[3.23] Lk's Cold DoT Ele [League-start to over 40m DoT] (Wildwood Primalist Update)
" https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-atlas-skill-tree/AAAABgAAfAeICBsKGQo9DuIPYxTaFsQXyxmCHlsfxCHFJMsmWCjQKOkqhCtoMAMwjDPkNIg7nz5fQ6lHDUfPSABILEoOTfxQF1TxWn1c2V23YCFgTWBnYtVjtWSyZZdmKGa1ZsZn6W19cQtxK3X_dsKAEIB4g5SDw4PdhByH-4htiKOJz4rJixiNKY24j9SRAJFNkX2RjJIsm9ijiaSspm2vwbH7tIa27beBuWm6TLrvuyq80MYzxtnHs8e0zajOes_J0KLRTdSH11bXhdi12NDZkNuH3E3fXt_44Yvip-WP5s3nKOqN7sHvrvJM8uj5APow_HH85P3J_sn-3v-4AAA= this is my current, i havent bothered respeccing the map tier +1 that is usually associated with levelling/getting atlas completion. |
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" took me awhile to forge this in crucible. i say awhile, but maybe i was lucky. anyway it feels like crap most of the time maybe because we dont know the rules for the forging and if you're on a budget, attempting to forge is like playing the lottery. but i think for our build, looking through the mods available for wands, here are some that i think are probably the best: 1. CDOT multi 2. curse effect 3. non-dmg ailment other good passive would be flat spell dmg/ele dmg/DOT dmg/cold dmg. for QOL, it would be things that help with frenzy charges (generation/max number), or phasing or onslaught on kill effects (long ago we used to use jewels to get these). personally, i liked attack speed also as it helps my shield charge. there are no crucible mods that directly help vortex. there is one that helps cold snap and creeping frost but it is a defensive one, where enemies are sapped (deal less dmg). |
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Great guide, thanks for your work!
Few questions I'd like to ask; some elementary ones I'm afraid. 1. Aside from Pain Attunement, what's the recommended keystone we could take? I see divine shield and ghost dance popping in the trade, would they work with the ES on mana side? 2. Do sceptres work as well? Why pick wands over them? Thank you very much again for your contribution. Many thanks in advance. |
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" 1. aside from pain attunement, there are no other keystone we "want" - in the sense of spending SP to allocate. if you're talking about skin of the lords and the keystone that has to be accompanied, just look for any that has non-detrimental effects, because we don't want to brick our build. divine shield and ghost dance should be ok. since we have only about 1k ES. and your EV/AR should be more than that. 2. sceptres are fine. no reason for wands in particular. important are the modifiers on the item. at best, there might be some nodes specific to wands/sceptres we may be interested. (but at the moment, i don't believe so). |
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" Thank you very much for such quick response, very much appreciated. |
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" Very helpful made those changes and was much tankier, and now mostly die to poor skill or not reading mobs. Got 1 void stone and will have second shortly, and also close to get the helm. How do I start increasing my damage? At about 560k currently with hatred.... Guide makers pob is 6mil, how does that scale? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย theroran#1852 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2023 15:02:21
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" haha i'm the guide maker's friend and we know each other. currently my character is 11.9m creeping frost dmg and 11.4m vortex dmg (for max possible dmg). normally, it would be 9.2m creeping frost dmg and 8.8m vortex dmg. as a spell build, the majority of the dmg comes from levelling the vortex/creeping frost gem. your goal is to get items/modifiers to increase that level to 30. because every additional level is 10-15% more than the previous level, it starts to increase exponentially. to give you an idea, if a lvl 20 vortex deals 560k (yours), if you socket a lvl 30 vortex gem (imagine it exists), it will deal 2.04m dps. that is a 4 times multiplier. some stats that will improve your dmg: + level to spell skill gems + % dot multi + % spell dmg read a reply i said here, regarding the difference/similarities between the different dps modifiers you can find. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183/page/11#p24957700 lastly, my character is also public, you can take a look to see certain item slots how i've geared them. advice on your character: 1. for the tolerance passive, add the 13% chaos resistance, not the poison avoidance. 2. annoint your amulet with "Ash, Frost, Storm". this is the best annoint, and is very cheap (around 5c). HOWEVER, since you already have blood drinker annointed, i would keep it, because blood drinker is not very cheap to annoint. what i meant when i said to take blood drinker was to spend 4SP to path over. 3. your weapon and shield are good. it will last for awhile. what you feel as a lack of dps may simply be not being familiar with the build playstyle. for bossing, you MUST be double cursing the boss, that is a huge dps gain. once you get the devouring diadem helm, this will free up some SP that can go toward getting more dps (acrimony or jewel sockets - we have 4 nearby). แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SonsOfKorhal#5375 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2023 15:47:14
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is the original tree for the guide not right anymore?
my dmg is good and i melt even pinnacle bosses but if something looks at me i fall over fast lol. am i missing something major? 14k armour 70% phys reduction - 22k 80% with flask up 20k evasion 70% dodge - 30k - 78% with flask up 4.6k hp 75 all res with 65 chaos res 25% block chance for attacks 26% block chance for spells i feel like its all there but i die 2 times in a delirium map(delirium from atlas not orbs) constantly to 1 shots or if i step on any degen other than burning ground i fall over. |
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Hey man thanks for doing this, I'm new to the game I've just hit lvl 90 with the build and I enjoy the playstyle more than TR Ballista. The biggest issue I'm having right now is that, it sucks to have the map open and see where I'm going since the edges of the map are white and due to the VCS and Vortex effects I can sometimes barely see the map.
Are there any settings/plugins I can tweak to fix this issue I'm having? How do you guys set up your map? It's really annoying to have to strain my eyes to see anything. |
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" i like how you even have desecrate in your weapon. i was discussing with the guide creator on whether it was viable or something to consider for sustain in bosses. funny thing is i melt every boss so i wont be using it. can you share your pob? i might be able to see more clearly. this is mine, (you can compare in the calcs page, under the "damage taken" tab, everything that is there). https://pastebin.com/rYg0EM40 we are now entering min-maxing territory. for myself, i have unallocated blast radius, amplify, entropy and arcane sanctum, for acrimony and another jewel slot. i have also opted to remove quartz flask (because i kill shit so fast i dont even need to phase through them) and gone for basalt flask for more armour, and taken a 2-3% mana reservation efficiency jewel to run defiance banner. even with all these, due to my chest NOT being the skin of the lords, my armour (22k) and ev (24k) are all worse than yours, with chaos res at near 0. (i have a bit more spell block due to my shield). i must qualify, this build is not meant to be a face tanker. my effective hit pool is only 65k, (from previous leagues, with skin of the lords it would be upwards of 85k), i'm sure yours is at least that much and probably even more. half my deaths are due to me picking loot up, and dying to some after death effects (like degen ground/magma/poison explosions etc). this build, like the vortex ignite builds with even MORE dps, work on the principle of killing faster than being killed. which means, your largest enemy will be the environment. all the defensive stats you have listed are important when mapping and dealing with mobs, but will do nothing if i dont realise i'm picking up loot from a poison soaked ground. i will die (and have died many times). but i'm ok with that, that's just me standing in shit. so it really depends on your playstyle or build you are looking for, you might just love those with crazy regen that can facetank a shaper beam. our recovery is not the greatest, coming from diadem largely - which can be unreliable. we dont have good ways to get health regen. for your character: if you have steelskin which gives immunity to bleeding, and protection mastery for corrupted blood, you can reroll your life flask. i'm not sure if you may have better success with the other guard skills, like immortal call or molten shell. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SonsOfKorhal#5375 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2023 17:31:05
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