We've just introduced the Stygian Armour Set! This ensemble is designed in a dark arcane style and glows with blue flames. Check out the video below or get yours here.

The Stygian Armour Set works with microtransactions like the Arcane Weapon Effect, Arcane Halo, Arcane Character Effect and Arcane Shield. It also works with skill effects like Arcane Tome Totem, Arcane Essence Drain, Arcane Contagion, Arcane Wither and Blue Flame Incinerate.

This weekend we're holding a Super Stash Sale where we're discounting all Stash Tabs. Everything has been discounted, from the new Fragment Tab, Map Tab, Premium Stash Tab Bundles, Premium Quad Stash Tabs, Currency Tabs and even Guild Stash Tabs! Click here to view the full selection of discounted stash tabs.

The sale runs all weekend and ends at วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มิถุนายน 2018 เวลา 23:00 (this is displayed in your local time).

If you're looking for some points to spend, please consider checking out the new Incursion Supporter Packs. Thank you for your support!
Grinding Gear Games



