Reflow718 เขียน:
I plan on to transition to DD helm, is there some things I should change on my skill tree when I do?
when you do so, remove EB and vampirism from your tree. vampirism is not required, and it's also not really "good". if you really want recovery, path to Blood Drinker. 4 SP, has health as well. otherwise, with the DD proccing flesh of feasts once in awhile, you should not have recovery issues. allocating blood drinker is a "QOL", which is ok, because blood drinker gives good % max life.
also, fix your witch starting node, which should be 16% spell dmg (not the ES one - they are different).
i know you are adding suppression, and i have also experimented with suppression, but found it hard to cap, hence have abandoned it, and i dont face an issue with no suppression. but if you are insistent on capping suppression - which is just a personal preference, no judgement here, consider pathing to inveterate instead. magebane is not point efficient. the flask wheel is also not efficient, get the blood drinker instead, and consider using ryslatha for the minor pantheon if you need charges.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SonsOfKorhal#5375 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 04:29:46
โพสต์โดยSonsOfKorhal#5375เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 04:27:53
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
theroran เขียน:
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
1. get devouring diadem. this will let you run the 4 auras. with hatred on divine blessing.
currently, you should be running malevolence+grace+deter+defiance banner; and hatred on divine blessing.
2. i will unspec the AOE nodes blast radius and amplify, in preference for revenge of the hunted and tolerance. AOE is nice, but not a requirement if you have not enough dps/survivability.
3. if recovery is an issue, grab blood drinker, nice recovery+life. I also took melding when it was earlier in my levels (and am still using).
your dps should be decent.
Very helpful made those changes and was much tankier, and now mostly die to poor skill or not reading mobs. Got 1 void stone and will have second shortly, and also close to get the helm.
How do I start increasing my damage? At about 560k currently with hatred.... Guide makers pob is 6mil, how does that scale?
haha i'm the guide maker's friend and we know each other. currently my character is 11.9m creeping frost dmg and 11.4m vortex dmg (for max possible dmg). normally, it would be 9.2m creeping frost dmg and 8.8m vortex dmg.
as a spell build, the majority of the dmg comes from levelling the vortex/creeping frost gem. your goal is to get items/modifiers to increase that level to 30. because every additional level is 10-15% more than the previous level, it starts to increase exponentially. to give you an idea, if a lvl 20 vortex deals 560k (yours), if you socket a lvl 30 vortex gem (imagine it exists), it will deal 2.04m dps. that is a 4 times multiplier.
some stats that will improve your dmg:
+ level to spell skill gems
+ % dot multi
+ % spell dmg
read a reply i said here, regarding the difference/similarities between the different dps modifiers you can find.
lastly, my character is also public, you can take a look to see certain item slots how i've geared them.
advice on your character:
1. for the tolerance passive, add the 13% chaos resistance, not the poison avoidance.
2. annoint your amulet with "Ash, Frost, Storm". this is the best annoint, and is very cheap (around 5c). HOWEVER, since you already have blood drinker annointed, i would keep it, because blood drinker is not very cheap to annoint. what i meant when i said to take blood drinker was to spend 4SP to path over.
3. your weapon and shield are good. it will last for awhile. what you feel as a lack of dps may simply be not being familiar with the build playstyle. for bossing, you MUST be double cursing the boss, that is a huge dps gain. once you get the devouring diadem helm, this will free up some SP that can go toward getting more dps (acrimony or jewel sockets - we have 4 nearby).
I concur with what SOK has mentioned.
First, anoint your amulet with Ash, Frost and Storm (you need a reflective oil for a mirrored amulet).
Second, get a Devouring Diadem helmet. It will save you 3SP and provide you a ton of QoL.
Next would be scaling your damage from Pain Attunement and Gem Levels.
Pain attunement: Get coward's legacy and watchers' eye jewel with vulnerability immunity.
Gem levels: Try to get lvl 30 or close to it. from lvl 1 to lvl 30, each increase in gem level is a x1.14 more damage multiplier.
How lvl 30 gem level was achieved in the POB: (not the only method)
Start with lvl 21 vortex/CF gem
+1 from lvl 5+ Awakened Ele Focus gem
+3 from lvl 4 Empower
+4 from SOTL chest (+2 directly to the gem, +2 indirectly from Empower gaining 2 levels)
+1 from the wand
I know that SOTL is very expensive in crucible. Hence, I have updated the item section for chest with +4 gem level alternatives.
