[3.15]❄️Ice Shot Deadeye | Shatter everything | League Starter | UElder down ❄️

Looks like ice shot is buffed from my testing.

100% crit is easier to achieve.

Blind is really strong now.

Easy access to onslaught with increased effect.

150% movespeed on maps is just good.

Nightmare is easy to clear.

Less wasted skill points and more useful ones are together.

Don't have all mandadory items yet but clearing is just insane already.

Some things i'm yet missing are frenzy charge generation vs bosses then rotgut.
Voidfletcher with any corruption.
Wacther's eye with something for hatred.
Cinderswallow urn.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Living_Fear#6955 เมื่อ 3 พ.ย. 2021 14:16:41
AdonFPS เขียน:

UPDATE 3.15 Updated the POB for 3.15


ZOOMING Through A7 Sirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkbP99rw3Z0
ZOOMING Through Minotaur https://youtu.be/7SWqS3tzCSQ
https://youtu.be/Io5lZ_OB2l0 Phoenix T16
https://youtu.be/0FVK7rhNu3A Minotaur T16
https://youtu.be/kdlPHlqC4BE 3 sec Crusader kill
https://youtu.be/DGM6Y3b9n4k Hunter Guardian A7
https://youtu.be/90suu3-XjhI Shaper absolutely annihilated
https://youtu.be/hwlYPbJXFmI Elder with HH AGAIN
https://youtu.be/yqnYe18spKk Pit of the Chimera T16

These vids are with somewhat budget/old gear keep that in mind, build is much stronger since these vids were uploaded
Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/adonpoe
Added two new vids, t16 phoenix and minotaur. 10/9/2020
Updated Jewels section and POB 10/6/2020

Pros and cons

+ Insane clear
+ Good single target damage with investments
+ Turbo fast movement speed
+ Cheap to start
+ Can do Phys reflect since we are converting 100% with ice shot

± Neutral
-I would avoid "Enemies have 70% to avoid Elemental Ailments, it halves our damage and herald of ice doesnt work.
-Cant use Barrage for single target on PHYS reflect maps.

- Expensive to gear up and min-max
- A bit squishy if not fully geared
- Cannot do elemental reflect maps
- No leech maps


-Try to never have "Arrow's pierce enemies" as an implicit on your quiver, its really bad, it ruins our chains and our AOE.

-Barrage starts with 5 arrows and scales very good when you reach around 9-10, meaning 300k-400k DPS (give or take) with a single arrow, so multiply this number with the amount of arrows you have, thats your damage.

-Frost Bomb is kinda obvious, we only need it for the -25 cold exposure

-Snipers mark very good for sustaining long boss fights (fills up your life flask per hit)and it also gives a HUGE dps boost and AOE

-If u have Ele Weakness on ur gloves and you want to use snipers mark also, you can allocate Whispers of Doom so you can you both.

(Change Barrage quality to Divergent)
Path of Building
Only works with POB Community Fork

Help Alira at the start, you can later spec into +2 with clusters etc.

-Lunaris for Major, it gives movement speed, phys reduction and +5% chance to dodge attacks/spells
-Garukhan for minor,gives us +5 chance to evade attacks and movement speed


2.Enless Munitions.
3.Gathering Winds.
4.Wind Ward


Note that some of this gear might not be used on POB, you can obviously still use them but i always test stuff.

Currently using multimod bow, super late game bow, i dont suggest you try to craft it yet, it can get really expensive.

Both Death's Opus and Chin Sol,are really good on their own way, Death's Opus give's us +2 arrows and more crit multi, while chin sol gives us more flat/overall dps,so id say get chin sol if you have dying sun.

Griped gloves with life-resist, try to get Increased damage against chilled enemies, kinda expensive to find with good life roll and resistances.

Also Hands of the high templar rly good choice, huge dps with +1 frenzy and curse enemies with eleweakness.

Always go for stygian vise with ele dmg, good life roll and resistances, HH is just a little extra to get to 900k movement speed

Rare helmet with +1 Barrage Arrow, really important for extra dps,if u have the currency try to craft -9 cold res.
You also need INT (MUST), good life roll and resistances, always craft it your self.

Fractal thoughts is also a really good choice and huge DPS boost. (NOTE that you'd probably need INT from somewhere else)

For armor im using Farrul's Fur, probably the best armor in the game, if not, one of the best for sure, free aspect of the cat, and instant max frenzy/power charges.

