[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

greendragon2194 เขียน:
Would a self-chill/poison be possible on this build?

Yes, I was trying it earlier in the league and it worked. You just need to drop ballistas as they kill themselves with self poison as they dont get your poison unaffected.
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hey all! im thinking of starting the league now as something to do until D2 drops. is this league startable? this looks dope as hell and I love PF.
I mean you level with one of the most broken attacks in the game (toxic rain) and you transiton into your actually BIS (outside of standard) weapon for 2c on one of the few builds that basically dodged all nerfs (global poison buffs counteracts the gem nerfs) and flasks sustain is no issue anyways....so yeah :D

It speaks volume to the incompetence and sheepish approach of the community that poison PF isnt like 5% minimum of the meta.

@thedeathbeam: You tested elusive /tailwind stuff right? Like i put on again the unholy might node to try to test if the small pods "darts" crit indiviually and how abysmal the uptime is it seems it really checks only once when you let the channel arrow go. Would love to hear your experience if I am missing something. Without a real "number" observable it feels so hard to see if the flaskcharge on crit does anything with 20% crit on SA.
lmao fair point, darkscorn at 2c seems freggin insane.
xardas149 เขียน:

@thedeathbeam: You tested elusive /tailwind stuff right? Like i put on again the unholy might node to try to test if the small pods "darts" crit indiviually and how abysmal the uptime is it seems it really checks only once when you let the channel arrow go. Would love to hear your experience if I am missing something. Without a real "number" observable it feels so hard to see if the flaskcharge on crit does anything with 20% crit on SA.

I'd also like an answer to the crit stuff, unsure if it's worth trying hard to upgrade my boots to elusive/tailwind with extra ward.
thedeathbeam เขียน:
greendragon2194 เขียน:
Would a self-chill/poison be possible on this build?

Yes, I was trying it earlier in the league and it worked. You just need to drop ballistas as they kill themselves with self poison as they dont get your poison unaffected.

Just wonder would the self poison/self chill works with ward stacking? Would it compromise defence too much?

Also without the ward stacking, would damage will be enough for this league?

Many thanks.
I will answer until deathbeam can get to the questions...To be clear I am running a mostly scuffed version of this build with ~5 Mil DPS and 3.5k HP I have done a 1 death A5 Sirus and happily run through delirium packs in T14 Quant 130+. I mostly have the double curse setup + the Divine Flesh setup, but no ward setup which is higher dmg and survivability.

@superloveman and @xardas149 a page or two ago deathbeam mentioned that he really liked the even low chance to get elusive+onslaught+tailwind on boots. I, personally, agree with how scuffed it feels and like putting 4 passive points to get the elusive on kill node in shadow.

@greendragon2194 This build is 100% legit. For the latest endgame content I am not exactly sure, but the totems feel like they do stupid amounts of dmg and that + smart focus use to give yourself 50% more dmg for 4 second I think all content is viable. Basically I can lazily tank shaper beam and most other boss attacks in the game, at which point how much does DPS really matter if it is definitely over 1-3 Mil? The build feels insanely good. I sit in Sirus' bowling alley to dps him and DIE beams don't one shot me.

I am deviating from the current build so I am a bit squishier, but have fortify from flask effect. I am also running forbidden taste with activation on savage hit, so if I get a big hit I instantly heal. Between that and divine flesh I have mostly been one shot by running into big packs and having a big phys hit one shot me.

Can you explain the righteous fire gem choice? How does that work?

Also the blast rain with mirage archer?
Hahaha ohhh boy. SO the righteous fire was for a challenge, I normally have a 20/20 despair there(as the despair on hit is level 1 0 qual)

The mirage archer serves three purposes, where only one of them is really that good:

1.This is the important one. It applies wither stacks REALLY fast and in an aoe. Deathbeam advises people towards withering step, but because I like having elusive up 24/7 when clearing that option doesn't appeal to me. The current Deathbeam build has withering touch in the ballista slot so you get extra dmg when you put the totems down.

2.I have taken the knocksback on crit. As this attacks REALLY fast I have perma stuck melee bosses as they get knockbacked so much.

3.I managed to find a 5% blind on hit quiver, and as this attacks REALLY fast it basically constantly applies blind.

People like running mirage archer on scourge arrow so it is doing dps while you run around, especially during bossing. I think the dmg is ~20-30% of your base damage. I prefer having more dmg front-loaded, but I am likely wrong by the number of people that do this if you look on poeninja.

The BIGGEST reason, imo, why you should do this build is you can get 100+ to all ele resists with a single flask that is perma up for 20-30c which opens up soooo many options. I am being lazy and not using that yet, but at some point I will switch and probably get 1k-1.5k more hp.
Thanks for the response, very interesting.

I'm only level 75ish and having trouble figuring out when to transition to cluster jewels. Any tips for that? I was thinking of grinding it out to 80, then getting divine flesh and large cluster/2 mediums.



