[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

thegreatestviz เขียน:

I was thinking of adding awakened added lightning damage to my setup, anything in my gem links worth replacing or everything I have is better than awak added lightning ?

i don't think I have any other source of ES leech

ES leech isn't the best support for this build, because we don't have overleech and therefore can never be leeching ES and at max ES at the same time. You've got 3 options if you want to ditch it in favor of something that gives you more DPS:

1. Get ES leech on your Watcher's Eye, either from Vitality or Wrath. Vitality may be preferable because it applies life leech from all damage types and Wrath is lightning only, but you probably do so much damage that even the small fraction that's lightning will be more than enough to hit your leech rate cap.

2. Get to your cluster jewel socket between Shadow and Ranger start by pathing south from Ghost Reaver, as in this skill tree:


This actually doesn't take any more points than coming east from near the Scion start, and lets you pick up Soul Thief for 2 points, which will also give you 17% increased ES (which isn't too much worse than what you'd get by spending those 2 points on jewel sockets, unless you're absolutely filthy rich). You do lose Harrier and 20 points of dex, however.

3. This is the one I do. Ditch one of your Voices for an 8-passive rare large cluster with 2 jewel sockets and Thaumophage. The extra DPS from awakened added lightning damage will more than make up from what you lose by giving up your 9th PH jewel, and the extra passives you free up will buy you a few extra jewel sockets or ES nodes that will probably leave you tankier, as well.

Build is coming along nice. Next step is to get awakened gems and see how much more damage I can get. It's be a fun build, and although it took quite an investment in order to pass my HoP Guardian in terms of survivatility / dps, after the 3rd voices upgrade the build really took off.

Next stop lvl 100 / 40 challenges.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DeathPunch79#7219 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2020 12:11:26
Hi all,

do you think malevolence is effective for this build?

I've succeeded to get it fit in the build and wondering if with a Headhunter is it worth to keep this aura in, in place of Vaal Righteous Fire.
_Sn4k3_ เขียน:
Hi all,

do you think malevolence is effective for this build?

I've succeeded to get it fit in the build and wondering if with a Headhunter is it worth to keep this aura in, in place of Vaal Righteous Fire.

What damage over time do we even do? And even if we did, you wouldn't be replacing righteous fire, a level 21 VRF is like an 80% more boost.

Edit: If you've managed to fit malevolence in you probably missed a much better aura or you have several mirrors of -reserved gear.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Budewnpa#2108 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2020 14:45:29
Budewnpa เขียน:
_Sn4k3_ เขียน:
Hi all,

do you think malevolence is effective for this build?

I've succeeded to get it fit in the build and wondering if with a Headhunter is it worth to keep this aura in, in place of Vaal Righteous Fire.

What damage over time do we even do? And even if we did, you wouldn't be replacing righteous fire, a level 21 VRF is like an 80% more boost.

Edit: If you've managed to fit malevolence in you probably missed a much better aura or you have several mirrors of -reserved gear.

He wants it for the skill effect duration on headhunter buffs. Like said,if you fitted every dps aura and still have mana left somehow,why not? I wouldn't sacrifice any tooltip dps though.
How do those non Chalupa builds deal with chaos damage?

Before I sorted out my str requirements, I basically had no chaos res and was essentially one shot by mobs in the azoatl temple.
Heard this question a fair bit but can't say I experienced it, atziri flask, pantheon and my cannot be poisoned corruption on cotb seems solve it 99.99% of the time.

Its not an issue for me although maybe getting some chaos res on jewels is worthwhile but sometime expensive.

Edit: that being said that corruption is definitely not bis and if I hit a decent corruption will definitely get swapped out.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย facelessman122#1602 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2020 15:23:29
things die to quickly to even worry bout chaos damage... kill or be killed bout sums it up
facelessman122 เขียน:
Heard this question a fair bit but can't say I experienced it, atziri flask, pantheon and my cannot be poisoned corruption on cotb seems solve it 99.99% of the time.

Its not an issue for me although maybe getting some chaos res on jewels is worthwhile but sometime expensive.

Edit: that being said that corruption is definitely not bis and if I hit a decent corruption will definitely get swapped out.

pretty much roll the same build ;-)
dragnmith1 เขียน:
facelessman122 เขียน:
Heard this question a fair bit but can't say I experienced it, atziri flask, pantheon and my cannot be poisoned corruption on cotb seems solve it 99.99% of the time.

Its not an issue for me although maybe getting some chaos res on jewels is worthwhile but sometime expensive.

Edit: that being said that corruption is definitely not bis and if I hit a decent corruption will definitely get swapped out.

pretty much roll the same build ;-)

Haha yes we did, although I could do with stacking abit more ias, getting to the next cooldown breakpoint is very very difficult and possible not efficient unless you dual wield cospris or something similar.

The cyclone coc version of this build is an absolute beast



