[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Asag เขียน:
BLackocalypse เขียน:

ah I see - ill buy also cold pene 20 instead of 21 to have the chest setup also exactly like in description. lets try if it will work - thank you very much.

- ok - tested, bought 19 level corrupted cwdt. Was holding from start but ended up suicide. Any other idea? Thank you very much

tripple checked all you wrote and all is ok only uber lab missing with 2 last points for path of the witch, but that gives only 2 more points. Any other idea? Thank you very much

BTW guys where do you put rest of the skill points? could i screw by added more jewel sockets and chaos resist in tree?

You need 6p Medium jewels, not 4. Also why 2x Balbala keystone?

@Asag thank you very much. I bought the 6p medium clusters now - lets try not to die.. Traitor 2x cause i had more points than in pastebin, put 4 to new resistance jewel (dex side of scion), 2 into prismatic in large cluster, rest into chaos resist. Put second traitor to try if the loop will stop suicide - fills double the charges right?

after all small changes loop seems stable without suicides. Im really looking forward to run this build - first ward based build i tried so far..

- sometimes the loop stops - is it cause of shock/stun damage?
- sometimes loop does not start - to start it safely I added summon skeletons separately to equip - dont need cast on death portal anymore :o) - is that right way?

Thanks tothe build creator, also special thanks to @insectrbrain @Akshay and @Asag for help. POE community show up even after 10 years to be full of awesome people willing to help.. Thank you and thumbs up
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BLackocalypse#0681 เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2022 07:44:52

I just noticed you only have 385 Damage on Minion Death on one of your rings. You should apply more catalysts to have the quality at 20%.
I love the build and just move on to "upgrade phase" of getting a rare ring. The build seems to be working great but I noticed that my active skills (Ice spears/freezing pulse) doesnt proc as fast as Summon Skeletons does. Could u take a look? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/BUNBOHUEHUEHUE/characters
@insectrbrain maybe that was the last problem - after all changes i still died by suicide, exchanging the ring seems to be the final solution. I played the loop over 15 minutes and it seems to hold.. Thank you buddy, thank you very much.
DuschtGernNackt เขียน:
Hello again :)
i tryed to get it by my own but i cant handle it alone :-(

this is my current state of the build:

I`m really happy with it and can play much of the content :)
i have arround 30 div to spend for upgrades and not sure if i upgrade:

Colldown Recovery Rate to 27%
4 Flask Setup

I would say 4 Flask setup? But there is a problem. I crafted yesterday a Medium Cluster with 3% Flask Charges geáined + 35% increased effect in arround one and a half hour of alt/aug/regal spam :-P
But on PoENinja everyone have "Fasting" on this Cluster.... Ist it really important for 4 flask setup?
if i have 2 of the 35%/3% Clusters without any else on it. It would Work for 4 Flask setup?

and the last question. can i see in pob the needed notes for the calculator like flask duration, charge gained?

okidoki i get my first upgrade don 27% cooldown recovery rate!
bought a new Belt and switch the Eater of Worlds Boot Implizit.

But i struggle with the 4 flask setup because of the 35% effect medium clusters.
It would be easyer when i find the thats i need in the pob but i cant find it :-(
even low ward or alchemist genius can kill you
dont forget survival secrets

4 flasks use calculator and craft the i84 clusters, its very time consuming to craft with alterations
well, still random suiciding. Really dont know what can be wrong...And its random. This time was runnung low level FROZEN CABNIN map with no modifications of player - only on monsters, pack size, no reflect, no nothing.
Did you put all points in both medium clusters? Check your Balbala notables if you did not get Alchemist Genius on one. This breaks the build too.
BLackocalypse เขียน:
well, still random suiciding. Really dont know what can be wrong...And its random. This time was runnung low level FROZEN CABNIN map with no modifications of player - only on monsters, pack size, no reflect, no nothing.

Is your ward not real low without any on your gloves?
Hi, can anyone please look at my PoB and check why my Ice Spear is slower than my Skele loop?

I can't seem to find out the reason... I've checked all I know




