[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion
if u use anomalous minion speed, i only need 1 dust at least 19% ?
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" you want 99% reduced skeleton duration just add everything up |
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I slowly started investing in my Sciona 100 Divine +
I have a question about Ice Spear 21/20. Which will be better? Divergent (+ 20% Cold Damage) or Anomalous (Projectiles Pierce 2 additional targets)? I think over Divergent. |
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After like 70 alts and two regals:
This saved me like two divines, Im quite lucky with crafting gear for my looper :o | |
" Oh man, I totally thought they removed that craft. I'll try that, thank you! edit: wait, no this won't work. Flask charges and Cooldown Recovery do not have a mod tag, so can't target them. darn แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย grannd7#7607 เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2022 21:59:42
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" Use PoB to see. Switch the quality in your PoB setup and see what gives you higher DPS. |
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" i was not talking about a tag craft. i was talking about "reforge item more likely to receive the same modifier types". in previous leagues you could craft eg. spell suppression on the gear and then reforge more likely same mod converts it to a real spell suppression mod. so in this case you alt-roll for "reduced flask charges used", make it rare, then craft cooldown recovery on the belt and then "reforge more likely to receive the same modifier" (on an influenced base ofc). i think the reforge has been changed though from "much more likely" to "more likely". i tried this craft a few times this league. almost all duds. the chances of the mod carrying over seem to have decreased. |
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" This is the method I used in 3.17 and 3.18 and it worked with great success. It did take around 10-15 tries back then. Now it feels like the craft itself is bricked? I've used the 'reforge more likely'-craft in 3.19 about 45 times now and results have been horrid. It usually takes me ~90-130 alterations (with aug slam) to hit the %reduced flask charges, so that's around ~5000 alterations, 45 regals, 9000 wild seeds and 45 2-chaos %cdr crafts. So around 8-9 divines in the bin so far - without any results being NEAR a useful belt. Like, I've had literally ZERO of the reforges ending up with either %cdr OR %reduced flask charges. It feels bricked. At this point I would much rather have gambled with a non-influenced belt, trying to hit the 1/4 fracture. |
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Hi guys,
I've just specced into this build, but i feel like the proc time is not so great (quite slow compared to the videos) I have an Omniscience already anointed for Window of Oppotunity (using for another build), as you can see from the PoB: https://pastebin.com/8tTpxPNP I have a third To Dust (13%) which i cannot use: if i use it, the build won't work. Is it normal? Is duration of the Skeletons fixed, and if you change (exceed) that value it will brick the build? Anyway, any suggestion on how to increase the cast rate? SHould i find an higher CDR belt? (current is 11%) Thank you all! |
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" if you go to your pob "calc" tab and select your summon skeleton skill, there will be 2 relevant lines: Skill cooldown and Skill duration. you want: Skill duration >= cooldown and it gets more efficient the closer duration comes to the cooldown. you cast every time the duration runs out and the skeletons die, but you dont want them to run out while the cooldown is still up, since then the dmg will not trigger cwdt and there will be no cast. therefore you need to reduce your skeleton duration to 99%. you have 95% as far as i can see and can get to 99% by switching out one of your "To dust 15%" for a higher one (19%). you can alternatively get an anomalous minion speed with 22% quality for 4% extra reduced duration or use a mix of them both. atm i am only using one "To dust" with 13% reduced duration. i get my other duration from 23% minion speed support and a "dusk ring", as well as the "window of opportunity" wheel. The CDR does only matter for the cooldown from cwdt. there are 2 relevant breakpoints afaik: 9% and 27%. so you only want to lower the cooldown of cwdt with 27% on higher-end gear.(which seems to be really hard to do this league, since the belt is hard to craft). for now everything between 9% and 26% is the same for you. |
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