[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" As people before me have told, we don't use the 30% additional damage for golems when we summon a new golem. There's two reasons for this: 1. We have no mana to cast additional golems. We reserve 95% of our mana which leaves us with ~90 mana left. Even if we wanted to use this effect Carrion Golems cost too much to cast. Casting stone golems would replace one of our Carrion Golems aswell until you had nothing but stone golems left. 2. It messes up our golem equilibrium. We always want to keep 1 Stone Golem and the rest as Carrion Golems. By summoning a new golem we destroy the equilibrium and will either be replacing our Carrion Golems with stone golems or replace our one stone golem with a carrion golem. When you read the Primordial MIght stone, also note that it says ~40% INCREASED Golem damage. Do not make the mistake of thinking this means 40% more damage. 40% increased damage is alot less than it actually sounds. If your golems are doing 1 million dps, the gem does not give 400 000 more dps. It gives way less because of how damage modifiers scale in this game. And yes, the final version only has 3 Golems in the end. It's enough though because their dps is super charged by all our modifiers. Also, remember that our spectres are completely bonkers in the build too: ![]() 1 spectre versus Minotaur แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 11:48:44
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Question on Ascendancy Class...
I started the build with the elementalist class, i would like to know when is it the right time to change to necromancer class and the conversion physical to cold damage. Is it ok to change the class without the Amina Stone? I will have only 3 golems if I go to necromancer. |
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" I have started the league with the necromancer and it was really good. I think it's better because our minions gain a lot of tankiness. I had no problem with damage except on red map t13+ if you dont have the anima stone. |
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" I would strongly advise against going Necro before you have the anima stone and primordial might. As you noted yourself, the problem is that we only have 2 Carrion Golems then. But it's still very much playable and still a strong build. Just slightly weaker than elementalist as you lose a little damage and some tankiness. You save 40 Orbs of Regrets though. Personally, I prefer going Necromancer once we get a level 21 Spectre Gem, a +1 chest like Skin of the Loyal/Lords. This allows us to get our fourth spectre at the loss of 2 Golems. In reality, you can go Necromancer whenever you feel like though. I would say that the LATEST you should go necro is ~T14 maps. Ultimatums are extremely overtuned and they actually kill our minions as an elementalist. I think you should keep running Physical damage as long as you can. You will start hitting a wall in higher red tier maps like I did. During that time you will have gathered alot of currency and can do the swap to Cold Conversion swiftly without any problem. One of the most dangerous things you can do is do the swap to Cold Conversion too fast without having everything necessary. That's why I prefer to see how far I can push a budget and when I start feeling like I'm hitting a wall I will upgrade alot in my build. (probably because I like the feeling of massive power spikes) That being said, all you need for the swap to cold conversion to work good is the Triad Grip gloves and probably a better helm :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 12:21:40
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Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. Could you or someone else provide a list of scale modifiers to look for and what they effect ect? I tend to like to use PoB to swap wep/armor/ ect to determine my next upgrade, but man is it hard with minions builds. It just seems like the calculates arnt as straight forward as with other builds. I.E. Some items in the drop down stat changes only show a VERY minor total to DPS, but swaping the actual item increases it a lot. I sometimes can't tell if PoB is calculating PER golem, or not. I am currently working on crafting a +3/Min dmg help to replace my . I have the anima stone and Might (i'm currently at 3 spec, 9 zomb, 4 carrion, 1 stone, 1 gard(cheap armor atm). So I think my next upgrade will be swaping the claymaker. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Tree1#0295 เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021 12:33:53
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" I actually made these mistakes lol. I swapped from fire to carrion way to early. Also I think I switched to Necro a tiny bit early. +1 golem and Primal Aegis were nice over Bone Armour which is much harder to use. (i keep it on my L click atm). I'm in high T red maps and awakener 3. DPS on conq's are slowing becoming a problem, so i'm looking for upgrades but low on money and Ex keep climbing. |
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" I think you didn't see my post Deadandlivin cause of the drama :D |
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" I can answer this one :) Your choice is between Bone Barrier and Mistress of Sacrifice. This is if you have switched to blade vortex + curse on hit trigger wand setup. If you have a trigger wand that is 4 second cooldown, keep Bone Barrier for the defenses and have Frost Bomb instead of increased duration in your wand. If you have a trigger wand that is 8 second cooldown, I recommend Mistress of Sacrifice + Increased duration gem to have 100% uptime on blade vortex. This is not a requirement, but provides consistent curse application |
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" Oh sry, my bad :D To be completely honest, my plan was to run Mistress of Sacrifice for end game before this league started. But after experiencing Rituals I actually don't know if we can get away with it. Minion survivability absolutely is an issue again and we might be forced to run Bone Armour until we atleast get a +2 Wand and +2 necks. If we're going to refund, it's Bone Armour. Thinking about it though, maybe it could be an option to refund Commander of Darkness. If that's the case though, we have to get an Eye Jewel with +10 all res for minions to keep them resistance capped. I will see how it is once I start gearing for the end game. But currently in garbage gear I feel like Minion survivability will be an issue if we're not necromancers with Bone Armour. This was the primary issue that forced me to specc Necro from elementalist in red maps. We'll see later though, but for now I would probably keep Bone Armour. You're free to try mistress and report back how it feels though. |
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" Ty for the answer ;) Actually I'm still with Clayshaper but I was wondering what to replace for Mistress of Sacrifice. I was thinking of Bone Barrier and you comfort by your answer. " Np don't worry :) Atm i'm still with Clayshaper but when I'll switch to trigger wand, I think I will try it and report back. And I'm agree with you for the minions resistance, we just can't replace Commander of Darkness actually |
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