[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

I am bit worried about the availability of Nightgrip next league tbh, they're dirt cheap now but when Expedition is not the main league, they could get pricy. Just hoping they won't go the way of Hateforge and become some uber-chase unique.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sanguinica#7686 เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2021 01:38:22
Even if I would skip like 9 out of 10 in map expeditions and simmulate a no boost 10% apperance rate I would still farm enough logbooks to soloselffound night grips without a doubt :D

Like the comparison is not fitting at all. Hateforge was a boss drop only unique on a boss that had no garantuee unique drop and would take like 50-100 maps to spawn. People like lighty (ssf all for one guy) did like 5k maps in league easily and never saw anything but a few of the helmet.

What Maddest_Scientist said could not be more accurate. 99% sure it will go core easily next league, it is just as unproblematic as Blight league was and Logbooks are ALOT of what high end players need. I mean empys 700 ex aura stacker can legit die if he goes full "special needs" with the remnants, but you can always "adjust" it with pre selection.

>he 3.15 patch isnt popular, but over it alot of people didnt realize how great Expedition as a mechanic actually is. A selfregulated risk taking content that scales up to giga endgame requirements without pushing anyone out. Obv the map version after 2 months gets a bit dull, but same as with blight there will be a decent large group of people go on living in those "maps" and can be seen as an extention of blight like content, just with way smarter scalling.

Logbooks are one of the biggest assets ggg created in a long time and I am pretty sure they were aware. There is a reason we basically got instantly information from chris about their talkings to make it core (auto pickup, char bound artifacts etc) necause they know how good it will be for the game. The reward structure wont be perfect instantly with the change, but they know they get alot of "feedback" of their shoulders if logbooks are a new endgame for the 1%er

If anything expect them to be like (because chris spoke about it a bit): "Yo we removed 2 trash mechanics, here you go ultimatum and expedition".

With all that said, expect nightgrips to be 1-2 ex the first week. More and more people get to know about them, yet some still arent truly aware. Lighty for example still thought the damage provided isnt based on your max but current ward. If that info truly brakes (and people like Octavion who played Spectral Helix Poison with Ward) will make content for this right before the next league, so demand might get higher. But they never surpass something like Asenath, simply because the entire ward thing is Pathfinder only or it sucks xD

Long Story short: 99% ward next leuage, 1-2 ex for nightgrup first days. That should be your basis for planing.

And to make u guys a bit jealous :D

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย xardas149#3158 เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2021 05:05:43
https://pastebin.com/TMsKy2L4 remove 83 chaos res for another fuel the fight nodes (if u are 100 u can take it anyway)

i sell the build if u wanna try it for next league, i think i have minmaxed (need lab enchant on boots and belt by the way) pm for info :P (64m full dps here and i sell it for exalted and not other XD)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Beskaius#7186 เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2021 01:03:21
Hi, guys,

I finally was able to afford the Malevolence set up (Enlighten 4, Watcher's eye), but I'm having an awful mana problem.

I only have 34 mana left.

I've fixed the ring, and I'm looking to fix one of the flasks with that mana cost enchant (still haven't been able to get it).

Is there anything else I need to check for the mana reservation/mana cost?

LBC_Immortality เขียน:
Hi, guys,

I finally was able to afford the Malevolence set up (Enlighten 4, Watcher's eye), but I'm having an awful mana problem.

I only have 34 mana left.

I've fixed the ring, and I'm looking to fix one of the flasks with that mana cost enchant (still haven't been able to get it).

Is there anything else I need to check for the mana reservation/mana cost?


It's the ring, you need to get one like mine:

As stated, you need the reduced resevation on the circle of nostalgia.

Besides that, when you siwtch to this setup, you want to make sure you get freeze prevention on your boots, since when you drop Artic Armor you lose that cover.
xardas149 เขียน:
As stated, you need the reduced resevation on the circle of nostalgia.

Besides that, when you siwtch to this setup, you want to make sure you get freeze prevention on your boots, since when you drop Artic Armor you lose that cover.

As a worse, but easier, alternative you can run Taste of Hate, which isn't freeze proof, but the 20%(for us 30%) less cold damage makes it tough to freeze you. I only bring this up because about this point in the league I look at a gear change and start feeling lazy ;)
I run taste of hate anyway, over the dodge flask, the phys reduction is really nice.
Maddest_Scientist เขียน:
H_Espenhein เขียน:
Do you think the ward gear will be available next league?

Chris Wilson said "When Expedition goes core..." so we know it will be going core at some point, but maybe not next league.

I THINK it will, because the changes they want to do to it are relatively low-effort (make the tokens not exchangeable, make the tokens auto-pick up, and maybe increase some drop rates). The possibly bigger reason is they added the ward flask to the general utility flask pool and added a complete new armor type, and that feels like too big of a change that they would only do it if they were going to keep it in the game.

The community feedback has been pretty positive outside having to pick up the tokens, especially for the logbooks and I think one of GGG's goals is to have multiple types of end-game/juiced content which logbooks fit into pretty well.

Ultimately though, nobody knows until they make the official post declaring if it will or won't go core.

Thank you for the answer.

Im looking forward to the next league start. Seems like this build can be a good starter with great gear progression.
Thanks all for your replies- I'm a bit concerned, wouldn't I be losing a lot of damage if I switch to another circle of nostalgia? (I'm guessing running malevolence is so much better than running 63% extra chaos damage? :-/ )

Not sure where to go from here because the changes I had to make to accomodate malevolence, they all seem to remove damage either from tree or items ?




