[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore

ccav1211 เขียน:
Hi Buddy,

Thanks for the detailed explanation and would like to try this build in the new league. However I have a few questions as below:

1. If we play as raider, is it tanky enough since this league requires tankeness and I wanted to find a way to fit fortify in. Is that possible?

2. If we are using the champion ( Perma fortify and impale), would we lose a lot of damage and clear?

3. As league starter if we are using the low budget version, how does far shot and point blank co-work?

4. I levelled a little bit but feels chunky with Lancing steel, is splitting steel or shattering steel workable with this build?

Sorry to bother you with so many questions but really appreciate if you could help to clarify on it!

Looking forward to your reply!

Heya! Thanks for the reply! Regarding the questions:

1. Since this build tanks using the life gained on hit + dodge, you'll be tanky. Also if you stack evasion you get a pretty good 35% more evasion from Raider's passives, thats a good bonus in survivability. You can change the movement skill setup for a whirlwind blade or leap slam + fortify, but as mentioned before, you'll trigger The Saviour's Reflection skill with those attacks and will lose dps. But have in mind that Raider is gear dependant, Deadeye gives you more damage mitigation with Wind Ward(makes you take up to 30% less damage) and works fine before you get enough gear to switch to raider.

2. Champion trades a bit of clearspeed and base damage for extra impale dps and survivability, it's a good and viable alternative. You can even drop The Saviour and get a shield to increased survivability losing the clear speed and dps bonus the sword gives you. I am currently leveling as a Champion and will soon post the PoB in the guide when I get to end-game.

3.Far shot will make you deal only 10% more damage to close enemies when allocating Point Blank, but in a pinch you can get as far as possible from the enemy and get a hefty damage boost since Point Blank does not decrease your damage at long ranges, it simply doesn't give you a damage bonus. This makes so you'll be dealing damage at any distance.

4. Lancing Steel is indeed a bit clunky before you get the Lord of Steel viridian jewel, but Shattering Steel is even clunkier due to its effective range. Splitting Steel on the otehr hand is the least clunky of the Steel Skills, but I do not recommend using this skill without have a decent attack speed because the single target damage will be really low.

You're welcome to make any questions! :) Don't feel sorry, I'm here to help.

Have a great one and take it easy!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Leckarion#5933 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2021 13:00:50
I'm a big fan of Raider for the movespeed, but I'm torn between this and Fivrs Frostblade build. In terms of how they play, they seem pretty similar but I havent played either to a high level. The LGOH version of LS sounds tankier, which sounds pretty important with this league mechanic. But from past perusing of POE.Ninja I know Frostblades is either first or second most popular way to build a raider most leagues. Is it just the recall mechanic making people not want to play LS? And How would you compare the two builds in the mid range, like 10 to 20ex?

I really want to stick to a single build this league and ride it all the way through. Any insight you could give to help me pick would be greatly appreciated.
Hi i have Question, i died 22 times in a6, it's really bad at leveling ? And what should i pick, pierce or imapale support(5L) ? I have steel jewel too
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IchigoPL#0844 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2021 14:26:03
Deausx เขียน:
I'm a big fan of Raider for the movespeed, but I'm torn between this and Fivrs Frostblade build. In terms of how they play, they seem pretty similar but I havent played either to a high level. The LGOH version of LS sounds tankier, which sounds pretty important with this league mechanic. But from past perusing of POE.Ninja I know Frostblades is either first or second most popular way to build a raider most leagues. Is it just the recall mechanic making people not want to play LS? And How would you compare the two builds in the mid range, like 10 to 20ex?

I really want to stick to a single build this league and ride it all the way through. Any insight you could give to help me pick would be greatly appreciated.

Heya! Since the Steel skills were reworked on Heist, they are kinda new yet.
The LGOH version is indeed very tanky, only dies to oneshots. And yes, people tend not to like so much the recall mechanic in the leveling and drop the skill altogether, but well build it reaches ludicrous levels of damage.

I never played Frost Blades as anything other than a leveling gem, but from my clan mates' experiences Frost Blades tends to have mediocre single target dps and awesome clear speed at that budget. Lancing Steel has decent clear speed and very good single target dps at that buget with The Saviour.

IchigoPL เขียน:
Hi i have Question, i died 22 times in a6, it's really bad at leveling ? And what should i pick, chance to bleed or imapale support ? I have steel jewel too

Heya! I'm finishing act 5 and died only 5 times until now(mostly pushing my luck on Ultimatums). Did you get new equipments to cap or nearly cap your resistances after killing Kitava? Also, after picking up Brutality Support, you should be running the folowing links:

Lancing Steel - Maim Support - Vicious Projectiles Support - Brutality Support - (5th link: Impale Support if Deadeye, Pierce Support if Raider 6th link: Slower Projectiles Support if Deadeye and Impale Support if Raider)

Chance to Bleed is not recommended after brutality is available.

Haope that helps! Feel free to add me LeckaR_TotosO in game and ask anything. Some people following the guide already added me and are sending questions from time to time.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
My res are 10+ because i cant find item with res and str because i cant use my red gems
IchigoPL เขียน:
My res are 10+ because i cant find item with res and str because i cant use my red gems

If you're not in SSF and in need of resistances, after killing kitava I recommend either crafting items with the resistances you need or buying rings and amulets with the resistances and attributes you need. If you can't solve you attribute problems with gear before getting to the leftmost part ofg the passive tree, allocate Beef near Point Blank in the passive tree to get 30 str, after you have enought Str with gear and passive points, you can unallocate Beef and use the passive point elsewhere.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
When in the build do you start seeing mass lancing steel? Enjoying Lancing Steel atm but the projectiles are all quite linear, not 360 like your main page
Pruney เขียน:
When in the build do you start seeing mass lancing steel? Enjoying Lancing Steel atm but the projectiles are all quite linear, not 360 like your main page

That only happens when you use Sniper's mark on the target, since it multiplies your projectiles targeting enemies nearby and when there are no enemies near the marked enemy, they'll just fly in all directions. You'll only see that when enemies you cast Sniper's mark on last more than an instant. Usually you'll only use the curse on resilient enemies.
You'll start to see a LOT of projectiles flying through the screen when you get The Saviour.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Just wanted to say thank you for the detail in your guild and POB notes! Going to be giving this build a go as my league starter :D
Unity00 เขียน:
Just wanted to say thank you for the detail in your guild and POB notes! Going to be giving this build a go as my league starter :D

Heya! Thank you very much for the reply! Also, thank you very much for the positive feedback! I'm really happy people are liking the guide and that its helping people. Hope you like the build and have fun! Fell free to ask any questions here and I'll be sure to answer them.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.



