thedeathbeam เขียน:
Alright so some theorycraft again:
So I was messing with the setup a bit and I realized that ward gloves gave us quite a bit of extra power that I initially did not accounted for. This means that we could possibly do pure SA again (god bless) with old withering step on left click setup. I managed to get the pob for endgame ward setup to 3.3M dps per thorn arrow, what in the end is around 33M poison DPS what is rly good.
I managed to do this by fitting in Malevolence again (what also opens up watchers eyes), taking Charisma on tree, replacing -chaos res hunter mod with pure and nice ward helmet.
Here is wip pastebin:
On different note, this setup also makes Divine Flesh less viable because it overlaps with Charisma, I will have to think about this a bit.
Alright so followup on this:
I was messing with Transcendence as alternative defensive setup instead of Divine Flesh as Divine Flesh turned out to be too restrictive to take the rmr nodes and still use Malevolence.
Transcendence has really good synergy with Ward stacking because we stack increased global defenses what also affects armour and evasion. Of course it does quite a bit less damage than Strength of Blood setup but I think that is fine as it is much tankier and its nice to have setups focused on damage (while having very balanced survivability) and then setup focused on tank (while still having respectable damage).
Here is my WIP pastebin for it: (separate Transcendence tree, item sets sets etc, the setup has around 50k armour with transcendence what is pretty solid)
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โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 07:45:16
thedeathbeam เขียน:
thedeathbeam เขียน:
Alright so some theorycraft again:
So I was messing with the setup a bit and I realized that ward gloves gave us quite a bit of extra power that I initially did not accounted for. This means that we could possibly do pure SA again (god bless) with old withering step on left click setup. I managed to get the pob for endgame ward setup to 3.3M dps per thorn arrow, what in the end is around 33M poison DPS what is rly good.
I managed to do this by fitting in Malevolence again (what also opens up watchers eyes), taking Charisma on tree, replacing -chaos res hunter mod with pure and nice ward helmet.
Here is wip pastebin:
On different note, this setup also makes Divine Flesh less viable because it overlaps with Charisma, I will have to think about this a bit.
Alright so followup on this:
I was messing with Transcendence as alternative defensive setup instead of Divine Flesh as Divine Flesh turned out to be too restrictive to take the rmr nodes and still use Malevolence.
Transcendence has really good synergy with Ward stacking because we stack increased global defenses what also affects armour and evasion. Of course it does quite a bit less damage than Strength of Blood setup but I think that is fine as it is much tankier and its nice to have setups focused on damage (while having very balanced survivability) and then setup focused on tank (while still having respectable damage).
Here is my WIP pastebin for it: (separate Transcendence tree, item sets sets etc, the setup has around 50k armour with transcendence what is pretty solid)
Aw man, almost done with the divine flesh setup. I'm not finding I have many mana issues because I stacked reduced mana cost of skills on the viridian jewels, do you think I should stick with divine flesh or start working towards strength of blood instead?
โพสต์โดยSuperloveman#6387เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 09:03:57
Superloveman เขียน:
thedeathbeam เขียน:
thedeathbeam เขียน:
Alright so some theorycraft again:
So I was messing with the setup a bit and I realized that ward gloves gave us quite a bit of extra power that I initially did not accounted for. This means that we could possibly do pure SA again (god bless) with old withering step on left click setup. I managed to get the pob for endgame ward setup to 3.3M dps per thorn arrow, what in the end is around 33M poison DPS what is rly good.
I managed to do this by fitting in Malevolence again (what also opens up watchers eyes), taking Charisma on tree, replacing -chaos res hunter mod with pure and nice ward helmet.
Here is wip pastebin:
On different note, this setup also makes Divine Flesh less viable because it overlaps with Charisma, I will have to think about this a bit.
Alright so followup on this:
I was messing with Transcendence as alternative defensive setup instead of Divine Flesh as Divine Flesh turned out to be too restrictive to take the rmr nodes and still use Malevolence.
Transcendence has really good synergy with Ward stacking because we stack increased global defenses what also affects armour and evasion. Of course it does quite a bit less damage than Strength of Blood setup but I think that is fine as it is much tankier and its nice to have setups focused on damage (while having very balanced survivability) and then setup focused on tank (while still having respectable damage).
Here is my WIP pastebin for it: (separate Transcendence tree, item sets sets etc, the setup has around 50k armour with transcendence what is pretty solid)
Aw man, almost done with the divine flesh setup. I'm not finding I have many mana issues because I stacked reduced mana cost of skills on the viridian jewels, do you think I should stick with divine flesh or start working towards strength of blood instead?
Divine Flesh is still more than fine, just not with my plan to add Malevolence on top, you can stick with Divine Flesh just like you are doing now and just keep Arctic Armour instead of using Malevolence
ALso keep in mind these changes are still nothing more than experimental, I still need to test and refine them, maybe I will find a way how to have both Malevolence and Divine FLesh as well while still keeping nice tree, who knows
My builds:
My site:
https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 09:28:23
โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 09:25:42
I also noticed you swapped around the buffs a bit, taking blink arrow instead of dash. Do you like that better?
โพสต์โดยSuperloveman#6387เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 19:21:59
@superlovesman I thought your name looked familiar! I have seen you selling grasping mails!
Superloveman เขียน:
I also noticed you swapped around the buffs a bit, taking blink arrow instead of dash. Do you like that better?
Nope, I prefer Dash over Blink Arrow. The issue is that using both Dash and Withering Step at once is quite annoying as they share cooldown, that is why I use BA there.
My builds:
My site:
โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2021 22:23:50
Hi, Im trying your build this league and I have to say that I really like it, Im using the divine flesh with ward stacking and does pretty well in endgame. Now im tryng to craft a pair of boots with elevated tailwid, and have a chest ready to 6 link with global defense, 80 life and %life. What do un think I could do later to improve even better the setup?
โพสต์โดยtomeix#7502เมื่อ 25 ส.ค. 2021 09:49:55
Is anyone farming Scarabbaed/Alvaed Delirium Mirror with this build?
With how much budget(SC Trade) to farm Delirium Mirrored Tropical Islands for 100+ splinters?
โพสต์โดยpphnx#3691เมื่อ 25 ส.ค. 2021 10:38:31
pphnx เขียน:
Is anyone farming Scarabbaed/Alvaed Delirium Mirror with this build?
With how much budget(SC Trade) to farm Delirium Mirrored Tropical Islands for 100+ splinters?
With my actual items I had no problem with tropical island and getting like 150+ splinters, but i didnt farm it too much to be honest, I prefer to farm underground sea. I dont really know the budget since I crafted all my gear, but i guess its less than 100ex maybe not even 50.
โพสต์โดยtomeix#7502เมื่อ 25 ส.ค. 2021 11:57:49
@tomeix I think the dream would be:
-a double corrupted nightgrip with both curse applications so you can run two nostalgia rings
-an additonal curse on the global defense chest which frees up an annoint on the amulet(although you would only be able to have one of the two hp on the chest). ---If you craft the % max life on the grasping chest and have 3 suffixes and 2 prefixes closed you have a 1/6 chance of getting the additional curse.
Other random improvements like that. The loss of one of the nostalgia rings is easily -100% increased damage so getting that back is a big boon and getting dirty techniques/charisma/hardened scars becomes available on the amulet again.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Maddest_Scientist#2870 เมื่อ 25 ส.ค. 2021 15:02:37