[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps
dor961 เขียน:
Guys I could really use some help bringing my EK guy to function correctly.
Im currently having to use an enduring flask and stuff don't feel right.
I followed the EK guide and PoB, can anyone help me with what to do in order to not need my enduring flask and see if i made any mistakes building my char?
my clarity can't go beyond level 2 because i have 10 life left.
Pretty simple, actually. Mana reservation is key here, it's more important than nearly everything else. So... drop Faith and Steel from the far left of the tree, and the Armour / ES and Int nodes leading to it. Replace that with Influence next to your middle large cluster jewel.
According to PoB, that should give you 131 unreserved life and 134 unreserved mana.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
thanks for ur reply. i have body armor corrupted so i dont think the qual can be increased anymore. will try to increase flask qual.
yes will try to get better nebulis, what are the other recommended affixes on nebulis I should look for?
yeah I have 24 ex i plan on getting atleast 1 voices 5 so i can move one point closer towards Insightfulness and then maybe another 50ex if i can farm or get some lucky drops lol.
the Amulet you linked, how much will it cost? also, wouldnt my chaos resist be -60 then? how would i mitigate that damage?
I will run a wise oak for simalcrum to see if i can do better cuz i realized i dont move around a lot could be one of the reasons i Die in sim 20 wave because i try to hard to get 6th bar lol
If your chest is corrupt, can you still quality 28 your helm, gloves, boots, shield?
Affixes on your Nebulis don't matter as much. Grab anything that's useful. Decent affixes are pretty expensive there, so that's for later when you have lots of currency to spare.
I picked up that amulet for 12ex. I wasn't bargain hunting at the time, you can probably get one cheaper.
Your chaos resist won't be -60, you still have your Atziri flask. I also run Shakiri from the pantheon to help with poisons. Seems to work for me.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
As for not having the mana, by taking the right side of the tree instead of going by the scion path, you're missing out on 12% mana reduction using intuitive leap. That would be worth more than ring of blades at this point. You can always get ring of blades down by the scion section, where Harrier is located.
Instead, you anointed Charisma, which is off that intuitive leap path.
If you took the path through the middle, down through harrier, you can anoint Champion of the cause (4% reduction), plus with intuitive leap you get the Charisma node, plus one node right next to it, for a total of 16% reduction (compared to your current 8%).
You can use a STR/INT Split Personality, and that will help you with some energy shield.
You are lower level, so you won't have all the nodes available for you now, but cleaning up your tree just a bit, and you can get some nodes.
I don't use Vaal RF or a golem. Everything I have is an aura/herald/etc except for flame dash and an empower.
You can always respec later to the outside side of the tree once you've leveled some more.
Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate that (although I didn't quite understand the pathing you talked about)
A few questions -
1. Currently my main issue is the mana. Clarity can't go above lvl 2 at the moment as I have 10 life left. Can't seem to get it at higher lvl.
2. How do you guys handle chaos damage? chaos resist is -60% at the moment and i feel like its the only thing that kills me.
3. I am following the guide here, with the PoB, do you think I should chose different pathing right now at 92? I didn't quite understand what should I do from your explanation. Anoint champion of the cause?
4. I have close to a mirror in currency, what should be my next steps here that will get me a big boost? awakened spell echo? are my gems ok?
Really really appreciate the help! thanks a lot.
You could really do a lot with a 300 ex.
As for the chaos res, Presence of Chayula is a good start to the chaos res, and will give you some energy shield.
That's my current tree. I'm only lvl 95, so I only have 3 more passives than you do. So, you can still make it work.
This is the pathing I was talking about. https://imgur.com/a/3SHapZ4
It will get you some of the mana reservation you need.
You should also get the Conqueror's Efficiency jewel somewhere. that's an extra 2%
Pure Might. Pure Guile. Pure Aptitude small cluster jewels will help reduce your mana.
As for your life, I don't know why it's so low. You are missing out on 12 mana reduction from your tree. One, following the pathing I showed (for now) to get the extra 4% next to charisma. Anoint your amulet with Champion for the Cause.
Also, there's a small 4% node off the pathing across from Chaos Inoculation that you're missing.
In the image I sent you, At the start of the yellow line, You have Leadership selected (larger passive off of mana reservation) that you can take off to get a free point for mana reservation.
Small things here and there can make a world of difference.
Brine King > Araakali in pantheon? I've seen a lot of people using Brine.
Depends. If you are using then you have stun immunity, so you should use Arakaali for the DOT / chaos resist. If you are using a rare amulet for the extra mana reduction / free aura, you probably should stick with the Brine King.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
If i have to choose between vitality or aspect of the avian... Which to choose?
You can take both afterwards. But in the beginning, I suggest to take the vitality, it boosts your ES regen a lot. OP guide is a bit outdated. My suggestion for the future build is:
- Standard build is that you gonna have 9 medium jews. All of them have purposeful.
- For the other skill, you have 3 options:
*** Heraldry.
*** Engbringer.
*** Replenishing Presence.
At first, you can follow the guide with 6 heraldry and 3 endbringer. When you can manage your setup effectively, slowly change heraldry to endbringer as it will boost your damage. You can consider add 1 Replenishing as it will boost your ES regen. With Vitality and 1 Replenishing, you ES regen will be around 2k. My current setup is 3-5-1 (following the order of listed skill above)
P/s: (Personal thinking) - I think aspect of the cat is better than the avian, but they are not quite necessary, Vitality is a must.
Yeah I think cat is a lot better than avian too. Crit chance, 15% dodge (especially layered on top of the elusive buff), and cast speed are all super good for us. Anyone can explain why so many people use avian instead? is it just because of the chance to deal double damage?
I'm using a cyclone coc variation, movement speed and double damage is too good to pass up.
I'm using a cyclone coc variation, movement speed and double damage is too good to pass up.
i am also but ran your char thru pob and it seems you would crit more with 115% crit vs your 54% using inspiration which would have you proc even more for more damage even tho we dont need extra damage ;-)
I'm using a cyclone coc variation, movement speed and double damage is too good to pass up.
i am also but ran your char thru pob and it seems you would crit more with 115% crit vs your 54% using inspiration which would have you proc even more for more damage even tho we dont need extra damage ;-)
If your suggesting replacing inspiration with crit chance then yeah I did consider it, but like you said everything the game has too offer melts or gets insta phased so I suppose its not a huge deal.
I should have a proper look at pob and try and min max abit.
Edit: i swapped inspiration with increased crit gem, it does seem smoother tbh with higher damage.
this is the craziest and most expensive build i have ever played since the start of POE.
I am currently running t16 80% delirious without a problem and downed Sirius 8 my first try with it, even though not deathless.
However, my tooltip is quite low in comparison with others here on forum. Everything popped (Flasks and RF with inspiration up) only about 3.5-4 m tooltip damage.
Could someone do me the honor and check my char what i could do? I know my gems arent all 20 yet, I'm working on it ^^
Thx alot in advance
I don't know if someone replied to you already, but I'll give it a try ^^
Yes, level on gems are quite important, specially for the auras on your shield. You can delve or run Breaches for quick XP.
I would recommend to drop the taste of hate. It's good with BV or EK but for pure Lightning builds I would recommend you a Diamond or a Onslaught Flask. If you have the budget... the corresponding BiS would be Bottled Faith or Cinderswallow.
Finally you should try to get a second Call of the Brotherhood with 48% conversion. This is quite significant for the damage. Also if you could get Vaal Arc lvl21 it would increase your Burst damage for Bosses.