But Since its really expensive you can always go for Hyrri's Ire

For rings you should run Mark of the elder with a good DPS shaper influenced rare ring, any sort of dps helps, try to get a good implicit ( two-stone )

Tamings are really bad imo, you should never run them, besides the fact that they give 0 hp what so ever, mark of the elder and a good DPS rare ring outdamages double taming

Im using voidfletcher since it gives very good single target dmg cause of the void shots, the other stats are nice to. Try to get Phys converted to cold implicit, if its expensive just try to get anything else besides pierce.

For a more budget option on quiver you could go Hyrris Denise or Hyrris Bite even.

A rare quiver with +1 isnt bad for league starting, but no matter the mods its not gonna out dps the voidfletcher.

Try to get attack speed enhance boots and ELUSIVE for defense layer and extra MS, and then craft the rest of the mods your self, good life roll and some resistances shouldn't be TOO hard to craft.You also need to craft Onslaught With movement speed, huge dps boost, (by 300k according to pob).
Tier 3 craft isnt mandatory but the 20 MS improves quality of life

Good DPS Amulet with dmg per frenzy, resistances arent really needed here, just try to get as much dps as possible

Notice that a rare amulet like this one costs a lot

The Pandemonius is a very good choice also, provides cold pen,blind and cold dmg, way more dps than a rare amulet.


You want to get Lioneyes ASAP, its probably the most important piece of equipment for this build.

A flat cold damage watcher's eye is also really nice,it gives us a lot of dps and its rly not that expensive (2-3 ex give or take).

Get thread of hope MEDIUM ring to allocate Disciple of the Slaughter and Disciple of the Unyielding, gives us about 1.5m dps and some defense layer

Cluster jewel with Cold Conduction and Stormrider, gives us about 2mil dps, since we are shocking with cold dmg, super strong cluster jewel.

The ones that im currently using are

Dying sun is a MUST, cinderswallow not rly, if you dont have the currency for it or dying sun, just get a normal onslaught flask and quartz flask.Get normal diamond flask instead of bottled faith,it should be the last item u buy.
You can replace quicksilver for atziris for more dps.

No witnesses,Throatseeker or Heart of Ice
Heart of Ice provides a bit more DPS than throatseeker.
Im currently using Whispers of Doom since i got 2 Curses


Act 1: Try to get the following gems, will rly help with clearing
Ice Shot-Added Cold-LMP-Onslaught-Mirage archer
- Ice shot
- Added Cold Damage Support
- Shrapnel Ballista
- Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support
- Onslaught Support
- Mirage Archer
- Smoke Mine
- Precision
- Barrage
Act 2: You want to get
Increased ele dmg with attacks and Herald of ice, huge dps boost.
Act 3:
Act 4:
-Summon Ice Golem and GMP
Act 6:
-Inspiration Support

While leveling your links should look like these
Ice shot - LMP(Swap to GMP at lvl 38) - onslaught - Ice Bite
(For single target)Barrage - Elemental damage with attacks - added cold - hypothermia/ cold pen
(Misc,not needed but it helps) Shrapnel Ballista - LMP - Culling strike - faster attacks

Gem links

Ice Shot-Damage on full life-Added cold damage-Elemental damage with attacks-Chain support-Hypothermia

*NOTE* Youre probably gonna need to have around 20-15+ strength somewhere for your dmg on full life support to reach lvl 20

-Single target
Barrage-Inspiration- Added cold damage-Elemental damage with attacks-Cold Penetration-Damage on Full Life
4L Movement
Second Wind-Dash-Frost bomb-Sniper's mark (Swap Sniper's Mark with Vaal Grace if you have Curse enemies with Ele Weakness.

CWTD-Immortal Call (Level 1)-Increased Duration Summon Ice golem

4L Auras
Enlighten lvl 3 -Hatred- Herald of Ice-Divergent Precision ( you can use normal precision i just like the +10% increased dmg)

League Start
Try to get 5L Death's Opu's and a Hyrri's Ire and try 5linking it your self, it shouldnt take more than 40-50 fusings. For the rest of the items just get good life roll and resistances rings, some crit multi on amulet and Fractal thoughts for helmet, which is relatively cheap (1c).These should be enough to get you going.

