[3.12] Solo Aurastack Guardian - 70m sDPS with ~90k ehp (3.13 manifesto addressed)

Hey, was hoping someone could take a look at my PoB and help me figure out what my next feasible upgrade is. Currently, my single target/bossing dps isn't too great.


Right now, I feel like in order to run Grace aura, I need a Voices cluster jewel and some levels. But if anyone has any insight on ways I can get reasonable increase in dps/survivability by moving some things around, I'd greatly appreciate it.

EDIT: Literally just ripped my character in HC Heist. You can still attempt to troubleshoot the build if you feel like though.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BAANG#3548 เมื่อ 31 ต.ค. 2020 17:07:39
NonExistingName เขียน:
Oh i found another good argument for the small clusters.

You cant have flat ES, 35% effect and one of those skills on a medium cluster. So if you want them on a medium, you would forego a lot of flat ES (~25 nodes x 12 = 300 flat ES)

So its i guess not using small clusters is only for builds that dont need these skills at all. (using saqawals and CI)

While i'm quite convinced that Empy pretty much made the optimal aura stacker with saqawal and CI, i'll spend some more hours building both options in PoB to see how it compares for us poor mortals who are happy if they get the currency to reach 300% aura effect.

In my opinion, the time to not use small clusters is if they don't allow you to fit more useful auras, if you are out of gem sockets and have enough unreserved mana, remove one and check again. I see no reason to have the reservation nodes on your mediums because you loose so much aura effect and secondary stats if you do.
_O_German เขียน:
It's good to see a guide from no.1 arc aura stacker in poe.ninja
Thanks for sharing.

Anyway can I see your tooltip damage standing in hideout?

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Snellious#5506 เมื่อ 31 ต.ค. 2020 23:37:38
BAANG เขียน:
Hey, was hoping someone could take a look at my PoB and help me figure out what my next feasible upgrade is. Currently, my single target/bossing dps isn't too great.


Right now, I feel like in order to run Grace aura, I need a Voices cluster jewel and some levels. But if anyone has any insight on ways I can get reasonable increase in dps/survivability by moving some things around, I'd greatly appreciate it.

EDIT: Literally just ripped my character in HC Heist. You can still attempt to troubleshoot the build if you feel like though.

You can swap the basalt/granite for diamond/and something useful (jade/quartz) (you have 90% pdr without them) or swap determination for grace and the basalt for diamond (same as above). You can also save 4 points changing to 2 passive smalls and put them into ES/extra jewel socket.

Other than that, this is a good example of the budget build.

But upgrade recommendations wont help you if you have died as a HC and dont intend to play it SC.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Snellious#5506 เมื่อ 31 ต.ค. 2020 23:52:49
What Pantheon do you recomend to run and upgrade?

I got my setup done now, enough levels tonight and switched to auras. So far having a blast!
larsahh_ เขียน:
What Pantheon do you recomend to run and upgrade?

I got my setup done now, enough levels tonight and switched to auras. So far having a blast!

Thats actually a harder question than you'd think...

If you aren't using Presence of Chayula then you need Brine King (Fragment of Winter is useful too)

If you are and you are not PDR capped then you want Lunaris (upgraded all the way)

If you are using Presence of Chayula and are PDR capped then Arakaali is the only useful one.

For Minor, Shakari unless you are CI, Garukhan is nice too (for the upgrade) or Abberath.

Snellious เขียน:
larsahh_ เขียน:
What Pantheon do you recomend to run and upgrade?

I got my setup done now, enough levels tonight and switched to auras. So far having a blast!

Thats actually a harder question than you'd think...

If you aren't using Presence of Chayula then you need Brine King (Fragment of Winter is useful too)

If you are and you are not PDR capped then you want Lunaris (upgraded all the way)

If you are using Presence of Chayula and are PDR capped then Arakaali is the only useful one.

For Minor, Shakari unless you are CI, Garukhan is nice too (for the upgrade) or Abberath.

Thanks for the detailed reply!
Snellious เขียน:

In my opinion, the time to not use small clusters is if they don't allow you to fit more useful auras, if you are out of gem sockets and have enough unreserved mana, remove one and check again. I see no reason to have the reservation nodes on your mediums because you loose so much aura effect and secondary stats if you do.

I played around a lot with the tree and to me it seems like this:
With your build, i can reach 300% aura effect much cheaper than with a saqawals CI build without small clusters. I need only 7 nodes voices and 25% medium clusters and 2rmr conqueror efficiency. From there things can be improved to with more expensive options but will never reach 400% all (i think getting 400 on the 6 auras enhanced by 30/20% skills and the rest on 300 is probably the best i could achieve.)
With the CI/saqawal build it is much more expensive to reach 300%all (need 35%s) but when i include 1 or 3 socket voices, 400% all becomes possible. it also opens up the chaos resist mod on medium jewels which translates into ES.
It does come at the 30% dmg cost from losing pain attunement, but thats a price you may want to pay for chaos immunity when you already do plenty damage with everything optimized and face tanking sirus is fun i guess.

So ye, it took a while, but now i know im gonna do it like you did :)
If i ever win the PoE lottery and 1 node voices fall into my lap, (so never) i'll probably switch to CI.
Ill be using arc for now because it saves me an expensive watchers eye. When that doesn't seem expensive to me anymore i'll consider giving EK a try.

Still hard to get the same dps you have in my self build pob. Lots of optimizations together make so much difference. Good to have found out what they all are and which ones are best bang for the buck.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NonExistingName#1567 เมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2020 01:47:45
larsahh_ เขียน:

Thanks for the detailed reply!

Without the detail, it would have been wrong (or incomplete) :)
NonExistingName เขียน:

I played around a lot with the tree and to me it seems like this:
With your build, i can reach 300% aura effect much cheaper than with a saqawals CI build without small clusters. I need only 7 nodes voices and 25% medium clusters and 2rmr conqueror efficiency. From there things can be improved to with more expensive options but will never reach 400% all (i think getting 400 on the 6 auras enhanced by 30/20% skills and the rest on 300 is probably the best i could achieve.)
With the CI/saqawal build it is much more expensive to reach 300%all (need 35%s) but when i include 1 or 3 socket voices, 400% all becomes possible. it also opens up the chaos resist mod on medium jewels which translates into ES.
It does come at the 30% dmg cost from losing pain attunement, but thats a price you may want to pay for chaos immunity when you already do plenty damage with everything optimized and face tanking sirus is fun i guess.

So ye, it took a while, but now i know im gonna do it like you did :)
If i ever win the PoE lottery and 1 node voices fall into my lap, (so never) i'll probably switch to CI.
Ill be using arc for now because it saves me an expensive watchers eye. When that doesn't seem expensive to me anymore i'll consider giving EK a try.

Still hard to get the same dps you have in my self build pob. Lots of optimizations together make so much difference. Good to have found out what they all are and which ones are best bang for the buck.

The cost for 200/275/300 aura effect costs the same for guardian as scion, the difference is how many auras you can fit, getting as many/more auras on scion is the expensive part as you don't have life to reserve.

My current build is overkill, 70m shaper DPS is more than you ever need, 30-40m is enough to kill everything while ignoring boss mechanics (t19 100% delirum and 1000+ deep delves are the exceptions)... if you want to truly minmax this build, you can stop at 40m sDPS then work on getting ES.



