[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Utility Flasks are sustainable with enough character damage and clear speed, but there aren't easy ways to sustain Utility Flasks for less-powerful characters.

Add new modifiers and improve existing modifiers on Flasks that affect their duration or charge gain. Add some new Passive Skills to help sustain Flasks. Extend the base duration of Utility Flasks to reduce how often they need to be used.

New modifier that helps extend flask uptime:

66% increased Charge Recovery | 25% reduced Effect

Extending Utility Flask Duration:

Quicksilver, Diamond, Granite, Jade, Quartz and Silver Flasks now last 6 seconds (previously 4).
Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Aquamarine, Sulphur, Basalt, Stibnite and Corundum Flasks now last 8 seconds (previously 5).
Gold and Iron Flasks now last 5 seconds (previously 3).
Bismuth Flask now lasts 8.5 seconds (previously 5.5).
Amethyst Flask now lasts 6.5 seconds (previously 4.5).

Unique Flasks are being reviewed as a result of these changes:

Dying Sun now has 40-60% less Duration (previously 40-60% reduced duration).
Coruscating Elixir now has 25% increased Duration (previously 100%).
Bottled Faith now has 15-30% reduced Duration (previously 20-40% increased).

Adding and improving Flask investment in the Dexterity area of the Passive Skill Tree.

We are gettig buffed my dudes :D

Lke Iron Flask now never "drops" in terms of damage provides on bossfights lol

Our passives getting buffed ?! :D

Depending on how strong the buffs to the passives are we literally wont require the 20% less charges mod used on belts and have a way easier time getting a good hunter stygian. I mean the Bismuth flask going to 8,5 secs means the build can "instantly" go that route lol

Belts are the item slot intended to enhance Flasks, but only have a limited list of modifiers that actually affect Flasks in their modifier pool.

Add more tiers to Flask modifiers on Belts, and move the Flask Effect modifier out of the Influence modifier pool into the base modifier pool for Belts.

Added more tiers to Belt modifiers that affect Flasks, resulting in buffs to most modifiers, most notably Life and Mana recovery modifiers. Here are some examples of values of some high tier modifiers:

40% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
40% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
40% increased Flask Charges gained
33% increased Flask Effect Duration
Flasks applied to you have 12% increased Effect

Well and here is the 3.17 reason to nerf pathfinder xD
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย xardas149#3158 เมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2021 19:44:54
So looks like we're gonna get Pathfinder league, manifesto looked great! Rolling all these flasks is gonna be a pain though.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik all sources of "% reduced charges used" are additive. With 15% from tree, 20% from belt, 28% from new t1 chemist's prefix and 35% from the buffed enkindling orb enchant, wouldn't that mean 98% reduced flask charges used aka basically free flasks for all ascendancies? Seems super broken to me but I'm probably just misunderstanding how the math works on this :)

Edit: I wonder how this new life flask mod "35-40% of recovery applied as an extra recovery effect over 10 seconds (Level 81)" interacts with petrified blood. If its counted as recovery from the flask it would give us permanent full health together with the damage reduction on low life.

Second Edit: Nevermind me talking about PF league, bow build defences look kinda worse compared to before while everything else got buffed... :(
Oh and Ward got shat on too by virtue of dodge being removed and evasion becoming more important. As if the mechanic wasnt bad enough already...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LongLiveTheLazy#7735 เมื่อ 6 ต.ค. 2021 19:10:44
Well...the ward build got hit hard by the dodge removal. We will have to 10000000% have to run Grace (at least the 100% global defense mod from grasping mail helps q.q) as an Aura on it, so the grace Auls might be 100% required.

Even then I am not sure if the ward build gets enough eva since we dont get any base eva from 3 itemslots and rather few base from the bodyarmor aswell.

Maybe I havent seen it, but instead of the Quartz flask (which isnt mentioned) and Taste of Hate will hate to be replaced with an Jade Flask.

With Grave+ juiced Jade Flask + 100% def mod from grasping mail we can make it work, even tho still a big hit and makes it way less budget friendly :(
Hello, I have newbie question.

My ballistas die almost instantly in yellow maps. How does everyone manage them to alive and dps'ing or debuffing?

You sure you arent confusing it with duration? They dont stay around for long.

Otherwise I would guess nobody even uses them in maps, basically waste of a cast when you just zoom and 1 tap channel scourge arrow.

This is more for bosses and they obv have time windows to place them and let them get off a channled shot.
I am currently stuck on my build. Would need some suggestion on what to upgrade thanks :)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lovehate#7528 เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2021 12:09:07
lovehate เขียน:
I am currently stuck on my build. Would need some suggestion on what to upgrade thanks :)

Did you have a look at the main post? It literally contains an F.A.Q. with suggestions what to look for regarding both damage and defense, most of which you are missing:

This question is asked way too often. So here is list of things you should make sure you have and do:

1. Darkscorn
2. +1 Arrow quiver (think about this modifier as 30% more damage, it beats most other options and its not close)
3. Scourge Arrow helmet enchant
4. Source of Despair on hit
5. Ailment Duration focus mod on Helmet
6. Source of Wither (Withering Touch, Withering Step, Wither totems)
7. Source of +1 curse and Temporal Chains on hit
So for the recent changes:

- Avoidance is now annoying to get
- We get shitton of life recovery from the life flask mod, like it will be insane
- We get damage buffs thanks to dot ailment changes and new better mods
- We can use more auras thanks to mana reservation changes
- We can now use Alchemist prefix on basically every flask thanks to base duration cahnges

So for first thing I think we can replace quartz with jade, I managed to get to 20k evasion with ward bases and alchemist jade flask. For this I have to drop 1 cluster. What is fine because thanks to malevolence now being able to be part of core build we dont lose damage.

If we get some spell supression on eva nodes (I spent around 13-14 points for eva on tree) I think the survivability improves while damage stays the same.

So I think overall if new tree will be good I think we are more than fine. And I am definitely starting this build again next league.

And for Grace I dont think we need it even though Auls grace is solid option now regardless and its probably something to aim for.
My builds:
My site:
Also just for confirmation:

With Charisma on tree and equivalent small cluster for Malevolence as they showcased for Zealotry we can reserve Defiance Banner, Malevolence, Herald of Agony and Petrified Blood just fine (alternatively Grace instead of Malevolence):


So I am very optimistic about the changes as this is really really good.
My builds:
My site:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 00:51:17
thedeathbeam เขียน:
So for first thing I think we can replace quartz with jade, I managed to get to 20k evasion with ward bases and alchemist jade flask. For this I have to drop 1 cluster. What is fine because thanks to malevolence now being able to be part of core build we dont lose damage.

What about dropping Iron flask for Stibnite? Blind and Wind Dancer will reward high evasion values. Also, ward might not be as reliable as before if spell dodge is replaced by suppression (Acrobatics might still be worth it at some point though).

I'm waiting on the patchnotes (I'm a selfcaster at heart, but I'm tired of being abused every league), this builds looks really good in 3.16.

Also League Arrow so what could go wrong.



