[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

milkytwix เขียน:

Heya, I am still struggling with the guide and what to do with this outcome.
I have this one with the crab thingy still on my chest:

And this 2-mod-feeder:

Slam the 2-mod with what to get 4 exlusive ones? first three are easy, 3ench/soulgain/bannerskills, but what about the fourth? when I use crab skill then the odds are high that final item gets crab, or do I have a missthought here?

There is an issue with your first chest. You won't get any real benefit from the spell suppress. T1 res is much better on your chest. I would try to yolo eldrich annul it. Crab might go in the process.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kateroze#6879 เมื่อ 14 ก.ย. 2024 06:04:28
Kateroze เขียน:
milkytwix เขียน:

Heya, I am still struggling with the guide and what to do with this outcome.
I have this one with the crab thingy still on my chest:

And this 2-mod-feeder:

Slam the 2-mod with what to get 4 exlusive ones? first three are easy, 3ench/soulgain/bannerskills, but what about the fourth? when I use crab skill then the odds are high that final item gets crab, or do I have a missthought here?

There is an issue with your first chest. You won't get any real benefit from the spell suppress. T1 res is much better on your chest. I would try to yolo eldrich annul it. Crab might go in the process.

There is no issue with my first chest. I am maxed out on resists, so getting the very small benefit of Spell Supression is actually wanted.
Any help for the recombinator question?
If you add an aspect to your second item, you double the risk of getting one aspect on the final item because you double their number in the suffix pool. In this happens, you'd be left with two options: yolo Eldritch Annul or yolo Recombinator. In both cases, you could either save the item or end up with a new 3/4-mod feeder to work with.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kateroze#6879 เมื่อ 14 ก.ย. 2024 08:59:07
Kateroze เขียน:
If you add an aspect to your second item, you double the risk of getting one aspect on the final item because you double their number in the suffix pool. In this happens, you'd be left with two options: yolo Eldritch Annul or yolo Recombinator. In both cases, you could either save the item or end up with a new 3/4-mod feeder to work with.

That was exactly my assumption. Is that true even if I use different Aspects? What would be your approach here? Go with 3 mods (on top of the two wanted ones) and just yolo recombine? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
milkytwix เขียน:
Kateroze เขียน:
If you add an aspect to your second item, you double the risk of getting one aspect on the final item because you double their number in the suffix pool. In this happens, you'd be left with two options: yolo Eldritch Annul or yolo Recombinator. In both cases, you could either save the item or end up with a new 3/4-mod feeder to work with.

That was exactly my assumption. Is that true even if I use different Aspects? What would be your approach here? Go with 3 mods (on top of the two wanted ones) and just yolo recombine? Or is there a better way to achieve this?

With a different aspect, I think the issue would still be the same.
Using the Recombinator, you can only get one exclusive mod. If you have two aspects in the pool, the risk of getting one doubles, regardless of whether they are the same or different aspects.

In your case, I would still try to finish the item (by filling the second item with a beast craft and benchcrafts) and yolo Eldritch Annul if something goes wrong. I guess that it is important to have 6 suffixes in your pool before recombining, because if you only have 5, you have almost 50/50 chance to only get 2 suffixes. If you end up with Aspect + Spell Suppress it would be kinda sad!

I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but it is definitely what I would try ; maybe someone else will come up with a better idea!

EDIT : let's say you obtain your final item with eldrich annul, but lose T1 suppress in the process. Maybe slamming aspect of the spider would be a good idea, because it would free a slot in an other item, that would be cheaper to craft with T1 suppress or something else than your body armour.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kateroze#6879 เมื่อ 14 ก.ย. 2024 09:38:53
I don’t recommend crafting an aspect on either feeder item unless you actually want the aspect on the final output. You increase your chance of hitting three suffixes by about 20% but add a 50% of ending up with the “wrong” exclusive suffix.

Just multimod and leave one open suffix.

Or recombine the two-mod feeder item into a tree- or four-mod feeder.
Kateroze เขียน:
Do we have a list of negative mods that are OK for this build, on rings?
I guess that Accuracy rating is a good choice, but I'm not sure of the real QoL impact of things such as "reduced mana regeneration rate", cast speed, etc.

ele reflect is prob the biggest.

no regen and no leech can be annoying but do able.
Ign: Zanosaur
Anyone wanna swap two Helical Rings?
Im still running this build in standard using a scion with this gear

any suggestion on gems? should i switch any of them?
do you think there is better gear i can get?
From Orlando, FL, U.S.
Finally first ever got to 36/40 challenges, my build atm:


Still missing a few upgrades, but it is doing the job :)

Simplex amulet is insane boost whoever is thinking on getting it.
Yes it is expensive for a reason.



