[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars|660m
100 pages of discussions, questions, tipps and Arachnophilia!
It's such a great community and forum here to share everything about the small dirty crawler. Thank you a lot! Let's swarm! That's a day to sting! +++ 2 legs, 6 legs, 8 legs, it does not matter! +++ 2.4M views of the build +++ ■■■ Experiences, quotes and posts of the Arachnophobiatics: ■■■ 🌴🦂🌴 ■■■ Ever since I played this build the first time.. I am not finding any other build even remotely tanky enough for me to play and enjoy. I dont want to keep playing the same build over and over again but this build is just so overpowered that I am going to play it for a third league in a row. Posted by sidp2201 Yes, this build is literally *THE* tank. Other builds that are tanks should be compared to this build. I've played most of the other tank builds, and some of them are nearly as good as this, but nothing quite measures up. On the down side, after playing this, everything you'll play will feel like a glass cannon! :) Current league IGN: Grimjack_Expdition_HOAG Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. Posted by grimjack68 My best build ever. Posted by monik390 I dont know any other build that gets you so cheap into red maps. Posted by Humtol Definitely the most "complete" build I've ever played. Easily does all content. Posted by AboveAverage Sry for double post 53mln and when I'll be done I'll be 60 mln dps xD Posted by Volratheron I’m going to start with this just to avoid rolling six alts this league then end up here anyway like last league. Posted by Ariakan80 THANK YOU for the tips. Definitely helped me push this further. Just crossed 70M damage. Insane build. Gonna run this next league too. you da man Posted by Kurnis Thanks a lot for the guide. A lot of stuff to learn but so far looking really good only level 76 and can do delve 200 and t16 maps. Posted by Mckoch This is definitely the best build i've ever played. Even though this is my 1st time meeting Sirus & tbh i'm quite slow & unskilled, I've managed to beat him deathless just now- tanking almost all his attack. I even forgot to switch from melee splash to multisrike for the spider. I even dont have the anomalous HoA gem & many other gems also not at full quality but the build still very strong. Before this i dont even bother to explore the atlas killing conquerors & sirus on my own due to squishy build. Thank you very much for the build. Posted by chaoswind7 the build rocks..I am not dying and i am not afraid going into any fight coz 1 shots or other shits the game throw at u :) THANK YOU Chromino :) Posted by AlexAndonov Was able to face tank normal sirus even without skin. Posted by 2letterz Hi there. Great build, easily cleared most things with the early versions and transitioned largely deathless to the late 90s! Cheers! Posted by CalmdownUK Hi chromino ! I don't need any advice, i just want to thank you for this awesome build and guide, with ton of informations and help ! Just reached 140k armor with grace and iron reflexes, i feel like i'm immortal. It's the first time i really feel having a powerful build, so really, thank you! Posted by Ertiks Build is very nice, I am basically unkillable Posted by joshuagress12345 Hi, I really love your build. Playing it for the last 3 leagues :-) Thanks! Posted by max1203 I've played the Arachnophobia Allstars build, it’s as epic in practice as it sounds on paper. I felt virtually invincible, tanking hits that would normally wipe out most other builds. This build isn't just about surviving, it's about thriving in the harshest conditions If you want to feel like an unstoppable force, effortlessly mowing down enemies and laughing in the face of danger, this is the build to play. Posted by Mispleled I have to give you an award Chromino, Minotaur has been my nemesis as long as I can remember - even with all of the other 'tanky' builds I've played - I almost ALWAYS die way too much to Minotaur. Too lazy to learn his attacks/patterns? Idk! Well, not so much a problem any more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J5IVh0oIPg Posted by CLloyd0 Great guide and i was able to reach the farthest i've been in POE with this build. 38/40. Thanks @Chromino and everyone sharing tips here! Posted by Roleless Being able to afk ultimatum and also survive the trialmaster is crucial and this build absolutely allows you to do that even without the broken iron skin and aul amu combo. Being CI and immune to corrupted blood with a jewel is just a blessing in ultimatum (5 or even 6 affixes that doesn't effect this build at all) and the recovery from block is insane. Posted by Robale Best build ever. My first A8 Sirius Kill deathless. Came close to dying 1-2 times. I love this awesome playstyle! Posted by mrflamee Just came to post I did this build last league and was great. Now that I have some gear, (FAR from BIS, crappy annoint, no watcher eye, so much to improve) it feels much more powerful than last time. I league start this build with zero currency, and built it up quick. Damage is better, even though I only reach lvl 30 HOAG so far (with emp 4 will be lvl 31) Sirus a8 easy dies in a few minutes. T16 bosses die in few seconds. Maven invitations, bosses die before new ones spawn, with mods no problem. All conquerors and maven invitation (formed, twisted, etc) die easy. For some reason the damage is just much better this league. And also super tanky of course, with no grace or iron reflexes. When this build I can finally get BIS gear the game is really easy mode. Great build again! Posted by VistaChris Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :) I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D Thanks again Chromino! Posted by Astarotte "...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park. Thanks for what I currently consider the best build." Posted by radius540 [...] I dunno, that seems very cheap for the amount of damage and tanking the build can do. I was expecting it to cost a mirror at least with how capable it is of fighting ubers and laughing off hits that otherwise instantly kill anything else. Posted by Pizzarugi We are rolling now!!! Thanks for all the help my dude! Killed Sirus A8 ez, 0 deaths. Running some real juiced up maps. Posted by NotAMage Love this. Thank you for this build. At last I got to 38/40 since Harbringer. Sirius down, Uber Atziri down (first time!), Uber Elder down (first time!), new bosses down (deathless), Simulacrum 30 done, uber Chayula down (first time, deathless, and with 6-players party standing outside), Feared down (first time), each Maven crucible fights done deathless (not Feared...). In the end I could learn the fights, go around my colour-blindness and end the league with satisfaction. Maven fight: - Vaal Molten Shell can save you from memory game explosion, - self-casted Molten Shell and Frost Shield with Ruby+Saphir+Topaz buffs can save you from memory game - focus on placing DoT's in the middle of arena (this kills us in the final stage) Easiest? Uber Chayula (I went to get coffee mid-fight xD). Posted by Fukurokage [...] amazing build i love it. Posted by Belphag0r Thanks for all you rock Chromino :) Posted by Dark_Admin_42 Build is very nice, I am basically unkillable Posted by joshuagress12345 I am only at 50 virulences right now and I just flame dash and sit on anything I want. Quite nice lol. Posted by GunSm0k3d I decided to try a sim for kicks since I picked up ailment immunity and 100% suppression, deathless simulacrum wave 30 clear on first try! I honestly thought I'd need more gear before I did that ... Posted by Budewnpa This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again. Its really is an awesome Build if you want to play relaxed PoE. For me its perfect in Ultimatum since I don't have to dodge anything. My adaptive resolution in Ultimatum drops so low, I can't even tell where the Chaos cloud (chaos immune is op), the frost orbs or the lightning circles are. I just stand there and hammer away. My only issue is: I have sometimes a hard time to spawn spiders in fights like the maven trials. But the agony crawler will kill them sooner or later anyway. Posted by 4nthraxx This build is insane! Facetanking t16 awlvl 9 fully juiced trialmaster feels incredible. And my character was only lvl80 that fight. I admire your work. Posted by dimka_po This build is leaguestart friendly, as it use almost no special items to make it work. Everything is a must have which increase the build by a lot, but even without the Skin of the Lord, the build can work... With no expense (and no brain), with basic stuffs (no cluster, no jewels, no ring, no amu), Glancing Blow, and just Aegis, and 2 casual flask, you can already achieve : - 5k es - 30k armour - 500k DPS - 600 es on block - 75/75 block chance - capped resistance (75/80/76) ... At lvl 80 Seems already pretty good for a 10c build, no ? Most of the builds don't reach this much tankyness / DPS combo with such "investissment". Also, note that the build may be a leaguestart friendly, it's not a beginner friendly as there is a lot special mecanics in it, and you have to know it to leveling and playing it right. Posted by Chimnei_Moon Im playing Mana Guardian every league. U can easly farm all content while drinking beer and eating pizza. I dont use spiders tho cos i hate this mechanic, I prefer more dmg for my scorpion. U are making hell of a work and forum thread is a masterpiece. And dont forget that time is mana friend ;) Posted by Chujogrom The build is really fantastic and I feel immortal for 10 div already. Posted by Hydro_Slazenger All the work put into this builds notes, trees, skills, items is nothing short of brilliant! Thanks for the great build and awesome instruction manual that came with it bro! :) Posted by maoriwanderer just wanted to tell you i love this build i pretty much make it once every league. since im pretty bad at the game a tank build with decent dps is really nice (also thanks for updating it pretty often saved my ass last league lol) Posted by elazhan I played this build for first time at the end of 3.15 (I only played this league + syndicate), I played it as if I was league starting, no bonus gear from my main etc to see how I could start - was super easy. Was quickly running high end content, and even cleared A8 Sirus at 87 without even having all my gems capped. Posted by Trelander I love this build. I'm playing Scourge as my first PoE league ever, i'm noob as fck. I don't understand anything (atlas, crafting, delve/mining, maps). But i love this build. I expect that this build would be playable trought the Leagues. My idea is to dominate this build in 2 or 3 leagues ^^ Thanks a lot. I hope you could up more content :) Posted by David ML First time playing - having an absolute blast with my arachnids! Thank you again for this build! Posted by CrowbarSr What I can say, on a sirus a8 the only thing I dodged - meteor, simply because I don't dare to take it =) Everything else was just facetanked. All degens besides giant balls were overhealed by ES on hit. I didn't record this fight, but all I did - mostly just stood in one place and casted my crap. In simulacrum with cyclone against normal monsters it feels freaking good. And against Kosis with storm burst, it is amazing too. I could save a lot of time just facetanking his barrage instead of dodging it. The only thing I have to dodge against kosis now is his super slam. [...] Did some bosses yesterday (2x maven 10, the hidden, sirus a8, maven boss fight) and 2 simulacrums. Besides 1 mandatory death on maven's last memory game, everything else was deathless and quite trivial. As for maps, ugh... Whatever juice, whatever tier, whatever scourge stack, whatever mods besides no regen. I can steamroll it all at ease. I will go full delve after finishing the feared and other peak encounters. Really wonder which depth will stop me =) [...] In any case, in 3.16 this build is a lot better than in any previous leagues in all fields, be it damage or tankiness. Posted by monik390 I love this build, im using a headhunter and its so fun haha im inmortal Posted by antofazul Just wanted to say thanks for the build. Funniest I played so far and on my way to lvl 100. Kinda unkillabble, especially since I found Mageblood. Posted by DimitriusC Thank you for the amazing build, Chromino! 2nd time playing this build in the new league and it's so fun and tanky :) Posted by mrflamee I delved a lot tonight and basically just ran around the entire time not having to do anything or pay much attention. I've been debating rearranging all my shield/block nodes on the tree to get to 38% both block chances and then going GB, but I just feel so untouchable with the full 100% block that I'm not sure if I want to give it up. Posted by cdnza Feeling incredibly tanky and well rounded, haven't died once since I went CI at around lvl 69 or so. I can pretty much just sit in any ultimatum and agony/spiders just destroy everything. Might try to take this build to 100 considering how tanky this build is feeling. Thanks for an awesome build guide Posted by TrancedOuT Thanks so much for the awesome guide! I’ve played your spider version before and now going to try this one and as guardian. Thanks for any advice and for an awesome guide! Posted by Omegasup Once you have the items listed by the build you're literally unkillable. I haven't died to ANY Ultimatum and completed all waves standing afk and just pressing flasks and ball lightning. And i dont even have the Grace amulet and the Iron Reflexes armour yet. With it it would be like a Terminator :) ███░░█░░███░█░█░░░███░███░░░█▀▀░█░█░█░█░░░█▀▀░░░▄█▄░▄█▄░░ █▄█░█▄█░░█░░███░░░█░█░█▄░░░░█▀░░▐█▌░█░█░░░█▀░░░░▀█████▀░░ █░░░█░█░░█░░█░█░░░███░█░░░░░███░█░█░█░███░███░░░░░▀█▀░░░░ Posted by Hey0cean This build is incredible.I am lvl 73 and i can face tank t15 ultimatum indefinetely standing in stone circle and spam ball lightning, vaal discipline, molten shell and flasks. I have only 5000 es and 3000 mana. I have barely any cluster jewel.lol.full build at lvl 100 with all gear is immortal i think.lol Posted by dovahkin1986 Thanks for the build, it's just crazy how I can survive easily 150 stacks of scourge, juiced glennach nemesis 3 and mapping is super smooth, just obliterating everything. Posted by Jimm Oh and I do get occasionally stun locked… it’s annoying because I don’t like to be stuck, but I don’t die so it’s ok. Posted by Ariakan80 Chromino u are the best :D Yesterday I made changes and I have applied some things of your comment (Armor, flask, gems and make a wishlist :D) Now I feel like I could eat the world. Posted by Belegrost This build is waaaay tankier even on leveling already. I'm level 65, have white gloves (34 itemlevel), blue chest (27 itemlevel) and some random crappy rares from the ground (like leaguecontent-corrupted dagger 6 ilvl from the 1st act lmao). And I literally die only if really believe in my immortality. I died 6 times for now and 4 times I just yolo run into big packs of everything. 