[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly
Thanks a lot dude, all your work and your support realy deserve his own topic!
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" I am totally agree with that. Some still acrual info in the first post should be combined with already complete guide on 173+ pages into new topic. Just note original author and don't be afraid to "lose" many pages. There will be many more o) |
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Hello everyone.
Coming here all the time searching for new ideas, I've just watched last page videos and while its clearly viable , I had the same feeling that when I killed Shaper with the base of my old build on chief , its viable but it struggle a little with dmg output. As I said earlier, Im trying new things because Im thinking doing an overhaul of my build(and guide) and well... I dont know exactly how to say it but lets say that it doesnt "feel natural" that Chief is clearly doing a lot more of dmg than Hiero on EH totems. The key to the damage upgrade compared to my old setup is using a Medium Cluster jewel with Mob Mentality on tree. That allow you to put a warcry on left mouse button (Enduring for extra regen or Abyssal for more dmg/clear) and get up to 50 rage charge just by moving. Having rage charges also lets you use Berserk skill , which is an insane burst dmg against bosses or any problematic monster (some beyond monster can be dangerous while on the fog) , it even give a less dmg taken bonus. Along with Mob Mentality , Im stacking 2 Provocateur and also using 1 Haunting Shout (2 medium cluster jewels). Haunting Shout cold be replaced with another Mob Mentality for faster rage generation/little longer Berserk buff if you can craft good intimidate gloves. Also , I finally completed simulacrum yesterday! son now its Kosis 5 - Chief EH RAT 1 XD This is my Frostferno gem setup , so you can see I have a lot more or room for improvement And this are the only "notable items" I have(can be better too , but they pretty good) Here are some videos so you can check how much damage Im doing. Elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eycps2V2RUo Veritania awakened 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZobiG0Rowg Drox awakened 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh1gSnuKMnY Cortex 39% reduced dmg from crits , 61% more life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QRV5oL5Rw8 Cortex 40% ele resist and endurance charge on hit (+45% ele resist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qq5gH9Sf3w I honestly think that if you can incorporate mob mentality + berserk on your build , Hiero dmg should be even better than Chief. As I said, it "feels natural" that eh totems Hiero does more dmg and eh totem Chief is more tanky. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110
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could someone give me a quick passive tree order for this build.. like.
What to spec at 60, or whenever you convert over to the build and then order of notables and such to go for onwards from there? |
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" Thanks a lot for the support guys, I really appreciate it! I spoke to Lunasicc, he has some plans in mind for this build though it will not be that soon. I think my guide being part of this thread is a positive thing because it keeps everything about Ele Hit Hierophant Totems together here. When someone wants to read up about Ele Hit Totems, they will come here, not have 2 separate threads to read. Likewise, when someone shares an idea, all who follows this can see it easily and they can then throw in their own ideas for more discussion which helps to improve the build. Hopefully, the above make sense and shows the advantage of having everything here, at it's core, its still kind of the same build. " Hi you can find the info at "09 Passive Tree Progression" on the following link https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2224772/page/173#p22791192 I would suggest you also take a read through the rest of the content which will help you get started with this build. Cheers My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 21:52:04
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" that sounds like a crazy good find, can you share a pob link so I can play with it a bit you are also using hypothermia which is at least different I just wanna see it แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย etofok#0728 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 11:57:17
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" Hi , im sorry but I don want to share pob yet , Im still thinking making one very mayor change and maybe 2 minor tweak and then maybe finally made the overhaul to the build/guide. You can see that the damage output makes me kill elder at the speed of how I killed him at Abyss league(but now He have 46M life!) , so while the dmg looks very good , Im not happy with running with 4.6k life , even if it was enough to take on Kosis at wave 20 on Simulacrum and I dont want to slap a Kaom trying to solve that problem, I still think The Perfect Form is the best for tankyness. But I can assist you with w/e question you have, no problem at all and the guy in charge of this guide now is very capable so He can probably easily incorporate the Mob Mentality to the build. About Hypotermia , I bougth the Frostferno Im using very early on the league, and didnt have enough vaal orbs for recolour , so I just went with Slower Projectiles before realize that Hypotermia when running Skitterbots is way better , and on top of that my Frostferno is +2 cold gems. Dont get confused with that , on the typical setup combustion is the best support but on my setup Im using combustion on the clear totems so I have room for swap combustion for a gem with more% on Frostferno. Medium cluster warcry gems are connected to the tree via a Large cluster trying to optimize the skill points usage. Also at each Medium cluster jewel I have 2 unique small Split Personality for a total of 95 flat hp and 760 accuracy. Let me know if you have any doubt. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kikeuy#7591 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 12:28:22
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2 kikeuy
Damage is impressive for sure, but I have huuuuge doubts about mapping. Slow projectiles with low attack speed means low clear speed. And taunt from cries... To me this game is 95%+ mapping and I have no troubles killing Shaper with 1kk DPS. Just lay those holes close to edges and you are fine o) And even if I die 5 times - it's ok, because I will not go there with non empty exp bar. |
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" It clear fast , actually , the changes to ballista from RAT seems to complete shift the way the build was , as in insane boss killing and mediocre clear , now its the other way around. If you dont trust me, I can upload an slideshow , ehmm , a video clearing T14 awakener 8 Strand and getting Delirium splinters from bosses if you dont trust me. Of course, after that I got to backtrack for loot and usually I have 1-50 mobs w/o killing on the way but Im fine with it.- Edit:Im fine with having some monsters w/o killing , backtracking not fine :(. You can watch any of the Cortex videos , they had REALLY rough mods and you can clearly see that it does clear fast. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kikeuy#7591 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 17:18:56
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Cortex mobs are plushy things o) Everything without delirium is a joke in this league.
I am comparing to Chin Sol bow. With it and no other changes turrets takes so much time to shoot once that I am constantly hit by mobs, and with Quill Rain everything just dies in front of me while I am dashing every 1.3 seconds at 224% movement speed. No need to rush. Finish your build and update your version topic with POB and complete set of videos o) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LordOmni#2266 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 22:44:44
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