[3.12] Solo Aurastack Guardian - 70m sDPS with ~90k ehp (3.13 manifesto addressed)

For boost damage, What's watcher's eye mod do you recommend in prioritize?

(% Crit Chance, % Damage Penetrate, %Cold Damage, or something else)
Ive been getting used to having ailment immunity for most of my characters past my starter build and Im wondering whats a good way to deal with shock and ignite? Im guessing later on with enough dps it doesnt matter but for right now Im not sure how to tackle it. I know I can just swap a flask for a boss fight but Im wondering if there might be another way?
_O_German เขียน:
For boost damage, What's watcher's eye mod do you recommend in prioritize?

(% Crit Chance, % Damage Penetrate, %Cold Damage, or something else)

That is something I haven't calculated, the way I chose the 2 stat I had before my 3 stat, I searched for all the useful 2 stat watchers in my price range and just pasted them into POB, it told me which to buy.

Zealotry has a more damage mod, cast speed and pen are also really good. Increased damage and crit chance being teir 2...
can you show us a video for your clear with Arc if possible wanna see if its fast enough or should i go EK knowing that it has much less damage than arc. so a video can help me decide
Duxryu เขียน:
Ive been getting used to having ailment immunity for most of my characters past my starter build and Im wondering whats a good way to deal with shock and ignite? Im guessing later on with enough dps it doesnt matter but for right now Im not sure how to tackle it. I know I can just swap a flask for a boss fight but Im wondering if there might be another way?

You can become immune to shock and ignite if you really want to, good aura effect with alt qual purity of fire/thunder/elements, you can become immune.

Flasks are a stop gap, good enough damage mitigation and regen is what does it for me.
iamDoudar เขียน:
can you show us a video for your clear with Arc if possible wanna see if its fast enough or should i go EK knowing that it has much less damage than arc. so a video can help me decide

I don't have video capture software, I could look into it but the builds are interchangable, start with arc, try ek... the only real differences are ek needs a watchers eye (phys to lightning), ring of blade and pierce. Arc doesnt need these things... its even the same colour 6l (3b2g1r)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Snellious#5506 เมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2020 05:07:48
iamDoudar เขียน:
can you show us a video for your clear with Arc if possible wanna see if its fast enough or should i go EK knowing that it has much less damage than arc. so a video can help me decide

EK is a lot better clearspeed for wide opened map like Beach, Tropical Island.

But this league a lot of room in heist. I think arc is better for the league mechanic farming. Arc can cast between room and can help a lot more survivability by not to tanking mob directly to clear. (And it's cheaper than EK)
Snellious เขียน:

The cost for 200/275/300 aura effect costs the same for guardian as scion, the difference is how many auras you can fit, getting as many/more auras on scion is the expensive part as you don't have life to reserve.

My current build is overkill, 70m shaper DPS is more than you ever need, 30-40m is enough to kill everything while ignoring boss mechanics (t19 100% delirum and 1000+ deep delves are the exceptions)... if you want to truly minmax this build, you can stop at 40m sDPS then work on getting ES.

Oh i didn't try scion yet. I tried everything on the guardian. He can get 400% too with 10 mirrors gear. I didn't take fewer auras into consideration which is why it was more expensive @ 300%. I basically kept the whole aura setup and most other items the same for fair comparison.

You say 100% delirium are the exception. I have never done those, but thats exactly what i am making this build for. So thats harder than sirus ? Are you talking about the map boss there, or also clearing the map ?

I play with a friend, our thought was for me to use southbound gloves and elemental focus, while he kills everything with a magic find build. Those gloves would sacrifice a lot of DPS and everything not dying from my attacks would mean i will be surrounded by enemies much more. Do you think this is feasible or do we need to think of a different plan ? (any suggestion for how to get the maximum out of juiced maps with 2 players are welcome)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NonExistingName#1567 เมื่อ 1 พ.ย. 2020 07:37:19
NonExistingName เขียน:

Oh i didn't try scion yet. I tried everything on the guardian. He can get 400% too with 10 mirrors gear. I didn't take fewer auras into consideration which is why it was more expensive @ 300%. I basically kept the whole aura setup and most other items the same for fair comparison.

You say 100% delirium are the exception. I have never done those, but thats exactly what i am making this build for. So thats harder than sirus ? Are you talking about the map boss there, or also clearing the map ?

I play with a friend, our thought was for me to use southbound gloves and elemental focus, while he kills everything with a magic find build. Those gloves would sacrifice a lot of DPS and everything not dying from my attacks would mean i will be surrounded by enemies much more. Do you think this is feasible or do we need to think of a different plan ? (any suggestion for how to get the maximum out of juiced maps with 2 players are welcome)

I can do them with my gear but yes they are harder than sirus, harder to dodge all the damage, everything has a lot of HP, even with my DPS I end up kiting packs of mobs but can face tank the bosses, the carry of 100% t16-19's needs a HH and if you wanna support a MF carry, then you want to be an aurabot... not an aurastacker.

Aurastackers buff other people but your MF friend prob wants different auras than you do... but you could do some of the damage for them... but an aura/curse bot would make it all easier... instead of doing damage hexttouching the packs with 2-4 curses while using their auras will do more than doing some of the damage but not killing anything.

At the same time you can solo them but slowly.
Ah thanks. that all sounds new to me. I didn't knew there was a different meaning in the terms aurabot and aurastacker.
Do you know a link to both a good build for what you say and a good MF build ? Or any links that are about the whole process of MFing 100% delirium maps ?



