[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

any ideas on what to upgrade next? thinking of going unnatural instinct to pick up 4 more points so I can spec a 3rd voices. dps is pretty decent although I could use some more ES (~7500 atm) and ES regen, I'd like to get tankier rather than go for DPS. Im not sure if theres any glaringly obvious upgrades Im missing. have ~65 ex atm. Id appreciate any advice!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gnarjay#0205 เมื่อ 1 พ.ค. 2020 16:31:38
joswann1 เขียน:

any ideas on what to upgrade next? thinking of going unnatural instinct to pick up 4 more points so I can spec a 3rd voices. dps is pretty decent although I could use some more ES (~7500 atm) and ES regen, I'd like to get tankier rather than go for DPS. Im not sure if theres any glaringly obvious upgrades Im missing. have ~65 ex atm. Id appreciate any advice!

What is the rationale behind not using a second CotB?
thegreatestviz เขียน:
Can someone suggest what is the next best upgrade for me? I can kill A8 Sirius deathless but sometimes die in Simalcrum 19-20th Wave

Tree in my profile u can check- Fix_Delirium_Guardian


Some simple stuff, really.

Bunch of visits to Hillock in Fortification to boost the quality on your armour. Then run him some more in Research to top out your flask quality.

Throw a bunch of divines at your Nebulis to get to - or closer to - 20/20/20. Or just buy another one, yours only has a single decent affix anyway.

Then the expensive stuff.
- Consider upgrading your voices to 5 socket versions.
- Consider replacing your amulet with something like this:

- For simalucrum runs, I'd seriously consider dropping the speed flask for a Wise Oak - if your uncapped cold resist is highest - or if you can afford it, a bottled faith.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Kayefsi เขียน:
Hi, got a few things bothering me, would appreciate any advice.

I have level 21 vitality gem, but due to lacking strength, im using level 13. How important is level 21 over level 13? I know it's only like 0.40% more regen but our stuff gets amplified a lot right? When doing sirus, i much rather prefer not to have RF on for the 99% of the fight. Maybe getting that 21 vit would help a lot.

How important is for clarity to be high level? Atm i have 30 unreserved life, could level up clarity a bit OR i could put Fertile catalyst on my amulet BUT is fertile on chayula really better than let's say putting the ones that would maybe get my chaos ress up? So the 2nd main question is leveling up vitality vs using fertile catalyst on chayula.

2% regen on boots vs adds 1-160lightning dmg if haven't killed (bossing mostly).
I fell like 2% regen would actually be way better but im not sure.

I see many people on poe ninja using stuff like awakened ele focus, arcane surge etc. Should i just stick to the gems that u posted? Seems like Energy leech is better than awakened lightning dmg (In PoB at least).

Also if it turns out that getting that vitality is somewhat important, should i maybe drop pure aptitude for strength version one? I think that could give me 25-30 strength and remaining one could be found on a regular small jewel.
Also, for regular small jewels, ES+what other mods? I was thinking something like ES, es recharge and something like cast speed or added flat cold/lightning

I'd suggest switching to vitality on an amulet to avoid the entire strength debate.

Clarity is only important until you can constantly cast your damage skill. I ran mine at level 8 for most of the time, recently I have spare life, so I leveled it up the rest of the way. If I figure out a way to squeeze in another aura, I may level up another one until it just fits.

I haven't run into a situation where you want anything other than Fertile catalysts on your ammy. Chayulas, it boosts the life - ES conversion. Most rares, it boosts your decreased mana reserved. Win in either case.

I'd personally go for added lightning damage if you haven't killed anything recently on boots. Which reminds me, I need to run the lab and see if I can fix my boot / glove enchants to something I don't hate. :) I had added lightning damage on my last set, it was a very nice damage boost.

For jewels, reduced mana reservation and increased ES are key. Anything else is pure bonus... and also probably really expensive. Useful mods are increased cold / lightning, cast speed flat or with lightning skills, crit strike chance / spells.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
JayChow เขียน:
joswann1 เขียน:

any ideas on what to upgrade next? thinking of going unnatural instinct to pick up 4 more points so I can spec a 3rd voices. dps is pretty decent although I could use some more ES (~7500 atm) and ES regen, I'd like to get tankier rather than go for DPS. Im not sure if theres any glaringly obvious upgrades Im missing. have ~65 ex atm. Id appreciate any advice!

What is the rationale behind not using a second CotB?

the chain feels nice in maps,.I saw some people on poe ninja using it so i decided to try it out and havent gone back. i have a second cotb in my inventory for bosses
froztyxx เขียน:
grimjack68 เขียน:
froztyxx เขียน:
Having a lil bit issue on single target. I'm reaching 8m+ on on tooltip tho.
We either need a pastebin for your character, or you need to mark them as public on your profile. As it is, we can't see your setup to offer advice.

I can post the pastebin, but I don't know what to adjust xD

Here it is: https://pastebin.com/gGHZGSXP

I haven't adjusted anything, just the imported POB.
If I try to turn on all your auras in PoB, I get -44 mana left. So the question is... what are you running, or possibly, what are you not running?

I suspect you're going to have to drop Influence on the tree, and the node leading to it, and repath to your right-most jewel socked via the lower path by Charisma. That will let you pick up an intuitive leap jewel in the socket there and grab Charisma, then anoint Champion of the cause instead.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
QuickBenDelat เขียน:
Could someone please take a look at my character and see if it's possible to turn on haste? I have everything else the build calls for but that. Thanks in advance.

When I import this pastebin, I get a result that says you're already over by 335 life and 2176 mana. And it appears there are several of the same gems setup and running?
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
I actually have 131 mana rn. I'm using 2 mana/int split personality.
SrankFinatra เขียน:
Hey buddies :3

What is the best way to spend 15ex in my case? What should I change or improve in my tree/gems/items? I tried the uber lab like 7 times. This ugly Izaro always 1shotted me. I'll leave it for later, when i'll be stronger or at least smarter. Or maybe i just need just some more levels? I'm pretty newbie btw.

The only thing i know i have to do for now is level up my gems. But that won't be enough i guess.


What You guys think?
Thanx :3
You're missing at least one large cluster and 2 mediums. I'd absolutely pick up another Voices and 3 more medium cluster jewels, then a boatload of regrets and respec your tree to match the one posted by the OP.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
joswann1 เขียน:
JayChow เขียน:
joswann1 เขียน:

any ideas on what to upgrade next? thinking of going unnatural instinct to pick up 4 more points so I can spec a 3rd voices. dps is pretty decent although I could use some more ES (~7500 atm) and ES regen, I'd like to get tankier rather than go for DPS. Im not sure if theres any glaringly obvious upgrades Im missing. have ~65 ex atm. Id appreciate any advice!

What is the rationale behind not using a second CotB?

the chain feels nice in maps,.I saw some people on poe ninja using it so i decided to try it out and havent gone back. i have a second cotb in my inventory for bosses

Oh I see. I run the same links as you but Arcane Surge instead of Inspiration for EK. When I'm mapping I swap out Arcane Surge for Chain Support and I still have enough DPS for AW8, Wave 20 Simulacrum, etc.

I also use this helmet enchant which helps with general clear.

I'm going to take a look and see if Snakepit is comparable DPS as opposed to just swapping chain for Inspiration/Arcane Surge for mapping.



