[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

I'm about to hit maps and think I have been prepping everything correctly, I know I need a better Quiver, but could someone look at my pastebin and let me know the first upgrades I should jump on? Running low on $$ so looking for the most impactful upgrades!

Thank you!!!

scjohnson243_1 เขียน:
I'm about to hit maps and think I have been prepping everything correctly, I know I need a better Quiver, but could someone look at my pastebin and let me know the first upgrades I should jump on? Running low on $$ so looking for the most impactful upgrades!

Thank you!!!


First off, I love the variation in your gear XD It isn't often you see Tabula Rasa and an Aul's Uprising on the same character. This is not criticism, just not what I expected in your pob! :D

I am not as familiar with this build as deathbeam, so if what he says countermands what I say do that.

Your biggest, and cheapest damage boost would buy a high ward helmet and a high ward boots and replacing your other items or getting jewels to shore up your resistances. After that I would advise getting a ring that has despair on hit or a stygian vise if your bismuth is not perma up right now.

Your biggest damage boost will be from a Grasping Mail chest with 100% increased Global Defences as that doubles your ward, but these are often several exalt if not more expensive, even when not 6-linked. At this point you should have at least over 2k ward which means nightgrip is giving you +500 chaos damage.

After that it is cluster jewels and your choice of a timeless jewel for defensive layer. As you have replica soul tether I am assuming you are going strength of blood, which means you should vaal pact and maybe the leech node below it. Either before or after the cluster jewels getting a quiver with chaos/no chaos damage over time multiplier + an additional arrow is close to the final step outside other generic gear upgrades. Hope this helps!

Lastly, I would advise you try getting the elusive on kill node in shadow. I know it will cost 5 passive points, but it feels REALLY good for leveling and gives you extra defensive layers while mapping. I am very strongly rushing that node on my next character.
I need some help with itemisation and upgrades.

Pastebin https://pastebin.com/jVnQpAar

I just hit 90 and I've been following the standard build and starter gear. Clearing T10-13 maps and completed 16/32 conquerors, although the last 3 were quite challenging (ie died a few times).

I know a lot of my gear is suboptimal, but I've been trying to save currency. Just about any single item on the end game list is multiple ex, and I have about 4 ex saved up.

I was thinking of going Strength of Blood but not going to hit 100. Any tips on what are the last few nodes that can be skipped?

Maddest_Scientist เขียน:
Looking at talk of rain of splinters, do you think a +1 bow quiver is that required, especially for bossing?

Specifically, do you think a one arrow scourge arrow build would be better for clearing with +chaos dot multi and +dot multi quiver than with a chaos dot multi and +1 arrow quiver? The totem's boost to your dps, even on a 4-5 link, would be able to make bossing much easier than it would be before the totem addition.

For bossing, I know we ideally want +1 arrow, but if we have totems + rain of splinters do you think it is that necessary until we hit endgame bosses?

I am trying to smooth out the transition from trash gear to starter to endgame gear, but am also curious about having a 100% deli slightly altered version of the build and slightly altered version for bossing.

For bossing, the pod dispersal that a +1 arrow gives you is huge. As for clearing you're probably right that a +1 arrow isn't required and the extra dot multi would go a long way in delirium maps.

Now I gotta delve and find the six-link recipe :o
I wish I'd listened to Maddest Scientist before, Unspeakable gifts (large chaos cluster notable) is absolutely GODLIKE for clear. DPS takes a big hit, as does stuff like leech and attack speed, but oh boy does it feel nice popping an entire screenfull of 100% delirium mobs.
arzate03 เขียน:

Now I gotta delve and find the six-link recipe :o

:O That is an absolutely insane bow. I will try and corrupt more of my items next league assuming I earn over 100ex. My dream is to double corrupt Nightgrip with temp chains and despair. I think there is a 1% chance with a LOT of variance.

As per your post, often times you can find people posting they have that node. Some guy on reddit posted that and I saw it and hopped on it.

There is also the crafting discord which has a built-in "how many people did you not steal items from and actually do the craft and give the item back?". This way you can avoid skeevy untrustworthy randoms like me while not spending idk how many hours looking in delve.
Pretty shitty Promenade delirium mirror showcase, no watchstones or sextant mods, just a couple of rusted scarabs (this is with unspeakable gifts):


A8 Sirus fight where I eat a die beam directly to the face and easily live. I really need to get a brightness filter or something, that asshole just zooms off and I have no idea where he is. Also, this is without rain of splinters, so maybe not as accurate as I'd like :(


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Superloveman#6387 เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2021 02:10:59
Do you think the ward gear will be available next league?
H_Espenhein เขียน:
Do you think the ward gear will be available next league?

Chris Wilson said "When Expedition goes core..." so we know it will be going core at some point, but maybe not next league.

I THINK it will, because the changes they want to do to it are relatively low-effort (make the tokens not exchangeable, make the tokens auto-pick up, and maybe increase some drop rates). The possibly bigger reason is they added the ward flask to the general utility flask pool and added a complete new armor type, and that feels like too big of a change that they would only do it if they were going to keep it in the game.

The community feedback has been pretty positive outside having to pick up the tokens, especially for the logbooks and I think one of GGG's goals is to have multiple types of end-game/juiced content which logbooks fit into pretty well.

Ultimately though, nobody knows until they make the official post declaring if it will or won't go core.



