heraldry Jewels:
This calculation is only intended for crafting the Heraldry / Purposeful Harbinger / Jewel socket combo! Fossils: https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=148&m=fossil&f=|3|&lv=83&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&req={%22360%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:1},%22426%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:2},%221751%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:2}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={} Average tries: 8 Cost per try: (2020/4/24, Stock >10) Bound Fossil: 12c Primitive Chaotic Resonator: 2.5 c Sum: 116c Standard Deviation after running fixed simulation 100.000 times: 13 So the crafting process will probably cost somewhere between 14.5c and 304.5c. P.S.: -If using bound fossils don't use the Minion herald base, it has more aura mods. -Use ilvl <83 for better results or if you aren't aiming for extra stats that have to be t1. Alt/Aug/regal method: https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=148&m=alteration&am=aar&lv=83&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&req={%22360%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:1},%22426%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:1},%221751%22:{%22l%22:1,%22g%22:1}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={%22f3%22:13,%22r1%22:2.5,%22m_alteration%22:0.21,%22m_augmentation%22:0.2,%22m_regal%22:0.25,%22m_scouring%22:0.42,%22m_transmute%22:0.15} Average tries: 879 Cost per try: (2020/4/24, Stock > x depending of Orb) Alteration orb: 0.21 c Orb of Augmentation: 0.2 c Regal Orb: 0.25 c Orb of Scouring: 0.42 c Orb of Transmutation: 0.15 c Sum: 242c Standard Deviation after running fixed simulation 100.000 times: 1026 So the crafting process will probably cost you somewhere between 1c and 524c. Conclusion: Fost best results use: 1. Jewel with "Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Damage while affected by a Herald" if you want to craft the jewel yourself. Don't use the minion variant for crafting with fossils. 2. Crafting with bound fossils is better IMHO, because it's much faster and probably cheaper. 3. Use ilvl <83 jewels for best chances. Kind regards Edit: If you find those jewels for sale it's probably cheaper to just buy them for around 300c-350c because the crafting bases only are sold atm for around 1 exa. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Marcks#5424 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2020 08:47:51
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" You don't take the Purity-Auras only for capped resistances, but also for the +4 (+increased effect) to maximum resistance, so you get to 90% max resistances. |
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