2 because of afking. You can imagine occultist's survivability with this gear level :D But I never used Herald of Agony cause people commented here a lot of hard leveling times through this skill. I used Herald of Purity all the way in those crappy white 4-link gloves - HoP + Minion Damage + Summon Phantasm + Added Fire Damage. Plus 4link Storm Brand + Ball Lightning + Chance to Poison + Faster Casting (lol I need to fix this link I suppose :D). And thats basically all, I don't have any cool items (brought Anvil for, maybe, 1c, that's all). I don't have 6links, don't have actually any other working links. Use steelskin on left mouse button and ~5 levels ago activated Determination. I have dominating blow in my chest but I don't use it. Just too lazy to use anything except Flame Dash + Arcane Surge besides two 4L I mentioned before. PoB is little chaotic, but you can find a ton of useful info on 50 page of this topic. It was the most helpful discovery for me here. Posted by allumino Thank you for this amazing build! I done almost lv 99 and all end-game content without big problems! Now, after the 36th challenge, i can say without doubts this is one of my favourite build in 12 years of Poe, and surely one cleverly designed. Posted by emacir thanks for your build, really easy to play when you know how to summon the spiders without panicking during a boss or a fight with a screen full of monsters Memory vault + dagger + aegis aurora = you can start printing currency. Upgrade after upgrade ... facetanking while watching tv sirus 6, 9 waves of ultimatum T16 etc. still working on upgrading, need more exalted Posted by luvahiz Almost all of the gear is pretty cheap, I was really surprised at how cheap the clusters are compared to most meta build clusters. [...] Thanks for the very thorough guide! Posted by Umberger Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the great and insanely detailed build guide. So much fun to see what kind of potential builds in this game can reach. Anyways cheers for this guide. Posted by a2b12 Hey thx for one of the best and well written guide i‘ve seen so far. Posted by sh0wtimeye Almost level 91 and 0 deaths from this build. I've never felt so tanky before in PoE. Posted by TrancedOuT I did league start with it as well, sure it has been a bit of a struggle but now i am at a point i am steamrolling maps already with a dead here and there Posted by Solidwolf I feel almost unkillable at the moment lol. It really is disgusting what I can afk tank. This build is amazing and I really appreciate the help to get me where I am now. I am destroying all content now and im focusing on just leveling. I am switching out my gems for bosses. I bought another chest also with 3 greens 2 blues and a red. So I can now flip flop the build to add phantoms if I feel like it. They clear maps really well. Posted by sedenko I ended up running t12 maps on pre-ci, life version, with a 5 link in a ashrend, without any problems! strong build Love this build and guide! It was love at first sight. Posted by xACID_KVLTx And you don't need BIS items at all. At the moment, I don't use Skin of the Lords with Iron Reflexes nor Aul's amulet. I use +1 gems corruption torso (which could as well be normal Skin of the Loyal) and +2 gems amulet (which costs around 4ex, but you could use +1 gems amulet which is very cheap). I killed A9 Sirus with this setup and it was easy, deathless. Posted by Wermine Great guide and i was able to reach the farthest i've been in POE with this build. Thanks @Chromino and everyone sharing tips here! Posted by Roleless Hey Chromino & contributors, just wanted to say thanks for the guide(s). Reached level 100 for the first time and also cleared Simulacrum Lv30. Keep up the good work! Posted by 7kuu Hello guys, hi Chromino, thanks for the amazing build guide! Let the spiders reign! Posted by dapake Map clear is excellent. Spiders do enough damage by themselves to kill anything short of bosses, and they are FAST. I've played the aura stacker, and the damage on bosses here is going to feel weak by comparison. The tank, on the other hand, isn't second tier to anything. :) This is why Chromino has tongue in cheek renamed Sirus' DIE beam to a healbeam, because we can literally stand in it to restore our energy shield. I leveled 3 builds to 95+ in Expedition, league starting with this one. The currency I made with the Allstars funded an Explosive Trapper and a Forbidden Rite Totem build - without selling any gear from this one, I might add. I constantly get into debates in /global when folks ask for the tankiest build available, and most folks push Jugg options. Or the Aura stack, which has a decent tank, but seriously relies on dealing enough damage to kill anything threatening. Nobody else uses Sirus' DIE beam to heal. :) Posted by grimjack68 [...] good I love the build !! Posted by Trentolin You put up a legendary guide AND a crazy "shopping list" for literally every situation/budget [...] Not to mention builds unique "mana reservation" min-maxing type which allows you to do so much stuff that you CANT do without buying KEY expensive items [...] Thanks for all your efforts! Amazing guide. Posted by feelthepain Hello, this is the most comprehensive guide I've ever seen, bravo. Even GGG can't do that much. :) Thanks for your efforts. Posted by Woneerfyalp Sirus 8, deathless. I only have 6955 energy shield, nonetheless, I can tank anything he throws. (Ok, I didn't attempt the chaos storms, or the meteor hit.) Little shots, DIE beam, corridor zig zag (don't bother dodging, this is the best chance to DPS him, just soak up the hits) even the spinning quad beam has very little effect. Took longer than it should have because I forgot to switch my pantheon to refill my writhing jars over time, so just the ... short legged dirty tail. That description still makes me laugh every time! I have to say, this build guide is *Awesome*. The level of detail, the various options, the explanations around gear / tree / skill gem choices are top notch. But what really makes this stand out is the raw language. I just can't stop giggling when I read about the "short legged" "dirty scorpion-tail" "premium lags"... the fun just keeps coming. I have never seen a more entertaining build thread, and I've been here a long... long... Long time. Posted by grimjack68 Finally hit level 100 with this build (none of that stupid AFK 5 way stuff either). It was an uphill battle, especially with the Delve 600 challenge but getting 40/40 was very fulfilling. Thank you for the build, Chromino. I've played it two leagues in a row now and love it. It has been an absolute blast after a really rough league start. Arachnophilia! Posted by CrowbarSr Yep, my work on the build paid off really well. In this league, my build is a lot better than it was in 3.15. Did so many improvements, got a lot more damage and tankiness. So far so good. Started with dom blow, since it's a very natural and the easiest way to lvl guardian, made it up to red maps with no gear bought. Switched to CI at lvl 8x with the budget alternative stuff, and made it possible to complete one of the hardest things in the game in my way. Feels amazing. Good luck with your things, exiles. This build is amazing when done right. Posted by monik390 Thank you for your guide, very comprehensive. Posted by Kateroze Sirus A8 completed (first time ever)... Posted by Valsacar I'm having very much fun with that build. Using full chaos conversation and tiny deviations in the tree. Tons of damage for mapping and bossing. All content is possible. A9 Sirus and Uber Elder are nearly to easy ;) About 10 Million PoB Damage, 6.6k ES, 71/71 Block. Feeling very tanky. Getting 60 Virulence Stacks against bosses is also pretty well to do with the Storm Burst. Storm Brand is perfect for fast and agile mapping. Thank you for @Chromino for the great guide. And everybody else for the great discussion. Keep crawling and sting on. Posted by ElShrimpo it's funny how sirus' die beam actually heal me instead of damaging me 😂 Posted by zcythustk Ooookay, after some struggle in the beginning (levelling was okay, map transition without some extra currency was painful, as I mentioned before) i've managed to get spiders and its just amazing. [...] I can't actually tank EVERYTHING in game, but, well, mostly I can facetank things in moments where other builds couldn't even dream of. It defnately will improve with gear, cause I have only ~5.5ES for now and some items really need to be changed asap.[...] Overall really great and VERY tanky build if you have some patience. Posted by allumino Hi there, made the 100% Chaos conversion Hoag and so far I'm really enjoying it. Reached Level 100 and destroying all content with ease!!! Thank you for the detailed Guide! Hoag on lvl 31 Slams with 6x Pure Agony & Cult-Leader! It was a rough league start though, especially to get the Arakaali's Dagger in the first few days! Posted by paco2304 Thanks a lot for the work, this is the first time i see such a detailed guide. Posted by altevg This is a very, very tanky build with enough DPS. Elder/Shaper/Sirus (especially Sirus) fights are a joke using builds. I can pretty much stand in 1 space and dont bother avoiding anything while fighitng Sirus and never die =) Posted by Vladis The build is awesome (which is why I keep coming back to it) and tanky as hell. Posted by Valsacar I am currently enjoying this build quite a lot. This build is like a small community within the game, which is just awesome. Posted by iuiz It will be way better. I played this build last league, eventually killed everything, Sirius, Maven, etc. Just afked on Al-Hezmin in the centre of his arena cause of CI. He couldn't even make a scratch. In a matter of tank your armor numbers should grow big for Aegis Aurora and slightly after ~60k it will be almost unkillable in normal circumstances. Posted by allumino alright so at this point, I don't think I can make any more changes to what I have without spending 30ex for armor and amulet.. with that being said, this is probably one of the chilliest builds I've played in a long time. Scourge feels safe most of the time until I hit about 90 corruption stacks, I did sirus 8 yesterday and face tanked his beams and meteor. Maven invitations feel a bit tippy but that's on me since I'm new to the fights. All in all worth all the investment and headache to make the build how it is now ! Posted by dpham99 Facetanked Minotaur like a boss with 4.8 es. Posted by RestInPieces Hi, thanks for a great build (the most enjoyable minion gameplay I've ever played). Posted by Arrihon Thank you so much, Even without boss gems( I forgot to change), I got my first Sirus kill and that too A9. I died a few times as I am not familiar with all his stages but I did not think that I would be able to kill him before. This build has spoilt me so much.. I dont think I can play any other build from now. Posted by sidp2201 I am enjoying the fact that im rarely - if ever - dying and rolling right along. im taking my time so i haven't done any major bosses yet, but mapping has been easy enough this build though is very well thought out and planned, down to the smallest detail, and i appreciate the thought and time thats gone into it Posted by Soulstrike628 Chromino, thank you for building and maintaining this. I leveled to 80 now and I am slowly starting to hunt for needed gear. It took me a while to wrap my head around the build and its complexities, but now I begin to appreciate all the thought that went into it, the multiple layers of defense and offence, the interactions between parts of the build, etc. Absolutely love playing it and I don't even have the dagger yet. My hat off to you sir. Posted by Jadran Loving the build so far Chromino! Thank you for the in depth and detailed POB and also description. Posted by Quickfade Hi, this build is really charming and thx your hard work on this guide! Posted by seventhcat Thanks Chromino for this build, it is dam awesome, I cleared Simu for 1st time today :O Sure is tanky as hell! The damage is decent too! I recorded wave 30 just for fun~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLLguN5Fo8s Posted by Grassygarde Many thanks to Chromino for this build. My first build that able to melt almost everything with stress free gameplay. My first Sirus A9 deathless something near in 3 minutes. Maven not a problem at all. All ultimatums is a joke (except some unlucky ones) And much more that i like - its so flexible, you can play with this build and adjust it how you like. More damage - no problem, more defence - no problem, different skills - no problem, you able to tweak it how you like. I am even not using spiders, because i don't like to spawn them and etc. Maybe i will play with some ascendancy passives, because without Phantasm supports i didn't have enough "Allies" near with me to get permanent Onslaught and etc. Posted by Zlatoruk Can't wait to try this build. Thanks for the hard work! Posted by Feurn But yeah I love the build. My reflexes aren't really great so something tanky was needed. I have seen my share of hairy situations i know none of my other chara could have dealt with. It's less DPS than a lot of other options, but it's very delicately balanced and when the pieces start falling in place it's downright exhilarating. Anyway, love it, just need to finish gearing ! Posted by Wolrajh Great guide, really loving it! Posted by tatiloco Thank you Chromino for keeping this up to date! It's going to be a great league. BTW. I have a funny story to share, when I started to test the build at the end of Expedition, I accidentally opened a No Mana Regen map without knowing it. So I raised my 20 spiders and proceeded through the map, and then suddenly I realized I had no more mana left. "Well shit" I thought to myself, but I continued with spiders only and their number went down a bit a few times but they kept killing and re-summoning themselves and they cleared 3/4 of the map before I finally had to TP out and get a mana flask! So I cleared 3/4 of a T12 map with 0 skills used and buttons pressed except movement. Amazing. Posted by Jadran Great build so far, starting to feel pretty tanky, now gotta work on damage but getting expensive now. :P Posted by chronicbint I've played over a dozen builds and this is only the second one strong enough to finish W30 which is very satisfying. Well done with this off-meta masterpiece for sure, thanks again. Posted by WarPig17 I totally recommend it, it gives what it promises. Congratulations for the guide. I bought the melding flesh and I'm even more immortal than I was lul. Posted by Sputnik01 Fantastic fantastic build, first time trying necro after sticking to guardian hoag for a long time :) Thanks for the build! Posted by mrflamee 36 challenges done, not going for 40 this league - probably taking Christmas off. Overall very enjoyable and chill build. Posted by qwertz My current POB has me at ~23.4m shaper dps, inf EHP vs level 84 spells, inf ehp vs spells and like 8-9m vs attacks from level 84 boss (34 shaper balls to kill, 1.4m ehp vs 84 memory game) ... Posted by Budewnpa biggest change for me was swaping out of GB, 35% dmg reduction vs 100% dmg reduction is huge difference, rarly see my es drop from 100% since then. Posted by Kenavru Just wanted to say thank you Chromino, I've been having a great time with this build and it allowed me to finally get that GG end game drop I've always dreamed of getting. Always hoped for a Mirror but a Mirror worth item will do :D! ![]() Posted by Haiatu I'm hyped to play this build again. Everything is looking good on Pathfinder. Greetings. Posted by klorin2 Amazing build. Just compeleted wave 30 of simulacrum with only 1 death (face tanked his big explosion and I'm not even sure what happened lol) Started the league as witch, but I'm soooo glad I tried this one out! It absolutely crushes Posted by Kurnis A8 Sirus down... This build is the best tank in my poe history. It even beats double nebuloch marauder or Mjolner discharge. I wonder how can I die :) ? Posted by Astarotte I am really enjoying this build. Even with basic essentials and no expensive items I can take red maps easily without even coming close to dying. Posted by sidp2201 First just want to say thanks for this guide. Made this last night to play with a friend and I cant stop playing it. Im having a blast. Posted by Khesahn20 Hi, just wanted to say thanks for the great and detailed guide, I'm almost level 100 and this build is probably my top 5 most favorite i've ever played. Posted by inboundgopher Thank you! All in all, this build has been a lot of fun, especially the reactions from friends whenever I did Sirus carries for them, refusing to dodge anything he threw at me :D Scourge has been a great league for this build Posted by Jeskojay Chromino, thanks for putting together and sharing a very nice build. This thread is full of good vibes. Posted by melkorien Hi Chromino, I am very satisfied with the build, yesterday I did Sirus 9 without taking any risks, Die is not able to kill me, Congratulations for the great and solid build. Posted by radius540 Hello, I'm loving the build, although, I'm big noob I also really enjoy the fact that every single upgrade shows improvement in the build, as I am a player that usually focuses strongly on one character Posted by Lakeyour Hey Chromino! Build is great, been enjoying it. Still a bunch of stuff to upgrade and fix on my part but it's going great. Posted by Yan_n Finally done with the grindy part of this league! Reached Level 100 and did 40 Challenges on the same day. All with this build, never played anything else since the start of this league over a month ago. This was the smoothest ride ever after getting the 3 core uniques... before them I died like 4 times every t1 map^^ I played since beta and could never reach level 100 on any other character... this should be proof enough for the insane tankiness of this build :D Normally I never play a build twice but I really consider it, if there are no huge nerfs etc... let's see! Thank you so much for the support with this guide chromino and mabye we see us again next league (: Posted by Robale Thanks again for epic build! Posted by VistaChris I am playing this build for this league and having a blast. Posted by Solipsistisch Thanks for making this build btw, really enjoyed it so far. Love the variety it offers while still having decent damage and clearspeed, being able to do all mods and content and being tanky enough to survive most, if not all, uber boss attacks. Posted by 4U71SM The build is fantastic so far. I'm farming T16 Expedition and will gradually keep getting more gear upgrades if the trade site wasn't down half the time. Posted by klorin2 [...] I want to take this character as far as i can, since it's the most fun I've had in a long time in POE! Posted by Soulstrike628 This build is a little bit hard to understand and start with, but it can be extremely powerful and flexible. You can use any spells to poison enemies as long as they give you many hits. It is even possible (but not recommended) to go for 100% auto-caster one-button build - you sacrifice A LOT tankiness and dmg, but your few years old kid can play it that way. Posted by Fukurokage 1) You are absolutely crazy! 2) This is the biggest build I have seen so far. Thx for the hard work. Posted by turbozanik @Chromino Again, great build. Posted by turbozanik Did play this in 3.14 and was 96,5 within 3 weeks and that was with a skin of the loyals, not skin of the lords (was ~5ex away from affording it). Quitted there because I wasted to much time in POE because the build was so much fun :), Failed 3 Ultimatums in total in that time and got to the boss 5 times. It was just to easy if you didn't care about rewards, when you could not die anyway. That comes from a player who is REALLY bad. I could not figure out how to spawn spieders in Boss fights. So they took some time, but this build gives you time to learn fights. With this build I got my first: Sirus (up to 7) Shaper Elder Uber Elder I fucked up because I invited maven to my first try ever. All breachstones. And that all within 3 weeks. Posted by Humtol I actually picked up an Aegis Aurora off the ground yesterday so I'm using that now, but otherwise my gear is still kind of shoddy. I held of transitioning since I was under 3k ES and it felt kind of shaky, but I will probably transition today. Even pretransition with like 2k HP 1.5K ES I was pretty comfortably doing T16 maps and took down eater no worries. Damage has been pretty good too with Kalisa's- I'm thinking of getting a triggered curse somewhere too, but really it's just a matter of cost/time for now. Build is working well overall and definitely falling into place! Posted by Budewnpa With Skin of the Lords bought, I'm now full tanking juiced expedition encounters, it's so effortless. Hang in there brothers it's a good build and worth playing! Greetings. Posted by klorin2 Love the build!!! And even more so the guide God tier! Rerolled from ranger and I feel unkillable :) Posted by ezakhiel ...congratulations on the build. I've been having so much fun with her. Thank you! Posted by Huntezudo I came here to say the problem has been fixed :) Now I am tanky as all hell and still on a shitty 200 ES Chest lol. Adding the Cold Iron Point was game changing also. Hyped to get skin of the lords and start stacking Perfect Agonys :) Glad I stuck with it!!! Worth! Posted by GunSm0k3d This build is amazing, and the POB is amazing. There is far more effort in the POB than basically any POB that exists. Posted by sp0dey I'd check out the herald of agony guardian build (or herald of purity).. I'm running it this league and it's a tank. With less than 5ex invested you can facetank Sirus at A6, do T16 maps with ease, delerium maps, normal & uber atziri and so forth. It's not screen wide explosion fast but gets the job done quick and safely. If you get more currency you can blow 30-50ex on this build to get all BIS items and facetank everything. But with 5ex you can run pretty much all content. It's not meta so a lot of items are dirt cheap (like 10chaos for boots, 15choas chest, 10c gloves etc etc). have a look: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705 Posted by R3kt3m Absolutely loving this build. Posted by blaw001 YouTube goodguygaming3 about the build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR86eiBMiTY&t=80s Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR86eiBMiTY ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPh_Gi7PCqs แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 16:59:59
