3.10 Toxic Rain with Cluster Jewels! Max Evade/Dodge (16k ehp) and 10-11mil shaper dps
Hello guys,
Welcome to my 2nd Toxic Rain guide. This build is made for fast and safe mapping and boss killing. How does Toxic Rain work? Toxic Rain fires 5 projectiles and each projectile will spawn an Spore Pod. These Pods will explode (counts as extra hit) after 1 second. In this period the Pod will deal Chaos Damage per second to enemies in range. The pods can overlap with each other. Increasing area of effect does not affect the spore to spore distance and overlap, but it will increase the area the Spore Pod is dealing damage. So what does this mean for us? We could work around the fact that each projectile and each explosion counts as "Hit" so we could consider poison build since we also scale chaos damage, however this is not what this build will work around! I choose the variant to only scale the Pod damage and focus on that. This means we are looking for this stats on our gear and or skilltree. - Attack Speed - Skill effect duration - Chaos damage - Damage over time - Projectile damage - Additional projectiles/arrows *and* increased area of effect - the overlap for additional projectiles can only be achieved by more area of effect Pros and Cons + Solid damage (Full Buffed ~10mil shaper dps) + Clear speed + Nearly unkillable due to high evade and dodge chances - 92% evade chance, 75% attack dodge/71% spell dodge chance (capping 75/75 with Vaal Grace) + Can be played as starter with bugdet gear + 16k ehp - Sometimes backtracking because we kill with damage over time - Clunky damage calculation - when you get hit... it will hurt Damage Calculator
Check this reddit post out! https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/9ik19a/toxic_rain_calculator_spreadsheet_and_guide/
Effective Life (ehp)
You may ask yourself "What is effective life? And why do i need to know this?"
Well my friend. Knowing the effective life (ehp) is a way to compare the defenses of multiple builds - like dps for damage. Effective Life Calculator https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/b0brdg/effective_life_calculator/ The problem i found with this calculator. I didnt saw the option to add our extra evade chances from tree and items. But luckily you can see the evade chance in the "calculator" tab. Now i just needed to add extra evasion in the "Data" tab until i reached 92% evade chance. 2nd problem: no option to add shield from stellskin. So i had to add the amount of shield from steelskin to my hp pool. The rest was pretty easy since its explaining itself. Result of the build --> 16500ehp against physical dmg. Skilltree
Path of Building https://pastebin.com/ZXmjqGS1
Bandits Kill all - We need alot of points. Just kill them all Ascendancy ![]() Pantheon Major God - Soul of Lunaris (Capture all the options) Movement speed and huge defense Minor God - Soul of Garukhan (Capture Stalker of the endless dunes) Movement speed and evade chance. I recommend these for fast movement and to synergize defensively with our evade gear. Gear
Bow Crafting
You can get an cheap bow by using the porcupine card, then essence craft with Shrieking Essence of Dread. Hope for 1 open prefix (2 would be better) and 1 open suffix (having attack speed as suffix would be great). Meta craft "cannot roll attack mods" and then slam an exalt on it for +1 to socketed gems (this only counts for not influenced bases and atleast ilvl 50, also if you have more then 1 open suffix the exalt slam could hit an suffix this is not bad but you would need to slam another time). After that you can remove "cannot role attack mods" and craft "+# to chaos damage over time multiplier" or "increased attack speed" on it.
