Sarodh1 เขียน:
thedeathbeam เขียน:
So for first thing I think we can replace quartz with jade, I managed to get to 20k evasion with ward bases and alchemist jade flask. For this I have to drop 1 cluster. What is fine because thanks to malevolence now being able to be part of core build we dont lose damage.
What about dropping Iron flask for Stibnite? Blind and Wind Dancer will reward high evasion values. Also, ward might not be as reliable as before if spell dodge is replaced by suppression (Acrobatics might still be worth it at some point though).
I'm waiting on the patchnotes (I'm a selfcaster at heart, but I'm tired of being abused every league), this builds looks really good in 3.16.
Also League Arrow so what could go wrong.
Iron Flask is huge chunk of damage so that is probably not a good idea. And also we use Ward primarily for damage not defense so missing spell avoidance is not a big deal and I think spell suppression is actually better than dodge. And for attacks 20k eva is like 75%+ avoidance already.
Also I dont think I will be using the new wind dancer, its pretty bad with the more damage from attacks taken downside.
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โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 03:46:10
Fair point, I forgot about the damage scaling.
โพสต์โดยSarodh1#2906เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 03:59:14
Is there any confirmation of Expedition and its uniques going core in Scourge? All I could find was Chris talking about it "when it goes core" but not specifically mentioning the timeframe and with the defence manifesto having no Ward changes/adjustments in it, chances are Expedition won't be in 3.16?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sanguinica#7686 เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 06:07:09
โพสต์โดยSanguinica#7686เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 06:05:50
Nothing more but 99% certain based on lgic.
xardas149 เขียน:
Even if I would skip like 9 out of 10 in map expeditions and simmulate a no boost 10% apperance rate I would still farm enough logbooks to soloselffound night grips without a doubt :D
Like the comparison is not fitting at all. Hateforge was a boss drop only unique on a boss that had no garantuee unique drop and would take like 50-100 maps to spawn. People like lighty (ssf all for one guy) did like 5k maps in league easily and never saw anything but a few of the helmet.
What Maddest_Scientist said could not be more accurate. 99% sure it will go core easily next league, it is just as unproblematic as Blight league was and Logbooks are ALOT of what high end players need. I mean empys 700 ex aura stacker can legit die if he goes full "special needs" with the remnants, but you can always "adjust" it with pre selection.
>he 3.15 patch isnt popular, but over it alot of people didnt realize how great Expedition as a mechanic actually is. A selfregulated risk taking content that scales up to giga endgame requirements without pushing anyone out. Obv the map version after 2 months gets a bit dull, but same as with blight there will be a decent large group of people go on living in those "maps" and can be seen as an extention of blight like content, just with way smarter scalling.
Logbooks are one of the biggest assets ggg created in a long time and I am pretty sure they were aware. There is a reason we basically got instantly information from chris about their talkings to make it core (auto pickup, char bound artifacts etc) necause they know how good it will be for the game. The reward structure wont be perfect instantly with the change, but they know they get alot of "feedback" of their shoulders if logbooks are a new endgame for the 1%er
If anything expect them to be like (because chris spoke about it a bit): "Yo we removed 2 trash mechanics, here you go ultimatum and expedition".
With all that said, expect nightgrips to be 1-2 ex the first week. More and more people get to know about them, yet some still arent truly aware. Lighty for example still thought the damage provided isnt based on your max but current ward. If that info truly brakes (and people like Octavion who played Spectral Helix Poison with Ward) will make content for this right before the next league, so demand might get higher. But they never surpass something like Asenath, simply because the entire ward thing is Pathfinder only or it sucks xD
Long Story short: 99% ward next leuage, 1-2 ex for nightgrup first days. That should be your basis for planing.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย xardas149#3158 เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 11:08:34
โพสต์โดยxardas149#3158เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2021 11:07:56
Do you think transcendence will be a good option in 3.16?
โพสต์โดยH_Espenhein#7103เมื่อ 10 ต.ค. 2021 21:43:30
H_Espenhein เขียน:
Do you think transcendence will be a good option in 3.16?
So far its I thin the best option before seeing the new tree. Armour buffs means transcendence is better and it gives proper defenses compared to just eva. Also we are getting more regen thanks to the flask affix what also makes transcendence better as consistent recovery is too important for it.
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โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 10 ต.ค. 2021 22:26:58
So for league starting with this build, what bow is best to use until you can get a darkscorn?
โพสต์โดยHeysatan#6899เมื่อ 11 ต.ค. 2021 13:32:50
Heysatan เขียน:
So for league starting with this build, what bow is best to use until you can get a darkscorn?
Quill Rain as before darkscorn you should stick with Toxic Rain
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โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 11 ต.ค. 2021 21:10:39
Btw I was messing a bit with defense focused setup and this is quite funny but giga 0dps:

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https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 12 ต.ค. 2021 13:31:59
โพสต์โดยthedeathbeam#7125เมื่อ 12 ต.ค. 2021 13:30:55
6-7 mil dps is not zero dps :D
โพสต์โดยH_Espenhein#7103เมื่อ 12 ต.ค. 2021 16:18:05