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Here some minor stuff about the build will be posted soon.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 03:46:08
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The allstars in [3.25] Settlers
The HoA of Kalguur ![]() ■■■ The anchor drops. ■■■ ⚓⚡🌊 ■■■ The winds are just right. ■■■ 🌬️⛵☁️ ■■■ The Herald of Kalguur is docking! ■■■ 🌴🦂🌪️ ■■■ HoA is back! ■■■ HoAg and minions remain unchanged. Tattoos are not removed. Spellblock was buffed, but the build lost 3k armour with a nerf to determination. We simply equalize this totally by the buffed ward and endurance charges, or by switching a no longer needed spellblockcluster into an ar/ev-cluster. The buffs With the huge buffed ward of the elixier of the unbroken circle, which is doubled by skin of the lords, we get each 2 seconds additional 10% ehp. The buffed enduring charges add another 15% more flat ehp. So in total great 20-30% flat additional dr / ehp are obtained in [3.25]. With the new +2 max cold-resi-jewels melding of the flesh is used again. Or taste of hate adds 25% more ele-ehp before. _______________ League mechanics
All allflames were easy to juice. With the corpsecrafts awesome HoA-weapons and helmets were done. With the tattoos I he build is extreme flexible to max 100% spell suppression, more es and and poison chances. 3.24 news:
In [3.24] Hoapolis the returning tattoos will free up full geared around 8 passivepoints and the keystone on skin of the lords. Some spell suppression notes and chance to poison could be switched out. B.i.s. geared 11-14 passives were free to spend. Nice new possibilities to choose were i.e. free to select the amulet-anoint. The allstars stacked also around 20% more ehp with es on tattoos in the build. With the new sapphire flask (+5-10 % increased max cold-resi) the synergies of aegis aurora and melding of the flesh became again much more valuable. 89% all max resis were fast reached. The boot-slot will become flexible and can be switched out to 10% more damage or easy management with the rainbow stride-boots. In general some movementspeed will get in too. Because the allstars travel much across int- and dex-notes and can get needed attributes easy on clustertransfers the build turns in 3.24 much more easy for all optimizations. The necromancer get much substain with ghost reaver and es-leech when wanted. The pathfinder get more easy 100% flask-uptime with some tattoos. Capping attack block got possible too. In rippy, not to scip, league-content and the new t17 map-mods the HoA-build defend with much more tanky defensive layers as other builds. Poison HoA vs. other minion builds
Very fine and nice holy relics leaded the minion-meta. A great build and only in t17 a bit squishy. GhazzyTV mentioned in his interview with Jonathan Rogers that temporal minions like HoA is scaling better as other minions. He recommended again the Allstars build to play HoA in stream. BalorMage argued about the advantages of the immortal HoA against holy relic and mortal minions in t17. HoA got buffed in movement, damage and qol and is b.i.s.-geared as strong as the mirror-priced spectres. _______________ ![]() Improvements of the build
With the recombinater rare helmets and boots got much cheaper to craft, probably only a quarter as expensive as before. Because in juiced t-17 ele-mods melding of the flesh for all maxresis 88-90% is too strong, a rare helmet for more es and free resi-suffixes climbed up into b.i.s.-standard with that. Also high es-base-boots became much easier to be built in. The +8 rare amulet is the newe endgame-cherry, there werse some for 200 div in trade, not too bad for doubling the damage early in HoA-crit-editions. PoB
I added a higher budget 606M damage PoB, atanky 150M ehp pob, and reformated the pathfinder pob. The Guide
Almost each spoiler was improved. Such an amount of improvements were not edited since a year. The complete change log: 7.11.24 Settlers Relaunch, no changes Improved and streamlined the "Tipps for beginning: CI-Transformation", "melding of the flesh", "Clusters: suffixes and transfers", "Mana-Reg", and many more spoilers in minor guidings 24.10.24 Improved the Necro-Poison-HoA-PoB (86M, 1.2M ehp). Added as example a tanky pob-tree/item/skill-tab (31M damage, 50M ehp, 35k max phys hit taken) Improved also all Champ-, Trickster-, Guardian-, Scion-PoB`s Improved the Champ's mana-reg with "mana flow" in the tree Added in the Champ-pob the alternative op- forbidden flame/flesh tree for gladiator's 'more than skill' (guided before only in "jewels") Updated the ranking of ascendancies (Champ raised up with his flat dr-tankyness for strategies like rogue exiles t17 delirious) 16.10.24 "Flat damagereductions" moved out from "The Ubers" over to "Checklists stats" I optimized the guidings about mana-reg, and the tipps moved also out from "manamanager" and "manamaster" into the new spoiler "mana-reg" Added regex-mapfilters in "checklist defences" 30.9.24 Improved guidings about helmet-variation maw of the coquest / hybrid life + es in the spoilers "the ubers" -> "Chaos and CI - Life and Hybrid", "gear" -> "keystones" -> "CI, in "tipps for levelling" -> section "CI-recovery" and in "jewels" -> "the golden rule Added the svalinn variation for 95+% spellblock & dodge Streamlined and improved the spoilers "TL;DR", "Ehp | Es", "Craftings", "Manamaster", "Flasks" and more 24.9.24 Improved the b.i.s. HoA-crit-Pob: 604M Added the new Reflecting Mist, Hinekora's Lock, Recombinator-crafted rare amulets 2x +4 to all / chaos / physical skillgem-levels as the totally b.i.s. +8 to HoA-levels Improved many more minor guidings & explanations Added Hateful Accuser as ring-variation Improved guardian-pob Reformations in the pathfinder-pathings 5.9.24 Hiero here! ✓ The Hierophant-Variation is added in the Guardian-Pob. ✓ The Glad blocks in the Duelist-Pob. ✓ Many PoB's improved (small and large clusters for Trickster, Necro, Jugg, etc.) Corrected some tattoos in some mageblood-trees Improved "details of the ascendancies" and the ranking in "Which ascendancy?" Improved the sections about mana-reg in "mana-manager", "mana-master" and megalomaniac medium clusters Improved the "faq" Improved the helmet section in "gear" Started in "Ubers" the new spoilers "Examples Ubers-Oneshots" and "Flat damagereductions" Added a medium-gear Crit-HoA-Pob: 165M Improved the b.i.s. HoA-crit-Pob: 508M 24.8.24 ●●● The circle closes - The Scion launches ●●● 21.8.24 Improved the necro and jugg-pob Improved the spoilers "checklists stats", "checklist defences", "faq", "keystones | gear", "belt", "endgame", the "CI-transformation", many "poe trade links", "ailments", "details of the ascendancies", and some more details Buffed the chainexplosions of asenath's gentle touch-gloves by a second layer of explosions with a large chaos-cluster "unspeakable gifts" Improved the b.i.s. crit-tree with grand spectrums to 418M 10.8.24 +++ It's time to Jugg! +++ 1.8.24 Updated and improved many minor details for 3.25 Added belt Ynda`s stand in combination with high ar/ev gear for 2000-4000 ward as recommended starter set-up before SoL Added the new +2 max cold-resis viridian jewel in melding of the flesh set-up Streamlined some lists of poe-tradelinks Improved the section gloves in "gear" and "details of the ascendancies" Asenath's gentle touch-gloves climbed up the steps to b.i.s. gear in maps 20.7.24 [3.25] Settlers of Kalguur drop the anchor. A lot buffs and some nerfs were adjusted in the news. 10.7.24 Waiting for docking of the patchnotes 3.25 Added some 3.25 news Improved the "Tipps for beginning, levelling, gearing and leaguestart" Added rare iron flask in mageblood-flask-set-up (+800 to +1000 es) Corrected some rankings in "flasks" Improved some spoilers in "crafts" Improved HoA-crits to 370M. 2.7.24 1.5M views in the guardian-ascendancy Gear
No major changes. I improved the explanations about skin of the lords and keystones, levelling gear and alternatives. It was the league for some b.i.s. again. ... I cannot remember such a rare rolled aegis aurora since long times in [3.21] Crucible. Some totally b.i.s.: I am still trying to craft better ones: Nice to be doubled by the Adorned to +3/+4: With the b.i.s. clusters and megalomaniacs and good ghastlys jewels I reached 210 unreserved mana, 140 mana/sec, 130 overcapped resis, 4 curses, 50M dps. And I have the fitting gear for 140M dps HoA-crits in stash. In ordinary content the HoA-jugg I play this league is almost immortal and died only 4x in levels 80-100 (do not retell, I did U-sirus in unfitting mapping equipment asenath's gentle touchs on low 3k es and on top I forgot to reactivate ghost dance 5 levels long, equal to 40% less ehp, lol). Now in lvl 100 I farm in titanic gigantified rogue exiles strategies also in t17's including crazy mods like 300-400% increased map-mods, 3x 300% additional elemental damage, seance, wrath of the cosmos, 80% delirious etc. - not deathless, but good & easy doable. Because the high unreserved mana and mana-reg are not often needed I'll balance further into more damage and do beside recombinations and shipments for one of the imba +8 amulets. Leaderboards and Leaguestart
Congrats to all Arachnophobiatics! The dominant meta was ruled by DD and more. Also when often jugg and champ were chosen, the top of the board was again dominated by CI-Arachnophilias! I myself climbed rank 2 in the champion-ascendancy. Hehehehe X-) With cheap gear for 20 div I played the new champion from lvl 90 to 99 relaxed and tanky with 2 deaths. 1x dot-ignite beam of over juiced allflames killed me in high juiced plateau and 1x I forgot to activate tempestshield after a cluster swap. It was a beautiful leaderboard of Arachnophilia again! With some more very successful Arachnophobiatics! Trading
Popularity of the build
_______________ Outlook: 3.26, Path of Exile 2 and more
More Are there plans beside for serious Titan Quest or Grim Dawn Expansion, a new Sacred or follower of Dungeon Siege 1/2 already leaked - hehehehe? And MMXI awaits us soooon? Yeaah! After all again I am focussing on the news of PoE [3.24] - and am quite sure Poe II will be the upcoming meta for bitches, gourmets and maniacs like us in the whole Arpg-genre after PoE I. The allstars in [3.24] Necropolis
The HoApolis _______________ League mechanics
All allflames were easy to juice. With the corpsecrafts awesome HoA-weapons and helmets were done. With the tattoos I he build is extreme flexible to max 100% spell suppression, more es and and poison chances. 3.24 news:
In [3.24] Hoapolis the returning tattoos will free up full geared around 8 passivepoints and the keystone on skin of the lords. Some spell suppression notes and chance to poison could be switched out. B.i.s. geared 11-14 passives were free to spend. Nice new possibilities to choose were i.e. free to select the amulet-anoint. The allstars stacked also around 20% more ehp with es on tattoos in the build. With the new sapphire flask (+5-10 % increased max cold-resi) the synergies of aegis aurora and melding of the flesh became again much more valuable. 89% all max resis were fast reached. The boot-slot will become flexible and can be switched out to 10% more damage or easy management with the rainbow stride-boots. In general some movementspeed will get in too. Because the allstars travel much across int- and dex-notes and can get needed attributes easy on clustertransfers the build turns in 3.24 much more easy for all optimizations. The necromancer get much substain with ghost reaver and es-leech when wanted. The pathfinder get more easy 100% flask-uptime with some tattoos. Capping attack block got possible too. In rippy, not to scip, league-content and the new t17 map-mods the HoA-build defend with much more tanky defensive layers as other builds. Poison HoA vs. other minion builds
Very fine and nice holy relics leaded the minion-meta. A great build and only in t17 a bit squishy. HoA got buffed in movement, damage and qol and is b.i.s.-geared as strong as the mirror-priced bamas. _______________ ![]() Improvements of the build
Tornados of elemental Turbulences, Ball lightnings of orbiting Cyclone cwc is since 10 leagues again valuable until 100 HoA-virulences with tornados of elemental turbulences with ball lightning of orbiting. The adorned was u bugged and is useable in clusterjewesockets. Belt and weapon are much more flexible with it and2 jewel slots are getting free. The dark seer is buffing extreme flexible tankyness, es and Ehp 25%. PoB
I cleaned up the PoB notes and improved many levelling trees. I added a higher budget 259M damage PoB and improved the mageblood pob's. The Guide
I streamlined the whole guide and improved the layout. Almost each spoiler was reworked and improved. Such an amount of improvements were not edited since a year. The complete change log: 10.7.24 Waiting for docking of the patchnotes 3.25 Added some 3.25 news Improved the "Tipps for beginning, levelling, gearing and leaguestart" Added rare iron flask in mageblood-flask-set-up (+800 to +1000 es) Corrected some rankings in "flasks" Improved some spoilers in "crafts" 2.7.24 1.5M views in the guardian-ascendancy 21.06.24 ***** The Champ arrives ***** Improved all pob's with the cheap 5-passives-voices (before only guided in the large-clusters spoiler) Improved explanations in "tipps for levelling", "gear", "keystones", "faq" Improved "checklist defences", "faq" Improved the spoilers about flat dr / damageshiftings in "The Ubers" Improved and streamlined many poe-tradelinks Improved the layouts of some spoilers 5.6.24 Expanded, reworked and improved the guidings in the checklist damage / composition of agony for HoA-crit-scaling and full 100M-250M dps Added in FAQ the spoiler "HoA-AI" Added a spoiler "es and ehp" in "balancing & managing" (located before in checklist defences) Reworked the spoilers "gear" and "HoA poison - The Adorned" Minor changes to watcher's eye mod-ranking Streamlined and improved many more spoilers details of the build 24.5.24 Changed default mapping-skillset until 90 HoA-virulences / 100 M damage to: cyclone - awakened cast while channling - tornado of elemental turbulences - ball lightnings of orbiting Added "overlord" as large cluster for fortify cyclone Improved the spoiler "skills and trigger", "crafts", "gear", "jewels", "The crawler raises", "tl;dr", "countdown" and some more Scaled the new meta-HoA-set-up to 260M with maata`s teaching, spirit offering, assasin's mark, vicious bites. 12.5.24 Added a new minmax-HoA-meta set-up: 176M damage, 20M ehp. Thanks to mrflamee! Added and improved a new spoiler "recovery" in "balancing & managing" (it moved out from checklist defences / fire and other ailments) Added plaguebringer + bone barrier-variation in the necro-spoiler "ascendancy" (with good manamanagement +10% damage, +20% ehp, 700 es-leech/sec gained) Improved "the composition of agony - checklist damage" Improved Pro and Contra Improved some poe-tradelinks Improved and updated "the ubers" Streamlined some build-details Finally I did not forget to add my new personal b.i.s. spoiler "The details of the Ascendancies" next to "Faq" so that now the different ascendancies need less special updates Published a new t-17 video 29.4.24 Improved the mageblood-section and mageblood-pob's Added an Iron reflexes tree-variation Added the spoiler "The b.i.s.-upgrades" in "endgame" Added circle of ambition, thanks to max 1203! Added arcane surge for castspeed and es-leech Added cheap variation tides of time for mapping 2M The next keystone of totally combined 2M arachnophobiatic views in united 4 arachnophil ascendancies-forums dropped on the 22.4.24 in [3.24] Necropolis. 18.4.24 Reworked the pob-notes Reworked the"flasks", the "manamaster" and the "skillmanager" Improved the layout of the build Added The Adorned 10.4.24 PoB's improved. Added tree/item/skill-tabs in pob for "HoA lvl 34 - ubers - damage" improving damage around 20% with darkness enthroned, +2 triggerwand/ +2 dark seer / +1 chaos-mastery "corruption" / +3 Cold iron point, + chaos golem of the maelstroem - feeding frenzy Damage raised as Necro from 48M to 60M! HoA's next tipping point lvl 34 reached. Tanky edition damage raised from 37M to 42M! CIP switched to +2 triggerwand / the dark seer +700 es. 8.4.24 Improved the vixens entrapement-gloves + anathema ring set-up-variation Added large chaoscluster overwhelming malice and Touch of cruelty Added in maps sin's rebirth stibnite flask as alternative for withers Added the dark seer sceptre as variation (+700 es) Improved the spoilers "skills & trigger", "HoA-supports", "ailments", "countdown", "alternative jewels", "large clusters", "interesting clusters", "composition of damage" 25.3.24 Updated the pob Streamlined pob Started a spoiler about tattoos 300k views necro Gear