Leveling Gear

Too expensive-
If you have a problem with buying items cause of currency let me know in the comments so i can help you.
AraNy0y0 เขียน:
AdonFPS เขียน:

UPDATE 3.15 Updated the POB for 3.15


ZOOMING Through A7 Sirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkbP99rw3Z0
ZOOMING Through Minotaur https://youtu.be/7SWqS3tzCSQ
https://youtu.be/Io5lZ_OB2l0 Phoenix T16
https://youtu.be/0FVK7rhNu3A Minotaur T16
https://youtu.be/kdlPHlqC4BE 3 sec Crusader kill
https://youtu.be/DGM6Y3b9n4k Hunter Guardian A7
https://youtu.be/90suu3-XjhI Shaper absolutely annihilated
https://youtu.be/hwlYPbJXFmI Elder with HH AGAIN
https://youtu.be/yqnYe18spKk Pit of the Chimera T16

These vids are with somewhat budget/old gear keep that in mind, build is much stronger since these vids were uploaded
Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/adonpoe
Added two new vids, t16 phoenix and minotaur. 10/9/2020
Updated Jewels section and POB 10/6/2020

Pros and cons

+ Insane clear
+ Good single target damage with investments
+ Turbo fast movement speed
+ Cheap to start
+ Can do Phys reflect since we are converting 100% with ice shot

± Neutral
-I would avoid "Enemies have 70% to avoid Elemental Ailments, it halves our damage and herald of ice doesnt work.
-Cant use Barrage for single target on PHYS reflect maps.

- Expensive to gear up and min-max
- A bit squishy if not fully geared
- Cannot do elemental reflect maps
- No leech maps


-Try to never have "Arrow's pierce enemies" as an implicit on your quiver, its really bad, it ruins our chains and our AOE.

-Barrage starts with 5 arrows and scales very good when you reach around 9-10, meaning 300k-400k DPS (give or take) with a single arrow, so multiply this number with the amount of arrows you have, thats your damage.

-Frost Bomb is kinda obvious, we only need it for the -25 cold exposure

-Snipers mark very good for sustaining long boss fights (fills up your life flask per hit)and it also gives a HUGE dps boost and AOE

-If u have Ele Weakness on ur gloves and you want to use snipers mark also, you can allocate Whispers of Doom so you can you both.

(Change Barrage quality to Divergent)
Path of Building
Only works with POB Community Fork

Help Alira at the start, you can later spec into +2 with clusters etc.

-Lunaris for Major, it gives movement speed, phys reduction and +5% chance to dodge attacks/spells
-Garukhan for minor,gives us +5 chance to evade attacks and movement speed


2.Enless Munitions.
3.Gathering Winds.
4.Wind Ward


Note that some of this gear might not be used on POB, you can obviously still use them but i always test stuff.

Currently using multimod bow, super late game bow, i dont suggest you try to craft it yet, it can get really expensive.

Both Death's Opus and Chin Sol,are really good on their own way, Death's Opus give's us +2 arrows and more crit multi, while chin sol gives us more flat/overall dps,so id say get chin sol if you have dying sun.

Griped gloves with life-resist, try to get Increased damage against chilled enemies, kinda expensive to find with good life roll and resistances.

Also Hands of the high templar rly good choice, huge dps with +1 frenzy and curse enemies with eleweakness.

Always go for stygian vise with ele dmg, good life roll and resistances, HH is just a little extra to get to 900k movement speed

Rare helmet with +1 Barrage Arrow, really important for extra dps,if u have the currency try to craft -9 cold res.
You also need INT (MUST), good life roll and resistances, always craft it your self.

Fractal thoughts is also a really good choice and huge DPS boost. (NOTE that you'd probably need INT from somewhere else)

For armor im using Farrul's Fur, probably the best armor in the game, if not, one of the best for sure, free aspect of the cat, and instant max frenzy/power charges.

But Since its really expensive you can always go for Hyrri's Ire

For rings you should run Mark of the elder with a good DPS shaper influenced rare ring, any sort of dps helps, try to get a good implicit ( two-stone )

Tamings are really bad imo, you should never run them, besides the fact that they give 0 hp what so ever, mark of the elder and a good DPS rare ring outdamages double taming

Im using voidfletcher since it gives very good single target dmg cause of the void shots, the other stats are nice to. Try to get Phys converted to cold implicit, if its expensive just try to get anything else besides pierce.

For a more budget option on quiver you could go Hyrris Denise or Hyrris Bite even.

A rare quiver with +1 isnt bad for league starting, but no matter the mods its not gonna out dps the voidfletcher.

