[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

CE2JRH เขียน:
I'm playing this build; going blade vortex. I've got ~1 ex in miscallaneous currency left, having a lot of trouble with T15-T16 Constrictor in particular - I get some sort of poison dot I can't cure and can't remove.

Tier 15-16 maps feel okay. Bit low on the DPS; need to 20/20 all my gems first. Also, Path of Building told me to go awakened added chaos for my blade vortex, but it's not clear to me that that was not a mistake.

Here's my gear. For skill tree; my char name is AuraStackingPostNerf

I've got 3* Large Jewels with 2 sockets; I've got 6 heraldry/6 purposeful harbginers.

Any suggestions for increasing DPS or Defense (especially versus whatever constrictor is doing)? Any mistakes I've made with my build? I've got 5 heralds, zealotry-wrath-hatred-haste-discipline, and the 3 purities, plus level 2 clarity for mana. I have 5 life left and 135 mana left when I'm unreserved.

I bounce from Arc to Divine Ire but neither compare to BV which has both clear speed and single target. You can see my character in profile, I try to use POB but it never inputs my items/skill gems correctly/uses old gems that are sitting in stash and the entire dps is all messed up. Clear speed is amazing, extremely tanky, 1-2 casts of BV 1 shots everything including rares. Bottled faith isn't really needed, going to sell and replace soon. Popping flasks and Vaal RF/blade vortex on bosses will melt them instantly, conquerors go down in 3-5 seconds. This is my first character I think I will take to 100 since the only thing that can kill him atm might be Sirius 8.
Thank you for the guide! Don't know if I could ask here. Didn't want to make my own thread but would purposeful harbinger work on Death aura and Envy? Thinking of role playing as Death Guardian. :))
martbd เขียน:
Thank you for the guide! Don't know if I could ask here. Didn't want to make my own thread but would purposeful harbinger work on Death aura and Envy? Thinking of role playing as Death Guardian. :))

death aura is not really aura :(
i would call it offensive aura
and it is cast not from you but from item so

no it wont work
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zebedin#5037 เมื่อ 6 เม.ย. 2020 23:18:19
Thank you for the suggestions. Does Maligaro's Virtuosity over-write elemental overload? Or do I need to drop elemental overload?
Sad :'(

Thanks for the reply!
CE2JRH เขียน:
Thank you for the suggestions. Does Maligaro's Virtuosity over-write elemental overload? Or do I need to drop elemental overload?

your gloves say your crit multi is 300
EO says No crit Multi :D

you need to drop EO for them to function
If we drop shaper's touch for maligaro's does strength stacking from the split personality even help us anymore?
heyjay เขียน:
falagar112 เขียน:
I made my profile public and people can use it to see how to fit auras without running alphas.

The corruption I have on my current headpiece is very affordable - you can probably do the same with an enchant considering i have 140 mana unreserved.

I have 0 1% mana reservation jewels, so nothing to fancy.

I fit all auras in guide *and* vitality.

If you can't get corrupted shield like mine - you might need to drop dash to fit everything in.

I have 2x 7 passive voice and 1x large cluster.
I have 1 small cluster with purity of fire 30% less reservation.
Game on farm, facetank everything.



you can craft jewels with fossils too: corroded+lucent+bound

This is what I kind of want to get to do. I have all Auras on the Guide on but want to get another though instead of Vitality like yours I'd put Anger.

I have 1333/1342 Life Reserved and 1114/1248 Mana w/ Lvl 6(8) Clarity. Would you say that I still have room to maybe get Clarity to Lvl 7(9)?

Sure, I mean, you can go back to alphas and/or run a 6% reduced mana reserved amulet as well.

I'm also trying to squeeze in grace on top - because it gives like 20k evasion - so I crafted
- and will see if I can make it work.

Just running out of sockets and corrupted call of the brotherhood with auras are 50ex :/
neoseagull เขียน:
falagar112 เขียน:
I made my profile public and people can use it to see how to fit auras without running alphas.

The corruption I have on my current headpiece is very affordable - you can probably do the same with an enchant considering i have 140 mana unreserved.

I have 0 1% mana reservation jewels, so nothing to fancy.

I fit all auras in guide *and* vitality.

If you can't get corrupted shield like mine - you might need to drop dash to fit everything in.

I have 2x 7 passive voice and 1x large cluster.
I have 1 small cluster with purity of fire 30% less reservation.
Game on farm, facetank everything.



you can craft jewels with fossils too: corroded+lucent+bound

Curious. Why that helmet over alphas howl?

It gives 130 flat ES + 20% global ES, and 30% of es as dmg.
Is it still possible to start this char without the voices? and just using the large cluster jewels?
I have about 14ex to invest, but I need to buy also the rest of the gear including 6L Shavs etc.