No major changes. I improved the explanations about skin of the lords and keystones, levelling gear and alternatives. With cheap gear for 20 div I played the new champion from lvl 90 to 99 relaxed and tanky with 2 deaths. Leaderboards and Leaguestart
Congrats to all Arachnophobiatics! The dominant meta was ruled by DD and more. Also when often jugg and champ were chosen, the top of the board was again dominated by CI-Arachnophilias! I myself climbed rank 2 in the champion-ascendancy. Hehehehe X-) With cheap gear for 20 div I played the new champion from lvl 90 to 99 relaxed and tanky with 2 deaths. 1x dot-ignite beam of over juiced allflames killed me in high juiced plateau and 1x I forgot to activate tempestshield after a cluster swap. It was a beautiful leaderboard of Arachnophilia again! With some more very successful Arachnophobiatics! Trading
With high inflation in the whole market and many pricefixers it was probably one of the most expensive leagues. In example Ashes of the stars, clusters and the Adorned were cheap, but watchers eye with good mods and skin of the lords expensive. 3.25 will make it differently in currency-trading! Popularity of the build
When I counted correct it was the most popular build in the official necro and guardian forum. PlusOne Poe-podcast mentioned the build as most enjoyable minion-build in 3.24. Poebuilds.cc recommended again the Arachnophobia and Arachnophilia Allstars in both the ascendancies guardian and necro and both as budgetstarter as well as higher budget in variations. GhazzyTV again mentioned and adviced to the HoA-Allstars-builds in his streams. Thank you Ghazzy! Arachnophilia! PoE-Veteran Luetjeminze tried out some bow-builds in leaguestart. But beeing not convinced in their tankyness and qol in endgame with an loud "Arachnophilia forever!" he continued again the Herald and maxed out the HoA build one more time again. Overall in the dominating 85% relic-meta not many, but much more CI Arachnophilias as in former leagues stinged the woods. _______________ Outlook: 3.25, Jugg and more
Perhaps I optimize the jugg next league for Herald of Agony. Probably without CI. More Are there plans beside for serious Titan Quest or Grim Dawn Expansion, a new Sacred or follower of Dungeon Siege 1/2 already leaked - hehehehe? And MMXI awaits us soooon? Yeaah! After all again I am focussing on the news of PoE [3.24] - and am quite sure Poe II will be the upcoming meta for bitches, gourmets and maniacs like us in the whole Arpg-genre after PoE I. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 07:54:18
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The allstars in [3.23] Affliction
The Whispering Woods of Arachnophilia That [3.23] was one of my all time favoured leagues - so high flexibility in building, so much possibilities to full juice map-content, the new valdo-puzzle-maps, and so top by 10000 whisps buffed currency-drops were outstanding fun and action-gameplay with empowered mobs. _______________ League mechanics
3.23 was one of the most powerful leagues of GGG. So much flexibility between the ascendancies was introduced with simply an unique jewel that which was taken and the new league-ascendancies. 3.23 news:
Valuable charms and that which was taken: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/7PX6zRlt5 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/XwM0a3WCP ■■■ Herald of Agony: Quality now provides +0-5 to Maximum Virulence, instead of 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed. It`s a huge damagebuff! Arachnophilia! Around 5M. It makes our choice of clusters more flexible and we get the poisonchance of the divergent skill-quality easy on the tree, other slots or with the new transforming gems too. ■■■ Ultimatum returns ... CI and aegis aurora will be one of the best choices again in this rippy mechanic. Choose the chaos-notes and win in 100% chaos-immunity. Also our combination of blockings and evasion is imba in the extreme damagepeaks of ultimatums. ■■■ League mechanic: in the small area of view HoA will be a great minion to clear many mobs at range ■■■ New ascendancies: ■ Warlock of the Mists ... with the summoned dark phantasms of the "penance mark" the es on hit of watcher`s eye, es on block of aegis aurora, unholy might in the Minion mastery for HoA after kill, returning projectiles, flask charges and HoA-virulences will be multiplied. Nice synergy! Arakaali's Fang returns into wanted alternatives again too as a modern wormblaster with the on kill-proccs and added singletarget damageproccings of melee splash. The Windshriek-boots, Vixens entrapements gloves, Anathema-ring adding curses will geht much more interesting beside. The former slower HoA-damage against some singletargets will be countered. The gained big uptime of vaal skills is like an immortal button with our high effective vaal discipline. Perhaps Wicked ward for another start of recharge will be taken again into this great set-up. ■■ Or "affliction" with summoned phantasms linked to HoA or by storm burst channelled absolution-sentinels etc. in combination Zealot`s oath will offer extreme high es-reg too. ■ Wildwood Primalist: The 3x new Charms with simple 40% more damage of permanent unholy might, chain explosions, capped attackblocks, top castspeed, high es-reg, skill reservation efficiencies etc. become true too when wanted. So many possibilities bring in best buffs at around 2 different 1/4 benefits of: Inquisitor Sanctuary of Thoughts 25% skill efficiencies Occu Profane Bloom: best for map-clearing Trickster Spell Breaker: Starting es-recharge, combinated with wicked ward Guardian Bastion of Hope: Capped attackblockings (trigger it with flicker strike or shield charge etc.) Guardian Time of Need: es-reg Raider Quartz Infusion: 40% spell suppression ■ Warden of the Maji will probably be not fitting as a ranged caster well with the tinctures. ■■■ New storm burst, storm brand of indecision, purifying flame of revelation, ethereal knifes of massacre - returning projectiles|splitting steel, orb of storms, ice spear .... etc. look interesting for easier and more virulences ■■■ The new Fire storm of pelting, 10 fire storms at a time, will probably be imba for HoA-virulences as well as the new transfiguration into static ball-lightnings or glacial cascade of the fissure. As CI we had a great time hunting the woods for full 5-10k whisps-juice with currency-drops never seen before... The charms and that which was taken-jewel were making balancing and 100% spell suppression and trickster-es-recharge and mapping-damage with minion-unholy-might cheap, fast and easy and freed up around 20 passive points minimum on the tree. I myself tried out the trickster-ascendancy for it's unique es-recharge as CI. It was great fun for me also when I personally dislike magic find-builds and focus on currency in poe. Poison HoA vs. other minion builds
Again srs was the better uber-bosser and HoA the faster mapper ... _______________ ![]() Improvements of the build
New gemqualities, new alternate gems, Ball lightnings of static
The new HoA-quality with 5-7 more virulences adds a lot of damage, especially in early progress before getting medium clusters. The new stormburst-quality stacks much faster the generating of virulences. The new ball lightning of static enables high damage on one hit. So high es-leech is possible before getting recovery of other sources: For active es-recovery I added the leech-mastery ethereal feast with lvl 20 ball-lightning of static, lvl 20 tempestshield, lvl 20 storm burst and/or the es-leech support or a sorrow of the divine-flask until you get an graven's secret, aegis aurora and a watcher's eyes with es on hit. After once more testing dozen of new of skills the channelling of ball lightning of static was generating often 80 hHoA-virulences with some castspeed against singletargets also without the golden rule. But for ramping them fast up in half a second the golden rule is still recommended. Ball lightning of static is on lvl 20 also enough damage to use an es-leech-mastery or -support to leech around 700 es / sec when transforming to CI around lvl 70 before getting the watcher`s eye with es on hit. - I added a new cyclone set-up for up to 70 HoA-virulences while moving singletarget with huge aoe of blazing salvo (Thanks to amnesiaCR / lifer0se on poeninjabuilds): cyclone - (awakened) cast while channelling - blazing salvo - returning projectiles support + cursing sniper's mark I published the new Arachnophobia trickster build and pob. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3477280 It`s extreme easy and cheap to gear up and is best tanky against dot, but hard to reach s-tier singletarget-damage. I improved the guidings about sorrow of divine, rational doctrine and brutal restraint, poe-content and favoured maps, cyclone - blazing salvo set-up, and many more. I added a new chapter "The crawler raises - Herald of Agony caught the POE world by storm" telling the paths of progress of the crawler. PoB
The pob's were symplified. The levelling pob-trees were balanced a bit into chance to poison for early bossing. The Guide
I optimized again the order of thematics and spoilers. I added a a chapter about magic find and one to balance spell block / mana of tempestshield as wanted. Many poe-trade-links were better organized and optimized. The category "b.i.s.-upgrades" was added for some more implicits in the tradelinks. I added weblinks to the paintings of the layout in spoiler "informations" https://www.instagram.com/patrick_lemke_play/?hl=de www.patricklemke.com Added a new Trickster-videoshowcase: https://youtu.be/1eCs-z_wMLk Improved chapters lab-runner/ heist with a guide about movementspeed in spoiler poe-content I outsourced the history of the build: updates and last leagues moved to guardian-forum page 474: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705/page/474 I reworked especially "skills and trigger", "gear", "tipps for levelling" and many more. I added es-leech setups with tempestshield and ball lightning of static and the leech-mastery ethereal feast to active recover before gearing CI belt and shield I improved the guidings about sorrow of divine, rational doctrine and brutal restraint, dot, poe-content and favoured maps, cyclone - blazing salvo set-up, cremation of volcano, and many more. A spoiler about ranking of all CI recovery-mechanics by investments and effects in "Checklist defences" and in "Fire and other ailments - Recovery and dot" is added. The ranking of the ascendancies was finetuned. Gear
I recommended The ghastly theater shield until getting aegis aurora. Graven`s secret is now default used and almost as strong as mageblood + melding of the flesh. Ashes of the stars is geared instead uul`netools vow amulet with it's high mana-multiplier of the 7th link. So definitive the build is in the best shape ever. Leaderboards and Leaguestart
Congrats to all Arachnophobiatics! Totally awesome climbed into the HoA-Leaderboards into best positions! Great skilled! Also when often jugg and champ were chosen, the top of the board was again dominated by Arachnophilias! I myself climbed rank 2 in the trickster-ascendancy. Hehehehe X-) It was a beautiful leaderboard of Arachnophilia again! With some more very successful Arachnophobiatics! Trading
Overall getting 2-5x more currency with full juicing maps was easy possible also without magic find. And so were the prices in trade 5-10x raised and calculated. X-) Leaguestart was quite cheap, charms, starter skin of the lords and aegis aurora were low priced. I never saw before triad grips with b.i.s. implicits for 1 div (often around 1 mirror were the prices in former leagues before). Arakaali's Fang was extreme cheap, the squire shield at 5% of prices in former leagues. But after a month, the best Skin of the Lord`s (2 raising up to 50 div), that which was taken jewels (1 climbing up to 250 div), watcher's eyes (1 div flying up to 150 div) skyrocketed. Large spellblockclusters were 2-4 div (in former leagues often 1 div). But overall the build was again much cheaper as other tanky builds like the es-, armour- or aurastackers. For myself I sniped some b.i.s. stuff again: Popularity of the build
In [3.23] in the pathfinder and necro-forum the build was great rank 2 in views again like in last league and in the guardian forum rank 1. Poebuilds.cc recommended again the Arachnophobia and Arachnophilia Allstars in both the ascendancies guardian and necro and both as budgetstarter as well as higher budget in variations. GhazzyTV again mentioned and adviced to the HoA-Allstars-builds in his streams. Thank you Ghazzy! Arachnophilia! PoE-Veteran Luetjeminze tried out some bow-builds in leaguestart. But beeing not convinced in their tankyness and qol in endgame he continued again with an loud "Arachnophilia forever!" and maxed out the HoA build one more time again. But: overall in the dominating 95% srs-meta not many, but much more CI Arachnophilias as in former leagues stinged the woods. _______________ Outlook: 3.24, Champion, Jugg and more
Perhaps I optimize the jugg or the champ next league for Herald of Agony. Probably without CI. Last Epoch In Last Epoch I had fun rolling as a Primalist, Totems & Druid Forms with the best Palladino Luetjeminze after trying out already the alpha before some years. Already in early access it's an interesting game with much fun about skills and crafting, but miss much mechanics in endgame. More Are there plans beside for serious Titan Quest or Grim Dawn Expansion, a new Sacred or follower of Dungeon Siege 1/2 already leaked - hehehehe? And MMXI awaits us soooon? Yeaah! After all again I am focussing on the news of PoE [3.24] - and am quite sure Poe II will be the upcoming meta for bitches, gourmets and maniacs like us in the whole Arpg-genre after PoE I. The allstars in [3.22] Trial of the Ancestors
The high individualisations of tattoos were much tactical fun to include into the build. +1 dex skills for high damage, 90% MAxresis with cold-resis-tattoos and melding of the flesh, tanky knockbacks, fast & easy 100% increased flask-uptimes etc. were upgrades which granted in other places free passives and slots. The allstars in [3.21] Cruicible
In every end of the league I try to summarize the aspects of the Arachnophobia and the Arachnophilia Allstars. Let's start again. 😀 The Sanctum of Arachnophilia _______________ Cruicible mechanics
The channelling of the mobs was perfect fitting to have a long time to cast a frostshield. CI was great to facetank all the poison- and chaos-damage Improvements of the build
