[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps
grimjack68 เขียน:
SrankFinatra เขียน:
Hey buddies :3
What is the best way to spend 15ex in my case? What should I change or improve in my tree/gems/items? I tried the uber lab like 7 times. This ugly Izaro always 1shotted me. I'll leave it for later, when i'll be stronger or at least smarter. Or maybe i just need just some more levels? I'm pretty newbie btw.
The only thing i know i have to do for now is level up my gems. But that won't be enough i guess.
You're missing at least one large cluster and 2 mediums. I'd absolutely pick up another Voices and 3 more medium cluster jewels, then a boatload of regrets and respec your tree to match the one posted by the OP.
So you're basically saying that I just need level 96-100 to play this build? But how to get there if I'm dying at t11+ maps? (Of course I'm not even trying to alt or alc maps. It would obviously destroy me)
Build is insane, moved to a coc arc/spark version and I love it. May be the first time I've bothered to get to 100.
At this point upgrades arnt all that easy other than lvls but managed to squeeze in an avian aspect.
I'd guess my aps breakpoints arnt on point but it doesn't seem to matter, everything melts.
Can I ask for the dps in the tooltip? I’m using arc and feel a little bored, so I’m thinking about changing to coc, but I’m not sure if the damage outcome is lowered or not
Was drooling over faceless man gear and setup. I don't know that I can go all in, but the 5 passive voices may be in reach and the swap over to the baseline 6L CoC setup. I am using EK and large cluster jewels instead at the moment as per Somayd's setup. Trying to figure what is a better use of exalts between the 5 passive Voices or saving for a HH.
I feel a little bit like a 12 year old in a Lamborghini.
If you or anyone has advice gladly take it, profile is public and I can tip in game I know looking at people's stuff takes time - definitely want to enjoy this before the hammer comes down lol.
Cheers it took awhile and I started the base version before the prices skyrocked. I can have a look when I'm in game but all I've done is taken from the op and posters here and mash it with the coc build on the forum, it's ended up being absolutely ridiculous.
You do need some Mana reduction jewels though so you can drop enlighten and free up a gem slot, i can't stand playing without a movement skill. Got lucky with a conq efficiency yesterday saved me 32ex lol
What is the best way to spend 15ex in my case? What should I change or improve in my tree/gems/items? I tried the uber lab like 7 times. This ugly Izaro always 1shotted me. I'll leave it for later, when i'll be stronger or at least smarter. Or maybe i just need just some more levels? I'm pretty newbie btw.
The only thing i know i have to do for now is level up my gems. But that won't be enough i guess.
You're missing at least one large cluster and 2 mediums. I'd absolutely pick up another Voices and 3 more medium cluster jewels, then a boatload of regrets and respec your tree to match the one posted by the OP.
So you're basically saying that I just need level 96-100 to play this build? But how to get there if I'm dying at t11+ maps? (Of course I'm not even trying to alt or alc maps. It would obviously destroy me)
cant comment much on your tree since you took the left path and most of us took right side of the tree. but you are missing precision, haste, vitality for rf. these 3 aura will provide alot more survivalbility cause i dont think you have 80+% armour reduction
What is the best way to spend 15ex in my case? What should I change or improve in my tree/gems/items? I tried the uber lab like 7 times. This ugly Izaro always 1shotted me. I'll leave it for later, when i'll be stronger or at least smarter. Or maybe i just need just some more levels? I'm pretty newbie btw.
The only thing i know i have to do for now is level up my gems. But that won't be enough i guess.
You're missing at least one large cluster and 2 mediums. I'd absolutely pick up another Voices and 3 more medium cluster jewels, then a boatload of regrets and respec your tree to match the one posted by the OP.
So you're basically saying that I just need level 96-100 to play this build? But how to get there if I'm dying at t11+ maps? (Of course I'm not even trying to alt or alc maps. It would obviously destroy me)
Are you saying your dying alot in t11 white maps? Because as the other guy mentioned that shouldn't be happening, even with a scuffed version. You need to invest more currency and get the required essentials such as most if not all auras, cluster jewels etc.
Hey guys I need some help with this build.
Im doing EK version and it doesn't feel right-
1. Im currently not running haste because I don't have the mana reserved for it, which makes sense since im level 88. but once I will be able to slot it I will need to drop a gem. And the only choice is flame dash, vaal RF or the golem. Is that right?