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
โพสต์โดยLkGGz#3994เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 04:55:51
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
BVwins เขียน:
thanks! yeah i mean to be fair it could be the altar mods lol i dont check them at all im doing t16s 8 mods 100+ quant and always select the minion modifier unless its not available then i select the boss option.. i mean i have no issue clearing the maps and it takes less than a second to kill even the most juiced map boss. could just be things you have pointed out like altar mods but makes leveling a pain lol cuz of how much im dying
bro just buy 5 way carry to level to 100 haha (even 97 or 98 is VERY easy). keep currency farming and exp farming separate. you will have a very miserable time trying to enjoy the build when you keep dying and losing exp. i understand that very very well.
lol true im just cheap when it comes to that lol plus i wouldnt know how to find someone carrying. also what pantheons? im running brine king and abberath but i still feel like i get stunned non stop even with brineking
โพสต์โดยBVwins#4436เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 05:01:26
BVwins เขียน:
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
BVwins เขียน:
thanks! yeah i mean to be fair it could be the altar mods lol i dont check them at all im doing t16s 8 mods 100+ quant and always select the minion modifier unless its not available then i select the boss option.. i mean i have no issue clearing the maps and it takes less than a second to kill even the most juiced map boss. could just be things you have pointed out like altar mods but makes leveling a pain lol cuz of how much im dying
bro just buy 5 way carry to level to 100 haha (even 97 or 98 is VERY easy). keep currency farming and exp farming separate. you will have a very miserable time trying to enjoy the build when you keep dying and losing exp. i understand that very very well.
lol true im just cheap when it comes to that lol plus i wouldnt know how to find someone carrying. also what pantheons? im running brine king and abberath but i still feel like i get stunned non stop even with brineking
you can find people in TFT discord selling their services. took me about 30 mins to level from 93 to 97. it's also quite cheap - about 2d for my lvl 93 to 97. it gets harder after that.
pantheon - yes brine king and abberath. i took an evasion mastery where i cannot be stunned if i am not hit recently. it may help you, you can try that out.
โพสต์โดยSonsOfKorhal#5375เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 05:05:40
thanks what portion of tft because ive scoured it over and over and cant find it lol
โพสต์โดยBVwins#4436เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 05:15:17
BVwins เขียน:
thanks what portion of tft because ive scoured it over and over and cant find it lol
5 way hosting, under crucible SC services. to "unlock" it, i believe you have to read some disclaimer. but it's around there
โพสต์โดยSonsOfKorhal#5375เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 05:16:44
BVwins เขียน:
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
BVwins เขียน:
is the original tree for the guide not right anymore?
my dmg is good and i melt even pinnacle bosses but if something looks at me i fall over fast lol. am i missing something major?
14k armour 70% phys reduction - 22k 80% with flask up
20k evasion 70% dodge - 30k - 78% with flask up
4.6k hp
75 all res with 65 chaos res
25% block chance for attacks
26% block chance for spells
i feel like its all there but i die 2 times in a delirium map(delirium from atlas not orbs) constantly to 1 shots or if i step on any degen other than burning ground i fall over.
i like how you even have desecrate in your weapon. i was discussing with the guide creator on whether it was viable or something to consider for sustain in bosses. funny thing is i melt every boss so i wont be using it.
can you share your pob? i might be able to see more clearly.
this is mine, (you can compare in the calcs page, under the "damage taken" tab, everything that is there).
we are now entering min-maxing territory. for myself, i have unallocated blast radius, amplify, entropy and arcane sanctum, for acrimony and another jewel slot. i have also opted to remove quartz flask (because i kill shit so fast i dont even need to phase through them) and gone for basalt flask for more armour, and taken a 2-3% mana reservation efficiency jewel to run defiance banner. even with all these, due to my chest NOT being the skin of the lords, my armour (22k) and ev (24k) are all worse than yours, with chaos res at near 0. (i have a bit more spell block due to my shield).
i must qualify, this build is not meant to be a face tanker. my effective hit pool is only 65k, (from previous leagues, with skin of the lords it would be upwards of 85k), i'm sure yours is at least that much and probably even more. half my deaths are due to me picking loot up, and dying to some after death effects (like degen ground/magma/poison explosions etc). this build, like the vortex ignite builds with even MORE dps, work on the principle of killing faster than being killed.
which means, your largest enemy will be the environment. all the defensive stats you have listed are important when mapping and dealing with mobs, but will do nothing if i dont realise i'm picking up loot from a poison soaked ground. i will die (and have died many times). but i'm ok with that, that's just me standing in shit. so it really depends on your playstyle or build you are looking for, you might just love those with crazy regen that can facetank a shaper beam.
