[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore
In your gif, what is causing all those shards to spray out like that?
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" Heya! This happens because of Sniper's Mark, it makes projectiles come out of the marked enemy and they target surrouding enemies, but since Sirus has no minions, they simply go to all directions. Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
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Quick update: I'll not be able to play today, but I've reached tier 3 maps and I'm breezing through everything. League content can be kinda harsh sometimes but that's all I've had trouble with currently. First build impressions at tier 3 maps (please note that I'm SSF): Bossing/single target: 11/10 (yeah it's absurd) Clear: 6/10 (without The Savior) Tankiness: 7/10 Comfort: 6/10 (pressing two buttons is not very comfortable) Fun: 9.5/10 (I feel like I'm playing Xayah from LoL which is my favourite ADC) Overall, I'm very happy with the build and plan on pushing it to the limits. I also have some questions if you don't mind :) The first is something that I've been wondering: I found it really bad to do maps without Pierce Support. I noticed you are using Impale, doesn't it feel kinda bad for mapping or am I doing something wrong? Maybe it is related to the Support Gem choices and Impale chance overcapping, but could you explain why didn't you get Swift Skewering and Blade Sovereign? Do you think I should spec out of Heart of the Warrior and Versatility (left side of the tree) and go for Brutal Blade and Heartseeker on the right side like you did? Thanks a lot! |
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" Heya! Thanks for replying! Did you decide on running Champion? " I really happy you're enjoying the build! About the 2 buttons thing I agree it can be annoying. About the tankyness, you need to stack Life gained on hit effects for you start to face tank stuff. " Do you mean my current character in Ultimatum? If that's the character metioned, I'm not using pierce support because I'm using Lioney's Vision which gives me pierce. " I didn't get Swift Skewering because at that point I already have 100% impale chance without it and Forceful Skewering gives you more damage than Swift Skewering because of the 2 small nodes you have before it. Blade Sovereign is not worth it, it will give you one extra attack before using Call of Steel again, a minor damage increase in CoS's reflected damage and CoS cast speed. That might look appealing, but have in mind that since we are already basically hitting the cap of CoS cast speed with Lord of Steel viridian jewel, you're wasting at least 2 points(if you allocated Swift Skewering) " Since I'm currently still testing things out with this character, my passive tree is subject to change. I am currently trying to optimise my gear in order to drop Hard Knocks and get 100% hit rate(sitting at 97%). I had Blade Master and Juggernaut allocated up until recently, but decided to give block a try and as of now I didn't feel much of a difference(well, I only have 33% attack block chance). Currently I'm focusing on getting Life nodes, so I may later go back to the left and grab those nodes again. Hope those answers help! :) Have a great one and take it easy! Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Leckarion#5933 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2021 19:31:04
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Is there any reason you're going with sniper's mark over poacher's mark? Even at a ~6mil dps build I'm barely getting enemies within my LoS before they die, so there's not really a chance to actually *cast* sniper's mark. Is there some sort of autoproc I've missed, perhaps?
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" The mark is only for bosses and very healthy enemies, normal enemies die rather well, if you wish to have somekind of autocast, stick to the CWDT + Vulnerability setup from the low budget setups. Sniper's Mark gives you more dps, in most bosses killing them quicker means less chance to die. Poacher's mark really gives you a ton of life gain, but would require self-cast as well. Also, sniper's mark really helps with destroying all mobs around you while focusing a speficic target. If you feel like your dps is enough to delete bosses using sniper's mark and would rather have greater sustain, swap it for Poacher's mark. Will try to clarify the choices of curses in the update I'm planning for this week. Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Leckarion#5933 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2021 00:57:15
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Sniper made it much more viable single target, im ripping through content atm
However, what is your opinion on going Deadeye with +chain and +2 projectiles and then going multiple projectiles gem+chain gem on lancing steel? Much more aoe and clear from stuff I've seen online Yo.
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Thanks for all the answers :)
" Yup! like you said, Champion works better when you actually don't have nothing to work with (SSF). If I could choose, I'd definitely go with Ranger, as I prefer a faster character with more clearspeed. Maybe I'll leave that for a second character :) Also, I might go for First to Strike, Last to Fall instead of Inspirational. Since low-life now counts as 50% HP, it might be easier to proc, but I'll have to experiment. " Yeah, I still didn't get any LGOH on my gear, but I can clearly see how it benefits the build. With stun immunity, I imagine you really only die to one shots. " Agreed! My friend managed to drop the Steel unique jewel yesterday, so I'm speccing out of that. EDIT: idk how to quote LOL แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย guidulove#4086 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2021 08:19:21
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Are you sure that deadeye doesn't need any pierce/fork supports? I've leveled char with only chain from ascendancy and it was insanely painful i must admit. This one chain is straight up joke. I was regularly being overwhelmed in ultimatums due to no clear. Once i got my hands on 6 link i saw that many people on poe ninja are running fork/pierce supports even as deadeyes with chain ascendancy. I tried it and will never go back, it finally got some clear.
May be once you get saviour and your dps becomes so big that it kills yellow monster on map within 3-4 projectiles or boots with +2 pierces etc, it may be viable but before that you should hate somebody to suggest him to level without pierce/fork. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Profatum#6473 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2021 08:41:01
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" Heya! Thanks for the reply! I don't really liked that. Saw some people doing this but before getting enought base damage you'll be shooting peas. By using that setup, for example, my current dps is halved. Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
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