Cluster Jewels
Large Cluster Jewels
![]() ![]() Medium Cluster Jewels
![]() ![]() Small Cluster Jewels
![]() ![]() +3 Bow with attack speed and chaos damage over time multiplier. This is how your porcupine bow should look like. Not needed as 6link! Im using carcass jack because it has nice resistances, life and more importantly increased area of affect. Used for frenzy setup. Getting frenzy charges and wither on enemy. This helmet gives huge amount of utility. - Feast of flesh recovering our energy shield and life. - Eldritch Battery guarantees that we never run out of energy shield (see escape artist and ghost dance) - Mana solution - Reduced mana reservation for aura setup allowing us to fit in some more auras Important stats on amulet - strenght/intelligence - +# maximum life - +1 to level of all chaos skill gems Important stats on rings - +# to maximum life - resistances - strenght/intelligence - +#% chance to evade attack hits Important stats on belt - +# tp maximum life - increased maximum life - resistances Atziris steps are best in slot. Boosting dodge chance like no other boots. Try to find some corrupted ones with chance to dodge attack hit. Important stats on gloves - +# to maximum life - resistances - attack speed Jewels For rare jewels look for: - increased maximum life - resistances - strenght/intelligence - attack speed - increased projetile attack damage Watchers eye: - since we dont deal damage when we are dead i recommend to get one with double grace mods like mine. Flask Setup Note for quartz flask - try to get one with anti freeze. I was too lazy to get one so yeah :p Gem Setup
Toxic Rain + Mirage Archer + Swift Affliction + Awakened Void Manipulation + Empower + Awakened Vicious Projectiles Body Armour 3 Link: Blink Arrow + Culling Strike + Faster Attacks 3 Link: Steelskin + Increased Duration + Vaal Blight Helmet Vaal Grace + Skitterbots + Malevolence + Enlighten 4 Quiver Frenzy + Withering Touch + Additional Accuracy Gloves or Boots doesnt matter Wither + Spell Totem + Multiple Totems + Faster Casting Gloves or Boots doesnt matter Flesh and Stone and Desecrate Questions you may have. - Skitterbots --> Applying shock - Flesh and Stone --> Use in Sand Stance / Blinding Enemies - Desecrate --> When no nearby corpses you can cast it for life and es regen - Steelskin --> Cast on Cooldown for extra defense Leveling
Good items for leveling:
- Quill Rain - Wanderlust - 2x Praxis Ring - Tabula Rasa - Karui Ward - Goldrim Toxic Rain can be used with level 12. Use Split Arrow till level 12 and swap to Toxic Rain then. Good early support gems are: Onslaught, Pierce, Mirage Archer and Void Manipulation (all act 1) Videos
Hydra Run with Metamorph
https://youtu.be/1DBtZBwS610 A8 Hunter https://youtu.be/_Xfr5JMNsZk Simulacrum Wave 19/20 #NoSoundinVideo https://youtu.be/_HKpNj-iJmw แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย heitu#2266 เมื่อ 12 เม.ย. 2020 19:19:23 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 3 พ.ค. 2020 12:37:14
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How do you fit Malevolence, Grace, Flesh&Stone and Skitterbots?
I have a slightly different build but also with devouring diadem, malevolence, skitterbots, flesh&stone and aspect and it barely fits (with enlighten 3 I need to pick 1 node from tree, with 4 it would fit), but aspect is half the reservation grace requires. |
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very nice guide. The damage calculation is very interesting. Can you explain the number of attack sources in the damage calculation spread sheet? Why is it set to 4? It is not clear to me what it means. |
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" Hello Viktranka, first of all thanks for your question. Thanks to you i found a little error in my gem setup. I now have grace, malevolence, enlighten 4 and skitterbots socketed in my devouring diadem (reserving 78% mana). Flesh and Stone is socketed in my boots (reserving 22% mana). All together im reserving 100% in total. I hope i could answer your question |
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" Hello Hedrock01, idk why it is set to 4. Maybe the creator was playing a totem build. In our case the number of attack sources would be 1 (us). |
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If this reddit damage calculation is right, our TR damage scales very well with increased area of effect. If i put my TR values in the spread sheet, and increase my area of effect from 70% to 95% I will gain approx. 13% more TR damage. This would be e.g. the cluster jewel notable broadside. |
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Added effective life calculation.
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Ty for the guide i was lookin for TR build for my second character im trying this and feels good and fun :) and pls share more content to us.
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" Hello olorin84, thank you for your kind words :) I am glad you liked the guide! Hope i will find the time to share more content in the future. |
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Will try this build and edit my post in the future.
pd: How much do you spend in your build ? i have 25 ex, i need more? update: skill is a bit meh, like always lmao. Survavility: [o o o x x] maybe like tanky but like squishy budget: [o o o o o] some expesive (10-20ex) power: [o o o o x] not op'est like herald stack but you can do content easiest. clearspeed: [o o o x x ] fast but meh. maybe im gonna change to ed/Contagion but idk แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kross0m#4065 เมื่อ 15 เม.ย. 2020 18:26:23
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