[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Hello all just to make sure you know some thinks. This guide is good but the guy is only like 3 leagues in or 4 and his attetute is really bad to people i just wanted to notice u to be cerful with this guy . And no worth arguing to a WALL!
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" New belt - Done Awakened melee phys - Done 21 gems for AG/Carrion/Stone golem - Done AG KingMaker + Gruthkul's - Done I guess i'll go for gems 21/20 now :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SwiftyOwns#7550 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 15:50:16
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Hi, thanks for the nice build. I tried looking in the guide but didn't see how to summon Spectre. Can you tell me which Spectre to summon and where to catch them?
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" I've no idea what do you mean by that, I have personally wrote to "the guy" numerous times already in-game and experienced nothing like you've said. It would help if you elaborated more on the topic, not to belittle anyone but maybe the wall was on the other side of the conversation... If there's a topic that could contribute to the build/guide we could all benefit from it! :) |
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" Lets just say that he told evryone in POE Discord General called them cluless retards becouse of 1 think that he think is right and dont care that what anyone else thinks!Told me too and then just ingored me only becouse i didnt agree with what he said becouse i think something else witch dosent make sense why he care what i think!And yes its simple shitty think that dosent metter much! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ragepower_EatSoap#2141 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 07:19:50
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" Unless you have screenshots of this then you are just spreading rumours. Take it up with him in pms if you feel inclined to do so. Leave this type of talk out of this thread, you are just diluting solid advice and discussions. |
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" Can we leave drama outside of this thread which is meant for build discussions and advices. As far as I am concerned OP has produced an incredible guide (one of the best I have seen) and is replying to questions and providing helps constantly to many, which myself and I am sure lots of others greatly appreciate. |
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" I'll give you the whole story. Warning: Drama alert.
I've written alot with this person and everything has been in good faith for most of the time. I've helped him alot to understand minion builds in general and how mechanics in this game work. The problem has been that this person continiously tries to challenge me and I get the feeling that all he wants to do is prove me wrong. Such examples include: - How to farm currency this league. We've had alot of back and forth on good ways to generate currency. None of these arugments were in bad faith but I tried to explain that, despite 100% delirium being nerfed and bossing being less lucrative due to the insane costs of fragments and Guardian maps during week 1 when you're behind the 0.1% bosskillers, there's still plenty of other ways to generate currency in this game. This user, according to my impression, was talking to me like the game was over cause it was impossible to get currency if both bossing and 100% delirium didn't generate the same yields as in Ritual. I tried to tell that there's hundreds of good ways to make currency and gave the example how I farmed a mirror in 3 days during league start by running Legions and a second mirror later in the league by running 150 Alva Missions and just double corrupting Awakened GMPs while selling the other temple crafts et.c. He said that he don't like Legion and didn't believe me telling Alva easily generates 10 ex/hour if you know what you're doing and the argument was dropped. Nothing ill here, but I was slightly annoyed by the tone of the conversation. He also tried to appeal to me by saying he had run 600 delirius maps in Ritual league. I obviously knew this was a lie but didn't want to spark a heat and said that it was very impressive that he managed to farm 5 mirrors through delirium. He probably understood how ridiculous this lie was and told his friend had gambled it all away. We also had a small argument where I tried to explain to him how Delirium fogs act like a multiplier onto a map which buffs all monsters as long as the fog is active. He was trying to argue with me how Delirium doesn't affect Ultimatum in any way which I think is incorrect. Granted, I haven't tested this yet but his argument was that, because you couldn't "see" the fog while you press the ultimatum encounter and because the fog pauses during the league mechanic, Delirium has no effect. I thought his assessment was incorrect because we know that Delirium affected Rituals in the last league and the fog behaved in the exact same way. Again, the annoying part here was that no matter what I told, he wouldn't back down. I used Grimro and Path of Matth as references to Delirium affecting Ultimatum but he wouldn't back down and said he didn't care what other reputable content creators said. Alot of other small back and forths between us happened where I tried to explain how to craft certain things and he told me that my way was incorrect and tried to teach me what he thought was better. In the end these weren't really disputes though, I just told that he could try crafting items like he wanted and could take my advice if he liked it or not. During