Arachnophilia [3.21] ! Only around equal 5% damage is nerfed in united in dreams and the much more scaled minion poisonchance remains. It's also craftable with the cruicible league-mechanic further. And Severed in sleep is useable now to apply withers with HoA+phantasms e.g. But minion chance to poison is from now on probably best with 100% effect of ghastly jewels in the heavy buffed darkness enthroned belt. Perhaps the build moves as a result to 100% spell suppression (pathing 61% with inveterate and instinct, then further perhaps magebane on SoL, watcher's eye-mod, or rare eldritch gloves, etc.) instead 87% all maxresis (or 100% spell suppression + around 82-85% max-resis) and combinate a new cruicible-crafted weapon or again arakaali's fang and the HoA-poisonchance on ghastly jewels. New darkness enthroned belt 100% effect = that's already 60% poisonchance with 2 ghastly jewels inserted, and the possible resis on ghastly jewels (or recouped mana, spellblock, es, etc.) are buffed too to around awesome 40-60%! ■ I can tell already in 99%: the former stygian belt will be exchanged to darkness enthroned. ⊙ added into the default set-up ■ CI seems to be very, very valuable in Crucible for many new damage-mods in all content (see all the new chaos "profane" modifiers) ■ The Buffed Poison mastery makes crit-immunity possible and frees up the major pantheon ⊙ added into the default set-up ■ Vaal firestorm looks interesting of course. ⊙ added into the default set-up ■ 5% to apply full withers chaos-mastery seems interesting, but "corruption" is nerfed, probably pathing instead to another jewel-slot (on the tree across foresight to Lethe Shade / CI, upper witch area regretted, or in the southern templar area) or also "steeped in the profane" will be more valuable. ⊙ added into the variations ■ The added Es-mastery: 100% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet! Woooow, beautiful buff! ⊙ added into the default set-up ■ Still needs to confirm: with changes/ buffs to projectiles-behaviour the anomalous faster projectiles is perhaps 60% able to let return HoA projectiles! ⊙ added into the variations ■ The new amulet "tainted pact" really allows poison leeching uncapped? ■ The Pathfinder is buffed to a very valuable new HoA-ascendancy. Still under construction and will reach after rework of the ascendancy in the pob around 30 M. ⊙ published a build in the pathfinder-ascendancy Visit also our new neighbour: Go for a walk in the Pathfinder-ascendancy, 30M, inbuilt Mageblood at home: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3361513 ■ To check further: HoA-Scion raises? ⊙ sorry, no Check variation mana-mastery with increased skill-efficiencies ⊙ added into the default set-up Check anomalous faster projectiles Check buffed Bubonic trail Check new vaal absolution ⊙ added into the default set-up, vaal lightning arrow Check Cyclone with prismatic burst-support for HoA-virulences Check new triggerbots of saboteur for triggering double HoA-virulences, probably best as trickster with forbidden flame/ flesh Check Crit-HoA (again lol) Check new amulet tainted pact Check new snowboard grace armour (arctic armour) Nimis ring seems to be buffed for doubling the generating of HoA-virulences with projectile-skills On page 50 in the second post I edit the patchnotes which affects us most and looks most interesting to me (in "updates /changelog", spoiler "soon" - looks all like big buffs until now.) It's an massive patch with impactful new masteries and combinations - I will need some days for the most important changes and will do before this overview. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705/page/50#p24032067 To summarize: ■ No feared nerfs to the hexes temporal chains or despair or minion-poison. But molten shell is not nice nerfed. ■ The build and CI keystone are heavy valuable and buffed in Crucible! HoA fits also very fine for the buffed breaches and abysses. ■ Weapon slot is freed / exempted to craft with Crucible rare weapons! Example: HoA 40M leeching 400k es/ sec for you is possible - that's a new quality of immortality for this build. Comparable to the immortal legendary legacy baron-zombies-builds in poe [3.08] Keystones or Aura-effects or supportskills are possible too. United in dreams, CIP, Arakaali's fang and severed in sleep remain great options. Looks on first view like a great league for Herald of agony! Crawl it! The Guide
Leaderboards and Leaguestart
I myself started with 1 chaos for the embalmer-gloves and 2 chaos for small clusters into t3 maps on day 1. I improved into t6 on day 2 and sold the embalmers for 2 chaos and bought a 6 link for 6 chaos. Trading
Aegis auroras were traded on first days for 100 chaos - that was 1/3 price as in last leagues. But skin of the lords were raised to 2 div, 5x the price as in 3.20 Popularity of the build
In [3.21] in the pathfinder forum the raising hOA-pathfiinder was the most viewed build. In the guardian forum the allstars were like in all last leagues the far most viewed build again. Poebuilds.cc recommended again the Arachnophobia and Arachnophilia Allstars in both the ascendancies guardian and necro and both as budgetstarter as well as higher budget in variations. PoE-Veteran Luetjeminze tried out some Palsteron-builds in leaguestart. But beeing not convinced in their tankyness and qol in endgame he continued again with an loud "Arachnophilia forever!" and maxed out the HoA build one more time again. The allstars in [3.20] Sanctum
In every end of the league I try to summarize the aspects of the Arachnophobia and the Arachnophilia Allstars. Let's start again. 😀 The allstars in [3.20] Sanctum The Sanctum of Arachnophilia _______________ Sanctum mechanics
With firestorms and when wanted predator the singletarget-focus of sanctums were easy adjustable. The ups of Herald of Agony are with ranged attacks and with storm brands, phantasmal void spheres and predator automatical triggered (and/ or feeding frenzy) one of the best ranged minionskills. The build is easy to vary at some point. It can offscreen handle a lot. I myself farmed often red vaal temples and I guess it's a bit the same that the mix of movement and damage fits. The downs are that the build focus on global basic defences and maxed tankyness and they are not needed that much in sanctum, so balancings into damage are recommended. Many said that freezings or damage dealt around corners have advantages in sanctum. Ranged also offscreen damage is great to generate with HoA and when choosed the spiders attack everything beautiful consequente aggressive. Again phantasms in the HoA supports are an interesting variation - as meatshields they block attacks and traps and have long damage-uptimes. Freezings are also not hard to max. The frostshield is too slow to selfcast in my experience and cast while channeled not nice to target. But .... We can fast build in chilling presence on a cluster, anomalous hypothermia supports for freezes into the HoA-supports with one green socket in the triad grips, with cast while channeled coldsnap, or other frost skills like frostblink, frostbite, aquamarine-flask etc., then already many fine freezes are triggered. Overall the HoA is most fast in open designed maps - but here in sanctums as ranged immortal minion also much better than most other melee-ranged-skills. Beside the sanctum-relics enabled best valuable using keystones, ailment-avoidances and +max-resis. Poison HoA vs. Poison SRS
This league was dominated by the most strongest meta ever seen in all minion builds. 95% (!) played poisonscaled summon raging spirits, and all streamers promoted the skill and skulls. Against ubers the srs-builds have some bigger ups - more freedom in movement and more automatic targeting. The raging spirits are also tanking as meatshields hundred of attack-hits and in sanctums they fight more aggressive around walls and corners and have easy wither-uptimes. But further I am not sure about the real buff-uptime of it's support-animate-guardians and spectres of the srs-builds. Their envy-aura works only when the srs are nearby, not far ranged. Malevolence-blessing-setup has not that perfect uptime too. When you don't invest into full defences of the srs-minions their summoned number is only average around 14 realistic, not 20. You need mandatory to permamament resummon the spirits. Bossing with the Allstars with void sphere or storm brand you reach 90% uptime of 35 virulences. That is equal to a not too bad dot-damage of around 8M or with Uul Netol's amulet and some phantasms nice 12M. The 3 firestorms with 21 seconds generate 80% uptime of 50-60 HoA virulences, that's already average damage easy around 25M dot. Then beside you get very often the full-peak-damage of 40-50M with storm burst. In multitarget-content you have 90% uptime of 40M always with storm brands alone fullgeared with Uul-Netol's. Instead srs' small melee splash in multitarget high density content the HoA is definitive much faster clearing with the 35-40 projectiles of awakened fork and sniper's mark and it's unique range of tail. So, when I try to compare defences of HoA with the [3.20] meta minion srs builds, I would first note that the Allstars are builded to be much tankier. 87% resis, CI, watcher's eye, 1k/es on hit/sec, more defensive auras, double armour, high evasion, ghost dance or iron reflexes possible, 100% ailment-immunities, lethe shade etc. 1M-infinitive ehp, to compared squishy 120k-200k ehp of srs-builds. But also our CI solely help against Sirus and our evasion only against uber-eater. Both concepts works great. When you don't know the hard to detect best 10-20 seconds to deal the 500-1000M against Ubers with max HoA-virulences, a darkness enthroned belt with ghastly jewels minion chance to poison are better and you could add also a feeding frenzy buff with supports. Then take more resis also on the belt jewels and when needed with bandit alira /practical application /holy dominion. _______________ Improvements of the build
After once more testing hundred of skills the channelling of 2-3x firestorms, each impacting 7x each second, is the perfect addition for uber-bosses and damage while moving. With the short and simply beautiful perfect fitting delay of 0.3 sec after stormburst's 80 virulences and following 2 seconds uptime of 60 virulences singletarget the meteors offers beside storm brand or phantasmal void sphere optimal damage-uptime while moving. It's the long most wanted mix of damage and flexibility in movement. And it's also easy scaleable with increased duration or spell cascade or more alternatives in the supports when prefered. Celestial mtx turn the visual design less ugly when you ask me personally. ;-) PoB
The pob's were symplified and got a better structure too. The levelling pob-trees were balanced a bit (around 9 passives) from tankyness into damage especially for early bossing. More early medium clusters pure agony and large clusters veteran defender with resis for more early inserting melding of the flesh were pathed. More early the +1 chaos mastery "corruption" and slots for ghastly jewels "15% minion chance to poison on hit" are chosen. Crafting
Great crafting guides were added and updated - thank you again a lot VahnNoa! The Guide
I optimized again the order of thematics and spoilers. The guidings and explanations in the spoilers the "melding of the flesh", "the composition of agony", "checklist defences", "the ubers" and "the keystones" were fundamentally improved. I am still not sure if it's the best in the dfault set-up to pob' the Uul-Netol's vow amulet for the ubers-content or aul's uprising for tanky 100 levels. Because tankyness means always more HoA-virulences and more damage-uptime I keep Aul's uprising in and Uul-Netol's is really only needed for the Ubers. The now new separated spoiler "skills and trigger" expanded a lot. It grants now new max individualization and flexibility, but lacks consecrated effects and newbie-service of shorter rankings. It will be more developed in 3.21. Many poe-trade-links were better organized and optimized. The category "b.i.s.-upgrades" was added for many implicits in the tradelinks. Gear
The elixier of the unbroken circle stepped up into the default set-up for nice 400 ward filling gaps in early low geared set-ups, easy overcapped resis and perfect pdr of endurance charges. The Stone of Lazwhar amulet was moved up to the cheap starting alternative beside the cheap aul's or cheap rares. I optimized the easy obtainable 100% spell suppression set-up for high levels/ mageblood (quartzflask, rare eldritch gloves, Inveterate on tree, elegant form). So definitive the build is in the best shape ever. New showcases of the build
I added two more youtube-showcases like "some ubers" and "exarch in 5 seconds, eater in 5 seconds". Facetanking some bosses - Exarch in 5 seconds, Eater in 5 seconds, Facetanking Shaper's Beam https://youtu.be/0k1YaQXdnuQ PlayL proudly presents another new showcase - the Ubers Some Ubers - U-Shaper - U-Exarch - UU-Elder Last phase shaper, second phase exarch. Recorded with around 40M, 87% resis, keystone Iron reflexes on SoL, Lethe shade, no Ghost dance, Uul-Netol's amulet, selfcasted frostshield, selfcasted molten shell Recorded as necro, without sanctum-relic, without balance of terror, witherings with glorious vanity / ritual of shadows - so it could have been easy optimized 10M further more. For HoA-virulences choosed: storm burst - faster casting - cwc - firestorm and divergent storm brand - hextouch - despair - temporal chains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8jYY2kwpmE Leaderboards and Leaguestart
Congrats to chaho / 아고니조아요 and also to I7apaHouK / MrPrincipleSan for the extreme speedful kickstart in first days into leaguestart-leaderboards! Totally awesome climbed into the Necro- and Guardian- and also Occu-Leaderboards into best positions! Great skilled! Congratulations to Dakota_sky and to Oscar_sanTank, to mAnzsAntum and ARESTEMPLARARES ! Best crawled too! Well stinged the Boards! It was a beautiful leaderboard of Arachnophilia again! With only a few, but very successful Arachnophobiatics! Trading
After 5 days in league most prices were lower as in last leagues. Arakaali's 90 chaos, aegis aurora 3 div, aul's 2 div. Clusters nice 10 chaos, severed in sleep 2 chaos. Overall Sanctum was probably the best league ever (or together in line with Scourge 3.16) to gear perfect best in slot. Many great b.i.s. implicits on the helmet like the 90% manamultiplier or on circle of nostalgia and aegis aurora were cheap available on the market, great small rare and unique medium clusterjewels were early cheap in good numbers in trade. Uul Netov's Vow amulet was extreme cheap or also the squire when wanted. Only the belt mageblood was more expensive as in last leagues. Popularity of the build
In [3.20] in the necro-forum the build was great rank 2 in views again like in last league. It's still the fresh second league guiding the optimizations for necros, because the build started in may 2022 in the Occultist-ascendancy, and I never finished it as Occu because of maxing in defences and castspeed/ HoA-virulences is very expensive and hard and much easier as guardian and since 3.19 also as necro. In the guardian forum the allstars were like in all last leagues the far most viewed build again. In the poe-forums kaygaming stopped her great threads about srs and other killable minions in the typical spectre/animate guardian-set-ups and so all the popular srs builds were only guided in youtube-videos. I miss her and hope to see her again in poe 2! Poebuilds.cc recommended again the Arachnophobia and Arachnophilia Allstars in both the ascendancies guardian and necro and both as budgetstarter as well as higher budget in variations. GhazzyTV again mentioned and adviced to the HoA-Allstars-builds in his streams. Thank you Ghazzy! Arachnophilia! PoE-Veteran Luetjeminze tried out some Palsteron-builds in leaguestart. But beeing not convinced in their tankyness and qol in endgame he continued again with an loud "Arachnophilia forever!" and maxed out the HoA build one more time again. BalorMage used some older mechanics and optimizations of [3.13 The Arachnophobia-Allstars] in his new [3.20] poison-srs and -spark-build. Betta-ah created again totally great beginner-budget-video-guides. Starter Guardian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY0pM52cRBQ Starter necro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUkGaJpJPmk But: overall in the dominating 95% srs-meta much, much less Arachnophilias as in former leagues stinged the sanctums. _______________ Outlook: Diablo 4, Last Epoch, and more
Diablo 4 Beeing in love with in real life creature named Lilith and remembering the fun of Diablo 1 (climbing down the stairs and levels of the dungeon + these nightmare fire-immune bats against my flamewall-sorcerer on my first win95 Laptop lol) & 2 (I loved raiding slowly the tombs as necro with my raised army of giant bone-apes in the sunny deserts maps and in the colorful temple-decorations), and also some of 3 (in the monk-style fighting down Belial and slowly stinkty Ghom and the drop of my first Echoing Fury farming in the Zoltun Kulles' Archives and my first witch hour trading in the middle of the night X-) ) I tried out the Beta of Diablo 4. Getting into the fun for completing challenges and the aspects, loving the burning of new-tristram and the nice (but in beta-tiers too easy) boss-fights I am keen of the next acts and the paragon-tree. Overall I prophecy that d4 will be again a short 1x or 2x playthrough-wonder, the casual burger among arpg's for the fast and short hunger. Like in d3 almost all impactfull individualizations and optimizations are done solely by too limited stats on gear and the only so-called skill tree is a bad joke again - that is simply too simpel for lategame and not longer fun. E.g. Path of Exile is containing much more factors of character- and skill-upbuilding with thousands more combinations and mechanics in the endgame. Last Epoch In Last Epoch I had fun rolling as a Primalist, Totems & Druid Forms with the best Palladino Luetjeminze after trying out already the alpha before some years. Already in early access it's an interesting game with much fun about skills and crafting, but miss much mechanics in endgame. More Are there plans beside for serious Titan Quest or Grim Dawn 2, a new Sacred or follower of Dungeon Siege 1/2 already leaked - hehehehe? And MMXI awaits us soooon? Yeaah! After all again I am focussing on the news of PoE [3.21] crucible Crawlcible - and am quite sure Poe II will be the upcoming meta for bitches, gourmets and maniacs like us in the whole Arpg-genre after PoE I. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 07:53:49
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The allstars in [3.19] Lake of Kalandra
The buff of Kalandra! Ultimate! Immeasurable! Indescribable! ![]() The last days of [3.19] - the lake dries. In the end of each league I share thoughts about the league, mechanics, improvements of the build, tradings, leaderboards and more. The new Arachnophilias - Our new Neighbours, Sisters and Twins