When ill upgrade to a rare helm, I will also need enlighten, so thats another one that I will need to give up on.
The golem is there to get my allies number to 5 for the guardian bonus.
2. Vaal RF does absolutely nothing except from draining my ES.
3. How do you guys cast all the auras all the time? I mean, after dying or changing gear or whatnot I have to recast everything.. is there a shortcut?
Also, I have to do some annoying tricks and put astramentis on myself before I can put on my boots. and than I can remove the amulet.
Or i have to slot a life pot to heal so I could cast my auras than swap the life pot out. everything feels kinda.. disgusting.
4. Also, I do you handle mana? enduring flask?
I put some currency into the build (the gems, 2x voices 5 skills, the jewels). Im ready to put more if it will feel like its going somewhere, but Im dying at uber lab when im 88...
I could really use someone help me with these stuff.
You can view my char.
First of all fix your tree,you're wasting so many points.
You can run 2x7 voices and a large cluster at level 87 i think,so that's 8 medium jewels.
Fix your tree,pick 6 heraldry and two endbringer and your build will storm through maps.
You don't need lvl 96 with an efficient tree.
What is the best way to spend 15ex in my case? What should I change or improve in my tree/gems/items? I tried the uber lab like 7 times. This ugly Izaro always 1shotted me. I'll leave it for later, when i'll be stronger or at least smarter. Or maybe i just need just some more levels? I'm pretty newbie btw.
The only thing i know i have to do for now is level up my gems. But that won't be enough i guess.
You're missing at least one large cluster and 2 mediums. I'd absolutely pick up another Voices and 3 more medium cluster jewels, then a boatload of regrets and respec your tree to match the one posted by the OP.
So you're basically saying that I just need level 96-100 to play this build? But how to get there if I'm dying at t11+ maps? (Of course I'm not even trying to alt or alc maps. It would obviously destroy me)
I think that this reply was supposed to be for SrankFinatra. If not, it's still perfectly applicable. At your level you should be destroying content.
PsOfOs เขียน:
First of all fix your tree,you're wasting so many points.
You can run 2x7 voices and a large cluster at level 87 i think,so that's 8 medium jewels.
Fix your tree,pick 6 heraldry and two endbringer and your build will storm through maps.
You don't need lvl 96 with an efficient tree.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Hey guys I need some help with this build.
Im doing EK version and it doesn't feel right-
1. Im currently not running haste because I don't have the mana reserved for it, which makes sense since im level 88. but once I will be able to slot it I will need to drop a gem. And the only choice is flame dash, vaal RF or the golem. Is that right?
When ill upgrade to a rare helm, I will also need enlighten, so thats another one that I will need to give up on.
The golem is there to get my allies number to 5 for the guardian bonus.
2. Vaal RF does absolutely nothing except from draining my ES.
3. How do you guys cast all the auras all the time? I mean, after dying or changing gear or whatnot I have to recast everything.. is there a shortcut?
Also, I have to do some annoying tricks and put astramentis on myself before I can put on my boots. and than I can remove the amulet.
Or i have to slot a life pot to heal so I could cast my auras than swap the life pot out. everything feels kinda.. disgusting.
4. Also, I do you handle mana? enduring flask?
I put some currency into the build (the gems, 2x voices 5 skills, the jewels). Im ready to put more if it will feel like its going somewhere, but Im dying at uber lab when im 88...
I could really use someone help me with these stuff.
You can view my char.
1. You don't need the golem, drop it.
2. It increases your damage a lot, use it when you get to the boss. For me, I use the normal RF during mapping, and both RF when doing boss.
3. I'm not sure about this, since I have to manually cast everything when I died.
4. Clarity, just level 5 or 6 is enough, but you need around 100 mana left.
Not saying that I'm the best to follow, but you can take a look at my char and think of a solution for yourself. If you can't,ping me in-game and I can give you a help. Cheer
this is the craziest and most expensive build i have ever played since the start of POE.
I am currently running t16 80% delirious without a problem and downed Sirius 8 my first try with it, even though not deathless.
However, my tooltip is quite low in comparison with others here on forum. Everything popped (Flasks and RF with inspiration up) only about 3.5-4 m tooltip damage.
Could someone do me the honor and check my char what i could do? I know my gems arent all 20 yet, I'm working on it ^^