[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

Frey64 เขียน:


21 Million Shaper DPS when I activate vaal haste using Arc (5M tooltip on game)
PoB: https://pastebin.com/rmYhu24S {10% more damage on 1 Voices to simulate Radiant Crusade post-nerf, also ES is like 500 less cuz nerfs}

Overall this build is Incredibly solid, thanks for the guide really worth the investment.

Pushing this to be my first lvl 100 c:

Could you pls explain why you are choosing the path directly right in your tree and take charisma and annoint the other mana reduction thing?
Because in terms of skillpoints, the tree in the right upper corner, bottom down would be better. Also you can take ghost reaver for leech.

Kshatry เขียน:
Thanks for answering, although im still not convinced why do we use brittle if we lose our ability to 100% shock our frozen enemies. is it for bossing?

quality CotBs i understand but what do we aim for, buy 40% rings and qual to 48 or buy 45 and qual to 50? do we need lightning damage or convert ALL of it to cold?

also % chance on hit means 10% on endurance 10% on frenzy 10% on power OR 10% on any one of those?

Because of crit. You simply have no sources of crit, outside of precision. I also wouldnt count on shocking/freezing any bosses at all.
CotB rolls only 40%, which imrpoves to 48%. What "45%" are you talking about?
Judging by wording, its 10% to gain one of charges.

Thank you so much sir for the response. Ill get one mysself for the base crit.

Understand rings are for conversion purely.

got confused thought 40%-50% was variable part its jsut a ele qual part.
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Paxx0214 เขียน:
Hi guys. I currently have 50ex saved up from playing toxic rain. Will 50ex be enough for building this build? ( Going with arc build ). Thanks in advance!

50ex should get you pretty far into it if you craft your own jewels. I’m on Xbox and the budget build cost me about 25-30ex to get the build going with 300% aura. I’m about 50ex in now and still need Dory’s, better 21/20+ gems, watchers eye etc. I imagine 100+ ex before I’m satisfied.
how do i get the es regen? somehow i can't sustain my rf
Hello guys can anyone help me with my ES problems?
My ingame value for my ES and my POB is different by 700
If you have time, please come and take a look :D
POB : https://pastebin.com/GHJaznu1
My ingame ES
Thank you so much for your time :D

If you got any tips on how to further increase my ES please let me know.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chilzita1#7142 เมื่อ 14 เม.ย. 2020 04:02:30
Why do people use controlled destruction in the arc 6-link for the crit arc version? It seems like the build is about boosting your crit chance with the maligoro gloves, but controlled destruction says it makes it so the supported skill won't crit? Sorry if this has already been answered before.
I have about 100 ex and probably won't be able to afford three voices with five dead passives and the rest of the gear. Might go for two five-voices and one seven-voices. We'll see how much the rest of the gear costs.
What skills besides DI, EK and Arc are good to use? What do I look for when selecting one?
If possible, I'd like to go for a fun-to-play, underused one :)

Edit: Another thing, would it be viable to go CI and use Saqawal's?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย n4zroth#0122 เมื่อ 14 เม.ย. 2020 06:03:00
TeddyBoozevelt เขียน:
Why do people use controlled destruction in the arc 6-link for the crit arc version? It seems like the build is about boosting your crit chance with the maligoro gloves, but controlled destruction says it makes it so the supported skill won't crit? Sorry if this has already been answered before.

'increased critical strike chance' increases your base crit chance, which is 5% for spells (excluding any ascendancy or skill specific stuff) and for weapons it's based on what the weapon says in the tooltip. If that 'increased critical strike chance' is a total of 250% on your character, your spells will have a crit chance of 12.5%. Controlled destruction removes 100% from that so puts it at 150%.
heishe เขียน:
TeddyBoozevelt เขียน:
Why do people use controlled destruction in the arc 6-link for the crit arc version? It seems like the build is about boosting your crit chance with the maligoro gloves, but controlled destruction says it makes it so the supported skill won't crit? Sorry if this has already been answered before.

'increased critical strike chance' increases your base crit chance, which is 5% for spells (excluding any ascendancy or skill specific stuff) and for weapons it's based on what the weapon says in the tooltip. If that 'increased critical strike chance' is a total of 250% on your character, your spells will have a crit chance of 12.5%. Controlled destruction removes 100% from that so puts it at 150%.

Ahh got it. Thank you for the explanation.
Yo guys is there a bug in POB regarding purposeful harbringer and radiant faith? It seems like it keeps on giving wrong ES values whenever a herald skill is activated.