Because in endgame the 100% chaosconversion with herald of agony is best to max the damage I started before half a year in [3.17] an Occultist build. That was not easy to develop. To raise needed defences and castspeed to generate HoA-virulences the Occultist is not best fitting and really hard to balance. But with the 3.19 new Necromancer "Unnatural strength" - an inbuilded permament Unholy might, the HoA is perfect teaming for 30% more damage. 9.8.2022 publishing the Necro-build So I took my time to overwork and develop offensive and defensive the necro-ascendancy. And the result is an extreme joyful and before unknown tanky way to sting the atlas clean. The Necro shines most in singletarget, flexibilty and tankyness compared to other classes. Improvements of the build
Legendaries and United in Dreams
Many legendary pieces were top buffed in 3.19 Lake of Kalandra. While the new Rainbowstride boots and Heartbreaker-dagger bring in some advantages in times of levelling, the big buff of minion-poisoning without the downscaling before enables to max the sword "United in dreams". It's 60% chance to poison is like one half more HoA-support, millions more damage. In wide open maps and areas the HoA develops full range and force without the spiders swarm of Arakaali's fang. And it's easy to scale doubled 30-40M damage in remaining 95% defences. I added all infos in the build and on ghastly-jewels minion-poisonchance as prefered damage-stat. Improvements HoA-virulences
I tested again hundreds of skills and supports to generate 70-90 HoA virulences by 85% poisonchance continuous singletarget. Storm burst remains far best. I linked in faster casting by default for 50% better buffing es on hit with the watcher's eye's discipline-mod and/ or quality of life storm brands in maps. And purifying flame is surprisingly another great channeled second skill. It's es-regeneration and curse-immunities synergizes great for the allstars too. It hits two times and reach full virulences in most situations. Mageblood
After selling a b.i.s. Cold Iron Point and b.i.s. Lethe Shade Skin of the Lords in Standard I personally got first time hands on a mageblood belt. So I drank all flasks and tried out many set-ups. And I am still more trying out with much fun.... The buff is big with the 140% increased global defences of the build. You reach by default 100k armour and permament bleeding immunities are very relaxing. The increased movementspeed is so nice permament. Imba. It's straight possible to change out Aul's uprising and fit in an Uul-Netol's amulet for 40% more damage with mageblood, presage on the tree and 2× circles of nostalgia. With United in dreams this set-up doubles damage to 40M and more and still remaining in infinitive ehp. This is close to reaching Uber-Bosses farming-status in almost full tank-capacities. Perhaps meta-ready. As fifth unique flask I added an Ironflasks for the by SoL doubled 400 ward as strong alternative. More
I added more large cluster alternatives so it's easy to get strong large clusters cheap and early. I cleaned up and improved the clarity of the pob-skill-tab. I developed in details some pob-trees. Because the juggs and tricksters far not optimize their offensives and set-ups until now I will perhaps publish the allstars build in these interesting tanky ascendancies at some time too. Popularity of the build
80000 views of the new Necromancer Allstars in [3.19]. It was the second most popular Necro-minion-build in the witch-forum this league and most popular in the guardian-ascendancy again. That is a huge success for the young build. Many Youtube-videos with tanking the maven's memory game, Mapping deliriums and United in Dreams were popular and channel play L raised clicks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1eBRrTgGPb5pcHvUXyd_HA When you more favourite the channel, perhaps I will add some glory day webcam and audio. Leaderboards
A bit later as usual, after one week, the build was in both guardian and necromancy ascendancy again in top positions. Trading
The shield Aegis Aurora was extreme expensive again. This was affordable for many Arachnophilias only in week 2 of the league. Melding of the flesh raised price too. Aul's uprising was cheap as well as Skin of the Lords and other gear, jewels and clusters. To summarize: week 1 was awful, after 10 days everything was like last leagues. Congratulations to GoGoTake / SubetenoMaMa Lvl 100 Hardcore again!
Strong is the Arachnophilia inside! https://poe.ninja/challengehc/builds/char/gogotake/SubetenoMaMa?i=0&search=skill%3DHerald-of-Agony Impressive crawled! The allstars in [3.18] Sentinel
The last days of [3.18] - the sentinels dawns. Like every league I try a summary of the league, improvements of the build, trade, leaderboards and more. Because there were 0 - zero - HoA-changes and patchnotes in 3.18 this time it's not a long one. The allstars in [3.18] Sentinel Improvements of the build
I added all tipps and sets and a pob-tree for "the melding of the flesh" and aura "purity of ice". Extreme tanky 87%-90% all elemental resistances are reached. It doubles ehp or you also reach inf** ehp against medium hits and elemental damage (from 9M-18M ehp before). I improved details and layouts of many more spoilers and filters of tradelinks on page 50. "Skillmanager" and "Manamanager" and "Variations" were updated and improved much. Some pob-trees were optimized 5% further (mana/es-notes). 100% all elemental ailments-immunities and Lethe Shade
B.i.s. eldritch boots are now craftable to reach reliable, early and cheap 100% elemental ailments-immunities. I improved a lot tipps about it. Lethe shade becomes a new very valuable keystone against often uber-dot dealing uber-bosses with 90-100% ailments-immunities. Awakened Empower
With this endgame-gem lvl 5 it's much more easy to reach HoAg tipping point lvl 31. Extreme expensive, Chaos mastery is great also or in [3.19] new rare helmet +2 benchcraft is used. For science!
I added finally a full glascannon set with uul Netol's amulet, The Squire, Awakened Empower etc. : I added to the PoB the "Full_Glascannon Passive Tree" & + "Full_Glascannon Item-Tab" Uul Netol's amulet is used: Predator (singletarget)/ or damage on full life (maps) (enable glascannon-skills) Awakened Empower is linked to HoA (to reach lvl 31 without chaos mastery) Keystone Divine Shield, Gravepact is pathed. and The Squire shield with feeding frenzy, Awakened Multistrike, Awakened minion damage, awakened melee physical damage (enable glascannon-skills) Ehp is 150k like many common witch-builds. 89.7M shaper damage!! (... in maps with unholy might 10M more on top) Trading, Leaguestart
Aegis Aurora raised it's price in leaguestart extreme to 6 exalts.
Arakaali's fang was about the same, like in the last 2 leagues. With these prices you need often to leaguestart with alternative gear like cold iron point dagger or or replica advancing fortress and a rare shield with 5% es/ block. The prices dropped after 5 days, after 8 days still not low, but affordable 2 exalts when I remember correct. Ashes of the stars raised to 42 exalts. But Aul's uprising does the same job with freeing up passives and clusters for 3-5 exalts. Rare +1/+2 amulets are enough too and started around 10 chaos. Popularity of the build
1M views of the build!
The new seventh digit dropped at 29. may 22. It's now the most popular guardian-guide in the pathofexile.com forum since one year and it still grows very fast further. In poeninja the Arachnophobias again leaded the boards as solo-guardian-minion-crawlers. This league 2 days later because of strong metas and high gear-prices and later in league with a few meta-skeleton-mages in the board. Arachnophilia! And with best greetings to all bosses: Here the Allstars crawl! https://youtu.be/Dv1MWYqWnYE Facetanking the Maven's Memory Game Explosion The allstars in [3.17] Astramentis / Siege of the Atlas
![]() ** The Atlas besieged !! ** ** Mars Attacks!! ** ** Unhappily Tentacles! Not any stings, no tails! ** Guardians will tank it all !! ** ** Improvements of the build and PoB
Lvl 90 I added the pob the tree- and item-tab "Lvl 90 fullblock before aul's uprising" to guide better reaching full defences with added small clusters and amulet-variations on lowbudget early around lvl 90. HoP I optimized and maxed much the HoP-variation of the build. It reaches 13M and more damage with phantasms-support and triad grips. That means it deals 50% more damage and tank 300% more ehp as other guardian-hop-builds. New gear variants boots, amulet, jewels 100% elemental ailments immunities with boots
Many almost b.i.s. boots with ailment-immunities on the market made it cheap and easy possible to reach 80% and also 100% all elemental ailments immunities. I changed the boots and amulet anoint for this great tanky upgrade in endgame. Our high efficient 95% default evasion enables to balance some attackblock instead into 100% reduced duration of ailments or 100% avoided ailments. Ashes of the stars
The amulet "ashes of the stars" is a new great amulet-alternative and is close behind aul's uprising and great to reach HoAg lvl 31 without 5 passives chaos mastery and use instead sublime form on a cluster for activating grace. It's 30% skill quality offers: 30% increased poisonchance Divergent HoAg: more virulences / skill flexibility 15% increased castspeed ball-lightnings/ storm brand: more virulences. Increased duration molten shell/ spirit offering 15% more damagereductions Divergent Frostshield 3% spellblock or +3 chains Divergent/ anomalous tempestshield 0.8 M more damage default sniper's mark or 60% more knockbacks Divergent sniper's mark 12 withers anomalous withering step - 3 more withers etc. Forbidden Flame and Flesh
The 2 expensive endgame-reward-jewels Forbidden Flame and Flesh jewels enables to build in the extreme strong Hierophant's ascendancy "sanctuary of thoughts" for easier manamanagement and some more energyshield (instead 2 split personaliy jewels int/ es). The melding of the Flesh
A set-up with 88-90% elemental resistances became possible with the new jewel "melding of the flesh", aegis aurora, purity of ice & increased aura effects as alternative.
In most content the default set-up is already toptanky and offers other possibilities on skillslots, the jewelslot, boots and rings, but against some elemental-damage-dealers like Maven squeezing in the melding of the flesh is very nice. Burning tar, new bosses and map-mods
The burning tar-groundeffects in the searing-exarchs-maps-mods were very dangerous and very rippy in the first weeks of leagues to all CI's, many builds and this build. After 6 weeks GGG patched the "tar"-damage tag to an ordinary "burning" tag. Almost all new bosses were designed with not blockable oneshotting-attacks. The build offers big tankyness for almost all new bosses, atlas-mods and challenges. Leaguestart and the first week in league
Tradingmarket was really hard and rough again. The arakaali's fang was traded 3 days for 6 exalts as almost most expensive unique weapon. Aegis aurora around 2 exalts. Eber's Unification with 75% enchant and aul's uprising were not much available on the market in the first days, while other helmets with hoag enchants instead were very cheap. Overall many arachnophilia users not obtained the dagger in first 5 days and only got it some days later. They used Cold iron point dagger or replica advancing Fortress instead again. The arakaali's fang is not a leaguestarter-gearpiece when you not get or farm the first 2-6 exalts. Also Cold Iron point dagger was around 35 chaos not cheap traded. Triggerwands are instead craftable easy, or replica advancing fortress or heartbreaker were priced only 1-3 chaos. At the same time needed clusters were traded extreme early and cheap for 1 chaos, awesome strong watcher's eyes for 1 exalt, the strong alternative amulet ashes of the stars for 1 exalt and less, empower and other gems for half prices as last league, aul's uprising after 2 weeks nice cheap 7 exalts, body-armours and b.i.s. armours and b.i.s. boots and voices clusters much cheaper as in all former leagues.... To summarize simply: After the first 5 days it was the best league ever to collect b.i.s. gear for the Allstars!! Poeninja challenge leaderboards
The Managuardian soloplay ranking was leaded after 3 days top 1 by far by TheRealXoli/ ArachnoXoli with the Arachnophobia Allstars. He loved the build and had a blast. Later in league he tried out lightningsable, laserweaponforce using the dark force as Inquisitor. After 10 days Grassygarden feasted rank 2, Brandonarchnemis won rank 3. Also while a new great youtube-ball-lightnings build of CaptainLance9 arrived in the guardian-ascendancy, the Allstars keep leading the boards for soloplayers and are the most successfull minionbuild outside the squishy glascannon-witch-set-ups! Popularity of the build
Betta-ah Gaming made a great starter budget 5 ex' video-guide explaining many mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2O4j9Bwd2k Twitch Streamer craftzwerg played the build into endgame. The build was copied on Youtube. In the guardian-ascendancy the allstars were by far the most popular build in the first half of the league again, with a great active arachnophil community like in the last leagues. It's the most popular minionguide in the templarclass again too. But: Overall the league was dominated by a strong meta of 60% witches and raiders and in the second half of the league the ball-lightnings-Youtube-build of CaptainLance09 was more often choosed in the guardian-ascendancy. New video-guide
Betta-ah Gaming made a great starter budget 5ex video-guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2O4j9Bwd2k Thank you a lot Betta-Ah-Gaming! Arcachnophilia! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 07:53:21
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The allstars in [3.16] Scourge
![]() The end of the League ... The Path of Grim - - - The Scourge of Dawn In these final days of [3.16] it's the moment to summarize the buffs, the new keystones, the trading-market and the leaderboards of the ending Scourge League. The allstars in 3.16 Scourge Arachnophilia! The Allstars are greeting this league everybody from the shining top of the peak in the guardian ascendancy. Arachnophobiatics lead the Boards. The big buff
Defences, Auras, Fullblock, Damage Armour and evasion were both buffed as sources of defences and divine shield is a safe new keystone against dot-damage. In the special setup of this build the buffed reservation efficiencies allows us with 2 passives more to activate tempestshield, and with it some automatic triggering virulences, 100% shock-immunities and fullblock instead glancing blows. Determination and Grace were buffed great, we benefit best of both. With big improvements to defences and recovery, which were overall raised with even 2 more new keystones we progress from glancing blows 35% dr up to new advanced 100% damagereductions fullblock. On top of the peak the buff of awakened gems empowers the build hard to easy HoAg lvl31. The buff to skin of the Lords is awesome as well. We are able in [3.16] to buff our damage extreme high 75% (from 5/11M up to 9/18M and further also to 24M in the different editions while loosing only 15% Ehp even in the most offensive 100% chaos-conversion-edition). Fullblock
Because some easy layers of defences like the combination of iron reflexes and blindings, or vaal grace and phase acrobatic dodges were removed or nerfed, Es and Max mana with unusable healthy mind is nerfed too, the blue/ red nightmare is no longer valuable, and so is max managuardian mechanics like es from mana with memory vault and watcher's eye clarity mod and tree lowered, my thoughts starting into [3.16] overall were: Let's choose and balance to the other strong top layers of defences: fullblockings. They cooperate best with our second top stat beside armour: 2.5k es on block, not reachable by other builds, and oir guardian skill molten shell and our frostshield. Especially spellblocking are buffed a lot on the tree and with new easy tempest shield-aura. With buffed armour, 2500 es on fullblock, and buffed es-stats on gear it's the tank of tanks again like last leagues! Fullblock vs Glacing blows and Bastion of hope vs Time of need
Fullblock vs Glancing blows Damagereductions fullblock: (50-)60+75/2% × 100% dr= average 6750% dr with bastion of hope 2/ 5 sec 15%= 9% more/2 average= 7150 dr and more continious attackblock 2/5 sec With the default build's keystones ghostdance/ divine shield/ not iron reflexes you evade 90-95% of all attacks, so capped attackblock is not needed. - in maps a rumi's concotion flask caps your blockings up to 75% easy, only bossing you do not cap blockings - fullblock raises 250% the capacities of your molten shell and frostshield in damagepeaks (like full delirium-maps or deep delve) Damagereductions Glancing blows: 75/75% × 35% = average 2625% dr, but 3-9% more es/block Advice: in 3.16 with nice blockclusters and masteries use fullblock with 200% more average damagereductions of course! Time of need vs Bastion of Hope Time of need + Most important: you don't need cwdt and can use cws + 80% permament curseresistances is huge in cursed mapmods and free up a bottle-suffix + each 4 seconds 2.5k es regenerations (equal to 7.5% es-reg average) Bastion of Hope - Most important: stun-immunities raises from 60% to 100%: these forces us to prefer cwdt over cws - a huge downside as CI, cws is much better to use full level 20 frostshield (20-39% damagereductions, 4k/es sec) and sniper's mark autotriggered + You get 2% attackblock on the transferpoint + You get average 8-13% more attackblock + 2 passives more because of 10% spellblock triggered That's allstar's tankystyle: Typical ehp/ damage 3.16 Allstars, unbuffed, not full geared
![]() Hehe!