all of this I always got the feeling that this person tried to prove himself to be better than me and wanted me to be wrong. Most of these arguments are really ridiuclous and I couldn't fathom why he never could back down and instead had to continue saying riduclous things to me. I was annoyed because he was never humble enough to just say: Okay, I understand what you mean now and just accept defeat. This was one of these persons who can't STAND being incorrect so I just had to throw in the towel multipile times and just drop it. It all cumilated to today where we got stuck in the most useless argument you could imagine. We were talking about how to upgrade a minion helmet and I told him that the best upgrades would come in the future when crafters start to pump out 8 and 9 link minion helmets on the market. He then asked me why I call those type 8 or 9 link. So I tried to explain that all mods on our end game helmets effectively work as an additional support gem and that's why we call them additional links. I used my 10-link GG helm as a reference for this. First I had to explain why 3% crit was counted as an additional link giving the maths behind why this mod even is stronger than the Critical Strike Chance support gem. He conceded to this and agreed, everything was still good faith between us. But he then continued to say that my helm wasn't a 10-link, but a 9-link. I politely asked him to count again upon which he told me that it still was 9. I was confused and asked if he knew how to count and ha answered that there were 4 base links and 5 mods. I listed all mods on the helm and which support gems their damage modifiers closeley resemble. His disagreement was that the +3 to socketed minion gems shouldn't be counted as an additional link. I was extremely confused and tried to explain how this mod does the EXACT same thing as a level 4 Empower Support gem. And this is where I hit a wall. No matter what I said he wouldn't back down and continued to say that he thought I and the entire summoner community was incorrect in believing this was an additional link to our minion helm. His arguments for why I was wrong was because: "It's not an empower because if an Fire Arrow elementalist uses that helm he won't get +3 on his Fire Arrow skill" or something ridiculous like that. I don't know why I got stuck in this argument but it continued for a long time and I was starting to boil because he wouldn't just admit that he was incorrect and let it go. I told him that he should just ask people on the outside who're knowledgeable about the game who's opinion is correct. Apparently he did this and asked on some random discord server. This is what he asked: "Hey guys what do you think is +3 to minion gems lvls counts as a helm link like those whitch says supported by min life for example?" One person answered no which apparently was a big enough sample size to prove me and the rest of the summoner community wrong. I then snapped and said that: "Only clueless quasi r-tards who don't know anything about this game wouldn't equivilate +3 minion skills with Empower to a summoner build." (Yes, I was extremely tilted by now) He still disagreed with me and said I was wrong to count it as an additional link to our Carrion Golems. Which, granted, was a childish and stupid statement but I was basically boiling at this point. Not that it's a defense. The argument continued on discord and I told him that the problem wasn't this whole 10-link garbage drama. It was that he just wouldn't back off and be honest with himself that his defense was inconsistent and astonishing. As I said earlier, this is one of those persons who will never admitt defeat, no matter how backed they are into a corner. I linked him these images on discord: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After which I wrote: Same effect - Does the exact same thing as an additional link Counts as an additional link end of story And he was still steadfast on his opinion and told me: "Not for me" The argument continued for some time and I wrote: "Because when you play minions you get 3 levels from the prefix. This is the exact same thing as an empower support for minions That's why everyone calls it an addiotional link. Get it?" He answered: "No I dont" At this point my only logical explaination was that he literally was trolling me. I politely asked him: "Dude, are you shitting me?" Before I would snap again I thought it was best to just put this person on ignore before I would develop serious mental health issues from this conversation. And now we're here and this person tries to drag my name through the mud. TL;DR: Bullcrap drama that has nothing to do with the build guide. Avoid reading the spoiler if you want to maintain your sanity. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 10:59:13
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I wrote only becouse of you guys just be cerful with words is all i said just dont want anyone to feel what i felt. I dont need to give u screenshot u choose ur self what you are doing why would i tell u to be cerful if there is nothing that u have to be cerful from.This time was something dumb like +3 min gem lvls on helm some other time can be about picking a scroll of wisdom for example "You are wrong picking scroll of wisdom"who knows !.Gl and cya guys!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ragepower_EatSoap#2141 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 08:43:54
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" +3 to level of socketed Minion gems = Gem link :D " It's just 1 point since I specced out of the other pathing inteligence node, but yes.. I want it back :) |
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