[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion
damn it. my loop don't work and I have no idea what to do...if I still need to change something. btw, will Divergent CWDT help me?
still the damn loop stops after about 30 seconds. https://pastebin.com/42dv6N8n https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/NastaseM/characters |
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" What happens when your loop fails? Because I see an issue - your Olroth does not have 100% uptime. And Olroth dropping either stops your loop, or just kills you. If that is the case, just get recommended reduced charges used on belt, 20% is the best, but even 15% should get you full uptime. |
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What would be the best gem combination from the dps perspective?
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This is my POB.
https://pastebin.com/CJhQaguz I have several question. 1. If I want to increase the tankness, what should I change? Should I change to Glancing Blows body and try to get more block attack? 2. I am thinking to use stormshroud. (I have Sanctified relic, boots and one jewel for 100% avoid shock.) Compared with Kiar, I just got immune ignite. (I have -100% shock effect on helmet+soul.) but I need to get immune curse (maybe with flask + soul). So looks like there is no big change? 3. I saw many people using herald of ice + pain attunement. I try it but almost died every map randomly. Why so many people still using it? Or I miss anything? |
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" now it really works...I didn't think about the damn potion. Thanks a lot mate!!! |
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" 1. Glancing blows block is a bait, takes way too many points to get reasonable spell block, and since most things that kill you are either spells or big slams... Just killing stuff faster is a better defense. Suppression version with petrified blood and pain attunement is comparable in damage to your current version, and significantly tankier. It still IS a wardloop, and "significantly tankier" should be taken as relative statement:D 2. Stormshroud is being slept on for wardloop - full ailment immunity in exchange for <10% damage and some movespeed from boots implicit seems like a nobrainer to me. Ignite immunity is whatever, but it gives you immunity to alt ailments as well, and that reduces random oneshots from being brittle / scorched by a lot. 3. That is the ultimate glass cannon version. You will die. A lot. But those herald explosions are so satisfying... " You are welcome:) Have fun looping! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Cahir_aep_Ceallach#1713 เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2022 14:38:35
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Anyone experimented with the invocations yet?
Point Blank or Mind over Matter for the extra skillpoint seem to be the best, or am i forgetting something. |
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" Thank you for your quick response. 1. I though most of my dead is due to physical damage since we don't have any physical damage reduction. If the major reason is spell, then spell suppression should give me a lot of defense. BTW, Suppression version with petrified blood? do you mean use petrified blood with aggrogance support? 2. I will try to fit in the stormshroud. :) |
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" In short, in front of absolute power, looper or nor, we're all wet sacks of meat and bones. Pinnacle bosses aren't called Pinnacle for show, and the psychos in Simulacrum, no comment. As glass cannon, Hatred build can be great for looping boss and Blight-Ravaged map I imagine, but somewhat difficult to justify otherwise in my opinion. From my experiences in mapping, I won't ever try it again. However, I don't find Suppression build boring. Playing with grace speaks to me more than hatred or zealotry, probably because I am zen. And while my damage will never match a mouth-foaming fanatic with no regard for their life, I am content sitting around 90M. Unless I did my math wrong, but everything die pretty much instantly anyway. Even so, looping to 100 isn't just demoralizing, it's borderline insane. A matter of state security if the players are allowed into the wild. Looping makes you want to go fast when you should keep it slow for the sake of XP. I don't think I will ever make another build. It's simply too amazing. The one sad point is we can't trigger traps. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Wonderglass#0198 เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2022 15:24:38
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this is my current build:
https://pastebin.com/pSsj60ef loop and flasks works fine but idk if im missing damage. what should i change or upgrade ? can someone help me pls i have around 10 div to spend. what should i buy or change next ? thanks. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย guillesk8#6650 เมื่อ 30 ธ.ค. 2022 00:29:02
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