[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Figured it out.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LockedGoblin689#8704 เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2022 09:53:17
for BiS, you need 16% on a stygian belt, 8% on boots and 3% on abyss jewel.
it'll cost you a shit ton though, so I just got 2 abyss jewels instead

LockedGoblin689 เขียน:
Cooldown is at 18% what am I missing here?
6% boots
12% belt
Where is the other 8% coming from?

FYI is not connected to this account so its not in my character tab.
Hey there!
Loving the build but am noticing that Dark Pact seems to be targeting the skeletons and therefore not damaging me. Is there a way to fix that?
redjo เขียน:
Lvl 98 to start this build ? Ouch

The absolute minimum you can start at is level 70, which is the minimum level to equip all the ward gear, make sure you have your uber lab done before the switch and you should be fine.

I personally started at level 70 with level 20 gems, then leveled the character to 90 using breach stones which I bought in bulk for 1 divine. Took me a few hours, at no point during the leveling was in any danger of death as ward looper damage is pretty insane even at the start. I bought level 21 gems as soon as I could use them, along with awakened level 5 gems to really boost the clear speed.

By the time I stopped playing the build I had spent well in excess of 150 divines to min/max it. This was before the number of people playing it exploded so I'd say at current prices it would be easily 200-300d to min/max if not more.
Can some check my scion? I can’t get it to loop and I have every checkpoint cleared that I can see. Tlooop is the toon. Thanks!
Your profile is private and can't see characters.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Asag#1815 เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2022 07:37:53
Made characters public…let me know what you think.
Upped up to more than 230 millions DPS (5 casts per second), essentially with ice spear, so no eyes cancer.

Yet i have to say that i was sad to die in simulacrum at wave 25 or 28, getting one shot too easy, but still getting easy 6 stages of rewards at each wave.

I tried to respect into the tanky build (which is essentially like 50 regrets, change few crafts on gear, and intuitive link): So i ended up being able to survive but my kill speed was so slow that i wasn't able to reach more than stage 4 in last waves... In maps it was also the loss of few seconds against some rares; globally the "instant obliteration of anything" is much more rewarding. In SC.

Conclusion: i will respec back to glass cannon.
For rare ring I need two Divergent CWDT or in body armour setup is enough?



