[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Why no spell suppress on the armor?
evouga เขียน:
Why no spell suppress on the armor?

Before this league you were very starved on suffix slots. You want +int where ever possible and rest slots went to get resistances up and then some str and dex so you can wear your gear.

Now with Calandra Mist rings you actually can have few suffixes to be used for other stuff. But spell suppress is not that useful in low amounts, especially when the map mod that reduces it is so common.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Cjin#1011 เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024 23:19:18
evouga เขียน:
Cjin เขียน:

It was fun while it lasted.

Guess you felt the thrill of the void.

What were the mods on the fatal puzzle box?

Ye, after having done some, normal maps started to feel boring and small.

It had contains Hidden with rare and unique monsters are possessed with 3 or 4 tormented spirits. And travel skills are disabled. Got hit by Esh's AoE.

Couldn't blink away so thought why run? What's the point? On the edge of death, my heart races. I am alive!

Did I really think that would work? Everything ends. Everything crumbles. Everything.

At least I felt something...
evouga เขียน:
Why no spell suppress on the armor?

useless if not 100%

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย copsliepeopledie#3360 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024 17:53:34
Thank you so much! You're a hero. :)
I have played the build for some time in more than one league and would just like to advise players new to it while yes, it is very tanky, that its DPS are mediocre at best and the application area is small. You also have a long ramp-up before real damage happens.
This is not saying it's a bad build, however in my opinion it has just 'passively' lost A LOT of its appeal because many other builds have become ever more powerful.
Icestorm is a niche ability for a spin-to-win, easy brain-afk playstyle on maps, you just need to move the mouse and what's under the cursor will die. Boss a bit different.
Do not expect quick map clear (the application area is too small) nor any surprising boss kill times. Even under perfect, unrealistic assumptions (stands still, all flasks up all the time etc.) it maybe scratches the 65m DPS mark on 'highend' gear. A more realistic mark for most bosses is probably 40m. And not from the start but only after ramp-up. Nothing to write home about on this level of gear invest.

I am kinda disappointed in GGG for not paying attention to skills on items more. Icestorm would deserve a better performance.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Jasmira#0473 เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024 12:29:14
a skill that doesn’t require 6L just destroys bosses, what else is needed? ;)
I am halfway through the "good" equipment and I was able to do Maven and a T17 under 6 portals, which were the objectives I set for myself this league.

Thank you very much for your guide!
Do we have a list of negative mods that are OK for this build, on rings?
I guess that Accuracy rating is a good choice, but I'm not sure of the real QoL impact of things such as "reduced mana regeneration rate", cast speed, etc.
Tithonia เขียน:
Kateroze เขียน:
Yeah, I think that discipline is mainly used by people who don’t have top-tier body armor. Mine, for example, only has 2.3k evasion and 519 ES. I should probably look into crafting a better one!

I just crafted this one:

using these instructions from Reddit. The process is straightforward, but loooooong and tedious, and and you need really good luck to come anywhere near the 20 Div budget. I think it cost me like 45 Div and many dozens of Necrotic bases and thousands of Alts to craft over the course of several days, not counting the Tailoring Orbs (and the Eldritch currency and Conflicts that have currently failed back to square one), because I kept failing the final recombination.

I'd let my old one go for a discount to a fellow Ice Dancer.

Heya, I am still struggling with the guide and what to do with this outcome.
I have this one with the crab thingy still on my chest:

And this 2-mod-feeder:

Slam the 2-mod with what to get 4 exlusive ones? first three are easy, 3ench/soulgain/bannerskills, but what about the fourth? when I use crab skill then the odds are high that final item gets crab, or do I have a missthought here?