The path of fullblock is tanky fancy. Divine shield and wicked ward are very interesting included & involved with inserting the thread of hope large radius. The spellblocknotes are pathed much faster in the new tree and we are able to skill tempestshield with huge 25% spellblock, some autotriggered virulences and nice-to-have immunities against shockings. When we block 3 hits (75%) full and one hit (25%) reachs us, we substain and recover 7.5k es in this sequenze. And blockings are not limited, this works 10x each second in simulacrumwaves or ueber-blights. So fullblock is recommended around 60%-65% chance to block and spellblock without glancing blows. Glancing blows remains interesting for levelling, not fullgeared and when you want to balance some passives into damage - which works with fullblock also, only you need a bit more levels done. New Passive tree and masteries
With huge changes in the passive tree GGG reorganized all defensive layers. For the allstars path between shieldpassives, clusters and CI-keystone a lot possibilities opened up in 3.16. With a lot spellblock-passives on our path we drive the new tankyroad of fullblock without glancing blows. For me personally there were extreme many updates to edit and rework into the build with new skills, tradelinks, jewels and clusters, flasks, etc. Still now a few updates on page 50 are missing, but almost everything is edited and completed. 3 new keystones, 3 new mechanics and the Iron Reflexes
Divine shield covers up most dangerous dot and degen damage. Damage over time is no longer the weak spot of the build. With these changes dot lost almost all danger. Only 5 passivepoints are needed to buff effective wicked ward and power it up by armour increased recharge of the new ar/+ es mastery. A relaxing new layer of more continuous 3.5k es-recharge is gained 4.5 out of each 6 seconds. With the buffed grace and 90-95% evaded hits it's a reliable new defensive layer. I added optimized 2 more tree-tabs for Divine Shield/ Wicked Ward integrated keystones in Skin of the lords in the PoB. So from now on the Arachnophobiatics can much cheaper gear a great Skin of the Lords. Runebinder needs in our pathing now only one point for more virulences with storm brands singletarget. Keystone Iron Reflexes lost a lot of it's top abilities of 3.15. The former combination with blindings lost the 50% evasion. The physical damagereduction of 140k armour is in the doubled new armour formula much less important. Now the very nice buffed grace is in the hybrid layout of our defences more valuable when we not transform it into armour and synergyzes great with wicked ward, molten shell and frostshield. All these 3 skills benefit much of high evasion. But in delve with the high 3k es/ block, and against Sirus with his physical damage beams and slams Iron Reflexes remains far best keystone on skin of the Lords. Keystone Ghost dance is following after phase acrobatics the next strong alternative keystone on the bodyarmour instead iron reflexes or instead reached by pathing 3 passives. It adds with high grace 600 es es when hit as new layer of recovery beside 1.2 k es on block, 50%, buffed with minion blindings easy to 95%, evasion and maximizing molten shell's and frostshield's capacities. Buffed 530k - 1.5 M ehp are unique tankstyle. New jewels and clusters
We won as possibility, alternative and fast pathing "thread of hope" to target divine shield as layer of es-regeneration, and skill-efficiencies and miniondamage are located best fitting in the large ring too. Split personality is now most often b.i.s. with the combination int and es (instead former int and mana). Attackblockings on large clusters and use of tempestshield enables the Fullblockedition. Sublime form enable more early easy grace early without aul's uprising. I removed Healthy mind and the blue nightmare from the build. New Helmet
In [3.16] the new big b.i.s. is a Eber's Unification Circlet for nice 25%-30% more damage. Ylfeban's Trickery for hexes and shocking ground (together with tempest shield's own shock-immunities), an Ancient Skull, a Vertex Vaal Mask for the mix of ar and es or simply a rare helmet with high es and other stats are strong new alternatives too. Our beloved Memory vault with high armour is better to be changed out because of it's unique downside of 20% less skillreservations efficiencies. Also with the changes of much less mana without healthy mind jewel and changes to mechanics of skill reservation efficiencies and the armour-formula buff with much more physical damagereduction overall our centuries long beloved "Memory Vault" will rest in peace. The new age of more damage with "Eber's Unification" and 100% chaosconversion starts. Further changes
The new +1 Chaos mastery adds a lot flexibility to step up to HoA lvl 28 or 31. Unbound ailments as supports for spiders optimizes the damage a bit more, and awakened void manipulation (+1 HoA lvl) is another new b.i.s. in the HoA supports as well as a new possibility to scale chaos damage further. Thank you again monik390 and erigol07 for the strong additions! "Presage" is much more easy to path as alternative in gearing and levelling in [3.16]. Improvements of the build
Luetjeminze added nice levelling pathing trees !! So the build got a lot more beginner-friendly also with a lot recommended new levelling gear items and skills. Thank you and we path soon again! Thank you again Arkanis_Gath, Luetjeminze and Humtol for great pathings and thread of hope and to monik390 and erigol07 for new supports, optimizations and variants! Too long spoilers were seperated into shorter spoilers like in "gear, skills, links". The tradelinks page 50 were organized much better. The tipps choosing your build-edition, for levelling and in the ailments-spoilers were improved much. Cyclone, Storm Burst, Purity of Elements A variation specialized for simulacrums with gemswaps of cyclone multitarget and storm burst singletarget was optimized by monik390. Tempest shield is switched out against purity of elements, glancing blows is used instead fullblock. It's an interesting set-up for simulacrums, but with less ehp and needed gemswaps as downside. Visit page 334: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705/page/334#p24447710 Thanks to Monik390 for many great tipps and great videos and building! Chromino
Me myself had a lot fun in scourge. I scourged b.o.b.i.s. (best of best in slot) items, had even more fun in the arachnophil community, and best satisfaction getting b.i.s. slot gear. The mechanics of scourge were a lot fun for me and the development and improvements of the build is somehow my path of exile endgame in this year. ![]() And "Guardian_of_the_Short_Worm" / "Commander Strong Worm" with his shortlegged crawlergang levelled as always slow and max relaxed and as always tried out all skills, masteries, gear and more all the time instead rushing the Board and challenges. So he is not at the top, but at the bottom of the depth ranked, lol. ![]() Some nice crangled items were priced in mirrors-range. With some perfect heist-drops and not bad delirium-drops I traded with hundreds of exalts. In the middle of the league 170 exalts rotted in my stash because there was nothing better for my gear to buy on the market. Only one nice double-corrupted helmet, Eber's unification with 90% manamultiplier, and a mageblood were not to afford by my currency. ![]() ![]() BUT: The whole league the wished + awaited magebloods, squires and stranglegasps didn't dropped. Full damage 100% chaosconversion reach 21-24 M shaper-damage
With the new helmet, 15 withers, awakened void manipulation, triad grips, and the chaos mastery a strong team push the damage high to 21 M while having keystone on armour free and enough passives for fullblock and the amulet is kept flexible also. Only a bit lower es and a bit missing castspeed are not perfect, but lvl 31 HoAg is reached more easy. In maps we buff it with minion-mastery and unholy might, singletarget with increased offerings another 1-4 M more up. We added also the needed virulences with divergent HoA lvl 21 and possibilities like septic spells, cursemastery or circle of nostalgia with increased HoA poison-buff. Voices clusters became with the nerfs to aurastackers much cheaper and were with 30 exalts affordable to feast another 8M damage. Ailments
With "tempest shield" for the fullblock-edition we get also 100% shock-immunities. The flask Vessel of Vinktar grew to a strong and cheap variant as well as helmet Ylfeban's Trickery with these immunities. With maxing up wicked ward in the tanky build-editions we activate another es-mastery and get 100% freeze immunity in 75% of the time when es-recharge began recently or with the recharge of vaal discipline. Hardcore
Lvl 99 is reached again in Hardcore by DoctorScourgePhD. Congratulations and gooo! You choosed the really hard path of the game...! I wish you a long safe path! https://poe.ninja/challengehc/builds/char/mav3j/DoctorScourgePhD?i=1&search=class%3DGuardian%26skill%3DHerald-of-Agony Statistics
In last month of of league 3.16 lvl 98-100... 100% HoA and CI 83% use arakaali's fang 57% skill fullblock 43% uses glancing blows 57% use storm brand 24% use chaos mastery 15% triad grips 10% use mageblood 12% use cycloning/ stormburst 6.2k - 10.9 k es are used New Record in Speedlevelling of Balaar !