Try to get attack speed enhance boots and ELUSIVE for defense layer and extra MS, and then craft the rest of the mods your self, good life roll and some resistances shouldn't be TOO hard to craft.You also need to craft Onslaught With movement speed, huge dps boost, (by 300k according to pob).
Tier 3 craft isnt mandatory but the 20 MS improves quality of life

Good DPS Amulet with dmg per frenzy, resistances arent really needed here, just try to get as much dps as possible

Notice that a rare amulet like this one costs a lot

The Pandemonius is a very good choice also, provides cold pen,blind and cold dmg, way more dps than a rare amulet.


You want to get Lioneyes ASAP, its probably the most important piece of equipment for this build.

A flat cold damage watcher's eye is also really nice,it gives us a lot of dps and its rly not that expensive (2-3 ex give or take).

Get thread of hope MEDIUM ring to allocate Disciple of the Slaughter and Disciple of the Unyielding, gives us about 1.5m dps and some defense layer

Cluster jewel with Cold Conduction and Stormrider, gives us about 2mil dps, since we are shocking with cold dmg, super strong cluster jewel.

The ones that im currently using are

Dying sun is a MUST, cinderswallow not rly, if you dont have the currency for it or dying sun, just get a normal onslaught flask and quartz flask.Get normal diamond flask instead of bottled faith,it should be the last item u buy.
You can replace quicksilver for atziris for more dps.

No witnesses,Throatseeker or Heart of Ice
Heart of Ice provides a bit more DPS than throatseeker.
Im currently using Whispers of Doom since i got 2 Curses


Act 1: Try to get the following gems, will rly help with clearing
Ice Shot-Added Cold-LMP-Onslaught-Mirage archer
- Ice shot
- Added Cold Damage Support
- Shrapnel Ballista
- Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support
- Onslaught Support
- Mirage Archer
- Smoke Mine
- Precision
- Barrage
Act 2: You want to get
Increased ele dmg with attacks and Herald of ice, huge dps boost.
Act 3:
Act 4:
-Summon Ice Golem and GMP
Act 6:
-Inspiration Support

While leveling your links should look like these
Ice shot - LMP(Swap to GMP at lvl 38) - onslaught - Ice Bite
(For single target)Barrage - Elemental damage with attacks - added cold - hypothermia/ cold pen
(Misc,not needed but it helps) Shrapnel Ballista - LMP - Culling strike - faster attacks

Gem links

Ice Shot-Damage on full life-Added cold damage-Elemental damage with attacks-Chain support-Hypothermia

*NOTE* Youre probably gonna need to have around 20-15+ strength somewhere for your dmg on full life support to reach lvl 20

-Single target
Barrage-Inspiration- Added cold damage-Elemental damage with attacks-Cold Penetration-Damage on Full Life
4L Movement
Second Wind-Dash-Frost bomb-Sniper's mark (Swap Sniper's Mark with Vaal Grace if you have Curse enemies with Ele Weakness.

CWTD-Immortal Call (Level 1)-Increased Duration Summon Ice golem

4L Auras
Enlighten lvl 3 -Hatred- Herald of Ice-Divergent Precision ( you can use normal precision i just like the +10% increased dmg)

League Start
Try to get 5L Death's Opu's and a Hyrri's Ire and try 5linking it your self, it shouldnt take more than 40-50 fusings. For the rest of the items just get good life roll and resistances rings, some crit multi on amulet and Fractal thoughts for helmet, which is relatively cheap (1c).These should be enough to get you going.

Leveling Gear

Too expensive-
If you have a problem with buying items cause of currency let me know in the comments so i can help you.
Hi im trying out your build.
Struggling with survivabilty. mind helping me out with that?
Jurkil เขียน:
Hi im trying out your build.
Struggling with survivabilty. mind helping me out with that?

- Cap your resistances.
- Get as much hp.
- evasion nodes/masteries are more important now.
- blind scales with evasion (Both offensive and defensive mechanics.)
- Flask to help your short comings on defenisve mechanics.
- Vaal grace/grace aura.
- Defiance banner.
- Spell suppression

....Avoid getting hit from telegraphed attacks.
Thx, for the help.

kinda Noob so half of what you said i dont really understand.
ill try to figure it out
for some reason my frenzy stacks dont add up anymore. Build broken?
I just got lethal pride but it goes down way too fast when using skills and stops me from attacking. Is there a way to maintain it?
Any plans for 3.17 PoB update?
What is your preferred mastery in the Master Fletcher/King of the Hill circle?

I was personally leaning towards phasing.



