[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

RRoyalMarine เขียน:
dragnmith1 เขียน:
mhoidok เขียน:
How much ES is required to do 20/20 simulacrum deathless? My ES is 7k and 90%phys reduction.

Clear speed and boss damage is so good but survivability is the problem for me. Getting one shotted at 20th wave with deadly mods and i have to switch to another character to clear :(

6.6k es 90%phys spin to win in place all content melt's :-) using the cyclone coc ball lighting arc mix...

you got a POB for your cyclone conversion?

chars open pastebin is acting up for some reason can"t get pastebin to shrink my code dam thing
Hey ,
First of all thank you for this amazing guide! I've been following it for a couple of days now. I'm currently at level 92 rocking it with 3 voices (2x7 and 1 x5 ), I started out with EK and it was amazing, had good dps and all but the problem was mana reservation. My EK uses over 60 mana, but if I put all my aura's on it only leaves me at 34 mana. I have to disable Haste to be able to use EK, but that almost halves my DPS. I switched to DI which only uses 14 mana in total , but I feel like it feels off, less DPS and slower to clear maps.

Any help please here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/HNKj1h1m
dragnmith1 เขียน:
mhoidok เขียน:
How much ES is required to do 20/20 simulacrum deathless? My ES is 7k and 90%phys reduction.

Clear speed and boss damage is so good but survivability is the problem for me. Getting one shotted at 20th wave with deadly mods and i have to switch to another character to clear :(

6.6k es 90%phys spin to win in place all content melt's :-) using the cyclone coc ball lighting arc mix...

without awakened gems still good?
Hey everyone,

I just switched from Arc to EK. The boss damage feels fine but general clear feels lackluster What are you guys linking with EK?

I currently have EK > Inspiration > Spell Echo > Energy Leech > Awakened Controlled Destruction > Physical to Lightning

Thinking of replacing either Inspiration or Energy Leech for Chain or Pierce for general mapping.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย JayChow#7831 เมื่อ 28 เม.ย. 2020 15:05:44
drumcorp1986 เขียน:
Thank you very much for answer! And one more question, when do you think it's good time to transit from "leveling mode" to "end game" mode? Around what level?
And yes, I do have all the gear, gems and jewels ready... level 72 atm.

The longer you can delay, the smoother of a transition it will be. If you're leveling quite well with your leveling setup, I'd say try to wait until 80ish. Once you have all the Mana Reservation nodes and can fill at least 2 Voices with your PH/EB/Heraldry Clusters, then transition. Transitioning too early and not feeling quite right will delay you immensely when you try to keep tweaking it to feel better.
without awakened gems still good?

little video for ya's yea still good no awakened gems :-) p.s by the way spent an ex just to show ya had to buy a 21/23 coc gem...funny thing is a ex dropped going thru this map go figure..karma i guess

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย dragnmith1#2944 เมื่อ 28 เม.ย. 2020 18:05:29
dragnmith1 เขียน:
without awakened gems still good?

little video for ya's yea still good no awakened gems :-) p.s by the way spent an ex just to show ya had to buy a 21/23 coc gem...funny thing is a ex dropped going thru this map go figure..karma i guess


can we get a full map :D?
Anus_Smasher เขียน:
dragnmith1 เขียน:
without awakened gems still good?

little video for ya's yea still good no awakened gems :-) p.s by the way spent an ex just to show ya had to buy a 21/23 coc gem...funny thing is a ex dropped going thru this map go figure..karma i guess


can we get a full map :D?

in process upload take's forever :-(
Can anyone explain how to craft the reduce mana reservation on amulet?

I jsut hit zealotery on the cotb and want to have more of mana reservation.

Thank you.
dragnmith1 เขียน:
without awakened gems still good?

little video for ya's yea still good no awakened gems :-) p.s by the way spent an ex just to show ya had to buy a 21/23 coc gem...funny thing is a ex dropped going thru this map go figure..karma i guess


Hi all, I have followed this guide quite closely and went for crit arc build. However I don't exactly love self casting arc and so I saw some of you guys went for cyclone arc. I tried it out and the gameplay was smoother for me. Cleared all content without deaths except for wave 20 boss. Being frozen is the main reason why i keep dying. Am looking to either change my flask or get a watcher's eye for it. Thanks @dragnmith1 for the idea of cyclone arc =) i really like diving into a group of mobs haha. I am curious why you would add ball lightning into it though?

I have attached my PoB for suggestions and comments.


However my build is not at the max potential yet because I am lacking a couple of skill points as I am currently at lvl 94. Was not able to allocate one of the endbringer note in one of my cluster jewel and also not able to allocate Naught as well. I would like to seek the pros advise to see what else I can change in my skill tree efficiently as well as upgrading my gears.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BonJovii#5149 เมื่อ 29 เม.ย. 2020 00:03:41