Baraal created a masterpiece. Watch his championship in speed (3h:42min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPuDWeKqs6Q HoAg-Templar is now the new speedleveller! Awesome Arachnophilia! Shaddraks new guide to Balaar's record in Speedlevelling
Shaddrak writes a fantastic detailed guide about Balaar's masterpiece of speedlevelling: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3228456 Of course Balaar is skilled for top damage and balance so zero skills, zero auras and zero mana into defences or tankyness. Trading: a not easy market
Arakaali's Fang, Aul's uprising, Iron reflexes and Empower Supports were high price fixed in trade and again like in 3.15 before. Arakaali's dagger was with 2 exalts one of the expensive gearpieces in poe-market. Large clusters rised in prices too, bodyarmour and aul's uprising lowered prices after first peaks of leaguestarting days. Split personalities, shield implicits, oils and gloves were much cheaper as in the last leagues and 3.15. Voices clusters became with the nerfs to aurastackers much cheaper and were with 30 exalts affordable to feast another 8-10M damage. With all the keystones Ghost Dance / Divine Shield / Wicked Ward the Arachnophobiatics can much sheaper gear Skins of the Lords. All the keystones are valuable to path on tree also. The build and set-up is less depending on keystones and socket-colours of the armour since [3.16]. Historical excursion: prices of b.i.s.-gear in [3.13] Ritual: 128 chaos :-)
45 days after league start 3.13 Ritual 1) Memory Vault Helmet 3 chaos 2) Aegis aurora shield 4 chaos 3) Arakaali dagger 20 chaos 4) Writhing jar flask, 2 chaos 5) Skin of the lords, iron reflexes, 5 correct socket colours: 45 chaos 6) Aul uprising amulet, grace reserves no mana: 20 chaos 7) The blue nightmare jewel 20 chaos 8) Healthy mind jewel 4 chaos 9) Golden rule jewel 1 chaos 10) Ring Circle of Nostalgia, crawler increased damage, HoA 18% reduced mana reservation: 3 chaos 11) Rainbow stride boots: 1 chaos 12) Split personality, mana, int, 2x 3 chaos Complete: 128 chaos 45 days after league start 3.16 Scourge 1) Eber's unification Helmet 10 chaos 2) Aegis aurora shield 10 chaos 3) Arakaali dagger 150 chaos 4) Writhing jar flask, 2 chaos 5) Skin of the lords, iron reflexes, 5 correct socket colours: 15 exalts, ghost dance 5 exalts 6) Aul uprising amulet, grace reserves no mana: 8 exalts 7) The blue nightmare jewel switched out 8) Healthy mind jewelswitched out 9) Golden rule jewel 10 chaos 10) Ring Circle of Nostalgia, crawler increased damage, HoA 18% reduced mana reservation: 20 chaos 11) Rainbow stride boots: 3 chaos 12) Split personality, es/ int 2x 4 exalts Scourge: Leaguemechanics and Scourge-Items
The build was as always extrem tanky for the rippy mechanics. Many other builds bit the dust, the allstars showed again their unique tankyness. Ghost dance was this league better in scourges with it's 95% evasion as Iron reflexes with it's high es/ block, but it's downside of all taken/ not evaded hits. Especially some typical scourge-ranged spellhits in 300+ stacked scourges needed full geared Arachnophobiatics. The scourged items are extreme interesting and sometimes op, but also extreme rare: 7-links with granted HoA lvl 22 skill are possible on body-armours, +1 skillevel on daggeretc. Some hot dreams of crazy stats on boots and shield turned real. On page 50 in the trade-links an added spoiler shows some examples. Leaguestart
Some users had difficult experiences in leaguestart levelling, mainly because they forgot changing flasks after transforming to CI, did not maxed HoA lvl, not maxed pantheons and corrupted-blood-immunities against Sirus, because Arakaali fang was high prizes traded, or they were not generating the mandatory maximal virulences of the guide without the golden rule or without added castspeed for their maindamageskill. Also prices of some gear were peak-high in trade and by far not as easy to manage as in leagues before. Nonetheless most and many experienced Arachnophobiatics were fast in top positions again in leaguestartdays and climbed all content fast and safe into the leading ranks after a week! In the top-leaderboard almost all singleplayer set-ups used the build of the Arachnophobia Allstars. Leaderboard and Challenges
Olohyp_scSC reached with the build top rank 1 in poeninja-leaderboards as first soloplayer just close behind 4 groupplay specialized aurabots. He started very late into the league - so that is an extremistic impressive ranking using all top synergies of the build. Congratulations again Olohyp_scSC! Gluitina reaches rank 3 of singleplayer skilled guardians. Congratulations again Gluitina! 39/40 challenges are in this league especially impressive in this short time! You kicked the feared spawned at once, that's my personal nightmare! Hehe, Congrats! All 40 challenges were done. 4 out 5 top soloplayers in poeninja's challenges leaderboards choosed the path of arachnophilia. That is ... dominating. Last, but not least .... Not the very top, but instead the very bottom of the leaderboard is invaded by Chromino, lol :-) ![]() Popularity of the Allstars-build
Almost the whole singleplayer-leaderboard page 1 of the guardian-ascendancy is played, beside the groupsupport-bots and two rf and two purities, by Arachnophobia Allstars. Awesome. Youtuber, Streamer and Veteran of the Game Zizaran adviced to Arachnophobia Allstars build again as the best Herald build in his streams. Other streamers like GhazzyTv discussed about the build as best optimized HoAg and Pillebrille used the build wonderful in HCSSF. www.gamersdecide.com raised the allstars into it's top rank 5 path of exile-builds article. First time again since [3.07] Legion the Herald of Agony was the most popular used mainskill in the guardian-ascendancy with in league-peaktime 27% and more. Also in all classes and ascendancies the Arachnophobia-build again dominated and was used 84% and more in this skill-category. But the guardian-ascendancy is a bit less played overall as in last leagues - only HoAg is climbing in popularity much. I hope for some smaller buffs of he ascendancy or new typical focussed guardian-gear. 700 k / 0.7 M views of the build and thread - I never believed that the Arachnophobia Allstars would create so much interests as I started it in january 21! It's in these moments and months by far the most popular guardian build in the forums and one of the most readed guides of all classes in all ascendancies. 100k views in 10 days were the unbelievable sane top peak! 100k views in playL Youtube, 200k and more more of other Arachnophobiatic Allstars videos beside. Thank you again all for all the community, ideas, questions, helps and supports! Thank you a lot Luetjeminze, monik390, Baraal, Arkanis_Gath, Zizaran and erigol07 !! The crawler raises his dirty tail! Strong is the arachnophilia inside! ;-) The Allstars in [3.15] Expedition
This build in [3.15] Expedition Now a lot of all expeditions were done, experiences were completed, a blizzard was seen and the masses of hack & slay of first and second month of league were finished. It's time again to add some thoughts about scorpions, spiders and allstars! Weekend of Leaguestart In the first week of 3.15 the build of the allstars was not as well performing as in last leagues 3.14 or 3.13. Aurabots for groups and dominating blow-mainskill were leading the guardian charts in the levels around 95 in the first week of the expedition-league. Arakaali's fang, the blue nightmare and memory vault were very, very popular, much requested and tophigh and also overpriced traded. The Arakaali's fang was for some days the most or one of the most expensive traded unique piece in whole poe with 2-3 exalts. So some gamers did not got central piece of the Arachnophobia Allstars in the first days of the league and used the variant of cold iron point daggers instead ... Again the tankyness combined with comfortable top damage was extreme popular for leaguemechanics, only 2 damagenotes were not nice fitting for blockbased CI - Builds. Patches, Hotpatches and Patchnotes Skin of the loyals and skin of the lords were bugged and did dropped 5 days without any blue sockets, so it was impossible to optimize manareservations and damage in leaguestart. Pob was also bugged and it was hard to optimize best mana reservations in the app. Mana multipliers were increased much and then patched with lower reservation-reductions again. After the third patch of ggg the Arachnophobiatics were able to free up a skillreservationslot again on helmet, rings or amulet-anoint without b.i.s.-gear or to use 2-6 different passivepoints. Performing of the build in [III.XV] 5 days later... Some days later, after the stormy start, the Arachnophobiatics were climbing the poeninja-rankings again. A lot level 100's were reached and more of the most arachnophils climbed into the top guardian-rankings and heralds-rankings again like in the leagues before. Also without optimized gear level 100 was reached easy and many Arachnophobiatics got to the top of the top 40 / 40 completed challenges. This happened some days later as in the leagues before because of the globalnerfs of expeditionsleague (damagenerfs, supportsnerfs, flasksnerfs) and bugged colours of armoursockets and highpriced or even overpriced poe-trading in the leaguestarting-days. Also top hardcore-levels 98 and above were reached again. Popularity of the build Progressing & following to [3.14] Ultimatum 50% more exiles used arachnophil guardians and 60% more climbed into the top leaderboard of guardian-ascendancy with HoA and Arakaali's fang. Last league already the build proved to be tasty, fine mixed and maxed and climbed into top positions and reached an incredible quintupled range of users. Now 80% of Scorpionminions choosed the guardian-ascendancy and - that is a new peak! On top around 90% users in the guardian-ascendancy follow and fellow the Agonyca Arachnophobia Allstars. The forumthread counts now 50000 views each month and 190 pages of discussions, individualizations and tipps - that is extreme interesting. The Herald of Agony is the second top build of the guardians now and raises fast further. So so so - the build is booming loud!! Arachnophobiatic!! Goodguygaming3 introduced also the build on twitch and YouTube as the best startingbuild with minions in the guardian ascendancy #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR86eiBMiTY&t=80s Thank you very much goodguygaming3! Development of the build This league only small changes were added to the build, like the new b.i.s. Divergent Herald of Agony level 21 gem with 40% increased chance to poison, the new basalt flask with mooooooree armour as very nice flask possibility and the crafted automatical triggered & used anti-ailments flasks as a big q.o.l. upgrade. Anomalous poison support was changed and nerfed to chance to poison, poison damage was buffed a little bit. As a result I optimized the pathing for levelling to arrive faster to the new used serpentine spellslinger for 90% chance to poison, more virulences and damage even starting without Divergent Herald of Agony. The levelling tipps and guide were improved much and were better ordered, also the poe-tradelinks page 50 were developped much better and obtained a clean-up and better index and ranking. A levelling section for path of building is still in progress - thank you a lot Hauke! Arachnophilia! Some smaller spoilers like "Why Guardian? Why HoA?" and on page 50 were added, spoilers on page 50 like "More Tipps for Shaper, Maven, the Feared" and "Crafting clusters and gear" were improved. I improved the spoiler "other ailments", page 1, and "hardcore" page 50 with an better overview how to reach 80% - 100% elemental ailments immunities and I listed the defensive layers against all other ailments as well as flasks against special bosses more clearly. Invitation and request for help and crafting Because I am not much experienced with crafting, I would be very, very happy when an Arachnophobiatic would make & create a small crafting guide for the rare gloves with high es, faster casting, slower projectiles, and the rare boots with increased duration, and the stygian belt and amulet with increased skillgemlevels. Because many new poe-gamers use the build it would be a big upgrade for the Arachnophilias! The build in Poe-Trade As I wrote above Arakaali's fang, the blue nightmare and memory vault were expensive in leaguestart for 8, 9 days, but after got lower more reasonable prices again. Workarounds were no problems with cold iron point dagger and Rumi's concoction or replica pure talent. Level 100 and 40 / 40 were again reached without b.i.s. gear, without maxed bodyarmour, without aul's uprising, without shiel corruptions, without bottled faith etc. After the first week.... Amulett aul's uprising was expensive again as last league. Empower gems and bottled faith reached some new tophigh prices in trade. Much very nice rare gloves were often crafted and easy plus cheap to get. Also Stygian belts, helmet enchants, the circle of nostalgia, nice watcher's eye and all clusters were traded well and cheap. Overall the build's prices in traiding raised a bit - mainly for empower gem, flask bottled faith and aul's uprising. Thank you a lot! I enjoy the community, the discussions, the questions and the individualizations and variations very much!
Also for me personally in real colours there were some new expeditions upwards on canvas .... 36 meters to map and explore in varnish and oil ;-) ![]() "declination", detail ----- [3.15] Expeditions into agony -----
To summarize: BiS - Gearing gets cheaper and easier, iron reflexes is no longer bis as in [3.14]. The build in [3.15] balances a little bit more into damage and manareservations, into chance to poison and permament elemental ailments avoidances. It looses 15% damage, much less than 20% and more lost damage of most other builds. The defences of the build were never based on flasks, so our remaining 550k ehp with phase acrobatics or 120000 armour and 2400 Es on block with iron reflexes are ... top 1, still far not reachable by other builds. We still guard and keep a double and tripple effective health pool against all damagetypes compared to other builds. And don't forget: of course the Offensive Edition with 9 mill. - 12M shaper-damage is still number 1 damage for all minion builds in the guardian-ascendancy and offers 95% equal defences, ehp and substain to other defensive orientated guardian builds like HoP-melee-singletarget-builds. But this edition using the aura hatred for damage instead grace for defences lost 30% of it's damage in 3.15 like many other damage-orientated builds. +++ Anomalous poison support was changed and nerfed to chance to poison, poison damage was buffed a little bit. To compare with other builds: our damage was not much nerfed as other builds because of using arakaali's fang, building around withers and empower and the small buff to poison. Our defences are as always also top in cooldowns of nerfed flasks and far ahead all other guardian minionbuilds with 5 M shaper-damage. The build remains easy to adapt, individualize and to tune into more damage or more defences. I would summarize: to buff virulences with cast speed and poisonchance and to buff damage need more investment in 3.15, but with the base of the top defences and substain it remains easy to optimize the allstars in both defences and damage. +++ Poe goes slower - overall that is okay, the speedmeta is funny too, but builds which are not only using full damage still remains attracting, relaxing and extreme interesting to build up.
+++ Armour banner offers 50% increased evasion and armour, 10000 ar and 15% reduced damage of taunts +++
+++ reaper minion - we have a whole army on 160 legs (20 spiders), we have the airforce 11 (phantasms-support), we have our strong long worms ( 4 worms of writhing jar) and don't forget the one shortlegged (1 HoA scorpion) - full feed for the visit of the reaper? +++ new 3.15 heralds of absolution - going out for a judgment too? +++ behead headhunter-support-gem - a new love for our vipherstriking spiders? +++ Much harder to optimize and use in 3.15 will be variants of the build like: - maim support nerfed hard - fasting nerfed bitter With the op-defences of the Allstars-style we have some slots to vary and mix up the build. To check: Banner of Defiance - with our increased aura effects and determination xx % more armour? Wooow! Perhaps switch out iron reflexes against damage or see below a new 7 link. The Allstars in [3.14] Ultimatum
+++ 3.14 - In all 10 challenges of the trialmaster the Arachnophobia Allstars have ultimative max defences for all 10 fights. +++ In these days the price-peaks of the first weeks of 3.14 league ultimatum are gone, some hotfixes were done and even when I am personally trying to build up Heralds with a gladiator I want to try some notes: - Thank you for all the input and fun! With your help and questions I was able to improve the build a lot. Me myself as ordinary in rl visual worker learns a lot about writings. It's first time I enjoy writings much. But my english improves very relaxed really slow too, lol, sorry again, I hope it's giving some shivers of astonishing language! - especially thanks a lot for the impressing and funny videos CLloyd0 and TrueEdge recorded! Great! I love them much! - with your input and questions I was further able to add the "manamanager" and the "skillmanager", so it's much more easy to adjust your setup to your level, gear, prefered content, special goals, etc... It's very interesting and fun too because it also shows a lot mechanics about poe and the fascination to max out a build in endgame with these spoilers. Yes, they remember of minigames like their titles also, hehe. I am special really proud that it offers a lot more individualisations in path of exile and answers for complex questions than some other builds. - I think the build-tankyness and ability to facetank is top and it's a special joy to play poe without oneshots. Many gamers walked again into top levels without much experiences gained before in path of exile. When you max up the gear and build of course there remain a lot questions about each individual set-up to get the final 10% more damage or defences. Just ask! - especially in ultimatum trials the build performs amazing. With all layers of defences it's one of the very few builds in poe which can facetank all waves, all damage-types, all damage-peaks of high tier trials in red maps with all difficult mods. - Level 100's are reached a lot in top challenge-positions. In softcore and awesome in hardcore too. All challenges 40/ 40 were completed. Also not fullgeared the Arachnophobiatics are full 100 levelled - imposant! HC Level 100 reached 100 reached first time in 3.14 Ultimatum! Wooooow, that is arachnophil! Congratulations! Basloxxx did it! OPettysLastVastMast did it! I am verrrrryyy happy that the build performs for guardians in hardcore with HoA well too. Seems that also in hard hardcore with some not traded gear the Agonyca Arachnophobia Allstars are prepared for the full journey. Some gear is extreme hard to get in hc and workarounds with different flasks and clusters are hard to balance out, but some exiles did it! Congrats! Knicks! The started spoiler "hc" page 50 needs more input. If you like to, I am very interested in more tipps and anecdotes! I'm in fever 🔥 too on your thrilling road and it's amazing which challenges you not fear! Fascinating! Updates of the build: - I made a complete renewal to the order of spoilers and some spoiler-titles to offer a better overview. I added a guide for choosing the fitting edition of the build. I hope it helps a little bit for your orientation. - smaller chapters about "map mods", "blight maps", "more tipps for maven, ueber-atziri, shaper" for flasks set-ups etc., and some more were added also on page 50 - The new checklists damage and defences are a big help for much gamers and the guide to choose the Edition and balance defences and damage. - The new complete list of all poe-trade-links for all gear and jewels and clusters with all alternatives on page 50 of the thread offers a big improvement for qualities of life and shopping, thank you again ziumbala! - Maven remains a bit dangerous and rippy as well as Ueber Atziri all times, but all 40 challenges were made and they were kicked in their arachnopobiatic fears, yuchuu, much congratulations! - An update for autotriggered virulences with Storm brand even while moving offers faster levelling, faster mapping and more possibilities in boss-fights for your freedom of movement. Thank you elatycs! You started with this nice and fine fitting idea! - Especially the beast Ueber-Vaal-Queen Atziri got a new, special tailored variant setup with the timeless jewel militant faith and "transcendence" for more easy dealings with her elemental aoe's. Thank you again 2rdd for this great combination fitting very nice into the build! Trade
-Trading is always very interesting like every league. Perhaps some price fixers, some less delvers, and also the quintupled popularity of the build for many users & arachnophobiatics changed the prices of some slots and gear. To summarize trade and prices this league: Amulet Aul's uprising (and split personality a little bit) increased peakhigh much top in prices, but decreased again a lot after 5 weeks. Helmet-enchants, clusters, belt and rings dropped in prices cheaper compared to ritual and heist league. Popular? - I never would have believed before - much more than 99999 / now 180000 views and I guess soon 100 / now more than 100 pages discussions and helps are extremely top full arachnophil! - The popularity and use of Herald of agony by Guardians quintupled this league.... wooow, total arachnophil! Thank you a lot! I hope you support and help me further and that you enjoy this swarmy, fulltank, stitchy, shortlegged, longnecked build! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 07:54:43
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![]() แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2025 07:54:52
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