3.10 Toxic Rain with Cluster Jewels! Max Evade/Dodge (16k ehp) and 10-11mil shaper dps
" Hello Kross0m, i spent around 20ex for this build. 10ex for gear and 10ex for gems and jewels. So you should be fine with 25ex. |
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Really impressive guide! Reaching 96-97% avoidance chance without any buffs (no flasks, no vaal grace active, etc.) is really cool. I started with ED and completely converted to TR, and it's insane. I don't think people appreciate how ridiculous the skill effect duration cluster jewels make the build, and your guide is the only one I see taking advantage. I went all out offense personally :)
A few notes I will add from my experience: - If you want to spend more currency and continue to scale the build, you can get a bow with damage over time multiplier as a suffix along with the other traits you suggest. So sweet end-game would be thicket bow with attack speed, dot multi, +1 to socketed gems, then multimod with +2 to support gems and chaos dot multi. - I think using two of the chaos large cluster jewels is better than one of the bow ones. Tempered arrowheads and Broadside are nice, but losing out on a third useful notable while still spending the same number of points feels bad. I went Wicked Pall, Unholy Grace, Touch of Cruelty on one and Wicked Pall, Unwaveringly Evil, and Unspeakable Gifts on the other. The explosions are fun, and my avoidance isn't as high as yours so the stun protection is a nice backup in case I lose ghost shrouds. - For most people, attack speed > chaos dot multi at the endgame. For most TR trickster builds, if you follow any standard tree with suggested gear, you will end up with about 200 chaos dot multi and 100 increased attack speed. Since getting more of either of these traits is additive with what you already have, that makes attack speed twice as good per point. This means jewels with life and 6-8% increased attack speed with bows are much better than ones with life and 3-4% chaos dot multi. Gloves with 13% attack speed are better than gloves with 13% chaos dot multi. You've got attack speed jewels and gloves in your guide, and it's a great tip for people to get more bang for their buck as these options are typically cheaper too. So bravo! |
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"Yeah, there isn't 3rd great notable, but Martial Prowess is the "least bad" because it gives 6% attack speed. |
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How do you craft a bow for this build? I dont see any decent one for sale or at least online right now so ill try to craft.
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" Crafting variants: Low budget/entry tier (under 1 ex) - Spam shrieking essence of dread on a bow with high base attack speed (6-link short bow from porcupine div card is best). Depending on your pickiness, aim to get another useful affix like attack speed, damage over time multiplier suffix, or +1 to level of all socketed gems. Then just craft chaos dot multi prefix and go. 10ish ex version - Get a 1.50 base attack bow i82 and 6 link it (can buy it linked or perfect fossil + quality craft to link). Alt spam for t1 attack speed or t1 dot multi suffix. Regal. Annul until you have the sole suffix you want. Then craft multimod + cannot roll attack mods in order to fully full your suffixes. Ex slam to guarantee "+1 to socketed gems" prefix. Remove crafted mods and recraft multimod, +2 to support gems prefix, and chaos damage over time multiplier prefix. You'll end with a bow that still has an open suffix which you can slam with a conqueror orb. Warlord can give culling strike or additional projectile which would be sick, but is low probability. 6-7 ex version - I know this is out of order, but I already typed the stuff above and don't want to go back. If you're OK with keeping a random suffix instead of guaranteeing the open suffix to conqueror slam above, you can save some money here. After the alt-regal process, you need to get a point where you have 2 suffixes and no prefixes. If you're at 1 prefix and 1 suffix, you can beastcraft to transfer the prefix into a suffix. If you have 1 prefix and 2 suffixes or 2 prefixes and 1 suffix, you just have to hit 1 annul and then maybe beastcraft. Once you've got 2 suffixes and no prefixes, you just craft the "cannot roll attack mods", slam, then multimod with the 2 remaining prefixes. You end up saving on the alt-regal process by being less picky and don't have to multimod twice. Variable cost - Set up a live search for bows with t1 dot multi suffix plus either +2 to bow gems or high tier attack speed suffix. Buy them and try to annul down to the point where you only have a two-affix bow with dot multi plus one of those two. Then follow the rest of the steps above to end up with a final state of chaos dot multi/+1 to socketed gems/+2 to support or bow gems prefixes and dot multi/attack speed/multimod suffixes. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rlauren2#1350 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2020 23:57:56
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jeeeeez what the hell is your duration on your TR?? that must be insane, like 5 seconds? lol
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" Hello rlauren2, it really makes me happy that you liked my guide! Was worried people dislike the guide since there wasnt much replies. And yes a 2nd chaos cluster jewel might be better but i wanted to show that both variants can be picked up and motivate people to experiment for themself. |
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" Hello xMustard, with my current setup TR has a 3.86s duration. |
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3.86 seconds.
so you gotta attack continuously for 3.86 seconds just to get to your max potential damage. and keep attacking in order to maintain it. |
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" Yes, technically that’s correct, but this is a MASSIVE buff. It would be the equivalent of increasing the maximum number of mines that a miner could deploy or increasing the max number of impale stacks you could inflict. Sure, it means it takes longer to reach peak dps, but that’s not a bad thing if the peak dps has just exploded higher. |
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