our recovery is not the greatest, coming from diadem largely - which can be unreliable. we dont have good ways to get health regen.
for your character:
if you have steelskin which gives immunity to bleeding, and protection mastery for corrupted blood, you can reroll your life flask. i'm not sure if you may have better success with the other guard skills, like immortal call or molten shell.
yeah i need to take desecrate out.. i melt bosses now so its not a long fight. im not sure how and what to configure on my PoB but heres the link for you to look at https://pastebin.com/ahRVV4By . im fine with the playstyle but i literally die 2 or more times a map, you mentioned standing in degen to loot lol... i wish i could do that but if ANY degen touches me i die instantly like spamming my hp flask to try to live and still die its like i have no resistances and have activated RF my hp disappears that quick lol
ive thought about maybe since i have cure on hit on my ring trying to maybe get some cure on hit gloves for ele weakness and getting the exposure node from the weapon crucible and slapping in a lvl 4 enlighten with a vitality to try to help combat the degens
Molten Shell > Steelskin. Molten Shell blocks around 2.5k damage for you, and gives you extra armour on top of that. When you have 4.2k life, that's a huge difference as compared to Steelskins' 691.
What kind of degens are you dying to? If you are dying to degens, allocate Lethe Shade. You can also consider taking Soul of Arakaali. If you are dying to burning ground, take Soul of Abberath with burning ground immunity activiated.
Btw you are losing a lot of dps from not allocating Whispers of Doom.
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
โพสต์โดยLkGGz#3994เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 05:44:06
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
Reflow718 เขียน:
I plan on to transition to DD helm, is there some things I should change on my skill tree when I do?
when you do so, remove EB and vampirism from your tree. vampirism is not required, and it's also not really "good". if you really want recovery, path to Blood Drinker. 4 SP, has health as well. otherwise, with the DD proccing flesh of feasts once in awhile, you should not have recovery issues. allocating blood drinker is a "QOL", which is ok, because blood drinker gives good % max life.
also, fix your witch starting node, which should be 16% spell dmg (not the ES one - they are different).
i know you are adding suppression, and i have also experimented with suppression, but found it hard to cap, hence have abandoned it, and i dont face an issue with no suppression. but if you are insistent on capping suppression - which is just a personal preference, no judgement here, consider pathing to inveterate instead. magebane is not point efficient. the flask wheel is also not efficient, get the blood drinker instead, and consider using ryslatha for the minor pantheon if you need charges.
Wow, thanks for the info. I am able to cap the suppression with the flask on, can get to 102%.
This is my first cold DoT build so im not sure if i should use the suppression or not.
With the starting node, Im also able to use hatred with the 4 auras on. but i'll check if i can still cast it without those starting nodes.
- edit 2
Is it possible to link me a tree that leads torwards inveterate ?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Reflow718#1592 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 08:24:34
โพสต์โดยReflow718#1592เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 08:13:38
Reflow718 เขียน:
SonsOfKorhal เขียน:
Reflow718 เขียน:
I plan on to transition to DD helm, is there some things I should change on my skill tree when I do?
when you do so, remove EB and vampirism from your tree. vampirism is not required, and it's also not really "good". if you really want recovery, path to Blood Drinker. 4 SP, has health as well. otherwise, with the DD proccing flesh of feasts once in awhile, you should not have recovery issues. allocating blood drinker is a "QOL", which is ok, because blood drinker gives good % max life.
also, fix your witch starting node, which should be 16% spell dmg (not the ES one - they are different).
i know you are adding suppression, and i have also experimented with suppression, but found it hard to cap, hence have abandoned it, and i dont face an issue with no suppression. but if you are insistent on capping suppression - which is just a personal preference, no judgement here, consider pathing to inveterate instead. magebane is not point efficient. the flask wheel is also not efficient, get the blood drinker instead, and consider using ryslatha for the minor pantheon if you need charges.
Wow, thanks for the info. I am able to cap the suppression with the flask on, can get to 102%.
This is my first cold DoT build so im not sure if i should use the suppression or not.
welcome. if you can cap, not a problem. just take note whether you have enough dps when mapping. the suppression nodes take quite a few SP. as long as the build feels good, you've met your objective. adjust the level of difficulty of the maps to what your character can handle (dps wise).
โพสต์โดยSonsOfKorhal#5375เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 08:16:01
You reply quick, I edited the previous post hopefully if you got time to double check.
โพสต์โดยReflow718#1592เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2023 08:26:34